


Uppercase AAU+00041AA \0041
Uppercase BBU+00042BB \0042
Uppercase CCU+00043CC \0043
Uppercase DDU+00044DD \0044
Uppercase EEU+00045EE \0045
Uppercase FFU+00046FF \0046
Uppercase GGU+00047GG \0047
Uppercase HHU+00048HH \0048
Uppercase IIU+00049II \0049
Uppercase JJU+0004AJJ \004A
Uppercase KKU+0004BKK \004B
Uppercase LLU+0004CLL \004C
Uppercase MMU+0004DMM \004D
Uppercase NNU+0004ENN \004E
Uppercase OOU+0004FOO \004F
Uppercase PPU+00050PP \0050
Uppercase QQU+00051QQ \0051
Uppercase RRU+00052RR \0052
Uppercase SSU+00053SS \0053
Uppercase TTU+00054TT \0054
Uppercase UUU+00055UU \0055
Uppercase VVU+00056VV \0056
Uppercase WWU+00057WW \0057
Uppercase XXU+00058XX \0058
Uppercase YYU+00059YY \0059
Uppercase ZZU+0005AZZ \005A
Lowercase aaU+00061aa \0061
Lowercase bbU+00062bb \0062
Lowercase ccU+00063cc \0063
Lowercase ddU+00064dd \0064
Lowercase eeU+00065ee \0065
Lowercase ffU+00066ff \0066
Lowercase ggU+00067gg \0067
Lowercase hhU+00068hh \0068
Lowercase iiU+00069ii \0069
Lowercase jjU+0006Ajj \006A
Lowercase kkU+0006Bkk \006B
Lowercase llU+0006Cll \006C
Lowercase mmU+0006Dmm \006D
Lowercase nnU+0006Enn \006E
Lowercase ooU+0006Foo \006F
Lowercase ppU+00070pp \0070
Lowercase qqU+00071qq \0071
Lowercase rrU+00072rr \0072
Lowercase ssU+00073ss \0073
Lowercase ttU+00074tt \0074
Lowercase uuU+00075uu \0075
Lowercase vvU+00076vv \0076
Lowercase wwU+00077ww \0077
Lowercase xxU+00078xx \0078
Lowercase yyU+00079yy \0079
Lowercase zzU+0007Azz \007A
Uppercase A with GraveÀU+000C0ÀÀÀ\00C0
Uppercase A with AcuteÁU+000C1ÁÁÁ\00C1
Uppercase A with CircumflexÂU+000C2ÂÂÂ\00C2
Uppercase A with TildeÃU+000C3ÃÃÃ\00C3
Uppercase A with UmlautÄU+000C4ÄÄÄ\00C4
Uppercase A with RingÅU+000C5ÅÅÅ\00C5
Uppercase AEÆU+000C6ÆÆÆ\00C6
Uppercase C with CedillaÇU+000C7ÇÇÇ\00C7
Uppercase E with GraveÈU+000C8ÈÈÈ\00C8
Uppercase E with AcuteÉU+000C9ÉÉÉ\00C9
Uppercase E with CircumflexÊU+000CAÊÊÊ\00CA
Uppercase E with UmlautËU+000CBËËË\00CB
Uppercase L with GraveÌU+000CCÌÌ&Lgrave;\00CC
Uppercase L with AcuteÍU+000CDÍÍĹ\00CD
Uppercase L with CircumflexÎU+000CEÎÎ&Lcirc;\00CE
Uppercase L with UmlautÏU+000CFÏÏ&Luml;\00CF
Uppercase ETHÐU+000D0ÐÐÐ\00D0
Uppercase N with TildeÑU+000D1ÑÑÑ\00D1
Uppercase O with GraveÒU+000D2ÒÒÒ\00D2
Uppercase O with AcuteÓU+000D3ÓÓÓ\00D3
Uppercase O with CircumflexÔU+000D4ÔÔÔ\00D4
Uppercase O with TildeÕU+000D5ÕÕÕ\00D5
Uppercase O with UmlautÖU+000D6ÖÖÖ\00D6
Uppercase O with SlashØU+000D8ØØØ\00D8
Uppercase U with GraveÙU+000D9ÙÙÙ\00D9
Uppercase U with AcuteÚU+000DAÚÚÚ\00DA
Uppercase U with CircumflexÛU+000DBÛÛÛ\00DB
Uppercase U with UmlautÜU+000DCÜÜÜ\00DC
Uppercase Y with AcuteÝU+000DDÝÝÝ\00DD
Uppercase THORNÞU+000DEÞÞÞ\00DE
Lowercase ess-zedßU+000DFßßß\00DF
Lowercase a with GraveàU+000E0ààà\00E0
Lowercase a with AcuteáU+000E1ááá\00E1
Lowercase a with CircumflexâU+000E2âââ\00E2
Lowercase a with TildeãU+000E3ããã\00E3
Lowercase a with UmlautäU+000E4äää\00E4
Lowercase a with RingåU+000E5ååå\00E5
Lowercase aeæU+000E6æææ\00E6
Lowercase c with CedillaçU+000E7ççç\00E7
Lowercase e with GraveèU+000E8èèè\00E8
Lowercase e with AcuteéU+000E9ééé\00E9
Lowercase e with CircumflexêU+000EAêêê\00EA
Lowercase e with UmlautëU+000EBëëë\00EB
Lowercase i with GraveìU+000ECììì\00EC
Lowercase i with AcuteíU+000EDííí\00ED
Lowercase i with CircumflexîU+000EEîîî\00EE
Lowercase i with UmlautïU+000EFïïï\00EF
