Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses.
For example, given n = 3, a solution set is:
#include "GenerateParentheses.h"
vector<string> GenerateParentheses::generateParenthesis(int m)
vector<string> res;
addParenthesis(res, "", m, 0);
return res;
void GenerateParentheses::addParenthesis(vector<string> &v, string str, int m, int n)
// m表示要继续增加括号的对数,n表示所需右括号个数
if (m == 0 && n == 0)
if (n > 0)
addParenthesis(v, str + ")", m, n - 1);
if (m > 0)
addParenthesis(v, str + "(", m - 1, n + 1);