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育馆。 当你在听是,做一些肢体的动作,这将会让你精力更加的充沛,感觉愉快、心情



















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                                                         Power 、Effortless English

          Hi,thisis AJ Hoge,  Director of the EffortlessEnglish Club.


    Welcome to our new set of lessons, these arecalled the Power English 

Lessons.The reason they're called power English isbecause in these lessons 

we are going to do two things:


    Number one ,you're going to learnEnglish ,of course, As always, we have  

the mini story which are favoritelessons for most of members, but the  

content, the  focus thetopics in this lessons are going to be  focus on the 

psychology learningand the psychology of success . now, these ideas, they are not just  my ideas,  in fact ,they come from a lotof people, they come 

from people like Tony Robbins, Who is famous successcoach,,,,, Robert Anton 

Wilson, Joe Vitale, Robert Kiyosaki, Alan Watt, so I’vetaken a lot of ideas 

from a lot of different people about this topic of the psychologyof success, 

And the reason that we are going to talk about in these lessons is 

my experience .


  Most English students struggle and fail because of psychology, not because 

of methods ,not because of teachers,even though those things are important, 

but  tony Robbins talks about  that the fact that psychology  is 80% of success, and I think he is right,because on my experience  with many ,many English  students,psychology is 80% of success, so 20% are 

the methods you use to study ,20% are the school you go to, the 

teachersyou have ,thebooks you use, those are import we talk a lot 

about them.  But ,the other 80% psychology yourmotivation, your 

emotions ,how you manager time , all of these things 

are infact much, much more important ,what I saw in my classes 

 the enthusiasticstudents, the energetic students,  theoptimistic 

students  always learned  muchfaster, they succeed.


    The oneswho failed, the ones who dropped out and quit, the ones who 

struggled had theopposite mentality. They had a very negative mentality. 

Their motivation waslow , They tended to be pessimistic.  Theyfelt that they 

weren’t good at English ,They had ideas that English was verytough, very 

difficult ,they struggled. They didn’t have enthusiasm for English,They 

didn’t love English. So in these lessons we’re going to talk about how 

canyou manger your emotions.


   How can youdevelop that strong, powerful , enthusiastic attitude towards 

English,how canyou maintain it so that you don’t get bored? So that in fact 

you get strongerand stronger with English and your psychology gets stronger 

and you succeed,you reach your goals,  You speakfluently, effortlessly, so 

among teachers, English teachers, language teachers,this topic is called Non-

Linguistic Factors, Non-Linguistic Factors.  So what “Non-Linguistic 

Factors” means isthings that are not related to language learning directly.


   When we talk about language learning research ,whene talk about the best 

 methods to usewhen you learn English , those are linguistic factors, right?  

  They are related to the language.  Non-linguistic factors means not 

related tothe language.  This has nothing to dowith English, it’s more 

about psychology, Motivation,  for example, is a non-linguistic factor. 

Soall it really means is just emotional factors. And there are actually many 

research studies about this topic. Dr.StephenKrashen  down in Los Angeles,,  

probably again the expert in languageacquisition and language learning, has 

done many studies and he has also lookedat many studies and he’s found that 

non-linguistic factors to determine who is successfulultimately. 


    What that means is that things like your emotions, things like yourpeer 

group ,the community that you belong to , your feelings about English areas 

important or more important than the methods you’re using to learn 

English.So how are we going to do this? How are we going to learn? Well, one 

of thethings we have to do is create a daily English ritual. Your need to 

engage yourphysiology , That means you need to engageand use your body.  You 

need to engage and use your subconscious,That’s how you start to affect and 

strengthen your psychology, So we have tostrengthen our psychology, what does that mean? Really it means affecting yourbody and your mind at the 

same time。  

  so that you actually feel better, Youremotions are happier while 

you’re learning English. And I know this is the oppositeof what you learned 

in school , You probably didn’t feel very happy when youwere sitting in 

your English classes. 

   But when your\re learning with EffortlessEnglish, it’s very important 

for you to feel happy. For your body to feel good, for your mind to feel 

good ,For you to emotionally enjoy the process of  learning English.  Of 

course, it’s justmore fun, your\re going to like it a lot better/But the 

other benefit is thatyou actually will learn faster. You’ll 

improve your grammar faster. You’llimprove your pronunciation faster. 

You’ll remember vocabulary words better,longer and faster when you feel 

good. So there’s a very practical reason fordoing this ,too.  So we’re 

going to talka lot in detail in these lessons about how to do this . But 

just right now, duringthis introduction, let’s talk a little bit about a 

daily plan, Something youcould do immediately, right now ,today, to 

start improving your  success withEnglish by changing your psychology. So 

here’s a little ritual, a little play you can follow every day to start 

improving, to start feeling better andtherefore improve your motivation and 

to learn English faster and faster andfaster, better and better and better, 

And it’s very simple.

      So the first thing your\re going to do is when youget up in the morning  ,the first part ofthis plan ,this daily plan, You want to get into 

peak emotional state, Peakmeans top. For example , the top of a mountain, 

when we talk about a top of amountain, the very top we call the peak. So 

we’re saying a peak emotional statemeans a top emotional state of top 

emotional feeling. It means you want to feelgreat. Not just good, you want 

to feel really great. That’s the first thing youneed to do before you 

listen any English lessons. Before you study you want tofirst be sure that 

you feel great. 


  How can you do it? Well , it’s really easy ,I recommend , for 

example , using music, And I actually to this myself in the morning,most 

mornings, I will put on some great, exciting music that I love, jumparound , 

act like a crazy person, and get myself feeling energetic and happy. Dothat 

first before you listen. 


