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原创 pycharm:Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)

这个错误发生在保存模型为 h5py 时,一到第一轮保存文件就发生这个错误,一开始以为是pycharm本身的问题,更换了pycharm2018依然没有解决,之前一直使用pycharm2016,后来重新找到原来是 h5py的问题先卸载已有的 h5py,再重新安装这个包问题就解决了...

2019-03-26 11:31:14 1330

原创 Robust semantic segmentation by dense fusion network on blurred vhr remote sensing images

Robust semantic segmentation by dense fusion network on blurred vhr remote sensing images说明se的设计还是很有用的Abstract: By proposing a cascaded dense encoder-decoder network and the selayer based fusion...

2019-03-19 12:01:12 414

原创 Bidierctional-Convolutional LSTM Based Spectral-Spatial Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Cla

Bidierctional-Convolutional LSTM Based Spectral-Spatial Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image ClassificationAbstract: 本文提出了一种新的深度学习框架,称为双向卷积长期短期记忆(Bi-CLSTM)网络,用于自动学习高光谱图像(HSI)的光谱空间特征。在网络中,频谱特征提取的...

2019-03-19 11:57:48 1159

原创 CLSTM network: A Machine learning Approach for Precipitation Nowcasting

CLSTM network: A Machine learning Approach for Precipitation NowcastingAbstract: 降水临近预报的目标是在相对较短的时间内预测当地的未来降雨强度。 之前的研究很少从机器学习的角度研究这一至关重要且具有挑战性的天气预报问题。 在本文中,我们将降水临近预报制定为时空序列预测问题,其中输入和预测目标都是时空序列。 通过扩展...

2019-03-19 11:56:30 3069

原创 Dual-Path Network-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification

IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing lettersDual-Path Network-Based Hyperspectral Image ClassificationAbstract: for pixel-wise HSI classification, the CNN-based methods may not effectively extract t...

2019-03-19 11:54:07 649 1

原创 Deep Learning of Binary Hash Codes for Fast Image Retrieval

Deep Learning of Binary Hash Codes for Fast Image Retrieval(快速图像检索)Abstract: 我们的想法是,当数据标签可用时,可以通过使用隐藏层来表示主导类标签的潜在概念来学习二进制代码。 CNN的使用还允许学习图像表示。 与其他需要配对输入进行二进制代码学习的监督方法不同,我们的方法以点对点的方式学习哈希码和图像表示,使其适用于大规...

2019-03-19 11:52:23 392

原创 Anytime Stereo Image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices

Anytime Stereo(立体) Image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices1. IntroductionDepth estimation from stereo camera images is important task for 3D scene reconstruction and understanding给定经过校正的立体图像对,两...

2019-03-19 11:51:10 1440 1

原创 CRSNet: Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks for Underatanding the Highly Congested Scenes

CRSNet: Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks for Underatanding the Highly Congested Scenes针对复杂场景拥挤场景理解提出了一个CSRNet,该网络主要包含两个部分,前端使用一个卷积网络用于2D特征提取,后端采用一个dilated CNN.该网络在几个公开人群密度估计数据库上取得了不错的效果。拥挤场景解...

2019-03-19 11:48:03 1021

原创 Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable image recognition

Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable image recognition网络结构设计Abstract: As this approach is expensive when the dataset is large,we propose to search for an architectural building block o...

2019-03-19 11:45:11 3431

原创 AdaNet: Adaptive Structural Learning of Artificial Neural Networks

AdaNet: Adaptive Structural Learning of Artificial Neural Networkstf的轻量级框架AdaNet,该框架可以使用少量专家干预来自动学习高质量模型。Adanet在automl的基础上构建,快速灵活同时能够提供学习保证。重要的是Adanet提供通用框架,不仅能够用于学习神经网络架构,还能学习集成构架以获得更好的模型。能...

2019-03-19 11:41:09 643

原创 Deep Layer Aggregation

Deep Layer Aggregation(特征聚合体系)一个CNN是由多个conv block组成,最简单的conv block由conv层+非线性层组成。其他的conv block有如下几种:第一个表示输出通道,中间表示卷积核尺寸,随后表示输入通道。连续几个conv block可以组成一个subnetwork,可以按照分辨率来划分,比如resnet这些conv block...

2019-03-19 11:38:21 1900

原创 EffNet: An efficient structure for convolutional neural network

EffNet: An efficient structure for convolutional neural networkAbstract: 随着卷积神经网络在客户产品中的应用不断增加,模型需要在嵌入式移动硬件上高效运行。 因此,较薄的模型已成为热门的研究课题,其各种方法从二进制网络到修订的卷积层变化。 我们为后者提供了贡献,并提出了一种新颖的卷积模块,它可以显着减少计算负担,同时超越当前...

2019-03-18 11:10:27 971

原创 Wide Deep learning for recommender ststem

Wide Deep learning for recommender ststemAbstract; deep neural networks with emdedding can over-generalize and recommend less relevant items when the user-item interactions are sparse and high-rank....

