


create table classroom
	(building		varchar(15),
	 room_number		varchar(7),
	 capacity		numeric(4,0),
	 primary key (building, room_number)

create table department
	(dept_name		varchar(20), 
	 building		varchar(15), 
	 budget		        numeric(12,2) check (budget > 0),
	 primary key (dept_name)

create table course
	(course_id		varchar(8), 
	 title			varchar(50), 
	 dept_name		varchar(20),
	 credits		numeric(2,0) check (credits > 0),
	 primary key (course_id),
	 foreign key (dept_name) references department(dept_name)

create table instructor
	(ID			varchar(5), 
	 name			varchar(20) not null, 
	 dept_name		varchar(20), 
	 salary			numeric(8,2) check (salary > 29000),
	 primary key (ID),
	 foreign key (dept_name) references department(dept_name)

create table section
	(course_id		varchar(8), 
         sec_id			varchar(8),
	 semester		varchar(6)
		check (semester in ('Fall', 'Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer')), 
	 year			numeric(4,0) check (year > 1701 and year < 2100), 
	 building		varchar(15),
	 room_number		varchar(7),
	 time_slot_id		varchar(4),
	 primary key (course_id, sec_id, semester, year),
	 foreign key (course_id) references course(course_id)
		on delete cascade,
	 foreign key (building, room_number) references classroom(building, room_number)
		on delete set null

create table teaches
	(ID			varchar(5), 
	 course_id		varchar(8),
	 sec_id			varchar(8), 
	 semester		varchar(6),
	 year			numeric(4,0),
	 primary key (ID, course_id, sec_id, semester, year),
	 foreign key (course_id,sec_id, semester, year) references section(course_id,sec_id, semester, year)
		on delete cascade,
	 foreign key (ID) references instructor(ID)
		on delete cascade

create table student
	(ID			varchar(5), 
	 name			varchar(20) not null, 
	 dept_name		varchar(20), 
	 tot_cred		numeric(3,0) check (tot_cred >= 0),
	 primary key (ID),
	 foreign key (dept_name) references department(dept_name)
		on delete set null

create table takes
	(ID			varchar(5), 
	 course_id		varchar(8),
	 sec_id			varchar(8), 
	 semester		varchar(6),
	 year			numeric(4,0),
	 grade		        varchar(2),
	 primary key (ID, course_id, sec_id, semester, year),
	 foreign key (course_id,sec_id, semester, year) references section(course_id,sec_id, semester, year)
		on delete cascade,
	 foreign key (ID) references student(ID)
		on delete cascade

create table advisor
	(s_ID			varchar(5),
	 i_ID			varchar(5),
	 primary key (s_ID),
	 foreign key (i_ID) references instructor (ID)
		on delete set null,
	 foreign key (s_ID) references student (ID)
		on delete cascade

create table time_slot
	(time_slot_id		varchar(4),
	 day			varchar(1),
	 start_hr		numeric(2) check (start_hr >= 0 and start_hr < 24),
	 start_min		numeric(2) check (start_min >= 0 and start_min < 60),
	 end_hr			numeric(2) check (end_hr >= 0 and end_hr < 24),
	 end_min		numeric(2) check (end_min >= 0 and end_min < 60),
	 primary key (time_slot_id, day, start_hr, start_min)

create table prereq
	(course_id  varchar(8), 
	 prereq_id  varchar(8),
	 primary key (course_id, prereq_id),
	 foreign key (prereq_id) references course (course_id),
         foreign key (course_id) references course (course_id)


