
Follow this guide to choose and set up a barcode scanner compatible with Odoo’s Inventory and Barcode apps.

An image of an example barcode scanner.

Scanner types

Before setting up a barcode scanner, it is important to determine which type of scanner best meets the needs of the business. There are three main types of scanners that can be used with Odoo, each with their own benefits and use cases:

  • USB scanners are connected to a computer, and are suitable for businesses that scan products at a fixed location, like at the checkout line in a grocery store.

  • Bluetooth scanners pair with a smartphone or tablet, making them both a cost-effective and portable barcode scanner option. In this scenario, Odoo is installed on the smartphone, allowing warehouse operators to handle operations, and check stock, directly through their mobile devices.

  • Mobile computer scanners are mobile devices with a built-in barcode scanner.


    If using a USB scanner, ensure the scanner is compatible with the keyboard layout of the computer.

    If using a mobile computer scanner, ensure the device can run the Odoo mobile app properly. Recent models that use Android OS with the Google Chrome browser, or Windows OS with Microsoft Edge, should work. However, testing is crucial due to the variety of available models and configurations.

 See also

Odoo Inventory & Barcode • Compatible Hardware


When setting up the barcode scanner, make sure the following configurations are correct so the scanner can properly interpret barcodes with Odoo.

Keyboard layout

When using a USB barcode scanner, match its keyboard layout with the operating system’s layout for proper interpretation of characters. Generally, the scanning mode should be set to accept a USB keyboard (HID), with the language set based on the keyboard that is in use.

To configure the keyboard layout for a Zebra scanner, scan the keyboard wedge barcode for the desired language in the scanner’s user manual.

Example of a user manual for keyboard layout.

Examples of keyboard language settings in the Zebra scanner user manual.

Automatic carriage return

Odoo has a default 100-millisecond delay between scans to prevent accidental double scanning. To synchronize with the barcode scanner, set it to include a carriage return (character like the “Enter” key on a keyboard) after each scan. Odoo interprets the carriage return as the end of the barcode input; so Odoo accepts the scan, and waits for the next one.

Typically, on the scanner, a carriage return is included by default. Ensure it is set by scanning a specific barcode in the user manual, like CR suffix ON or Apply Enter for suffix.

Zebra scanner

When using Zebra scanners, ensure the following keystroke configurations are set to prevent errors.

Begin on the Zebra scanner’s home screen, and select the DataWedge app (the app is represented by a (light blue barcode) icon).

On the DataWedge Profiles page, select the profile option to access the Zebra scanner’s settings.


It is not suggested to use the “DWDemo” profile, as it does not work properly in every circumstance.

Instead, it is recommended to create a new, personal profile. Once a new profile is created, add the Odoo Mobile app and Google Chrome app in the Associated Apps on the scanner’s home screen.

Once the profile is selected, scroll down to the Keyboard Output option, and ensure the Enable/disable keystroke output option is Enabled.

Show keystroke option in the Zebra scanner's DataWedge app.

Once that option is enabled, go back to the Profile options page, and go to the Keystroke output section. Then, open the Key event options submenu. Under Characters, ensure the Send Characters as Events option is checked.


The Send Characters as Events option must be checked on the Zebra scanner, or Odoo cannot recognize the barcodes that are scanned.

Once all those steps have been taken, perform a test scan to ensure the Zebra scanner is working properly, as intended.

Honeywell mobile computer scanner

When using Honeywell scanners, follow the instructions below to ensure barcodes can be scanned in Odoo.

Begin on the Honeywell scanner’s home screen, and select Settings, represented by a ⚙️ (gear) icon. Then, click Honeywell Settings, followed by Scanning.

From here, click Internal Scanner, followed by Default Profile. From the resulting list of options, select Data Processing Settings.

The Data Processing Settings specify how barcode data is processed by the computer. Locate the Wedge Method setting. By default, this is set to Standard.

Data processing settings options for Honeywell scanner.

Change the Wedge Method setting to Keyboard.

After completing the steps, conduct a test scan to verify the Honeywell scanner is working as intended.

Cipherlab mobile computer scanner

When using Cipherlab scanners, follow the instructions below to ensure barcodes can be scanned in Odoo.

Begin on the Cipherlab scanner’s home screen, and navigate to the App Drawer (All Applications). Then, click the ReaderConfig app, represented by an orange ⚙️ (gear) icon over a blue (barcode) icon.

Next, select the Default Profile, or create a new profile, if needed.

Under the General Settings, click Data Output, followed by Keyboard Emulation.

Cipherlab scanner data output setting page.

By default, the Input Method, under Keyboard Emulation, is set to Default Mode. Change this setting to KeyEvent.

Cipherlab scanner keyboard emulation settings.

After completing the steps, conduct a test scan to verify the Cipherlab scanner is working as intended.

 See also

Activate the Barcodes in Odoo

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### 回答1: Odoo12中,可以通过设置供应商的采购订单来实现外协。具体步骤如下: 1. 在采购模块中,创建一个新的采购订单。 2. 在采购订单中,点击添加商品,选择需要外协的商品。 3. 在商品添加页面中,填写供应商信息,并设置外协。 4. 在制造订单中,通过设置状态为“外协”来将生产任务外部分配给供应商。 5. 设置跟踪供应商的产品交付情况以及物料的消耗情况。 通过这些设置,可以实现Odoo12中的外协生产。此外,Odoo12还支持外协成本管理、收入和支出分析、供应链跟踪以及合同管理等功能。使用Odoo12可以方便地跟踪和管理外协业务,从而降低生产成本,提高生产效率。 ### 回答2: 在Odoo 12中,要设置外协,需要进行以下步骤: 1. 在菜单栏中选择“库存管理”模块,然后进入“合作伙伴”菜单,点击“新建”按钮创建一个新的 合作伙伴。 2. 在新建合作伙伴时,选择“厂家”作为类型之后,填写厂商的名称和联系信息等信息。 3. 创建一个产品的供应商。进入“产品”菜单中,然后选择需要创建供应商的产品。 4. 在产品编辑页面中,选择“供应商”选项卡,然后选择要分配的供应商,并输入所需的信息。 5. 在销售订单中,选择需要外协制造的产品,并在编辑页面中将制造类型选择为“外协制造”。 6. 在供应商报价备件清单界面,选择需要外协制造的产品,填写供应商的相关信息,并提交报价。 7. 在选择最佳供应商之后,点击“外协制造”按钮,系统将会自动生成相应的采购订单,并通知您的供应商。 8. 当您收到合作伙伴供应的外协产品后,您可以在收货报表中确认该产品的收货信息。 通过以上步骤,您可以成功的设置Odoo 12中的外协流程,使您的制造业务更加高效便捷。 ### 回答3: 在Odoo12中设置外协很简单,只需要按照以下步骤即可: 1. 进入Odoo12系统,点击“采购”模块,在下拉菜单中选择“供应商”选项; 2. 点击“供应商”页面上方的“创建”按钮,填写供应商信息,其中选择“类别”时选择“外协”即可; 3. 在“供应商”页面中找到已经创建的外协供应商,点击右侧的“编辑”按钮,编辑更多的外协信息,如联系人、地址、电话等; 4. 在“采购订单”页面中,选择需要采购的物料,找到外协供应商,勾选对应的采购订单,填写相关信息后确认订单; 5. 在“库存”模块中,查看“外协入库”记录,确认外协物料已经入库成功。 如上所述,Odoo12中设置外协非常简单,只需要按照以上步骤进行操作即可。Odoo作为一款集成度高、易用性强的ERP软件,无论是采购、库存、生产等方面,都为用户提供了极大的便利。


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