

  1. 具备至少两个钱包账户的私钥与地址;
  2. 至少部署一个SuperNode用于出块;
  3. 部署任意数量的FullNode节点用于同步区块、广播交易;
  4. SuperNode与FullNode组成网络,可以进行网络发现、区块同步、广播交易;


  1. 设置genesis.block.witnesses为超级节点地址列表
  2. 设置p2p.version为除了11111之外的任意正整数
  3. 第1个SR设置block.needSyncCheck为false,其他可以设置为true
  4. 设置block.maintenanceTimeInterval 为维护时间间隔
  5. 设置block.proposalExpireTime为提案过期时间
  6. 设置node.discovery.enable为true
  7. 设置 listen.port 为节点绑定端口 同时开启 listen.port 的tcp和udp udp 用于节点发现,tcp是用于数据同步的
  8. 设置 http.fullNodePort 为节点钱包http端口
  9. 设置 http.solidityPort 为钱包节点 solidity http端口
  10. 设置 rpc.port 为钱包节点rpc端口
  11. 用您的IP列表替换seed.node ip.list中的现有条目
  12. 设置node.discovery.enable 为true


nohup java -Xmx6g -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -jar FullNode.jar -p your private key --witness -c your config.conf(Example:/data/java-tron/config.conf) &
nohup java -Xmx6g -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -jar FullNode.jar -p 650950B193DDDDB35B6E48912DD28F7AB0E7140C1BFDEFD493348F02295BD812 --witness -c /data/java-tron/config.conf &
--witness: 启动witness功能,i.e.: --witness
-c: 指定配置文件路径,i.e.: -c config.conf
-p 地址私钥
  1. 设置seed.node ip.list 为SR的ip地址和端口
  2. 设置p2p.version与超级节点的p2p.version一致
  3. 设置genesis.block 与SR中的genesis.block配置一致
  4. 设置needSyncCheck为true
  5. 设置node.discovery.enable 为true
  6. 如果FullNode和SR部署在同一台机器上,则需要修改listen.port、http端口、rpc 端口
nohup java -Xmx6g -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -jar FullNode.jar -c private_net_config.conf &
-c: 指定配置文件路径,i.e.: -c config.conf。
SuperNode 配置文件
net {
  type = mainnet
  # type = testnet

storage {
  # Directory for storing persistent data

  db.version = 2,
  db.engine = "LEVELDB", = "database", = "index",

  # You can custom these 14 databases' configs:

  # account, account-index, asset-issue, block, block-index,
  # block_KDB, peers, properties, recent-block, trans,
  # utxo, votes, witness, witness_schedule.

  # Otherwise, db configs will remain defualt and data will be stored in
  # the path of "output-directory" or which is set by "-d" ("--output-directory").

  # Attention: name is a required field that must be set !!!
  properties = [
    //    {
    //      name = "account",
    //      path = "storage_directory_test",
    //      createIfMissing = true,
    //      paranoidChecks = true,
    //      verifyChecksums = true,
    //      compressionType = 1,        // compressed with snappy
    //      blockSize = 4096,           // 4  KB =         4 * 1024 B
    //      writeBufferSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
    //      cacheSize = 10485760,       // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
    //      maxOpenFiles = 100
    //    },
    //    {
    //      name = "account-index",
    //      path = "storage_directory_test",
    //      createIfMissing = true,
    //      paranoidChecks = true,
    //      verifyChecksums = true,
    //      compressionType = 1,        // compressed with snappy
    //      blockSize = 4096,           // 4  KB =         4 * 1024 B
    //      writeBufferSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
    //      cacheSize = 10485760,       // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
    //      maxOpenFiles = 100
    //    },


# this part of config is used to node discovery.
node.discovery = {
  enable = true  # you should set this entry value with ture if you want your node can be discovered by other node.
  persist = true  # this entry is used to determined to whether storing the peers in the database or not.
  bind.ip = ""
  external.ip = null

# this part of config is used to set backup node for witness service.
node.backup {
  port = 10001
  priority = 8
  members = [

node {
  # trust node for solidity node
  # trustNode = "ip:port"
  trustNode = ""