Lowercase ethðU+000F0ððð\00F0
Lowercase n with TildeñU+000F1ñññ\00F1
Lowercase o with GraveòU+000F2òòò\00F2
Lowercase o with AcuteóU+000F3óóó\00F3
Lowercase o with CircumflexôU+000F4ôôô\00F4
Lowercase o with TildeõU+000F5õõõ\00F5
Lowercase o with UmlautöU+000F6ööö\00F6
Lowercase o with SlashøU+000F8øøø\00F8
Lowercase u with GraveùU+000F9ùùù\00F9
Lowercase u with AcuteúU+000FAúúú\00FA
Lowercase u with CircumflexûU+000FBûûû\00FB
Lowercase u with UmlautüU+000FCüüü\00FC
Lowercase y with AcuteýU+000FDýýý\00FD
Lowercase thornþU+000FEþþþ\00FE
Lowercase y with UmlautÿU+000FFÿÿÿ\00FF
Uppercase a With MacronĀU+00100ĀĀĀ\0100
Lowercase a With MacronāU+00101āāā\0101
Uppercase a With BreveĂU+00102ĂĂĂ\0102
Lowercase a With BreveăU+00103ăăă\0103
Uppercase a With OgonekĄU+00104ĄĄĄ\0104
Lowercase a With OgonekąU+00105ąąą\0105
Uppercase C With AcuteĆU+00106ĆĆĆ\0106
Lowercase C With AcutećU+00107ććć\0107
Uppercase C With CircumflexĈU+00108ĈĈĈ\0108
Lowercase C With CircumflexĉU+00109ĉĉĉ\0109
Uppercase C With Dot AboveĊU+0010AĊĊĊ\010A
Lowercase C With Dot AboveċU+0010Bċċċ\010B
Uppercase C With CaronČU+0010CČČČ\010C
Lowercase C With CarončU+0010Dččč\010D
Uppercase D With CaronĎU+0010EĎĎĎ\010E
Lowercase D With CaronďU+0010Fďďď\010F
Uppercase D With StrokeĐU+00110ĐĐĐ\0110
Lowercase D With StrokeđU+00111đđđ\0111
Uppercase E With MacronĒU+00112ĒĒĒ\0112
Lowercase E With MacronēU+00113ēēē\0113
Uppercase E With BreveĔU+00114ĔĔ \0114
Lowercase E With BreveĕU+00115ĕĕ \0115
Uppercase E With Dot AboveĖU+00116ĖĖĖ\0116
Lowercase E With Dot AboveėU+00117ėėė\0117
Uppercase E With OgonekĘU+00118ĘĘĘ\0118
Lowercase E With OgonekęU+00119ęęę\0119
Uppercase E With CaronĚU+0011AĚĚĚ\011A
Lowercase E With CaroněU+0011Běěě\011B
Uppercase G With CircumflexĜU+0011CĜĜĜ\011C
Lowercase G With CircumflexĝU+0011Dĝĝĝ\011D
Uppercase G With BreveĞU+0011EĞĞĞ\011E
Lowercase G With BreveğU+0011Fğğğ\011F
Uppercase G With Dot AboveĠU+00120ĠĠĠ\0120
Lowercase G With Dot AboveġU+00121ġġġ\0121
Uppercase G With CedillaĢU+00122ĢĢĢ\0122
Lowercase G With CedillaģU+00123ģģ \0123
Uppercase H With CircumflexĤU+00124ĤĤĤ\0124
Lowercase H With CircumflexĥU+00125ĥĥĥ\0125
Uppercase H With StrokeĦU+00126ĦĦĦ\0126
Lowercase H With StrokeħU+00127ħħħ\0127
Uppercase I With TildeĨU+00128ĨĨĨ\0128
Lowercase I With TildeĩU+00129ĩĩĩ\0129
Uppercase I With MacronĪU+0012AĪĪĪ\012A
Lowercase I With MacronīU+0012Bīīī\012B
Uppercase I With BreveĬU+0012CĬĬ \012C
Lowercase I With BreveĭU+0012Dĭĭ \012D
Uppercase I With OgonekĮU+0012EĮĮĮ\012E
Lowercase I With OgonekįU+0012Fįįį\012F
Uppercase I With Dot AboveİU+00130İİİ\0130
Lowercase Dotless IıU+00131ııı\0131
Latin Capital Ligature IjIJU+00132IJIJIJ\0132
Latin Small Ligature IjijU+00133ijijij\0133
Uppercase J With CircumflexĴU+00134ĴĴĴ\0134
Lowercase J With CircumflexĵU+00135ĵĵĵ\0135
Uppercase K With CedillaĶU+00136ĶĶĶ\0136
Lowercase K With CedillaķU+00137ķķķ\0137
Lowercase KraĸU+00138ĸĸĸ\0138
Uppercase L With AcuteĹU+00139ĹĹĹ\0139
Lowercase L With AcuteĺU+0013Aĺĺĺ\013A
Uppercase L With CedillaĻU+0013BĻĻĻ\013B
Lowercase L With CedillaļU+0013Cļļļ\013C
Uppercase L With CaronĽU+0013DĽĽĽ\013D
Lowercase L With CaronľU+0013Eľľľ\013E
Uppercase L With Middle DotĿU+0013FĿĿĿ\013F
Lowercase L With Middle DotŀU+00140ŀŀŀ\0140
Uppercase L With StrokeŁU+00141ŁŁŁ\0141
Lowercase L With StrokełU+00142łłł\0142
Uppercase N With AcuteŃU+00143ŃŃŃ\0143