2019-03-18 11:10:21 327

原创 Dropblock: A regularization method for convolutional network

Dropblock: A regularization method for convolutional networkAbstract: Thus a structed form of dropout is needed to regulatize convolutional networks.1. Intrcoduction2. Related workDropConne...

2019-03-18 11:09:58 345

原创 SVDNet for Pedestrian retrieval

SVDNet for Pedestrian retrievalhttps://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/29326061Abstract: 如何更好的学习深度特征,对CNN的物理意义有一些思考1. Motivation 首先需要说明的是,SVDNet基于这样一个对CNN权向量的简单解读:假设CNN的一层网络,其输入是I,输出是O,权矩阵是W,那么O=W'*I运...

2019-03-18 10:37:34 477

原创 Skipnet: Learning Dynamic rounting in convolutional network

Skipnet: Learning Dynamic rounting in convolutional networkAbstract: uses a gating network to selectively skip connectional blocks based on the activations of the previous layer.Dynamic skipping p...

2019-03-18 10:35:28 892

原创 ICNet for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation on High-Resolution Image

ICNet for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation on High-Resolution ImageAbstract: cascade feature fusionReducing a large portion of computation1.IntrodictionStatus of fast segmentic segmentation...

2019-03-18 10:35:14 645

原创 Opening the black box of deep nueron network via information

Opening the black box of deep nueron network via informationhttp://www.cnblogs.com/guoyaohua/p/8542554.htmlhttps://blog.csdn.net/qq_20936739/article/details/82661148信息平面(Information plane)在训练过...

2019-03-18 10:34:43 966

原创 Learning a Discriminative Filter Bank within a CNN for Fine-grained Recognition

Learning a Discriminative Filter Bank within a CNN for Fine-grained Recognition1. Introduction2. Related workFine-grained recognitionIntermediate representations in CNN3.Learning Discri...

2019-03-18 10:34:25 1117

原创 Decoupled network

Decoupled networkhttps://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/37598903神经网络机制存在的缺陷?过拟合,梯度消失或者是膨胀,训练依靠大量样本,对网络初始化及其敏感记忆协迁移等等。Decupled network是对operator的改进现在的卷积操作就是一个內积操作矩阵相乘计算,两个矩阵相似度的操作(类似卷积滤波)。解耦操作...

2019-03-18 10:26:44 1496

原创 CCNet:Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation

CCNet:Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation1 Introduction We propose a novel criss-cross attention module in this work,which can be leveraged to capture contextual information from lo...

2019-03-18 10:26:37 1128

原创 Understanding deep learning requires rethinking generalization

Understanding deep learning requires rethinking generalization在部分/全部随机标签的CIFAR-10数据集,以及加入了高斯噪音的图片上的表现。如果在随机生成的分类标签上,模型表现的也很好,这对于模型的泛化能力意味着什么?先让我们看看文中给出的数据,A图指出,不管怎样在模型中怎样引入随机性,在图像中加入随机噪音,对像素进...

2019-03-18 10:13:35 1033

原创 Mixed Link Networks

Mixed Link NetworksAbstract: same dense toplology, differ in the form of connection – addition vs concatenation. ResNet,densenet,dual path network,mixnet,sparsenet1. IntroductionResNet and ...

2019-03-17 11:48:11 431

原创 Grid rcnn

Grid rcnnAbstract: the grid rcnn captures the spatial information explicitly and enjoys the position sensitive property of fully convolutional architecture. Instead of using only two independent po...

2019-03-17 11:44:15 651

原创 Scale-Transferrable Object Detection

Scale-Transferrable Object Detection浅层的特征图更大,小目标识别需要足够大的feature map来提供精细的特征和做密集的采样,所以在浅层做small object,但是浅层的semtanic不够,pooling层不仅可以减少参数还可以扩大感受野。深层的semtanic够,但是feature map小,所以放大,对channel可以进行压缩。前三层...

2019-03-17 11:39:01 580

原创 Pspnet: Pyramid Scene Parsing network

Pyramid Scene Parsing network引入更多上下文信息来避免场景不匹配问题,误分割问题通过全局均值池化和特征融合来实现的引入上下文信息的方式:增大感受野,dilated conv;全局均值池化操作 深层和浅层特征的融合,增加浅层特征的语义信息,这样在浅层进行分割时就有足够的上下文信息,同时也有目标的细节信息。Backbone是添加了dilated...

2019-03-17 11:34:35 231

原创 Parallel feature pyramid network for object detection

Parallel feature pyramid network for object detection对于目标检测而言,真正有用的特征一定具有3个特点:特征要包含目标的细节信息 特征要通过足够深的网络提取得到 特征要包含目标的语义信息最显而易见就是高层特征和浅层特征的融合Multi-scale context aggregation模块进行特征融合提出PFPNet,on...

