
    public void completTask(){
//        流程定义的Key
        String key = "exclusive";
//        任务负责人
        String assingee = "tom";
        //        获取流程引擎
        ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngines.getDefaultProcessEngine();
//        获取taskservice
        TaskService taskService = processEngine.getTaskService();
//        查询任务
        Task task = taskService.createTaskQuery()
        if(task != null){
            //     根据任务id来   完成任务


2023-06-05 23:31:33,867 1     [           main] INFO  activiti.engine.ProcessEngines  - Initializing process engine using configuration 'file:/D:/workspace/20210614/ActivitiDemo/BasicDemo/target/classes/activiti.cfg.xml'

2023-06-05 23:31:33,870 4     [           main] INFO  activiti.engine.ProcessEngines  - initializing process engine for resource file:/D:/workspace/20210614/ActivitiDemo/BasicDemo/target/classes/activiti.cfg.xml

2023-06-05 23:31:34,448 582   [           main] DEBUG ry.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader  - Loaded 2 bean definitions from InputStream resource [resource loaded through InputStream]

2023-06-05 23:31:34,452 586   [           main] DEBUG ort.DefaultListableBeanFactory  - Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'processEngineConfiguration'

2023-06-05 23:31:34,844 978   [           main] DEBUG ort.DefaultListableBeanFactory  - Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'dataSource'

2023-06-05 23:31:38,828 4962  [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - database product name: 'MySQL'

2023-06-05 23:31:38,828 4962  [           main] DEBUG ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl  - using database type: mysql

2023-06-05 23:31:39,023 5157  [           main] DEBUG ache.ibatis.logging.LogFactory  - Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.slf4j.Slf4jImpl' adapter.

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred

WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.apache.ibatis.reflection.Reflector (file:/D:/studysoftware/mavenRepository-gpidea/org/mybatis/mybatis/3.4.5/mybatis-3.4.5.jar) to method java.lang.Object.finalize()

WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.apache.ibatis.reflection.Reflector

WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations

WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

2023-06-05 23:31:40,586 6720  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  -

2023-06-05 23:31:40,586 6720  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild --------------------------------------------------------

2023-06-05 23:31:40,594 6728  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda

2023-06-05 23:31:40,605 6739  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Executing performSchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild with setting true

2023-06-05 23:31:40,605 6739  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection

2023-06-05 23:31:40,621 6755  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:40,701 6835  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:40,743 6877  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: schema.version(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:40,788 6922  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:40,822 6956  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession

2023-06-05 23:31:40,822 6956  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.

2023-06-05 23:31:40,822 6956  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...

2023-06-05 23:31:40,822 6956  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...

2023-06-05 23:31:40,823 6957  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...

2023-06-05 23:31:40,823 6957  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...

2023-06-05 23:31:40,824 6958  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:40,825 6959  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:40,825 6959  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- SchemaOperationsProcessEngineBuild finished --------------------------------------------------------

2023-06-05 23:31:40,825 6959  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  -

2023-06-05 23:31:40,826 6960  [           main] INFO  .engine.impl.ProcessEngineImpl  - ProcessEngine default created

2023-06-05 23:31:40,840 6974  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  -

2023-06-05 23:31:40,840 6974  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting ValidateExecutionRelatedEntityCountCfgCmd --------------------------------------------------------

2023-06-05 23:31:40,840 6974  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda

2023-06-05 23:31:40,840 6974  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection

2023-06-05 23:31:40,841 6975  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:40,842 6976  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:40,843 6977  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: cfg.execution-related-entities-count(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:40,845 6979  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:40,846 6980  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession

2023-06-05 23:31:40,846 6980  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.

2023-06-05 23:31:40,846 6980  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...

2023-06-05 23:31:40,846 6980  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...

2023-06-05 23:31:40,847 6981  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...

2023-06-05 23:31:40,847 6981  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...