Lowercase N With AcuteńU+00144ńńń\0144
Uppercase N With CedillaŅU+00145ŅŅŅ\0145
Lowercase N With CedillaņU+00146ņņņ\0146
Uppercase N With CaronŇU+00147ŇŇŇ\0147
Lowercase N With CaronňU+00148ňňň\0148
Lowercase N Preceded by ApostropheʼnU+00149ʼnʼnʼn\0149
Uppercase EngŊU+0014AŊŊŊ\014A
Lowercase EngŋU+0014Bŋŋŋ\014B
Uppercase O With MacronŌU+0014CŌŌŌ\014C
Lowercase O With MacronōU+0014Dōōō\014D
Uppercase O With BreveŎU+0014EŎŎ \014E
Lowercase O With BreveŏU+0014Fŏŏ \014F
Uppercase O With Double AcuteŐU+00150ŐŐŐ\0150
Lowercase O With Double AcuteőU+00151őőő\0151
Uppercase Ligature OEŒU+00152ŒŒŒ\0152
Lowercase Ligature oeœU+00153œœœ\0153
Uppercase R With AcuteŔU+00154ŔŔŔ\0154
Lowercase R With AcuteŕU+00155ŕŕŕ\0155
Uppercase R With CedillaŖU+00156ŖŖŖ\0156
Lowercase R With CedillaŗU+00157ŗŗŗ\0157
Uppercase R With CaronŘU+00158ŘŘŘ\0158
Lowercase R With CaronřU+00159řřř\0159
Uppercase S With AcuteŚU+0015AŚŚŚ\015A
Lowercase S With AcuteśU+0015Bśśś\015B
Uppercase S With CircumflexŜU+0015CŜŜŜ\015C
Lowercase S With CircumflexŝU+0015Dŝŝŝ\015D
Uppercase S With CedillaŞU+0015EŞŞŞ\015E
Lowercase S With CedillaşU+0015Fşşş\015F
Uppercase S With CaronŠU+00160ŠŠŠ\0160
Lowercase S With CaronšU+00161ššš\0161
Uppercase T With CedillaŢU+00162ŢŢŢ\0162
Lowercase T With CedillaţU+00163ţţţ\0163
Uppercase T With CaronŤU+00164ŤŤŤ\0164
Lowercase T With CaronťU+00165ťťť\0165
Uppercase T With StrokeŦU+00166ŦŦŦ\0166
Lowercase T With StrokeŧU+00167ŧŧŧ\0167
Uppercase U With TildeŨU+00168ŨŨŨ\0168
Lowercase U With TildeũU+00169ũũũ\0169
Uppercase U With MacronŪU+0016AŪŪŪ\016A
Lowercase U With MacronūU+0016Būūū\016B
Uppercase U With BreveŬU+0016CŬŬŬ\016C
Lowercase U With BreveŭU+0016Dŭŭŭ\016D
Uppercase U With Ring AboveŮU+0016EŮŮŮ\016E
Lowercase U With Ring AboveůU+0016Fůůů\016F
Uppercase U With Double AcuteŰU+00170ŰŰŰ\0170
Lowercase U With Double AcuteűU+00171űűű\0171
Uppercase U With OgonekŲU+00172ŲŲŲ\0172
Lowercase U With OgonekųU+00173ųųų\0173
Uppercase W With CircumflexŴU+00174ŴŴŴ\0174
Lowercase W With CircumflexŵU+00175ŵŵŵ\0175
Uppercase Y With CircumflexŶU+00176ŶŶŶ\0176
Lowercase Y With CircumflexŷU+00177ŷŷŷ\0177
Uppercase Y With DiaeresisŸU+00178ŸŸŸ\0178
Uppercase Z With AcuteŹU+00179ŹŹŹ\0179
Lowercase Z With AcuteźU+0017Aźźź\017A
Uppercase Z With Dot AboveŻU+0017BŻŻŻ\017B
Lowercase Z With Dot AboveżU+0017Cżżż\017C
Uppercase Z With CaronŽU+0017DŽŽŽ\017D
Lowercase Z With CaronžU+0017Ežžž\017E
Lowercase Long SſU+0017Fſſ \017F
Lowercase B With StrokeƀU+00180ƀƀ \0180
Uppercase B With HookƁU+00181ƁƁ \0181
Uppercase B With TopbarƂU+00182ƂƂ \0182
Lowercase B With TopbarƃU+00183ƃƃ \0183
Uppercase Tone SixƄU+00184ƄƄ \0184
Lowercase Tone SixƅU+00185ƅƅ \0185
Uppercase Open OƆU+00186ƆƆ \0186
Uppercase C With HookƇU+00187ƇƇ \0187
Lowercase C With HookƈU+00188ƈƈ \0188
Uppercase African DƉU+00189ƉƉ \0189
Uppercase D With HookƊU+0018AƊƊ \018A
Uppercase D With TopbarƋU+0018BƋƋ \018B
Lowercase D With TopbarƌU+0018Cƌƌ \018C
Lowercase Turned DeltaƍU+0018Dƍƍ \018D
Uppercase Reversed EƎU+0018EƎƎ \018E
Uppercase SchwaƏU+0018FƏƏ \018F
Uppercase Open EƐU+00190ƐƐ \0190
Uppercase F With HookƑU+00191ƑƑ \0191
Lowercase F With HookƒU+00192ƒƒ \0192
Uppercase G With HookƓU+00193ƓƓ \0193
Uppercase GammaƔU+00194ƔƔ \0194
Lowercase HvƕU+00195ƕƕ \0195
Uppercase IotaƖU+00196ƖƖ \0196
Uppercase I With StrokeƗU+00197ƗƗ \0197