  # expose extension api to public or not
  walletExtensionApi = true
  # 同时开启listen.port 的tcp和udp就可以了,udp 用于节点发现,tcp是用于数据同步的
  listen.port = 16666

  connection.timeout = 2

  tcpNettyWorkThreadNum = 0

  udpNettyWorkThreadNum = 1

  # Number of validate sign thread, default availableProcessors / 2
  # validateSignThreadNum = 16

  maxActiveNodes = 30

  maxActiveNodesWithSameIp = 2

  minParticipationRate = 0

  # check the peer data transfer ,disconnect factor
  disconnectNumberFactor = 0.4
  maxConnectNumberFactor = 0.8
  receiveTcpMinDataLength = 2048
  isOpenFullTcpDisconnect = true

  p2p {
    version = 98766789 # 11111: mainnet; 20180622: testnet; you can set other number when you deploy one private net, but the node must have the same number in some private net. 

  active = [
    # Active establish connection in any case
    # Sample entries:
    # "ip:port",
    # "ip:port"

  passive = [
    # Passive accept connection in any case
    # Sample entries:
    # "ip:port",
    # "ip:port"

  http {
    fullNodePort = 26667
    solidityPort = 26668

  rpc {
    port = 16669

    # Number of gRPC thread, default availableProcessors / 2
    # thread = 16

    # The maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection
    # maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection =

    # The HTTP/2 flow control window, default 1MB
    # flowControlWindow =

    # Connection being idle for longer than which will be gracefully terminated
    maxConnectionIdleInMillis = 60000

    # Connection lasting longer than which will be gracefully terminated
    # maxConnectionAgeInMillis =

    # The maximum message size allowed to be received on the server, default 4MB
    # maxMessageSize =

    # The maximum size of header list allowed to be received, default 8192
    # maxHeaderListSize =

    # Transactions can only be broadcast if the number of effective connections is reached.
    minEffectiveConnection = 0


seed.node = {
  # List of the seed nodes. This is used to enable the node can connect when join one net at first.
  # If you deploy one private net, you must add some "ip:port" here for other node connecting.
  # Seed nodes are stable full nodes, and the first SuperNode must be inclued in.
  # example:
  # ip.list = [
  #   "ip:port",
  #   "ip:port"
  # ]
  ip.list = [

genesis.block = {
  # Reserve balance
  assets = [
      accountName = "Zion"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TWVQLxQHLDrtSnuggVNNrJbvGzPVoNde5j"
      balance = "95000000000000000"
      accountName = "Sun"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TWsm8HtU2A5eEzoT8ev8yaoFjHsXLLrckb"
      balance = "5000000000000000"
      accountName = "Blackhole"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TSJD5rdu6wZXP7F2m3a3tn8Co3JcMjtBip"
      balance = "-9223372036854775808"

  witnesses = [
      address: TKFgZSa5Qc3aegpGN6uAN8Yhs328yFSq5X,
      url = "",
      voteCount = 10000

  timestamp = "0" #2017-8-26 12:00:00

  parentHash = "957dc2d350daecc7bb6a38f3938ebde0a0c1cedafe15f0edae4256a2907449f6"

localwitness = [
  1e588f360499a2f09219e93ae65f0d2ef4aaa8d343f481d3e7eee13a6b47a0b2  # you must enable this value and the witness address are match.

#localwitnesskeystore = [
#  "src/main/resources/localwitnesskeystore.json"  # if you do not set the localwitness above, you must set this value.Otherwise,your SuperNode can not produce the block. 