2023-06-05 23:31:40,850 6984  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:40,852 6986  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:40,853 6987  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- ValidateExecutionRelatedEntityCountCfgCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------

2023-06-05 23:31:40,853 6987  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  -

2023-06-05 23:31:40,853 6987  [           main] INFO  activiti.engine.ProcessEngines  - initialised process engine default

2023-06-05 23:31:40,855 6989  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  -

2023-06-05 23:31:40,855 6989  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting TaskQueryImpl --------------------------------------------------------

2023-06-05 23:31:40,855 6989  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda

2023-06-05 23:31:40,962 7096  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection

2023-06-05 23:31:40,964 7098  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:40,965 7099  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTaskByQueryCriteria  - ==>  Preparing: select distinct RES.* from ACT_RU_TASK RES inner join ACT_RE_PROCDEF D on RES.PROC_DEF_ID_ = D.ID_ WHERE RES.ASSIGNEE_ = ? and D.KEY_ = ? order by RES.ID_ asc LIMIT ? OFFSET ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:40,966 7100  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTaskByQueryCriteria  - ==> Parameters: tom(String), exclusive(String), 2147483647(Integer), 0(Integer)

2023-06-05 23:31:40,975 7109  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTaskByQueryCriteria  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:40,976 7110  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession

2023-06-05 23:31:40,976 7110  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 0 update, 0 delete.

2023-06-05 23:31:40,976 7110  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...

2023-06-05 23:31:40,976 7110  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...

2023-06-05 23:31:40,976 7110  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...

2023-06-05 23:31:40,976 7110  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...

2023-06-05 23:31:40,977 7111  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:40,979 7113  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:40,979 7113  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- TaskQueryImpl finished --------------------------------------------------------

2023-06-05 23:31:40,979 7113  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  -

2023-06-05 23:31:40,999 7133  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  -

2023-06-05 23:31:40,999 7133  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting CompleteTaskCmd --------------------------------------------------------

2023-06-05 23:31:40,999 7133  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda

2023-06-05 23:31:40,999 7133  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection

2023-06-05 23:31:41,001 7135  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,005 7139  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.selectTask  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RU_TASK where ID_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,005 7139  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.selectTask  - ==> Parameters: 90008(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,007 7141  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.selectTask  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,008 7142  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.selectVariablesByTaskId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RU_VARIABLE where TASK_ID_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,009 7143  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.selectVariablesByTaskId  - ==> Parameters: 90008(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,011 7145  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.selectVariablesByTaskId  - <==      Total: 0

2023-06-05 23:31:41,013 7147  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.selectProcessDefinition  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RE_PROCDEF where ID_ = ?

2023-06-05 23:31:41,013 7147  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.selectProcessDefinition  - ==> Parameters: exclusive:1:87503(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,016 7150  [           main] DEBUG tyImpl.selectProcessDefinition  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,016 7150  [           main] DEBUG entEntityImpl.selectDeployment  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RE_DEPLOYMENT where ID_ = ?

2023-06-05 23:31:41,017 7151  [           main] DEBUG entEntityImpl.selectDeployment  - ==> Parameters: 87501(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,019 7153  [           main] DEBUG entEntityImpl.selectDeployment  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,019 7153  [           main] DEBUG mpl.bpmn.deployer.BpmnDeployer  - Processing deployment ??????-????

2023-06-05 23:31:41,020 7154  [           main] DEBUG .selectResourcesByDeploymentId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY where DEPLOYMENT_ID_ = ? order by NAME_ asc 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,021 7155  [           main] DEBUG .selectResourcesByDeploymentId  - ==> Parameters: 87501(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,027 7161  [           main] DEBUG .selectResourcesByDeploymentId  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,029 7163  [           main] DEBUG ployer.ParsedDeploymentBuilder  - Processing BPMN resource bpmn/evection-exclusive.bpmn

2023-06-05 23:31:41,162 7296  [           main] DEBUG er.handler.ProcessParseHandler  - Parsing process exclusive

2023-06-05 23:31:41,175 7309  [           main] DEBUG ssDefinitionByDeploymentAndKey  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RE_PROCDEF where DEPLOYMENT_ID_ = ? and KEY_ = ? and (TENANT_ID_ = '' or TENANT_ID_ is null)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,176 7310  [           main] DEBUG ssDefinitionByDeploymentAndKey  - ==> Parameters: 87501(String), exclusive(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,182 7316  [           main] DEBUG ssDefinitionByDeploymentAndKey  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,185 7319  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  -

2023-06-05 23:31:41,185 7319  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting GetProcessDefinitionInfoCmd --------------------------------------------------------

2023-06-05 23:31:41,185 7319  [           main] DEBUG ptor.CommandContextInterceptor  - Valid context found. Reusing it for the current command 'org.activiti.engine.impl.cmd.GetProcessDefinitionInfoCmd'

2023-06-05 23:31:41,185 7319  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda

