- oralce plsql编程的游标
- 游标分类
- 1显示游标
- 2隐式游标
- 隐式游标,oracle自动管理,不用声明,打开和关闭,ORACLE自动处理,使用隐式游标%FOUND时,需要加上 SQL%FOUND
- 显示游标,需要自己声明,打开和关闭,使用%ROWCOUNT属性时,需要在前面加上游标名字 ,student_cur%ROWCOUNT
- 2声明游标
- CURSOR cursor_name is select_statments;
- 打开游标
- open cursor_name
- 读取数据
- fetch cursor_name into variable_name,....variable_namen;
- 关闭游标
- close cursor_name;
- 3游标属性
- 4游标读取数据实例
- select * from students;
- set serveroutput on;
- declare
- v_specialty students.specialty%type;
- v_sname students.name%type;
- v_dob students.dob%type;
- cursor students_cur --声明游标
- is
- select name ,dob from students where specialty=v_specialty; --游标体
- begin
- v_specialty:='&specialty';
- open students_cur; --打开游标
- dbms_output.put_line('学生姓名 出生日期');
- loop
- fetch students_cur into v_sname,v_dob ; --读取游标的数据
- exit when students_cur%NOTFOUND; --假如没有数据那么退出
- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_sname||' '||v_dob);
- end loop;
- close students_cur; --关闭游标
- end;
- 5根据游标修改当前行数据,语法 update tablename set ....where current of cursor_name;
- select * from teachers;
- declare
- v_title teachers.title%TYPE;
- CURSOR teachers_cur
- is
- select title from teachers for update;
- begin
- open teachers_cur;
- loop
- fetch teachers_cur into v_title ;
- exit when teachers_cur%NOTFOUND;
- case
- when v_title='教授' then
- update teachers set wage=1.1*wage where current of teachers_cur;
- when v_title='高工' or v_title='副教授' then
- update teachers set wage=1.1*wage where current of teachers_cur;
- else
- update teachers set wage=wage+100 where current of teachers_cur;
- end case;
- end loop;
- close teachers_cur;
- commit;
- end;
- 6根据游标删除当前数据 delete from table where current of cursor_name;
- select * from students;
- declare
- v_specialty students.specialty%TYPE;
- v_sname students.name%TYPE;
- CURSOR students_cur
- is
- select name,specialty from students for update;
- begin
- open students_cur;
- fetch students_cur into v_sname, v_specialty ;
- while students_cur%FOUND loop
- if v_specialty ='计算机' THEN
- delete from students where current of students_cur;
- end if;
- fetch students_cur into v_sname ,v_specialty;
- end loop;
- close students_cur;
- end;
pl sql游标简单例子学习
最新推荐文章于 2021-08-12 20:48:49 发布