delete from prereq;
delete from time_slot;
delete from advisor;
delete from takes;
delete from student;
delete from teaches;
delete from section;
delete from instructor;
delete from course;
delete from department;
delete from classroom;
insert into classroom values ('Packard', '101', '500');
insert into classroom values ('Painter', '514', '10');
insert into classroom values ('Taylor', '3128', '70');
insert into classroom values ('Watson', '100', '30');
insert into classroom values ('Watson', '120', '50');
insert into department values ('Biology', 'Watson', '90000');
insert into department values ('Comp. Sci.', 'Taylor', '100000');
insert into department values ('Elec. Eng.', 'Taylor', '85000');
insert into department values ('Finance', 'Painter', '120000');
insert into department values ('History', 'Painter', '50000');
insert into department values ('Music', 'Packard', '80000');
insert into department values ('Physics', 'Watson', '70000');
insert into course values ('BIO-101', 'Intro. to Biology', 'Biology', '4');
insert into course values ('BIO-301', 'Genetics', 'Biology', '4');
insert into course values ('BIO-399', 'Computational Biology', 'Biology', '3');
insert into course values ('CS-101', 'Intro. to Computer Science', 'Comp. Sci.', '4');
insert into course values ('CS-190', 'Game Design', 'Comp. Sci.', '4');
insert into course values ('CS-315', 'Robotics', 'Comp. Sci.', '3');
insert into course values ('CS-319', 'Image Processing', 'Comp. Sci.', '3');
insert into course values ('CS-347', 'Database System Concepts', 'Comp. Sci.', '3');
insert into course values ('EE-181', 'Intro. to Digital Systems', 'Elec. Eng.', '3');
insert into course values ('FIN-201', 'Investment Banking', 'Finance', '3');
insert into course values ('HIS-351', 'World History', 'History', '3');
insert into course values ('MU-199', 'Music Video Production', 'Music', '3');
insert into course values ('PHY-101', 'Physical Principles', 'Physics', '4');
insert into instructor values ('10101', 'Srinivasan', 'Comp. Sci.', '65000');
insert into instructor values ('12121', 'Wu', 'Finance', '90000');
insert into instructor values ('15151', 'Mozart', 'Music', '40000');
insert into instructor values ('22222', 'Einstein', 'Physics', '95000');
insert into instructor values ('32343', 'El Said', 'History', '60000');
insert into instructor values ('33456', 'Gold', 'Physics', '87000');
insert into instructor values ('45565', 'Katz', 'Comp. Sci.', '75000');
insert into instructor values ('58583', 'Califieri', 'History', '62000');
insert into instructor values ('76543', 'Singh', 'Finance', '80000');
insert into instructor values ('76766', 'Crick', 'Biology', '72000');
insert into instructor values ('83821', 'Brandt', 'Comp. Sci.', '92000');
insert into instructor values ('98345', 'Kim', 'Elec. Eng.', '80000');
insert into section values ('BIO-101', '1', 'Summer', '2009', 'Painter', '514', 'B');
insert into section values ('BIO-301', '1', 'Summer', '2010', 'Painter', '514', 'A');
insert into section values ('CS-101', '1', 'Fall', '2009', 'Packard', '101', 'H');
insert into section values ('CS-101', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'Packard', '101', 'F');
insert into section values ('CS-190', '1', 'Spring', '2009', 'Taylor', '3128', 'E');
insert into section values ('CS-190', '2', 'Spring', '2009', 'Taylor', '3128', 'A');
insert into section values ('CS-315', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'Watson', '120', 'D');
insert into section values ('CS-319', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'Watson', '100', 'B');
insert into section values ('CS-319', '2', 'Spring', '2010', 'Taylor', '3128', 'C');
insert into section values ('CS-347', '1', 'Fall', '2009', 'Taylor', '3128', 'A');
insert into section values ('EE-181', '1', 'Spring', '2009', 'Taylor', '3128', 'C');
insert into section values ('FIN-201', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'Packard', '101', 'B');
insert into section values ('HIS-351', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'Painter', '514', 'C');
insert into section values ('MU-199', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'Packard', '101', 'D');
insert into section values ('PHY-101', '1', 'Fall', '2009', 'Watson', '100', 'A');
insert into teaches values ('10101', 'CS-101', '1', 'Fall', '2009');
insert into teaches values ('10101', 'CS-315', '1', 'Spring', '2010');
insert into teaches values ('10101', 'CS-347', '1', 'Fall', '2009');
insert into teaches values ('12121', 'FIN-201', '1', 'Spring', '2010');
insert into teaches values ('15151', 'MU-199', '1', 'Spring', '2010');
insert into teaches values ('22222', 'PHY-101', '1', 'Fall', '2009');
insert into teaches values ('32343', 'HIS-351', '1', 'Spring', '2010');
insert into teaches values ('45565', 'CS-101', '1', 'Spring', '2010');
insert into teaches values ('45565', 'CS-319', '1', 'Spring', '2010');
insert into teaches values ('76766', 'BIO-101', '1', 'Summer', '2009');
insert into teaches values ('76766', 'BIO-301', '1', 'Summer', '2010');
insert into teaches values ('83821', 'CS-190', '1', 'Spring', '2009');
