gobook(summer boot camp培训用书)
An Introduction to Programming in Go,某夏令营培训用书。
Plugin can be installed on IntelliJ platform 141.1532 or greater and less than 141.9999. It corresponds to IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4, WebStorm 10.0.4, PhpStorm 9.0, RubyMine 7.1.3 and PyCharm 4.5.2
The Go Programming Language Phrasebook
Book Description
This guide gives you the code "phrases" you need to quickly and effectively complete a wide variety of projects with Go, today's most exciting new programming language.
Tested, easy-to-adapt code examples illuminate every step of Go development, helping you write highly scalable, concurrent software. You'll master Go-specific idioms for working with strings, collections, arrays, error handling, goroutines, slices, maps, channels, numbers, dates, times, files, networking, web apps, the runtime, and more.
source check tools, for those one who can not download from site
CSS,The Missing Manual, 4th Edition(2015)
CSS lets you create professional-looking websites, but learning its finer points can be tricky - even for seasoned web developers. This fully updated edition provides the most modern and effective tips, tricks, and tutorial-based instruction on CSS available today. Learn how to use new tools such as Flexbox and Sass to build web pages that look great and run fast on any desktop or mobile device. Ideal for casual and experienced designers alike.
for these one who can not download
For Production use, Hudson 3.3.1 from the Eclipse Foundation is now available. This WAR file is suitable for any O/S. We recommend that users of 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3.0 upgrade to this release.
his release of Hudson is built against Java 7 and no longer supports running Hudson itself on Java 5 or 6. You can of course still use Hudson to manage jobs that compile against these earlier versions though.
This release has been verified against the following servers
Jetty 9 (Packaged in the Hudson WAR)
JBoss 8.2
Glassfish 4.1
Tomcat 7
Tomcat 8
Git for Teams (2015)
You can do more with Git than just build software. This practical guide delivers a unique people-first approach to version control that also explains how using Git as a focal point can help your team work better together. You'll learn how to plan and pursue a Git workflow that not only ensures that you accomplish project goals, but also fits the immediate needs and future growth of your team.
The first part of the book on structuring workflow is useful for project managers, technical team leads, and CTOs. The second part provides hands-on exercises to help developers gain a better understanding of Git commands.
Linux Bible, 9th Edition(2015最新版)
Linux Bible, 9th Edition is the ultimate hands-on Linux user guide, whether you're a true beginner or a more advanced user navigating recent changes. This updated ninth edition covers the latest versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7), Fedora 21, and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and includes new information on cloud computing and development with guidance on Openstack and Cloudforms. With a focus on RHEL 7, this practical guide gets you up to speed quickly on the new enhancements for enterprise-quality file systems, the new boot process and services management, firewalld, and the GNOME 3 desktop. Written by a Red Hat expert, this book provides the clear explanations and step-by-step instructions that demystify Linux and bring the new features seamlessly into your workflow.
grails-3.0.5-ga (2/2)
grails-3.0.5-ga (2/2), for somebody who can not download
grails-3.0.5-ga (1/2)
grails-3.0.5-ga (1/2), file1, for somebody who can not download
gradle-2.6-all.zip, for somebody who can not download
apache-groovy-sdk-2.4.4,for somebody who can not download
programming groovy 2
programming groovy 2.pdf
Pro Java 8 Programming, 3rd Edition(2015)
Pro Java 8 Programming, 3rd Edition,2015 最新版
Java EE 7 Development with WildFly
Spring Recipes, 3rd Edition 2014.10最新版本
Spring Recipes, 3rd Edition 2014.10最新版本,问答式的组织方式更有助于掌握。
WildFly-New Features
最新版本的JBoss AS更名为WildFly,WildFly8全面支持javaee7,这个文档讲解WildFly8的新特性,深入浅出。
Reactive Programming with RxJava
Reactive Programming with RxJava, 2016.
Bash Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition(2016)
Bash Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition(2016)
DockerTutorial01 - What is Docker & Docker Containers, Images
DockerTutorial01 - What is Docker & Docker Containers, Images
Mastering iOS Game Development
iOS is an operating system for Apple manufactured phones and tablets. Mobile gaming is one of the fastest-growing industries, and compatibility with iOS is now becoming the norm for game developers. SpriteKit is part of the native SDK from Apple, and enables developers to make simple entry into game development without unnecessary overhead and a long learning process. SpriteKit also provides other functionality that is useful for games, including basic sound playback support and physics simulation. In addition, Xcode provides built-in support for SpriteKit so that you can create complex special effects and texture atlases directly in Xcode. This combination of framework and tools makes SpriteKit a good choice for games and other apps that require similar kinds of animation.
Become a master in iOS game development through this fast and fun guide!
Learning iOS UI Development
Through this comprehensive one-stop guide, you'll get to grips with the entire UIKit framework and in a flash, you'll be creating modern user interfaces for your iOS devices using Swift.
Starting with an overview of the iOS drawing system and the available tools, you will then learn how to use these technologies to create adaptable layouts and custom elements for your applications. Next, you'll be introduced to other topics such as animation and code-drawing with Core Graphics, which will give you all the knowledge you need to create astonishing user interfaces.
By the end of this book, you will have a solid foundation in iOS user interface development and will have gained valuable insights on the process of building firm and complex UIs.
