beautiful sentense

I'm gonna  let you sit with her for a while. --我让你单独陪她一会儿

she should have called you first or texted you. --她应该先给你打个电话或发个短信

Is that  your hint for me to leave. --你是在暗示我离开么

we should at least be able to agree on that --我们至少能在这点上达到共识

my boys will not be going to live with you. --我的孩子不会和你生活在一起

It's nice to see you both. --很高兴见到你们俩

if you plan  to  take my kid next.--下一步你是否打算夺走我的孩子

I would seek custody of her. -- 我会寻求她的监护权

you have a certain criteria.  --你有着特定的标准

you decided make  inpractical choices. --你决定作出不切实际的选择

it's some unconcious preemptive things.  --也许是潜意识里想先发制人

we can say whatever you want us to say -- 你想让我们怎么说都行

what you  are doing is indecent.  -- 你的做法很不体面

try to take those boy away from their mother --想把孩子从她妈妈身边夺走

I want you to stop worrying about me --希望你别为我担心了

I'm going through a rough moment --我最近确实很困难

Doctor's gonna be here shortly with a update --医生很快来告知最新情况

It seems like the window is fogging up --好像窗户又起了水雾

you are gonna freeze me out forever --你打算永远屏蔽我么

It's gonna take me a long time to let someone in again --我要花很长时间,才能再接受别人

I was completely out of line --我太过分了

run off the side of a road --冲出了路边

I have no intention of doing anything --我没有做任何事的打算

I'm incapable of doing something --我没有能力做一些事情

I hope i can earn back your trust --我希望能赢回你的信任

There is nothing i want more than to trust you --我无比想信任你

I resent you for being ashamed of me --我恨你以我为耻

you should be out there having fun. -- 你该出去好好玩乐

It took me my whole life to say that --我花了一生的时间才说出了那句

I'm sorry i couldn't tell you this sooner --很抱歉我没有早点告诉你

we are heading deeper and deeper into wildling territory --我们离野人领地越来越近

The rest doesn't interest me -- 其他的我不感兴趣

leave me out of  your next  deception --下次设骗局时,别把我扯进来

The council has a reputation for serving past hands poorly --御前会议的人向来对首相不恭

you may survive us yet --或许你比我们活得还久

even torturing you is boring --就连折磨你都是无聊的

I have been away from them for far too long --我抛下他们很久了

That  was a romantic proposal --真是个浪漫的求婚

I have more ambition than you thought --我比你想的远要有雄心

This is very first day of the rest of your life --这是你展开人生的第一天

shouldn't we make sure the lady's okay --要不要看一下她有没有问题

I have a nose for those sorts of things --我对这种事很敏感

Do you need a ride or something -- 需要我载你一程吗

The teacher couldn't have handled it worse --老师的处理方式糟透了

Certainly not a mother by any acceptable standards --都不该是目前该做的抉择

And then defend her when she's physically assaulted --当她被人攻击后保护她

I‘m gonna go check on ziggy --我要去看看小齐

Did you touch that little girl, ziggy --你伤了那个小女孩么

You can just go yell at yourself on the head --你吼个头 

I wish i didn't have to fly out tonight --真希望我今晚不用出差

We don't know for a fact that he's innocent -- 我们不知道他是否无辜 

It doesn't get more normal than that --非常正常 

It‘s not me who hurt her --伤害她的人不是我

Do you know who is hurting her --你知道谁伤了她

We all do bad things sometimes --每个人都偶尔会做坏事

I just have a low tolerance for injustice --我只是非常不能容忍不公平

The schools are great to build a better life for her son --学校很棒,为她儿子打造更好的人生

It's what you guys do when you get mad at each other -- 你们每次生对方气都这样啊

You are not thinking about going down here --你不会是想去哪儿

I want you to make your son stop abusing my girl --我要你制止你儿子继续虐待我女儿

Are you ever left with bruises --你身上曾有过淤青么

We both become violent sometimes --我俩有时都会有暴力行为

 I could use few extra hours to catch up -- 需要几小时赶一赶

You think violence is normal in a relationship --你认为暴力是伴侣关系的常态

what is most profoundly right about yours --什么是你最理想最深远的

It's our job to deconstruct it so that they can process it --我们有责任去分析那些问题,好让他们接受

Max was admantly opposed --Max 坚决的反对了 

I'm coming down with something --我可能要生病了 

You didn't even remember he was in the house --你都不记得他在家里

I'm going to give you this as a courtesy --出于礼貌,我要给你这个

If you became conviced that the boys were a risk --如果你相信孩子们有风险 

I'm not about putting up that kind of performance --我不打算给出那样的表演 

anything they do say to be precisely designed --他们说的一切都是精心设计过的

I therefore proclaim that you are husband and wife --我再次宣布你们结为夫妻

The person who set you free --放你自由的人

He already stipulated a machine shareholder as  proxy --他已经授权机器股东作为代理

For saving the world through algorithms --表彰他通过算法拯救世界

leave me in peace to work --让我安心工作

It's just a new narrative we gave her--这只是我们给她的新剧情

You think this is a dream scenario for me--你以为这是我想要的么

It's not often that  i get to write a happy ending --我写大团圆结局的机会并不多

I'll repopulate your motor functions --我会恢复你的运动功能

when that plane leaves today i must be on it -- 飞机今天起飞时我必须在上面

I don't concern myself with present  --我并不担心我现在

I want you to track her down and kill her --我希望你找到她 并且杀了她

Your presence along  will help sway the others to fail in  line --你只要出现就能帮助说服其他人一起行动


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