Uppercase K With HookƘU+00198ƘƘ \0198
Lowercase K With HookƙU+00199ƙƙ \0199
Lowercase L With BarƚU+0019Aƚƚ \019A
Lowercase Lambda With StrokeƛU+0019Bƛƛ \019B
Uppercase Turned MƜU+0019CƜƜ \019C
Uppercase N With Left HookƝU+0019DƝƝ \019D
Lowercase N With Long Right LegƞU+0019Eƞƞ \019E
Uppercase O With Middle TildeƟU+0019FƟƟ \019F
Uppercase O With HornƠU+001A0ƠƠ \01A0
Lowercase O With HornơU+001A1ơơ \01A1
Uppercase OiƢU+001A2ƢƢ \01A2
Lowercase OiƣU+001A3ƣƣ \01A3
Uppercase P With HookƤU+001A4ƤƤ \01A4
Lowercase P With HookƥU+001A5ƥƥ \01A5
Latin Letter YrƦU+001A6ƦƦ \01A6
Uppercase Tone TwoƧU+001A7ƧƧ \01A7
Lowercase Tone TwoƨU+001A8ƨƨ \01A8
Uppercase EshƩU+001A9ƩƩ \01A9
Latin Letter Reversed Esh LoopƪU+001AAƪƪ \01AA
Lowercase T With Palatal HookƫU+001ABƫƫ \01AB
Uppercase T With HookƬU+001ACƬƬ \01AC
Lowercase T With HookƭU+001ADƭƭ \01AD
Uppercase T With Retroflex HookƮU+001AEƮƮ \01AE
Uppercase U With HornƯU+001AFƯƯ \01AF
Lowercase U With HornưU+001B0ưư \01B0
Uppercase UpsilonƱU+001B1ƱƱ \01B1
Uppercase v With HookƲU+001B2ƲƲ \01B2
Uppercase Y With HookƳU+001B3ƳƳ \01B3
Lowercase Y With HookƴU+001B4ƴƴ \01B4
Uppercase Z With StrokeƵU+001B5ƵƵ \01B5
Lowercase Z With StrokeƶU+001B6ƶƶ \01B6
Uppercase EzhƷU+001B7ƷƷ \01B7
Uppercase Ezh ReversedƸU+001B8ƸƸ \01B8
Lowercase Ezh ReversedƹU+001B9ƹƹ \01B9
Lowercase Ezh With TailƺU+001BAƺƺ \01BA
Latin Letter Two With StrokeƻU+001BBƻƻ \01BB
Uppercase Tone FiveƼU+001BCƼƼ \01BC
Lowercase Tone FiveƽU+001BDƽƽ \01BD
Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop With StrokeƾU+001BEƾƾ \01BE
Latin Letter WynnƿU+001BFƿƿ \01BF
Latin Letter Dental ClickǀU+001C0ǀǀ \01C0
Latin Letter Lateral ClickǁU+001C1ǁǁ \01C1
Latin Letter Alveolar ClickǂU+001C2ǂǂ \01C2
Latin Letter Retroflex ClickǃU+001C3ǃǃ \01C3
Uppercase Dz With CaronDŽU+001C4DŽDŽ \01C4
Uppercase D With Small Letter Z With CaronDžU+001C5DžDž \01C5
Lowercase Dz With CarondžU+001C6dždž \01C6
Uppercase LjLJU+001C7LJLJ \01C7
Uppercase L With Small Letter JLjU+001C8LjLj \01C8
Lowercase LjljU+001C9ljlj \01C9
Uppercase NjNJU+001CANJNJ \01CA
Uppercase N With Small Letter JNjU+001CBNjNj \01CB
Lowercase NjnjU+001CCnjnj \01CC
Uppercase a With CaronǍU+001CDǍǍ \01CD
Lowercase a With CaronǎU+001CEǎǎ \01CE
Uppercase I With CaronǏU+001CFǏǏ \01CF
Lowercase I With CaronǐU+001D0ǐǐ \01D0
Uppercase O With CaronǑU+001D1ǑǑ \01D1
Lowercase O With CaronǒU+001D2ǒǒ \01D2
Uppercase U With CaronǓU+001D3ǓǓ \01D3
Lowercase U With CaronǔU+001D4ǔǔ \01D4
Uppercase U With Diaeresis and MacronǕU+001D5ǕǕ \01D5
Lowercase U With Diaeresis and MacronǖU+001D6ǖǖ \01D6
Uppercase U With Diaeresis and AcuteǗU+001D7ǗǗ \01D7
Lowercase U With Diaeresis and AcuteǘU+001D8ǘǘ \01D8
Uppercase U With Diaeresis and CaronǙU+001D9ǙǙ \01D9
Lowercase U With Diaeresis and CaronǚU+001DAǚǚ \01DA
Uppercase U With Diaeresis and GraveǛU+001DBǛǛ \01DB
Lowercase U With Diaeresis and GraveǜU+001DCǜǜ \01DC
Lowercase Turned EǝU+001DDǝǝ \01DD
Uppercase a With Diaeresis and MacronǞU+001DEǞǞ \01DE
Lowercase a With Diaeresis and MacronǟU+001DFǟǟ \01DF
Uppercase a With Dot Above and MacronǠU+001E0ǠǠ \01E0
Lowercase a With Dot Above and MacronǡU+001E1ǡǡ \01E1
Uppercase Ae With MacronǢU+001E2ǢǢ \01E2
Lowercase Ae With MacronǣU+001E3ǣǣ \01E3
Uppercase G With StrokeǤU+001E4ǤǤ \01E4
Lowercase G With StrokeǥU+001E5ǥǥ \01E5
Uppercase G With CaronǦU+001E6ǦǦ \01E6