block = {
  needSyncCheck = false # first node : false, other : true
  maintenanceTimeInterval = 3600000 // 1 day: 86400000(ms), 6 hours: 21600000(ms)
  proposalExpireTime = 7200000

vm = {
  supportConstant = true
  minTimeRatio = 0.0
  maxTimeRatio = 5.0

committee = {
  allowCreationOfContracts = 1  //mainnet:0 (reset by committee),test:1
  allowAdaptiveEnergy = 1  //mainnet:0 (reset by committee),test:1
  allowUpdateAccountName = 1
  allowSameTokenName = 1
  allowDelegateResource = 1
  allowTvmTransferTrc10 = 1
  allowTvmConstantinople = 1
  multiSignFee = 1
  allowMultiSign = 1
  updateAccountPermissionFee = 1
  allowProtoFilterNum = 0
  changedDelegation = 1
  allowTvmSolidity059 = 1
  forbidTransferToContract = 1

event.subscribe = {
  native = {
    useNativeQueue = true // if true, use native message queue, else use event plugin.
    bindport = 5555 // bind port
    sendqueuelength = 1000 //max length of send queue

  path = "" // absolute path of plugin
  server = "" // target server address to receive event triggers
  dbconfig = "" // dbname|username|password
  contractParse = true,
  topics = [
      triggerName = "block" // block trigger, the value can't be modified
      enable = false
      topic = "block" // plugin topic, the value could be modified
      triggerName = "transaction"
      enable = false
      topic = "transaction"
      triggerName = "contractevent"
      enable = false
      topic = "contractevent"
      triggerName = "contractlog"
      enable = false
      topic = "contractlog"
      triggerName = "solidity" // solidity block event trigger, the value can't be modified
      enable = true            // the default value is true
      topic = "solidity"

  filter = {
    fromblock = "" // the value could be "", "earliest" or a specified block number as the beginning of the queried range
    toblock = "" // the value could be "", "latest" or a specified block number as end of the queried range
    contractAddress = [
      "" // contract address you want to subscribe, if it's set to "", you will receive contract logs/events with any contract address.

    contractTopic = [
      "" // contract topic you want to subscribe, if it's set to "", you will receive contract logs/events with any contract topic.
FullNode 配置文件
net {
  type = mainnet
  # type = testnet

storage {
  # Directory for storing persistent data

  db.version = 2,
  db.engine = "LEVELDB", = "database", = "index",

  # You can custom these 14 databases' configs:

  # account, account-index, asset-issue, block, block-index,
  # block_KDB, peers, properties, recent-block, trans,
  # utxo, votes, witness, witness_schedule.

  # Otherwise, db configs will remain defualt and data will be stored in
  # the path of "output-directory" or which is set by "-d" ("--output-directory").

  # Attention: name is a required field that must be set !!!
  properties = [
    //    {
    //      name = "account",
    //      path = "storage_directory_test",
    //      createIfMissing = true,
    //      paranoidChecks = true,
    //      verifyChecksums = true,
    //      compressionType = 1,        // compressed with snappy
    //      blockSize = 4096,           // 4  KB =         4 * 1024 B
    //      writeBufferSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
    //      cacheSize = 10485760,       // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
    //      maxOpenFiles = 100
    //    },
    //    {
    //      name = "account-index",
    //      path = "storage_directory_test",
    //      createIfMissing = true,
    //      paranoidChecks = true,
    //      verifyChecksums = true,
    //      compressionType = 1,        // compressed with snappy
    //      blockSize = 4096,           // 4  KB =         4 * 1024 B
    //      writeBufferSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
    //      cacheSize = 10485760,       // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
    //      maxOpenFiles = 100
    //    },


# this part of config is used to node discovery.
node.discovery = {
  enable = true  # you should set this entry value with ture if you want your node can be discovered by other node.
  persist = true  # this entry is used to determined to whether storing the peers in the database or not.
  bind.ip = ""
  external.ip = null

# this part of config is used to set backup node for witness service.
node.backup {
  port = 10001
  priority = 8
  members = [

node {
  # trust node for solidity node
  # trustNode = "ip:port"
  trustNode = ""

