

<div id="objs"></div>

var mycars = new Array();
mycars[0] = "Saab";
mycars[1] = "Volvo";
mycars[2] = "BMW";
mycars[3] = "lanbojimo";

var carObj='';
for (i=1;i<mycars.length+1;i++){
carObj= carObj+i+',';
carObj= carObj+i+"#";
for (i=0;i<mycars.length;i++){
carObj= carObj+mycars[i]+',';
carObj= carObj+mycars[i]+"";
// console.log(carObj);

exercise1 Using Search Engines Prerequisites, Goals, and Outcomes Prerequisites: Before you begin this exercise, you need mastery of the following: • HTML basics: Understand what the Web is and how it works • HTML basics: Understand how web pages are constructed • HTML basics: Understand how search engines work Goals: This assessment will give you practice in using search engines to find specific pieces of information on the World Wide Web and in evaluating web page design. Outcomes: By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate mastery in the following: • Using search engines to find information on the World Wide Web • Evaluating web page design • Understanding the differences between several search engines • Identifying the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for Web resources Description - Part A Using the search engine of your choice, find URL's for the following: 1. The home pages for three major industrial corporations http://findarticles.com/ http://www.irs.gov/ http://www.irs.gov/ 2. The home page for a college or university http://www.whu.edu.cn/ http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/ http://www.pku.edu.cn/ 3. The season schedule for a college or professional sports team http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/College_football 4. The season schedule for a professional arts group (symphony, ballet company, opera company, etc.) http://www.tcg.org/international/resources/other_organizations.cfm 5. A picture of the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. http://www.google.cn/imgres?imgurl=http://www.rentatour.com/Admin/ManageTour/PARTIES_%2520EVENT/Discover%2520Washington%2520D.C.%2520(Click%2520for%2520Slideshow)/dc_washingtonMonument_01.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.rentatour.com/slideshow.aspx%3Ftour_detail_id%3D64%26tour_type%3D3&h=400&w=300&sz=12&tbnid=uEi9o3Lb_n6ITM::&tbnh=124&tbnw=93&prev=/images%3Fq%3DWashington%2BMonument%2Bin%2BWashington,%2BD.C%2Bpicture&hl=zh-CN&usg=__R8ekMtk98odW4hadJ4ND5aqQAnw=&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=2&ct=image&cd=1 6. A Web page that is, in your opinion, well-designed, interesting, and attracts a lot of "hits" www.google.com.cn 1 The format of it is very clear 2 I can log in it very quickly 3 The picture is very beautiful 4 I can find what I want quickly 5 It is a dynamic web.It is very interesting 7. A Web page that is, in your opinion, poorly designed http://www.whu.edu.cn/ 1 The format of it isn’t very clear 2 I can’t log in it very quickly 3 The picture isn’t very beautiful 4 I can’t find what I want quickly 5 It isn’t a dynamic web.It is very boring. Note that with the URLs for #6 and #7, you should include a list of five things that make the Web pages well-designed and poorly-designed, respectively. Description - Part B Pick one of the topics listed below and conduct three searches on that topic. Each search should use a different search engine (the choice is yours). Record the URLs for the top five sites found by each search (that is, 15 URLs in total). • Stamp collecting • Model railroading • The Golden Gate Bridge Visit each of the top five sites found by each search engine. Then, write a brief statement comparing and contrasting the results of the three searches. State which search engine yielded the best results and list the factors that influenced your opinion www.baidu.com 1 http://www.levelpad.com/791/102830.htm 2http://www.oxford.com.cn/study/exam/yingyu-zuowen/chuzhong-yingyu-zuowen/2006-05-04/12228.html 3 http://www.levelpad.com/791/102830.htm 4 http://www.9sky.com/music/artist/trks/7626 5http://www.ew.com.cn/readonline/jsb/xxjsb/2006/04/2007/01/2007-01-111163.html www.google.com 1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stamp_collecting 2 http://www.usps.com/shop/stampcollecting.htm 3http://scholar.ilib.cn/Article.aspx?AIT=QCode&AI=sxda200104014&A=sxda200104014 4 http://www.9sky.com/music/artist/7626 5 http://english.cri.cn/4026/2008/10/11/1481s413585.htm www.yahoo.com 1 http://www.amazon.com/Stamp-Collecting-Stephen-R-Datz/dp/088219030X 2http://www.amazon.com/Stamp-Ultimate-Collecting-Activity-Book/dp/0811833313 3 http://www.mdcstamps.com/safe-parat-stockbooks.htm 4 http://stampcollecting.in/ 5http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oGkwymrllJDRwBoMJXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzb3Z0NzVoBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0Y5MTlfMTEz/SIG=129lg6q5d/EXP=1230700582/**http%3a//www.microdatacom.net/safe-parat-stockbooks.htm The web yielded by www.baidu.com and www.google.com is full of advertisement .I think there are useless.However the web yielded by www.yaohoo.com is more useful Tasks To complete this exercise, begin by opening a search engine and performing a search on the first of three companies for requirement number 1 in Part A above. When you find a web site that you would like to use, copy and paste its URL into a text file (You can use Notepad as your text editor) instead of retyping the URL. This approach saves time and reduces the probability of creating a typographical error. Repeat this process until you have found URLs for all of the required web sites. As you build your text file, be sure to save your work often. Submission Submit only the following file: • ex1.txt




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