Lowercase G With CaronǧU+001E7ǧǧ \01E7
Uppercase K With CaronǨU+001E8ǨǨ \01E8
Lowercase K With CaronǩU+001E9ǩǩ \01E9
Uppercase O With OgonekǪU+001EAǪǪ \01EA
Lowercase O With OgonekǫU+001EBǫǫ \01EB
Uppercase O With Ogonek and MacronǬU+001ECǬǬ \01EC
Lowercase O With Ogonek and MacronǭU+001EDǭǭ \01ED
Uppercase Ezh With CaronǮU+001EEǮǮ \01EE
Lowercase Ezh With CaronǯU+001EFǯǯ \01EF
Lowercase J With CaronǰU+001F0ǰǰ \01F0
Uppercase DzDZU+001F1DZDZ \01F1
Uppercase D With Small Letter ZDzU+001F2DzDz \01F2
Lowercase DzdzU+001F3dzdz \01F3
Uppercase G With AcuteǴU+001F4ǴǴ \01F4
Lowercase G With AcuteǵU+001F5ǵǵ \01F5
Uppercase HwairǶU+001F6ǶǶ \01F6
Uppercase WynnǷU+001F7ǷǷ \01F7
Uppercase N With GraveǸU+001F8ǸǸ \01F8
Lowercase N With GraveǹU+001F9ǹǹ \01F9
Uppercase a With Ring Above and AcuteǺU+001FAǺǺ \01FA
Lowercase a With Ring Above and AcuteǻU+001FBǻǻ \01FB
Uppercase Ae With AcuteǼU+001FCǼǼ \01FC
Lowercase Ae With AcuteǽU+001FDǽǽ \01FD
Uppercase O With Stroke and AcuteǾU+001FEǾǾ \01FE
Lowercase O With Stroke and AcuteǿU+001FFǿǿ \01FF
Uppercase a With Double GraveȀU+00200ȀȀ \0200
Lowercase a With Double GraveȁU+00201ȁȁ \0201
Uppercase a With Inverted BreveȂU+00202ȂȂ \0202
Lowercase a With Inverted BreveȃU+00203ȃȃ \0203
Uppercase E With Double GraveȄU+00204ȄȄ \0204
Lowercase E With Double GraveȅU+00205ȅȅ \0205
Uppercase E With Inverted BreveȆU+00206ȆȆ \0206
Lowercase E With Inverted BreveȇU+00207ȇȇ \0207
Uppercase I With Double GraveȈU+00208ȈȈ \0208
Lowercase I With Double GraveȉU+00209ȉȉ \0209
Uppercase I With Inverted BreveȊU+0020AȊȊ \020A
Lowercase I With Inverted BreveȋU+0020Bȋȋ \020B
Uppercase O With Double GraveȌU+0020CȌȌ \020C
Lowercase O With Double GraveȍU+0020Dȍȍ \020D
Uppercase O With Inverted BreveȎU+0020EȎȎ \020E
Lowercase O With Inverted BreveȏU+0020Fȏȏ \020F
Uppercase R With Double GraveȐU+00210ȐȐ \0210
Lowercase R With Double GraveȑU+00211ȑȑ \0211
Uppercase R With Inverted BreveȒU+00212ȒȒ \0212
Lowercase R With Inverted BreveȓU+00213ȓȓ \0213
Uppercase U With Double GraveȔU+00214ȔȔ \0214
Lowercase U With Double GraveȕU+00215ȕȕ \0215
Uppercase U With Inverted BreveȖU+00216ȖȖ \0216
Lowercase U With Inverted BreveȗU+00217ȗȗ \0217
Uppercase S With Comma BelowȘU+00218ȘȘ \0218
Lowercase S With Comma BelowșU+00219șș \0219
Uppercase T With Comma BelowȚU+0021AȚȚ \021A
Lowercase T With Comma BelowțU+0021Bțț \021B
Uppercase YoghȜU+0021CȜȜ \021C
Lowercase YoghȝU+0021Dȝȝ \021D
Uppercase H With CaronȞU+0021EȞȞ \021E
Lowercase H With CaronȟU+0021Fȟȟ \021F
Uppercase N With Long Right LegȠU+00220ȠȠ \0220
Lowercase D With CurlȡU+00221ȡȡ \0221
Uppercase OuȢU+00222ȢȢ \0222
Lowercase OuȣU+00223ȣȣ \0223
Uppercase Z With HookȤU+00224ȤȤ \0224
Lowercase Z With HookȥU+00225ȥȥ \0225
Uppercase a With Dot AboveȦU+00226ȦȦ \0226
Lowercase a With Dot AboveȧU+00227ȧȧ \0227
Uppercase E With CedillaȨU+00228ȨȨ \0228
Lowercase E With CedillaȩU+00229ȩȩ \0229
Uppercase O With Diaeresis and MacronȪU+0022AȪȪ \022A
Lowercase O With Diaeresis and MacronȫU+0022Bȫȫ \022B
Uppercase O With Tilde and MacronȬU+0022CȬȬ \022C
Lowercase O With Tilde and MacronȭU+0022Dȭȭ \022D
Uppercase O With Dot AboveȮU+0022EȮȮ \022E
Lowercase O With Dot AboveȯU+0022Fȯȯ \022F
Uppercase O With Dot Above and MacronȰU+00230ȰȰ \0230
Lowercase O With Dot Above and MacronȱU+00231ȱȱ \0231
Uppercase Y With MacronȲU+00232ȲȲ \0232
Lowercase Y With MacronȳU+00233ȳȳ \0233
