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转载 [译]关于iOS和OS X废弃的API…
原文:http://codingobjc.com/blog/2014/02/11/ni-xu-yao-zhi-dao-de-suo-you-guan-yu-ioshe-os-xyi-qi-yong-de-apide-shi-er/[译]关于iOS和OS X废弃的API你需要知道的一切原文: EverythingYou Need to Know about iOS and OS X De
2014-05-16 15:02:42 390
原创 xcode 4.5 BUG and…
1.xcode 3 升级到 xcode 4.5 ,编译后在os10.5上无法运行。设置build settings 中CLANG_LINK_OBJC_RUNTIME=No. 这个属于xcode 4的bug。貌似编译一遍后,再改为yes,也不会再出错。//:configuration = Debug//:configuration = Release//:completeSett
2014-05-16 15:02:40 426
转载 转发:http://www.cocoanetics.com…
Resource BundlesMay 01, 2012When shrink-wrapping your code for later reuse you inadvertenlywill come into the situation that you have some resources (strings,XIBs, images et al) in your projec
2014-05-16 15:02:37 568
转载 Protecting resources&…
原文地址:resources in iPhone and iPad apps">Protecting resources in iPhone and iPad apps作者:飞奔Protecting resources in iPhone and iPad appsby ROBINSUMMERHILL on JULY20, 2010UPDATE: The example proj
2014-05-16 15:02:35 488
原创 obj c 学习:对plist的修改及权限获取
NSString * infoplistPath=@"/System/Library/Extensions/FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext/Contents/Info.plist"; infoplistPath = [infoplistPath stringByExpandingTildeInPath]; NSMutableDictionary *
2014-05-16 14:59:15 1939
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