  # expose extension api to public or not
  walletExtensionApi = true
  #同时开启listen.port 的tcp和udp就可以了,udp 用于节点发现,tcp是用于数据同步的
  listen.port = 26666

  connection.timeout = 2

  tcpNettyWorkThreadNum = 0

  udpNettyWorkThreadNum = 1

  # Number of validate sign thread, default availableProcessors / 2
  # validateSignThreadNum = 16

  maxActiveNodes = 30

  maxActiveNodesWithSameIp = 2

  minParticipationRate = 0

  # check the peer data transfer ,disconnect factor
  disconnectNumberFactor = 0.4
  maxConnectNumberFactor = 0.8
  receiveTcpMinDataLength = 2048
  isOpenFullTcpDisconnect = true

  p2p {
    version = 98766789 # 11111: mainnet; 20180622: testnet; you can set other number when you deploy one private net, but the node must have the same number in some private net. 

  active = [
    # Active establish connection in any case
    # Sample entries:
    # "ip:port",
    # "ip:port"

  passive = [
    # Passive accept connection in any case
    # Sample entries:
    # "ip:port",
    # "ip:port"

  http {
    fullNodePort = 8090
    solidityPort = 26668

  rpc {
    port = 26669

    # Number of gRPC thread, default availableProcessors / 2
    # thread = 16

    # The maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection
    # maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection =

    # The HTTP/2 flow control window, default 1MB
    # flowControlWindow =

    # Connection being idle for longer than which will be gracefully terminated
    maxConnectionIdleInMillis = 60000

    # Connection lasting longer than which will be gracefully terminated
    # maxConnectionAgeInMillis =

    # The maximum message size allowed to be received on the server, default 4MB
    # maxMessageSize =

    # The maximum size of header list allowed to be received, default 8192
    # maxHeaderListSize =

    # Transactions can only be broadcast if the number of effective connections is reached.
    minEffectiveConnection = 0


seed.node = {
  # List of the seed nodes. This is used to enable the node can connect when join one net at first.
  # If you deploy one private net, you must add some "ip:port" here for other node connecting.
  # Seed nodes are stable full nodes, and the first SuperNode must be inclued in.
  # example:
  # ip.list = [
  #   "ip:port",
  #   "ip:port"
  # ]
  ip.list = [

genesis.block = {
  # Reserve balance
  assets = [
      accountName = "Zion"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TWVQLxQHLDrtSnuggVNNrJbvGzPVoNde5j"
      balance = "95000000000000000"
      accountName = "Sun"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TWsm8HtU2A5eEzoT8ev8yaoFjHsXLLrckb"
      balance = "5000000000000000"
      accountName = "Blackhole"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TSJD5rdu6wZXP7F2m3a3tn8Co3JcMjtBip"
      balance = "-9223372036854775808"

  witnesses = [
      address: TKFgZSa5Qc3aegpGN6uAN8Yhs328yFSq5X,
      url = "",
      voteCount = 10000

  timestamp = "0" #2017-8-26 12:00:00

  parentHash = "957dc2d350daecc7bb6a38f3938ebde0a0c1cedafe15f0edae4256a2907449f6"

localwitness = [
  9b9b8bd8ee343d43c5889ec06b3c4e7fe723211a73be18119c7729107b4fcdc8  # you must enable this value and the witness address are match.

#localwitnesskeystore = [
#  "src/main/resources/localwitnesskeystore.json"  # if you do not set the localwitness above, you must set this value.Otherwise,your SuperNode can not produce the block. 

block = {
  needSyncCheck = true # first node : false, other : true
  maintenanceTimeInterval = 3600000 // 1 day: 86400000(ms), 6 hours: 21600000(ms)
  proposalExpireTime = 7200000

vm = {
  supportConstant = true
  minTimeRatio = 0.0
  maxTimeRatio = 5.0

committee = {
  allowCreationOfContracts = 1  //mainnet:0 (reset by committee),test:1
  allowAdaptiveEnergy = 1  //mainnet:0 (reset by committee),test:1
  allowUpdateAccountName = 1
  allowSameTokenName = 1
  allowDelegateResource = 1
  allowTvmTransferTrc10 = 1
  allowTvmConstantinople = 1
  multiSignFee = 1
  allowMultiSign = 1
  updateAccountPermissionFee = 1
  allowProtoFilterNum = 0
  changedDelegation = 1
  allowTvmSolidity059 = 1
  forbidTransferToContract = 1