Lowercase L With CurlȴU+00234ȴȴ \0234
Lowercase N With CurlȵU+00235ȵȵ \0235
Lowercase T With CurlȶU+00236ȶȶ \0236
Lowercase Dotless JȷU+00237ȷȷ \0237
Lowercase Db DigraphȸU+00238ȸȸ \0238
Lowercase Qp DigraphȹU+00239ȹȹ \0239
Uppercase a With StrokeȺU+0023AȺȺ \023A
Uppercase C With StrokeȻU+0023BȻȻ \023B
Lowercase C With StrokeȼU+0023Cȼȼ \023C
Uppercase L With BarȽU+0023DȽȽ \023D
Uppercase T With Diagonal StrokeȾU+0023EȾȾ \023E
Lowercase S With Swash TailȿU+0023Fȿȿ \023F
Lowercase Z With Swash TailɀU+00240ɀɀ \0240
Uppercase Glottal StopɁU+00241ɁɁ \0241
Lowercase Glottal StopɂU+00242ɂɂ \0242
Uppercase B With StrokeɃU+00243ɃɃ \0243
Uppercase U BarɄU+00244ɄɄ \0244
Uppercase Turned VɅU+00245ɅɅ \0245
Uppercase E With StrokeɆU+00246ɆɆ \0246
Lowercase E With StrokeɇU+00247ɇɇ \0247
Uppercase J With StrokeɈU+00248ɈɈ \0248
Lowercase J With StrokeɉU+00249ɉɉ \0249
Uppercase Small Q With Hook TailɊU+0024AɊɊ \024A
Lowercase Q With Hook TailɋU+0024Bɋɋ \024B
Uppercase R With StrokeɌU+0024CɌɌ \024C
Lowercase R With StrokeɍU+0024Dɍɍ \024D
Uppercase Y With StrokeɎU+0024EɎɎ \024E
Lowercase Y With StrokeɏU+0024Fɏɏ \024F
Lowercase Turned AɐU+00250ɐɐ \0250
Lowercase AlphaɑU+00251ɑɑ \0251
Lowercase Turned AlphaɒU+00252ɒɒ \0252
Lowercase B With HookɓU+00253ɓɓ \0253
Lowercase Open OɔU+00254ɔɔ \0254
Lowercase C With CurlɕU+00255ɕɕ \0255
Lowercase D With TailɖU+00256ɖɖ \0256
Lowercase D With HookɗU+00257ɗɗ \0257
Lowercase Reversed EɘU+00258ɘɘ \0258
Lowercase SchwaəU+00259əə \0259
Lowercase Schwa With HookɚU+0025Aɚɚ \025A
Lowercase Open EɛU+0025Bɛɛ \025B
Lowercase Reversed Open EɜU+0025Cɜɜ \025C
Lowercase Reversed Open E With HookɝU+0025Dɝɝ \025D
Lowercase Closed Reversed Open EɞU+0025Eɞɞ \025E
Lowercase Dotless J With StrokeɟU+0025Fɟɟ \025F
Lowercase G With HookɠU+00260ɠɠ \0260
Lowercase Script GɡU+00261ɡɡ \0261
Latin Letter Small Capital GɢU+00262ɢɢ \0262
Lowercase GammaɣU+00263ɣɣ \0263
Lowercase Rams HornɤU+00264ɤɤ \0264
Lowercase Turned HɥU+00265ɥɥ \0265
Lowercase H With HookɦU+00266ɦɦ \0266
Lowercase Heng With HookɧU+00267ɧɧ \0267
Lowercase I With StrokeɨU+00268ɨɨ \0268
Lowercase IotaɩU+00269ɩɩ \0269
Latin Letter Small Capital IɪU+0026Aɪɪ \026A
Lowercase L With Middle TildeɫU+0026Bɫɫ \026B
Lowercase L With BeltɬU+0026Cɬɬ \026C
Lowercase L With Retroflex HookɭU+0026Dɭɭ \026D
Lowercase LezhɮU+0026Eɮɮ \026E
Lowercase Turned MɯU+0026Fɯɯ \026F
Lowercase Turned M With Long LegɰU+00270ɰɰ \0270
Lowercase M With HookɱU+00271ɱɱ \0271
Lowercase N With Left HookɲU+00272ɲɲ \0272
Lowercase N With Retroflex HookɳU+00273ɳɳ \0273
Latin Letter Small Capital NɴU+00274ɴɴ \0274
Lowercase Barred OɵU+00275ɵɵ \0275
Latin Letter Small Capital OeɶU+00276ɶɶ \0276
Lowercase Closed OmegaɷU+00277ɷɷ \0277
Lowercase PhiɸU+00278ɸɸ \0278
Lowercase Turned RɹU+00279ɹɹ \0279
Lowercase Turned R With Long LegɺU+0027Aɺɺ \027A
Lowercase Turned R With HookɻU+0027Bɻɻ \027B
Lowercase R With Long LegɼU+0027Cɼɼ \027C
Lowercase R With TailɽU+0027Dɽɽ \027D
Lowercase R With FishhookɾU+0027Eɾɾ \027E
Lowercase Reversed R With FishhookɿU+0027Fɿɿ \027F
Latin Letter Small Capital RʀU+00280ʀʀ \0280
Latin Letter Small Capital Inverted RʁU+00281ʁʁ \0281
Lowercase S With HookʂU+00282ʂʂ \0282
Lowercase EshʃU+00283ʃʃ \0283
Lowercase Dotless J With Stroke and HookʄU+00284ʄʄ \0284
Lowercase Squat Reversed EshʅU+00285ʅʅ \0285