2023-06-05 23:31:41,192 7326  [           main] DEBUG itionInfoByProcessDefinitionId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_PROCDEF_INFO where PROC_DEF_ID_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,192 7326  [           main] DEBUG itionInfoByProcessDefinitionId  - ==> Parameters: exclusive:1:87503(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,194 7328  [           main] DEBUG itionInfoByProcessDefinitionId  - <==      Total: 0

2023-06-05 23:31:41,196 7330  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- GetProcessDefinitionInfoCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------

2023-06-05 23:31:41,197 7331  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  -

2023-06-05 23:31:41,199 7333  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTasksByParentTaskId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RU_TASK where PARENT_TASK_ID_ = ?

2023-06-05 23:31:41,200 7334  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTasksByParentTaskId  - ==> Parameters: 90008(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,203 7337  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectTasksByParentTaskId  - <==      Total: 0

2023-06-05 23:31:41,203 7337  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectIdentityLinksByTask  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK where TASK_ID_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,204 7338  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectIdentityLinksByTask  - ==> Parameters: 90008(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,206 7340  [           main] DEBUG Impl.selectIdentityLinksByTask  - <==      Total: 0

2023-06-05 23:31:41,209 7343  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT

2023-06-05 23:31:41,210 7344  [           main] DEBUG mpl.selectHistoricTaskInstance  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_HI_TASKINST where ID_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,210 7344  [           main] DEBUG mpl.selectHistoricTaskInstance  - ==> Parameters: 90008(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,214 7348  [           main] DEBUG mpl.selectHistoricTaskInstance  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,214 7348  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.selectExecution  - ==>  Preparing: select E.*, S.PROC_INST_ID_ AS PARENT_PROC_INST_ID_ from ACT_RU_EXECUTION E LEFT OUTER JOIN ACT_RU_EXECUTION S ON E.SUPER_EXEC_ = S.ID_ where E.ID_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,215 7349  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.selectExecution  - ==> Parameters: 90005(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,218 7352  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.selectExecution  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,220 7354  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.TriggerExecutionOperation added to agenda

2023-06-05 23:31:41,220 7354  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.TriggerExecutionOperation

2023-06-05 23:31:41,220 7354  [           main] DEBUG yImpl.selectTasksByExecutionId  - ==>  Preparing: select distinct T.* from ACT_RU_TASK T where T.EXECUTION_ID_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,220 7354  [           main] DEBUG yImpl.selectTasksByExecutionId  - ==> Parameters: 90005(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,225 7359  [           main] DEBUG yImpl.selectTasksByExecutionId  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,226 7360  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.selectExecution  - ==>  Preparing: select E.*, S.PROC_INST_ID_ AS PARENT_PROC_INST_ID_ from ACT_RU_EXECUTION E LEFT OUTER JOIN ACT_RU_EXECUTION S ON E.SUPER_EXEC_ = S.ID_ where E.ID_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,227 7361  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.selectExecution  - ==> Parameters: 90001(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,234 7368  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.selectExecution  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,237 7371  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.TakeOutgoingSequenceFlowsOperation added to agenda

2023-06-05 23:31:41,238 7372  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.TakeOutgoingSequenceFlowsOperation

2023-06-05 23:31:41,238 7372  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY

2023-06-05 23:31:41,251 7385  [           main] DEBUG stanceExecutionIdAndActivityId  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_HI_ACTINST RES where EXECUTION_ID_ = ? and ACT_ID_ = ? and END_TIME_ is null

2023-06-05 23:31:41,252 7386  [           main] DEBUG stanceExecutionIdAndActivityId  - ==> Parameters: 90005(String), _3(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,257 7391  [           main] DEBUG stanceExecutionIdAndActivityId  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,259 7393  [           main] DEBUG OutgoingSequenceFlowsOperation  - Leaving flow node class org.activiti.bpmn.model.UserTask with id '_3' by following it's 1 outgoing sequenceflow

2023-06-05 23:31:41,264 7398  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation added to agenda

2023-06-05 23:31:41,264 7398  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation

2023-06-05 23:31:41,265 7399  [           main] DEBUG genda.ContinueProcessOperation  - Sequence flow '_6' encountered. Continuing process by following it using execution 90005

2023-06-05 23:31:41,265 7399  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation added to agenda

2023-06-05 23:31:41,265 7399  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ContinueProcessOperation

2023-06-05 23:31:41,265 7399  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY

2023-06-05 23:31:41,268 7402  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  -

2023-06-05 23:31:41,269 7403  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- starting GetNextIdBlockCmd --------------------------------------------------------

2023-06-05 23:31:41,269 7403  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker$1 added to agenda

2023-06-05 23:31:41,269 7403  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Opening JDBC Connection

2023-06-05 23:31:41,358 7492  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,359 7493  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_GE_PROPERTY where NAME_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,360 7494  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - ==> Parameters: next.dbid(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,363 7497  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.selectProperty  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,365 7499  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession

2023-06-05 23:31:41,366 7500  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   update PropertyEntity[name=next.dbid, value=95001]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,366 7500  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 0 insert, 1 update, 0 delete.

2023-06-05 23:31:41,366 7500  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...

2023-06-05 23:31:41,367 7501  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - updating: PropertyEntity[name=next.dbid, value=95001]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,367 7501  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.updateProperty  - ==>  Preparing: update ACT_GE_PROPERTY SET REV_ = ?, VALUE_ = ? where NAME_ = ? and REV_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,368 7502  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.updateProperty  - ==> Parameters: 39(Integer), 95001(String), next.dbid(String), 38(Integer)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,393 7527  [           main] DEBUG pertyEntityImpl.updateProperty  - <==    Updates: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,394 7528  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...

2023-06-05 23:31:41,394 7528  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...

2023-06-05 23:31:41,396 7530  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Committing JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,436 7570  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...

2023-06-05 23:31:41,437 7571  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,438 7572  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,438 7572  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- GetNextIdBlockCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------

2023-06-05 23:31:41,438 7572  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  -

2023-06-05 23:31:41,439 7573  [           main] DEBUG genda.ContinueProcessOperation  - Executing activityBehavior class org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.behavior.UserTaskActivityBehavior on activity '_5' with execution 90005

2023-06-05 23:31:41,472 7606  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT

2023-06-05 23:31:41,474 7608  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT

2023-06-05 23:31:41,474 7608  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY

2023-06-05 23:31:41,474 7608  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY

2023-06-05 23:31:41,475 7609  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: ACTIVITY

2023-06-05 23:31:41,475 7609  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT

2023-06-05 23:31:41,476 7610  [           main] DEBUG IdentityLinksByProcessInstance  - ==>  Preparing: select * from ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK where PROC_INST_ID_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,476 7610  [           main] DEBUG IdentityLinksByProcessInstance  - ==> Parameters: 90001(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,478 7612  [           main] DEBUG IdentityLinksByProcessInstance  - <==      Total: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,478 7612  [           main] DEBUG .history.DefaultHistoryManager  - Current history level: AUDIT, level required: AUDIT

2023-06-05 23:31:41,479 7613  [           main] DEBUG da.DefaultActivitiEngineAgenda  - Operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ExecuteInactiveBehaviorsOperation added to agenda

2023-06-05 23:31:41,479 7613  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.CommandInvoker  - Executing operation class org.activiti.engine.impl.agenda.ExecuteInactiveBehaviorsOperation

2023-06-05 23:31:41,480 7614  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - Flushing dbSqlSession

2023-06-05 23:31:41,480 7614  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert IdentityLinkEntity[id=92503, type=participant, userId=jerry, processInstanceId=90001]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,480 7614  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricIdentityLinkEntityImpl@5e922647

2023-06-05 23:31:41,480 7614  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricTaskInstanceEntityImpl@433c6abb

2023-06-05 23:31:41,480 7614  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert HistoricActivityInstanceEntity[id=92501, activityId=_5, activityName=部门经理审批]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,480 7614  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   insert Task[id=92502, name=部门经理审批]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,480 7614  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   update Execution[ id '90005' ] - activity '_5 - parent '90001'

2023-06-05 23:31:41,480 7614  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   update org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricTaskInstanceEntityImpl@288f173f

2023-06-05 23:31:41,480 7614  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   update HistoricActivityInstanceEntity[id=90007, activityId=_3, activityName=?????]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,481 7615  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  -   delete Task[id=90008, name=?????] with id 90008

2023-06-05 23:31:41,481 7615  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - flush summary: 5 insert, 3 update, 1 delete.

2023-06-05 23:31:41,481 7615  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - now executing flush...