event.subscribe = {
  native = {
    useNativeQueue = true // if true, use native message queue, else use event plugin.
    bindport = 6555 // bind port
    sendqueuelength = 1000 //max length of send queue

  path = "" // absolute path of plugin
  server = "" // target server address to receive event triggers
  dbconfig = "" // dbname|username|password
  contractParse = true,
  topics = [
      triggerName = "block" // block trigger, the value can't be modified
      enable = false
      topic = "block" // plugin topic, the value could be modified
      triggerName = "transaction"
      enable = false
      topic = "transaction"
      triggerName = "contractevent"
      enable = false
      topic = "contractevent"
      triggerName = "contractlog"
      enable = false
      topic = "contractlog"
      triggerName = "solidity" // solidity block event trigger, the value can't be modified
      enable = true            // the default value is true
      topic = "solidity"

  filter = {
    fromblock = "" // the value could be "", "earliest" or a specified block number as the beginning of the queried range
    toblock = "" // the value could be "", "latest" or a specified block number as end of the queried range
    contractAddress = [
      "" // contract address you want to subscribe, if it's set to "", you will receive contract logs/events with any contract address.

    contractTopic = [
      "" // contract topic you want to subscribe, if it's set to "", you will receive contract logs/events with any contract topic.


允许修改的网络动态参数以及编号如下( [min, max] ): {0,1}:1代表‘通过’或者‘激活’,0代表否

6 Hours
[3 27, 24 3600] s
9999 TRX
[0, 100000000000] TRX
0.1 TRX
[0, 100000000000] TRX
10 Sun/Byte
[0, 100000000000] TRX
1024 TRX
[0, 100000000000] TRX
16 TRX
[0, 100000000000] TRX
115200 TRX
[0, 100000000000] TRX
1 Bandwith/Byte
(控制虚拟机功能的开启 )
{0, 1}
{0, 1}
10 Sun
[0, 100000000000] TRX
1024 TRX
[0, 100000000000] TRX
50 ms
[0, 1000] ms
{0, 1}
{0, 1}
{0, 1}
(允许智能合约调用TRC10 token的接口)
{0, 1}
{0, 1}
{0, 1}
100 TRX
{0, 1}
{0, 1}
{0, 1}
10 TRX
[0, 10000] TRX
[1, 10000]
{0, 1}
[0, 100000000000] TRX
{0, 1}
[1, 1000]
Gotron SDK是一个针对Tron区块链开发的工具包,它提供了一系列函数和API,帮助开发者轻松地访问和操作Tron网络上的智能合约数据,包括查询交易记录。如果你想通过Gotron SDK查询合约TRC20-USDT(USDT代币的一种)的交易记录,通常需要按照以下步骤操作: 1. 首先,你需要安装并导入Gotron SDK到你的项目中。 2. 使用SDK创建一个链上服务实例,指定Tron网络(主网、测试网等)。 3. 导入相关的合约地址或合约ABI(应用程序二进制接口),因为每个TRC20代币都有其对应的合约地址。 4. 调用`getContract()`函数获取合约实例,然后找到对应的操作(如`transfer`)的交易事件。 5. 使用`searchTransactions()`或`queryHistory()`方法,传入合约事件名称和参数(如交易接收者、时间范围等),来获取USDT的交易记录。 举个例子,如果你想知道某个特定用户的所有USDT转账记录,可以这样做: ```python from gotron import Gotron # 初始化Gotron g = Gotron(network='mainnet') # 获取TRC20-USDT合约实例 usdt_contract_address = 'YOUR_USDT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS' usdt_contract = g.getContract(usdt_contract_address) # 设置事件名称,比如转账事件 event_name = 'Transfer' # 搜索特定用户的转账记录 transactions = usdt_contract.search_transactions(event_name, {'to': 'USER_ADDRESS'}) ``` 记得替换`YOUR_USDT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS`和`USER_ADDRESS`为你实际的合约地址和目标用户地址。
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