Cocos2d-x Cookbook
Cocos2d-x is a suite of open source, cross-platform game-development tools used by thousands of developers all over the world. Cocos2d-x is a game framework written in C++, with a thin platform-dependent layer. Completely written in C++, the core engine has the smallest footprint and the fastest speed of any other game engine, and is optimized to be run on all kinds of devices.
You will begin with the initial setup and installation of Cocos2d before moving on to the fundamentals needed to create a new project. You will then explore and create the sprites, animations, and actions that you will include in the game. Next you will look at strings and create labels, including a label with True Type Font (TTF) font support.
Later, you will learn about layer and scene creation and transition. Then you will create the GUI parts essential for a game, such as buttons and switches. After that, you will breathe life into the game with background music and sound effects using the all new Cocos2d-x audio engine. You will then discover how to manage resource files and implement processes that depend on the operating system.
Android Studio Cookbook
About This Book, See what Material design is about and how to apply it your apps, Explore the possibilities to develop apps that works on any type of device, A step-by-step practical guide that will help you build improved applications, change their look, and debug them, Who This Book Is For, This book is for developers that are already familiar with programming concepts and have already started creating apps for the Android platform, for example, by using the Eclipse IDE. It is for developers who intend to use Android Studio as their primary IDE or want to use Android Studio more efficiently., What You Will Learn, Develop Android Studio applications using Genymotion, Apply the concepts of Material design to your applications, Use memory monitoring tools to tweak performance, Build applications for Android Wearable, Capture images, video, or audio within your Android app, Use content providers to display data, Build apps with a cloud-based backend, Create media-related apps that will run on phones, phablets, tablets, and TVs, In Detail, This book starts with an introduction of Android Studio and why you should use this IDE rather than Eclipse. Moving ahead, it teaches you to build a simple app that requires no backend setup but uses Google Cloud or Parse instead. After that, you will learn how to create an Android app that can send and receive text and images using Google Cloud or Parse as a backend. It explains the concepts of Material design and how to apply them to an Android app. Also, it shows you how to build an app that runs on an Android wear device., Later, it explains how to build an app that takes advantage of the latest Android SDK while still supporting older Android versions. It also demonstrates how the performance of an app can be improved and how memory management tools that come with the Android Studio IDE can help you achieve this., By the end of the book, you will be able to develop high quality apps with a minimum amount of effort using the Android Studio IDE., Style and approach, This is a practical guide full of challenges and many real-world examples that demonstrate interesting development concepts. Besides smartphones and tablets, it also covers Android wearable devices and Android TV. Although strongly recommended, it is not necessary to own any Android device yourself.
GithubAtom1.3.3(2016.01) 最新版本,Windows
Think Python(2nd Edition)
If you want to learn how to program, working with Python is an excellent way to start. This hands-on guide takes you through the language a step at a time, beginning with basic programming concepts before moving on to functions, recursion, data structures, and object-oriented design. This second edi
Learning React Native(2016)
react 开发书籍,2016新版。
Get a practical introduction to React Native, the JavaScript framework for writing and deploying fully featured mobile apps that look and feel native. With this hands-on guide, you'll learn how to build applications that target iOS, Android, and other mobile platforms instead of browsers. You'll also discover how to access platform features such as the camera, user location, and local storage.
With code examples and step-by-step instructions, author Bonnie Eisenman shows web developers and frontend engineers how to build and style interfaces, use mobile components, and debug and deploy apps. Along the way, you'll build several increasingly sophisticated sample apps with React Native before putting everything together at the end.
liquibase-3.4.2-bin.zip(Nov 24, 2015)
2014.10.24 当前最新版本,分享给那些下不了的兄弟。
* 不依赖于特定的数据库,目前支持包括Oracle/Sql Server/DB2/MySql/Sybase/PostgreSQL/Caché等12种数据库,这样在数据库的部署和升级环节可帮助应用系统支持多数据库。
* 提供数据库比较功能,比较结果保存在XML中,基于该XML你可用Liquibase轻松部署或升级数据库。
* 以XML存储数据库变化,其中以作者和ID唯一标识一个变化(ChangSet),支持数据库变化的合并,因此支持多开发人员同时工作。
* 在数据库中保存数据库修改历史(DatabaseChangeHistory),在数据库升级时自动跳过已应用的变化(ChangSet)。
* 提供变化应用的回滚功能,可按时间、数量或标签(tag)回滚已应用的变化。通过这种方式,开发人员可轻易的还原数据库在任何时间点的状态。
* 可生成数据库修改文档(HTML格式)
* 提供数据重构的独立的IDE和Eclipse插件
The Groovy 2 Tutorial(LeanPub)
The Groovy 2 Tutorial from LeanPub,Groovy官网推荐文档。
Programming iOS 9(2015)
If you're grounded in the basics of Swift, Xcode, and the Cocoa framework, this book provides a structured explanation of all essential real-world iOS app components. Through deep exploration and copious code examples, you'll learn how to create views, manipulate view controllers, and add features from iOS frameworks.
Stay up-to-date on iOS 9 innovations, such as the new layout constraint notation, expanded UIKit dynamics, revised unwind segues, iPad multitasking, and the Contacts framework. All example code is available on GitHub for you to download, study, and run.
for who can not download from official site
for who can not download from official site
Mastering Spring MVC 4(2015.09)源码
Mastering Spring MVC 4(2015.09)源码
Spring Boot Cookbook(2015.09)源码
Spring Boot Cookbook(2015.09)源码
github atom1.1.0(windows版)
go1.5.1.windows-amd64.msi Windows安装包,分享给不能官网下载 的兄弟们。