insert into teaches values ('83821', 'CS-190', '2', 'Spring', '2009');
insert into teaches values ('83821', 'CS-319', '2', 'Spring', '2010');
insert into teaches values ('98345', 'EE-181', '1', 'Spring', '2009');
insert into student values ('00128', 'Zhang', 'Comp. Sci.', '102');
insert into student values ('12345', 'Shankar', 'Comp. Sci.', '32');
insert into student values ('19991', 'Brandt', 'History', '80');
insert into student values ('23121', 'Chavez', 'Finance', '110');
insert into student values ('44553', 'Peltier', 'Physics', '56');
insert into student values ('45678', 'Levy', 'Physics', '46');
insert into student values ('54321', 'Williams', 'Comp. Sci.', '54');
insert into student values ('55739', 'Sanchez', 'Music', '38');
insert into student values ('70557', 'Snow', 'Physics', '0');
insert into student values ('76543', 'Brown', 'Comp. Sci.', '58');
insert into student values ('76653', 'Aoi', 'Elec. Eng.', '60');
insert into student values ('98765', 'Bourikas', 'Elec. Eng.', '98');
insert into student values ('98988', 'Tanaka', 'Biology', '120');
insert into takes values ('00128', 'CS-101', '1', 'Fall', '2009', 'A');
insert into takes values ('00128', 'CS-347', '1', 'Fall', '2009', 'A-');
insert into takes values ('12345', 'CS-101', '1', 'Fall', '2009', 'C');
insert into takes values ('12345', 'CS-190', '2', 'Spring', '2009', 'A');
insert into takes values ('12345', 'CS-315', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'A');
insert into takes values ('12345', 'CS-347', '1', 'Fall', '2009', 'A');
insert into takes values ('19991', 'HIS-351', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'B');
insert into takes values ('23121', 'FIN-201', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'C+');
insert into takes values ('44553', 'PHY-101', '1', 'Fall', '2009', 'B-');
insert into takes values ('45678', 'CS-101', '1', 'Fall', '2009', 'F');
insert into takes values ('45678', 'CS-101', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'B+');
insert into takes values ('45678', 'CS-319', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'B');
insert into takes values ('54321', 'CS-101', '1', 'Fall', '2009', 'A-');
insert into takes values ('54321', 'CS-190', '2', 'Spring', '2009', 'B+');
insert into takes values ('55739', 'MU-199', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'A-');
insert into takes values ('76543', 'CS-101', '1', 'Fall', '2009', 'A');
insert into takes values ('76543', 'CS-319', '2', 'Spring', '2010', 'A');
insert into takes values ('76653', 'EE-181', '1', 'Spring', '2009', 'C');
insert into takes values ('98765', 'CS-101', '1', 'Fall', '2009', 'C-');
insert into takes values ('98765', 'CS-315', '1', 'Spring', '2010', 'B');
insert into takes values ('98988', 'BIO-101', '1', 'Summer', '2009', 'A');
insert into takes values ('98988', 'BIO-301', '1', 'Summer', '2010', null);
insert into advisor values ('00128', '45565');
insert into advisor values ('12345', '10101');
insert into advisor values ('23121', '76543');
insert into advisor values ('44553', '22222');
insert into advisor values ('45678', '22222');
insert into advisor values ('76543', '45565');
insert into advisor values ('76653', '98345');
insert into advisor values ('98765', '98345');
insert into advisor values ('98988', '76766');
insert into time_slot values ('A', 'M', '8', '0', '8', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('A', 'W', '8', '0', '8', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('A', 'F', '8', '0', '8', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('B', 'M', '9', '0', '9', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('B', 'W', '9', '0', '9', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('B', 'F', '9', '0', '9', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('C', 'M', '11', '0', '11', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('C', 'W', '11', '0', '11', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('C', 'F', '11', '0', '11', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('D', 'M', '13', '0', '13', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('D', 'W', '13', '0', '13', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('D', 'F', '13', '0', '13', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('E', 'T', '10', '30', '11', '45 ');
insert into time_slot values ('E', 'R', '10', '30', '11', '45 ');
insert into time_slot values ('F', 'T', '14', '30', '15', '45 ');
insert into time_slot values ('F', 'R', '14', '30', '15', '45 ');
insert into time_slot values ('G', 'M', '16', '0', '16', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('G', 'W', '16', '0', '16', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('G', 'F', '16', '0', '16', '50');
insert into time_slot values ('H', 'W', '10', '0', '12', '30');
insert into prereq values ('BIO-301', 'BIO-101');
insert into prereq values ('BIO-399', 'BIO-101');
insert into prereq values ('CS-190', 'CS-101');
insert into prereq values ('CS-315', 'CS-101');
insert into prereq values ('CS-319', 'CS-101');
insert into prereq values ('CS-347', 'CS-101');
insert into prereq values ('EE-181', 'PHY-101');

