
In Odoo Inventorypackaging refers to disposable containers holding multiple units of a specific product. Each specific packaging must be defined on the individual product form.

For example, different packages for cans of soda, such as a 6-pack, a 12-pack, or a case of 36, need to be configured on the individual product form. This is because packagings are product specific — not generic.


To use packagings, navigate to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. Then, under the Products heading, enable the Product Packagings feature, and click Save.

Enable packagings by selecting "Product Packagings".

Create packaging

Packagings can be created directly on the product form, or from the Product Packagings page.

From product form

Create packagings on a product form by going to Inventory app ‣ Products ‣ Products, and select the desired product.

Under the Inventory tab, scroll down to the Packaging section, and click Add a line. In the table, fill out the following fields:

  • Packaging (required): name of packaging that appears on sales/purchase orders as a packaging option for the product.

  • Contained quantity (required): amount of product in the packaging.

  • Unit of Measure (required): measurement unit for quantifying the product.

  • Sales: check this option for packagings intended for use on sales orders.

  • Purchase: check this option for packagings intended for use on purchase orders.


Access additional fields in the Packaging table below by clicking the (sliders) icon to the far-right of the column titles in the Packaging section, and selecting the desired options from the drop-down menu that appears.

Show the additional options menu's icon: sliders.

  • Barcode: identifier for tracing packaging in stock moves or pickings, using the Barcode app. Leave blank if not in use.

  • Company: indicates the packaging is only available at the selected company. Leave blank to make the packaging available across all companies.


To create a packaging type for six units of the product, Grape Soda, begin by clicking Add a line. In the line, name the Packaging 6-pack, and set the Contained quantity to 6. Repeat this process for additional packagings.

Create 6-pack case for product.

From product packagings page

To view all packagings that have been created, go to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Product Packagings. Doing so reveals the Product Packagings page with a complete list of all packagings that have been created for all products. Create new packagings by clicking New.


Two soda products, Grape Soda and Diet Coke, have three types of packagings configured. On the Product Packagings page, each product can be sold as a 6-Pack that contains 6 products, as a 12-Pack of 12 products, or as a Case of 32 products.

List of different packagings for products.

Apply packagings

When creating a sales order in the Sales app, specify the packagings that should be used for the product. The chosen packaging is displayed on the SO under the Packaging field.


18 cans of the product, Grape Soda, is packed using three 6-pack packagings.

Assign packagings on the Sales Order Line.


Packaging can be used in conjunction with Odoo Barcode. When receiving products from suppliers, scanning the packaging barcode automatically adds the number of units in the packaging to the internal count of the product.

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Odoo 是一个开源的企业资源计划(ERP)系统,它提供了一套完整的商业应用程序,包括销售、采购、库存管理、生产管理、财务管理、人力资源管理等。下面是 Odoo 的系统架构详解: 1. 前端:Odoo 使用了基于 Web 技术的前端框架,提供了直观、用户友好的界面。前端部分主要负责与用户交互,并将用户输入的数据发送给后端进行处理。 2. Web 服务器:Odoo 支持多种 Web 服务器,如 Nginx、Apache 等。Web 服务器主要负责接收用户请求,并将请求转发给 Odoo 服务器进行处理。 3. Odoo 服务器:Odoo 服务器是整个系统的核心组件,它负责处理用户请求,并根据请求的类型进行相应的操作。Odoo 服务器采用了模块化的架构,每个功能模块都可以独立安装、升级和卸载。 4. 数据库:Odoo 使用关系型数据库来存储数据,常用的数据库包括 PostgreSQL、MySQL 等。所有的数据都存储在数据库中,包括用户信息、产品信息、订单信息等。 5. 模块:Odoo 的功能被组织成多个模块,每个模块负责一个特定的功能领域。例如,销售模块负责管理销售流程,采购模块负责管理采购流程等。用户可以根据自己的需求选择安装相应的模块。 6. 业务逻辑:Odoo 的每个模块都包含了一套完整的业务逻辑。例如,在销售模块中,用户可以创建销售订单、确认订单、生成发票等。这些业务逻辑被封装在模块中,并通过 Odoo 服务器进行处理。 7. API:Odoo 提供了一组丰富的 API,使开发人员能够通过编程的方式来与系统进行交互。开发人员可以使用 API 创建新的模块、扩展现有模块的功能,或者与其他系统进行集成。 总结来说,Odoo 的系统架构包括前端、Web 服务器、Odoo 服务器、数据库、模块、业务逻辑和 API。它提供了一个灵活、可扩展的平台,满足企业各种不同的业务需求。


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