Lowercase Esh With CurlʆU+00286ʆʆ \0286
Lowercase Turned TʇU+00287ʇʇ \0287
Lowercase T With Retroflex HookʈU+00288ʈʈ \0288
Lowercase U BarʉU+00289ʉʉ \0289
Lowercase UpsilonʊU+0028Aʊʊ \028A
Lowercase v With HookʋU+0028Bʋʋ \028B
Lowercase Turned VʌU+0028Cʌʌ \028C
Lowercase Turned WʍU+0028Dʍʍ \028D
Lowercase Turned YʎU+0028Eʎʎ \028E
Latin Letter Small Capital YʏU+0028Fʏʏ \028F
Lowercase Z With Retroflex HookʐU+00290ʐʐ \0290
Lowercase Z With CurlʑU+00291ʑʑ \0291
Lowercase EzhʒU+00292ʒʒ \0292
Lowercase Ezh With CurlʓU+00293ʓʓ \0293
Latin Letter Glottal StopʔU+00294ʔʔ \0294
Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced FricativeʕU+00295ʕʕ \0295
Latin Letter Inverted Glottal StopʖU+00296ʖʖ \0296
Latin Letter Stretched CʗU+00297ʗʗ \0297
Latin Letter Bilabial ClickʘU+00298ʘʘ \0298
Latin Letter Small Capital BʙU+00299ʙʙ \0299
Lowercase Closed Open EʚU+0029Aʚʚ \029A
Latin Letter Small Capital G With HookʛU+0029Bʛʛ \029B
Latin Letter Small Capital HʜU+0029Cʜʜ \029C
Lowercase J With Crossed-TailʝU+0029Dʝʝ \029D
Lowercase Turned KʞU+0029Eʞʞ \029E
Latin Letter Small Capital LʟU+0029Fʟʟ \029F
Lowercase Q With HookʠU+002A0ʠʠ \02A0
Latin Letter Glottal Stop With StrokeʡU+002A1ʡʡ \02A1
Latin Letter Reversed Glottal Stop With StrokeʢU+002A2ʢʢ \02A2
Lowercase Dz DigraphʣU+002A3ʣʣ \02A3
Lowercase Dezh DigraphʤU+002A4ʤʤ \02A4
Lowercase Dz Digraph With CurlʥU+002A5ʥʥ \02A5
Lowercase Ts DigraphʦU+002A6ʦʦ \02A6
Lowercase Tesh DigraphʧU+002A7ʧʧ \02A7
Lowercase Tc Digraph With CurlʨU+002A8ʨʨ \02A8
Lowercase Feng DigraphʩU+002A9ʩʩ \02A9
Lowercase Ls DigraphʪU+002AAʪʪ \02AA
Lowercase Lz DigraphʫU+002ABʫʫ \02AB
Lowercase Bilabial PercussiveʬU+002ACʬʬ \02AC
Lowercase Bidental PercussiveʭU+002ADʭʭ \02AD
Lowercase Turned H With FishhookʮU+002AEʮʮ \02AE
Lowercase Turned H With Fishhook and TailʯU+002AFʯʯ \02AF
Combining Grave Accent̀U+00300̀̀ \0300
Combining Acute Accent́U+00301́́ \0301
Combining Circumflex Accent̂U+00302̂̂ \0302
Combining TildẽU+00303̃̃ \0303
Combining Macron̄U+00304̄̄ \0304
Combining Overline̅U+00305̅̅ \0305
Combining BrevĕU+00306̆̆ \0306
Combining Dot AbovėU+00307̇̇ \0307
Combining Diaeresis̈U+00308̈̈ \0308
Combining Hook AbovẻU+00309̉̉ \0309
Combining Ring Above̊U+0030Å̊ \030A
Combining Double Acute Accent̋U+0030B̋̋ \030B
Combining CaroňU+0030Č̌ \030C
Combining Vertical Line Above̍U+0030D̍̍ \030D
Combining Double Vertical Line Above̎U+0030E̎̎ \030E
Combining Double Grave Accent̏U+0030F̏̏ \030F
Combining Candrabindu̐U+00310̐̐ \0310
Combining Inverted BrevȇU+00311̑̑̑\0311
Combining Turned Comma Above̒U+00312̒̒ \0312
Combining Comma Above̓U+00313̓̓ \0313
Combining Reversed Comma Above̔U+00314̔̔ \0314
Combining Comma Above Right̕U+00315̕̕ \0315
Combining Grave Accent Below̖U+00316̖̖ \0316
Combining Acute Accent Below̗U+00317̗̗ \0317
Combining Left Tack Below̘U+00318̘̘ \0318
Combining Right Tack Below̙U+00319̙̙ \0319
Combining Left Angle Above̚U+0031A̚̚ \031A
Combining Horn̛U+0031B̛̛ \031B
Combining Left Half Ring Below̜U+0031C̜̜ \031C
Combining Up Tack Below̝U+0031D̝̝ \031D
Combining Down Tack Below̞U+0031E̞̞ \031E
Combining Plus Sign Below̟U+0031F̟̟ \031F
Combining Minus Sign Below̠U+00320̠̠ \0320
Combining Palatalized Hook Below̡U+00321̡̡ \0321
Combining Retroflex Hook Below̢U+00322̢̢ \0322
Combining Dot BeloẉU+00323̣̣ \0323
Combining Diaeresis Below̤U+00324̤̤ \0324
Combining Ring Below̥U+00325̥̥ \0325