source   .sql文件的路径



1.     找出Comp.Sci.系开设的具有3个学分的课程名称。

2.     找出名叫Einstein的教师所教的所有学生的标识,保证结果中没有重复。

3.     找出教师的最高工资

4.     找出工资最高的所有教师(可能不止一位教师拥有同样的工资)

5.     找出2009年秋季开设的每个课程段的选课人数

6.     从2009年秋季开设的所有课程段中,找出最多的选课人数

7.      找出在2009年秋季拥有最多的选修人数的课程的选修人数

8.     给Comp.Sci.系的每位教师涨10%的工资

9.     删除所有未开设过(即没有出现在section关系中)的课程

10.   把每位在tot_cred属性上取值超过100的学生作为同系教师插入,工资为10000元

11.   找出所有至少选修了一门Comp.Sci.课程的学生姓名,保证结果中没有重复的姓名

12.   找出所有没有选修在2010年春季之前开设的任意课程的学生的ID和姓名

13.   找出每个系教师的最高工资,可以假设每个系至少有一位教师

14.   找从13所查询的每个系最高工资中的最低值

15.   创建一门课程CS-001,其名称为 Weekly Seminar,学分为0。

16.   创建该课程在2009年秋季的一个课程段,sec_id为1

17.   让Comp.Sci.系的每个学生都选上16所创建的课程段

18.   删除名为Chavez的学生选修17课程段的信息

19.   不是用外连接运算也可以在计算中表示外连接,重写下列查询语句

A:   select * from student natural left outerjoin takes;

B:   select * from student natural full outerjoin takes;


select * from department where dept_name ='Comp. Sci.' ;

1. select * from course where dept_name in (select dept_name from department where dept_name ='Comp. Sci.') and credits>3 ;

2. select * from takes where course_id =(select course_id from  teaches
   where id=(SELECT id FROM instructor i where i.name='Einstein'))

3. SELECT max(salary) FROM instructor 

4. select distinct name from instructor where salary =(SELECT max(salary) FROM instructor )

5.SELECT course_id,room_number FROM section s where s.year=2009 and semester='Fall'

6.SELECT max(room_number) FROM section s where s.year=2009 and semester='Fall'

//这里有的点小问题  没有semester=‘fall‘ 查询结果有误

select course_id,max(sum_s) as max_sum from (select course_id,count(*)as sum_s from takes group by course_id) as new_t

select course_id,max(sum_s) as max_sum from (select course_id,count(*)as sum_s from takes group by course_id having course_id in (select course_id from section where year='2009' and semester='fall')) as new_t


8.update instructor set salary= salary*1.1 where dept_name='Comp. Sci.'

9.delete from course where course_id not in(
select course_id from section where course.course_id =section.course_id)

10.insert into instructor select id ,name, dept_name,10000 from student
where tot_cred>100

11.select name from student where id in(select id from takes  
     where course_id in (select course_id from 
     course where dept_name='Comp. Sci.'));

12.select name, id from student where
    id not in (select id from takes where  
     course_id not in (select course_id from 
     section where year<=2009)); 

13.select dept_name,max(salary) from instructor group by dept_name;

14.select min(new_col) from (select max(salary) as new_col from instructor group by dept_name) as new_t

15.insert into course (title,course_id,dept_name,credits) values
    ('Weekly Seminar','CS-001','Comp .Sic.',0);

16.insert into section values('CS-001',1,'Fall',2009,null,null,null)

17.insert into takes select id ,'CS-001',1,'Fall',2009,null from
student where dept_name='Comp. Sci.'

18. delete from takes where course_id='CS-001' and id =
    (select id from student where name='zhang');

19.select * from takes natural right outer join student
   select * from student ,takes where student.id = takes.id;

  • 3
  • 6
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
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