select * from user where id<100
select id,username from user where id<100 and username=‘’
select id,username from user where id<100
select username from user where id<100
select username from user where id<100 order by username
create index index_username on user(username(50))
alter table user add index index_id(id)
alter table user1 DROP primary key;
show index from user
create table user3 as(select id,username as name,telephone from user where id<10000)
create table user4 like user
create table user5 as (select * from user where 1=2)
show create table user
select DATABASE()
select user()
show status
delete from user2
delete from user2 where id in (select from (select id,name,telephone from user2 where name in(select name from user2 GROUP BY name HAVING count(1)>1) and id not in(SELECT min(id) from user2 GROUP BY name HAVING count(1)>1)) t)