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转载 Quoted from Microsoft Website: reinterpret_cast Operator

reinterpret_cast:Allows any pointer to be converted into any other pointer type. Also allows any integral type to be converted into any pointer type and vice versa.form: reinterpret_cast ( ex

2013-12-31 14:24:45 482

转载 summary: sizeof

The result of applying sizeof depends in part on the type involved:*) sizeof char or an expression of type char is guaranteed to be 1.*) sizeof a reference type returns the size of an object of th

2013-12-30 21:23:06 479

转载 lvalue and rvalue

Every C++ expression is either an lvalue or an rvalue. An lvalue refers to an object that persists beyond a single expression. You can think of an lvalue as an object that has a name. All variables, i

2013-12-30 15:01:00 934

转载 Using a Range for with Multdimensional Arrays.

size_t cnt = 0;for (auto &row: ia) for (auto &col : row) { col = cnt; ++cnt;}In the previous example ,we used frefernces as our loop control variables because we wanted to change

2013-12-28 20:42:05 511

转载 tips for subscript operator

Quote from the >:"""int *p = &ia[2]; // ia[] is a int-type array, it contains  5 elements.int j = p[1];int k = p[-2];This last example points out an imiportant difference between arrays an

2013-12-27 17:14:19 581

转载 the difference between : cbegin(cend) and begin(end)

cbegin(cend):Return const_iterator to beginningReturns a const_iterator pointing to the first element in the container.A const_iterator is an iterator that points to const content. This iter

2013-12-26 09:36:17 8305

转载 A difference between decltype and auto?

Quote from the Books: On the other hand, the dereference operator is an example of an expression for which decltype returns a reference. As we've seen, when we dereference a pointer, we get the obje

2013-12-22 11:06:37 618

原创 a puzzle: "decltype definition"

Today, I found a puzzle of "decltype definition"... it's relative to the reference...example:#include int main(){const int ci = 0, &cj = ci;decltype(ci) x = 0;decltype(ci) y = x;std::cou

2013-12-19 12:27:02 425

原创 tips for constexpr and Constant Expressions

A constant expression is an expression whose value cannot change and that can be evaluated at compile time.A typical characteristic: the constant express will be evaluated at compile time, not at ru

2013-12-18 16:33:08 606

转载 The pointers in C++ primer

What's the difference between the references and pointer?the common:they are used for indirect access to other objects.the differences:1.) a pointer is an object in itw own right. Pointers can

2013-12-17 10:01:10 394

原创 An interested program for cookie

#include int me = 42;int me2 = 42;int main(){std::cout << me << std::endl;me = 33;std::cout << me << std::endl;std::cout << ::me << std::endl;int me2 = 33;std::cout << me2 << std::endl;

2013-12-16 15:50:46 451

转载 C++ Keywords Alternative Operator Names

C++ Keywords:alignascontinuefriendregistertruealignofdecltypegotoreinterpret_casttryasmdefaultifreturntypedefautodeleteinlineshorttypeid

2013-12-16 14:34:51 643

原创 Quark:A Big MCU.....

Recently, I noticed a new SOC: Quark. It sounds like the meaning as the name. A tiny  CPU.. Okay, It should be named SOC ( System on Chip)Abviously,  It include a Memory Controller, A group of gener

2013-12-06 09:25:36 662

原创 ShortCut keys for Codeblocks you need know

Editor:FunctionShortcut KeyUndo last actionCtrl-ZRedo last actionCtrl-Shift-ZSwap header / SourceF11Comment highlighted codeCtrl-Shift-CUncomment high

2013-12-03 21:27:23 878



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