2023-06-05 23:31:41,481 7615  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricTaskInstanceEntityImpl@433c6abb

2023-06-05 23:31:41,481 7615  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricTaskInstance  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_HI_TASKINST ( ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, EXECUTION_ID_, NAME_, PARENT_TASK_ID_, DESCRIPTION_, OWNER_, ASSIGNEE_, START_TIME_, CLAIM_TIME_, END_TIME_, DURATION_, DELETE_REASON_, TASK_DEF_KEY_, FORM_KEY_, PRIORITY_, DUE_DATE_, CATEGORY_, TENANT_ID_ ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,489 7623  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricTaskInstance  - ==> Parameters: 92502(String), exclusive:1:87503(String), 90001(String), 90005(String), 部门经理审批(String), null, null, null, jerry(String), 2023-06-05 23:31:41.474(Timestamp), null, null, null, null, _5(String), null, 50(Integer), null, null, (String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,513 7647  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricTaskInstance  - <==    Updates: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,514 7648  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: HistoricActivityInstanceEntity[id=92501, activityId=_5, activityName=部门经理审批]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,514 7648  [           main] DEBUG insertHistoricActivityInstance  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_HI_ACTINST ( ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, EXECUTION_ID_, ACT_ID_, TASK_ID_, CALL_PROC_INST_ID_, ACT_NAME_, ACT_TYPE_, ASSIGNEE_, START_TIME_, END_TIME_, DURATION_, DELETE_REASON_, TENANT_ID_ ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,517 7651  [           main] DEBUG insertHistoricActivityInstance  - ==> Parameters: 92501(String), exclusive:1:87503(String), 90001(String), 90005(String), _5(String), 92502(String), null, 部门经理审批(String), userTask(String), jerry(String), 2023-06-05 23:31:41.438(Timestamp), null, null, null, (String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,521 7655  [           main] DEBUG insertHistoricActivityInstance  - <==    Updates: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,521 7655  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricIdentityLinkEntityImpl@5e922647

2023-06-05 23:31:41,522 7656  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricIdentityLink  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK (ID_, TYPE_, USER_ID_, GROUP_ID_, TASK_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,523 7657  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricIdentityLink  - ==> Parameters: 92503(String), participant(String), jerry(String), null, null, 90001(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,531 7665  [           main] DEBUG mpl.insertHistoricIdentityLink  - <==    Updates: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,531 7665  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: Task[id=92502, name=部门经理审批]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,532 7666  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.insertTask  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_RU_TASK (ID_, REV_, NAME_, BUSINESS_KEY_, PARENT_TASK_ID_, DESCRIPTION_, PRIORITY_, CREATE_TIME_, OWNER_, ASSIGNEE_, DELEGATION_, EXECUTION_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, TASK_DEF_KEY_, DUE_DATE_, CATEGORY_, SUSPENSION_STATE_, TENANT_ID_, FORM_KEY_, CLAIM_TIME_, APP_VERSION_) values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )

2023-06-05 23:31:41,538 7672  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.insertTask  - ==> Parameters: 92502(String), 部门经理审批(String), null, null, null, 50(Integer), 2023-06-05 23:31:41.439(Timestamp), null, jerry(String), null, 90005(String), 90001(String), exclusive:1:87503(String), _5(String), null, null, 1(Integer), (String), null, null, null

2023-06-05 23:31:41,544 7678  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.insertTask  - <==    Updates: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,544 7678  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - inserting: IdentityLinkEntity[id=92503, type=participant, userId=jerry, processInstanceId=90001]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,545 7679  [           main] DEBUG kEntityImpl.insertIdentityLink  - ==>  Preparing: insert into ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK (ID_, REV_, TYPE_, USER_ID_, GROUP_ID_, TASK_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_) values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,545 7679  [           main] DEBUG kEntityImpl.insertIdentityLink  - ==> Parameters: 92503(String), participant(String), jerry(String), null, null, 90001(String), null

2023-06-05 23:31:41,548 7682  [           main] DEBUG kEntityImpl.insertIdentityLink  - <==    Updates: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,548 7682  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - updating: Execution[ id '90005' ] - activity '_5 - parent '90001'