  So move your body, smile, We’re going to talkabout this more in detail in 

later lessons, but just for now, every morningwhen you get up first put on 

some music Some energetic, happy music that youlike , smile, move around. Do 

that for maybe % minutes, maybe 10 minutes, Thenwhen you’re feeling really 

great, your body is moving, you feel like you haveenergy ,you’re happy,

then start your English lessons.

     The first thing you want to listen to is the mainarticle , the main 

audio. So the first thing is listen to the main talk. Andyou can read this 

as well the first time if you cannot understand easily,  you can read the 

transcript and listen at thesame time. Do this perhaps two times per day, 

starting with the main story andreading.Use a dictionary if you need to to 

look up new words. Next, listen tothe vocabulary. So in the vocabulary again 

I will discuss the meanings of someof the difficult words that I used. 


   And again, you can read the transcript ofthat vocabulary lesson. There’s 

  always a transcript you can read if you can’tunderstand my speaking, if 

I’m too fast, then read at the same time, it’s okay.


    Next , you’ll listen to the mini-story and themini-story Is the most 

important lesson. The mini-story is designed for deeplearning.  In the min-

story I am going toask a lot of very easy questions while I tell a story, 

In fact  Ireally ask the story ,I don’t tell the story. Why am I doing 

this?  Students ask me” why are the questions soeasy?” well, 

the questions are supposed to be easy because I want you to answerfast and 

automatically.  I want you totrain your brain, teach your brain to answer 

very quickly. I don’t want you totranslate from your language to English or 

from English to your language.  It’s a bad habit , it will make you 

speakvery slowly.  I want you to just answerquickly, automatically, very 

fast.  Sothat’s why I ask so many question ,likequestions again, again 

,again, your job …answer the questions quickly,  you can answer with only 

one or two words,its okay,  short answers are fine.


  Youdon’t need to answer with a big , long sentence,  in fact , short is 

better,  so that’s the order that you’re going to follow , you’re  going 

to listen to the main article first,one or two times.  You can read as 

well if you need to . then you’re going to listen to the vocabulary one or 

two times, each day.  And then finally you aregoing to listen to the 

mini-story, one or two times or more . You can also readthe transcript for 

the mini-story in the beginning.  Now another important point ,when 

you’relistening to these lessons do not study them. Don’t struggle to 

memorize .  justrelax and listen.  If necessary , you canread as well ,as I 

said if you need to . but relax , you’re not trying to memorize anything .  just let it come in ,  let the English come into your ears 

and intoyour eyes.  Don’t’ think about it .  don’t analyze it . do 

not think aboutgrammar.  The mini-story will help youlearn grammar 

subconsciously, so don’t interrupt that process by trying toanalyze 

it .  Don’t think about grammarrules..  You want to learn like anative 

speaker and that means you’re going to learn the patterns of English i

these mini-stories.  You might not beabout to explain them ,  just like 

nativespeakers cannot explain  grammarrules.  But  that’s okay, you want to 

be able to use themcorrectly.  That’s the importantpart.  So again, you 

want to relax. Donot study, do not think about grammar rules. Do not 

try to translate.  Just relax and listen, that’ why we calleffortless 

English , it should be effortless, you should be smiling, relaxedand just 



   Now another  important point. You want move your body whileyou’re 

listening to the lessons.  Thiswill keep your energy high. So what do I mean 

by that? Well , a really easy wayto do this is just to walk .  you’ve  got 

an iPad ,you’ve got your earphones in,listen to the lessons while you go 

for a walk . you can do two thing at onetime. You exercise, you improve your 

body and you listen to English lessons andimprove your mind at the same time.


  If you’re sitting in a train , then maybe you just stretch your 

body a littlebit,  if you’re in your car, you can movea little bit. You can 

move around in your seat. If you’re at your house you cango crazy , you can 

jump around. You can exercise very strongly.  You can go to the gym.  Do 

something with your body while you’relistening to the lessons. It will keep 

your energy high,  lt will keep your feeling better. You willactually learn 

faster by doing that.  Andfinally, a very important point. 

  You need to use our deep learning method. Thatmeans you listen to each 

lesson set for one week or more. So for example, this introductionhas got 

three parts .  There is main lecture. A main talk .  There is a 

vocabulary section.  And there is a mini-story. Well those three ,you 

want to listen to those three every day for seven days.  You want that 

repetition.  Repetition is very important. You want it to go deeply 

into your brain. Just on time is not enough.  Even if it is very easy 

for , if you listenyou understand everything, its simple, still follow 

the deep learningmethod.  Still listen to the whole setfor one week or more.  

  On the other hand. if it seems very difficult. Listen longer. Two  weeks 

is okay.  Doesn’t matter , the point is you want it togo very deeply into 

your brain which means you want it to be almost effortless. It’s going to just gointo your brain and eventually just come out without you 

thinking andthatrequires deep learning. It requires a lot of repetition.

    So that’s kind of your basic plan for using theselessons. Again , first 

you’re going to get into a peak state.  You’re going to get excited.  

You’re going to jump around. You’re going to listen to music. You’re 

going to feel great. Then you’re going to listen to the main lecture, the 

main audio,one or two times. Then you’re going to listen to the vocabulary, 

one or twotimes. Then you’re going to listen to the mini-story, one, 

two,three, four,five, times,,,every day. And remember, relax, feel good and 

enjoy the lessonswhile you listen, Okay , that is it for our main section 

for thisintroduction..




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