Combining Comma Below̦U+00326̦̦ \0326
Combining Cedilla̧U+00327̧̧ \0327
Combining Ogonek̨U+00328̨̨ \0328
Combining Vertical Line Below̩U+00329̩̩ \0329
Combining Bridge Below̪U+0032A̪̪ \032A
Combining Inverted Double Arch Below̫U+0032B̫̫ \032B
Combining Caron Below̬U+0032C̬̬ \032C
Combining Circumflex Accent Below̭U+0032Ḓ̭ \032D
Combining Breve Below̮U+0032E̮̮ \032E
Combining Inverted Breve Below̯U+0032F̯̯ \032F
Combining Tilde Below̰U+00330̰̰ \0330
Combining Macron Below̱U+00331̱̱ \0331
Combining Low Line̲U+00332̲̲ \0332
Combining Double Low Line̳U+00333̳̳ \0333
Combining Tilde Overlay̴U+00334̴̴ \0334
Combining Short Stroke Overlay̵U+00335̵̵ \0335
Combining Long Stroke Overlay̶U+00336̶̶ \0336
Combining Short Solidus Overlay̷U+00337̷̷ \0337
Combining Long Solidus Overlay̸U+00338̸̸ \0338
Combining Right Half Ring Below̹U+00339̹̹ \0339
Combining Inverted Bridge Below̺U+0033A̺̺ \033A
Combining Square Below̻U+0033B̻̻ \033B
Combining Seagull Below̼U+0033C̼̼ \033C
Combining X Above̽U+0033D̽̽ \033D
Combining Vertical Tilde̾U+0033E̾̾ \033E
Combining Double Overline̿U+0033F̿̿ \033F
Combining Grave Tone Mark̀U+00340̀̀ \0340
Combining Acute Tone MarḱU+00341́́ \0341
Combining Greek Perispomeni͂U+00342͂͂ \0342
Combining Greek Koronis̓U+00343̓̓ \0343
Combining Greek Dialytika Tonos̈́U+00344̈́̈́ \0344
Combining Greek YpogegrammeniͅU+00345ͅͅ \0345
Combining Bridge Above͆U+00346͆͆ \0346
Combining Equals Sign Below͇U+00347͇͇ \0347
Combining Double Vertical Line Below͈U+00348͈͈ \0348
Combining Left Angle Below͉U+00349͉͉ \0349
Combining Not Tilde Above͊U+0034A͊͊ \034A
Combining Homothetic Above͋U+0034B͋͋ \034B
Combining Almost Equal to Above͌U+0034C͌͌ \034C
Combining Left Right Arrow Below͍U+0034D͍͍ \034D
Combining Up Arrow Below͎U+0034E͎͎ \034E
Combining Grapheme Joiner͏U+0034F͏͏ \034F
Combining Right Arrowhead Above͐U+00350͐͐ \0350
Combining Left Half Ring Above͑U+00351͑͑ \0351
Combining Fermata͒U+00352͒͒ \0352
Combining X Below͓U+00353͓͓ \0353
Combining Left Arrowhead Below͔U+00354͔͔ \0354
Combining Right Arrowhead Below͕U+00355͕͕ \0355
Combining Right Arrowhead and Up Arrowhead Below͖U+00356͖͖ \0356
Combining Right Half Ring Above͗U+00357͗͗ \0357
Combining Dot Above Right͘U+00358͘͘ \0358
Combining Asterisk Below͙U+00359͙͙ \0359
Combining Double Ring Below͚U+0035A͚͚ \035A
Combining Zigzag Above͛U+0035B͛͛ \035B
Combining Double Breve Below͜U+0035C͜͜ \035C
Combining Double Breve͝U+0035D͝͝ \035D
Combining Double Macron͞U+0035E͞͞ \035E
Combining Double Macron Below͟U+0035F͟͟ \035F
Combining Double Tilde͠U+00360͠͠ \0360
Combining Double Inverted Breve͡U+00361͡͡ \0361
Combining Double Rightwards Arrow Below͢U+00362͢͢ \0362
Combining Latin Small Letter AͣU+00363ͣͣ \0363
Combining Latin Small Letter EͤU+00364ͤͤ \0364
Combining Latin Small Letter IͥU+00365ͥͥ \0365
Combining Latin Small Letter OͦU+00366ͦͦ \0366
Combining Latin Small Letter UͧU+00367ͧͧ \0367
Combining Latin Small Letter CͨU+00368ͨͨ \0368
Combining Latin Small Letter DͩU+00369ͩͩ \0369
Combining Latin Small Letter HͪU+0036Aͪͪ \036A
Combining Latin Small Letter MͫU+0036Bͫͫ \036B
Combining Latin Small Letter RͬU+0036Cͬͬ \036C
Combining Latin Small Letter TͭU+0036Dͭͭ \036D
Combining Latin Small Letter VͮU+0036Eͮͮ \036E
Combining Latin Small Letter XͯU+0036Fͯͯ \036F
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