2019-03-17 11:33:43 651

原创 Residual attention network for image classification

Residual attention network for image classificationAbstract: Our residual attention network is built by stacking attention modules which generate attention-aware features. Bottom-up top-down反馈结构。我们提...

2019-03-17 11:32:48 1224

原创 Acquistion of localization confidence for accurate object detection

Acquistion of localization confidence for accurate object detectionNMS组件IoU(intersection-over-union),表示交并比。非极大值抑制:剔除同一个目标上的重叠建议框,最终一个目标保留一个得分最高的建议框。步骤如下:假设进行非极大值抑制的输入为2000x20的矩阵,2000表示该图像...

2019-03-17 11:30:07 1216

原创 Total recall understanding traffic signs using deep hierarchical convolutional neural network

Total recall understanding traffic signs using deep hierarchical convolutional neural networkGerman sign recognition benchmark (GTSRB) 99.33%Belgian traffic sign classification benchmark 99.1...

2019-03-17 11:24:51 245

原创 DetNet: A backbone network for object

DetNet: A backbone network for object和ScratchDet有所区别,scratchdet更关注于训练,用少量的数据其实也能很好的达到目标探测特征提取的效果,本文在更改用于分类的网络模型,使其提取特征更符合目标探测的特点。Firstly, I spent about one week training detnet59 on the ImageNet d...

2019-03-17 11:22:11 371

原创 Dual attention network for scene segmentation

Dual attention network for scene segmentation设计巧妙,但是没法解释方法的有效性dual attention的思路太多了,这篇是应用在场景语义分割上。是一种channel-wise attention和spital-attention整合结构设计channel-wise attention(卷积通道注意力): senet,卷积网络每一层有...

2019-03-17 11:17:52 3096 1

原创 Object detection networks on convolutional feature maps

Object detection networks on convolutional feature mapsAbstract:1. IntroductionUse convolutional layers to extract region-independent features, followed by region-wise MLPs for classification....

2019-03-16 09:36:54 880

原创 CBAM: Convolutional Block Attwnrion Module

CBAM: Convolutional Block Attwnrion ModuleAbstract: We propose convolutional block attention module (CBAM). 给定一个特征图,我们的模型能够从两个分离的维度进行推理,通道和空间,然后,特征图乘上原来输入的特征图进行特征的调整。CBAM是轻量级的一般的module,他可以集成到任何CNN中。...

2019-03-16 09:33:12 335

原创 Triple Attention Mixed Link Network for Single Image Super Resolution

Triple Attention Mixed Link Network for Single Image Super Resolution

2019-03-16 09:32:25 764

原创 Gradient Harmonized single-stage Detector

Gradient Harmonized single-stage DetectorOne-stage object detection在模型训练过程中之中面临着样本分布严重不均衡的问题。梯度分布上看待样本数量和难易不均衡。直接把cross entropy产生的gradient distribution标准化到uniform就可以轻松训练单阶段物体检测模型。IntroductionFoc...

2019-03-16 09:31:46 1172

原创 Switchable Normalization

Switchable NormalizationBN 会对训练过程产生更重要的影响:它使优化解空间更加平滑了,这种平滑使梯度更具有可预测性和稳定性,从而使训练过程更快。Minibatch 对 BN的影响最大,因为BN的均值和方差是在minibatch上统计的,minibatch越小,这些统计量的估计会带来更大的噪声,对模型训练产生的过大正则化,从而影响模型的泛化能力。而LN,I...

2019-03-16 09:30:00 1498

原创 Scale-Aware Trident Networks for Object detection

Scale-Aware Trident Networks for Object detection传统: image pyramid(直接对图像进行不同尺度的缩放,然后将这些图像直接输入到detector中进行检测,multi-scale training/testing 仍然是一个不可缺少的组件)DL: feature pyramid(FPN,top-down 分支补充底层的语义信息不足...

2019-03-16 09:29:05 1777

原创 Light-Head RCNN: In Defense of two-stage object detector

Light-Head RCNN: In Defense of two-stage object detector文章基于faster-rcnn和r-fcn进行改进本文研究two-stage慢于one-stage的原因,发现faster rcnn和r-fcn会在roi warping之前或之后进行高强度的计算,faster-rcnn包含两个fc用于ROI的识别,r-fcn则会生成...

2019-03-16 09:27:40 266

原创 StNet: Local and Global spatial-temporal modeling for action regcognition

StNet: Local and Global spatial-temporal modeling for action regcognition摘要:静态图像理解上取得了成功,高效的视频时序以及空域建模的网络有待发展。兼顾局部时空联系以及全局时空联系的视频时空联合建模网络框架StNet。Stnet将视频中连续N帧图像级联成一个3N通道的图,用2D卷积对图进行局部时空联系的建模。1.I...

2019-03-16 09:26:35 1286








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