2023-06-05 23:31:41,548 7682  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.updateExecution  - ==>  Preparing: update ACT_RU_EXECUTION set REV_ = ?, BUSINESS_KEY_ = ?, PROC_DEF_ID_ = ?, ACT_ID_ = ?, IS_ACTIVE_ = ?, IS_CONCURRENT_ = ?, IS_SCOPE_ = ?, IS_EVENT_SCOPE_ = ?, IS_MI_ROOT_ = ?, PARENT_ID_ = ?, SUPER_EXEC_ = ?, ROOT_PROC_INST_ID_ = ?, SUSPENSION_STATE_ = ?, NAME_ = ?, IS_COUNT_ENABLED_ = ?, EVT_SUBSCR_COUNT_ = ?, TASK_COUNT_ = ?, JOB_COUNT_ = ?, TIMER_JOB_COUNT_ = ?, SUSP_JOB_COUNT_ = ?, DEADLETTER_JOB_COUNT_ = ?, VAR_COUNT_ = ?, ID_LINK_COUNT_ = ?, APP_VERSION_ = ? where ID_ = ? and REV_ = ?

2023-06-05 23:31:41,550 7684  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.updateExecution  - ==> Parameters: 2(Integer), null, exclusive:1:87503(String), _5(String), true(Boolean), false(Boolean), false(Boolean), false(Boolean), false(Boolean), 90001(String), null, 90001(String), 1(Integer), null, false(Boolean), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), null, 90005(String), 1(Integer)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,557 7691  [           main] DEBUG tionEntityImpl.updateExecution  - <==    Updates: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,557 7691  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - updating: org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricTaskInstanceEntityImpl@288f173f

2023-06-05 23:31:41,558 7692  [           main] DEBUG mpl.updateHistoricTaskInstance  - ==>  Preparing: update ACT_HI_TASKINST set PROC_DEF_ID_ = ?, EXECUTION_ID_ = ?, NAME_ = ?, PARENT_TASK_ID_ = ?, DESCRIPTION_ = ?, OWNER_ = ?, ASSIGNEE_ = ?, CLAIM_TIME_ = ?, END_TIME_ = ?, DURATION_ = ?, DELETE_REASON_ = ?, TASK_DEF_KEY_ = ?, FORM_KEY_ = ?, PRIORITY_ = ?, DUE_DATE_ = ?, CATEGORY_ = ? where ID_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,559 7693  [           main] DEBUG mpl.updateHistoricTaskInstance  - ==> Parameters: exclusive:1:87503(String), 90005(String), ?????(String), null, null, null, tom(String), null, 2023-06-05 23:31:41.214(Timestamp), 1037613(Long), null, _3(String), null, 50(Integer), null, null, 90008(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,564 7698  [           main] DEBUG mpl.updateHistoricTaskInstance  - <==    Updates: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,564 7698  [           main] DEBUG ti.engine.impl.db.DbSqlSession  - updating: HistoricActivityInstanceEntity[id=90007, activityId=_3, activityName=?????]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,566 7700  [           main] DEBUG updateHistoricActivityInstance  - ==>  Preparing: update ACT_HI_ACTINST set EXECUTION_ID_ = ?, ASSIGNEE_ = ?, END_TIME_ = ?, DURATION_ = ?, DELETE_REASON_ = ? where ID_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,569 7703  [           main] DEBUG updateHistoricActivityInstance  - ==> Parameters: 90005(String), tom(String), 2023-06-05 23:31:41.258(Timestamp), 1037699(Long), null, 90007(String)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,575 7709  [           main] DEBUG updateHistoricActivityInstance  - <==    Updates: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,577 7711  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.deleteTask  - ==>  Preparing: delete from ACT_RU_TASK where ID_ = ? and REV_ = ? 

2023-06-05 23:31:41,578 7712  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.deleteTask  - ==> Parameters: 90008(String), 1(Integer)

2023-06-05 23:31:41,663 7797  [           main] DEBUG tity.TaskEntityImpl.deleteTask  - <==    Updates: 1

2023-06-05 23:31:41,663 7797  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committing...

2023-06-05 23:31:41,663 7797  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - committing the ibatis sql session...

2023-06-05 23:31:41,665 7799  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Committing JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,751 7885  [           main] DEBUG aloneMybatisTransactionContext  - firing event committed...

2023-06-05 23:31:41,753 7887  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,754 7888  [           main] DEBUG ansaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction  - Closing JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector/J]

2023-06-05 23:31:41,755 7889  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  - --- CompleteTaskCmd finished --------------------------------------------------------

2023-06-05 23:31:41,755 7889  [           main] DEBUG mpl.interceptor.LogInterceptor  -

Process finished with exit code 0

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