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原创 ZooKeeper3.7.0 编译客户端zookeeper-client

linux编译zk客户端,折腾了好久,感觉就是坑,记录一下~想要库的直接下载:编译出的头文件和库:https://download.csdn.net/download/u013081817/51714320下面进行编译步骤:官网下载apache-zookeeper-3.7.0.tar.gzhttps://zookeeper.apache.org/releases.html文件内容:按照zookeeper-client里面的readme,在zookeeper根目录执行ant compile

2021-12-18 07:33:33 2091 4

原创 apt-get update: No longer has a Release file

ubuntu bionic Release’ no longer has a Release file.Ubuntu apt-get update遇到这种情况,先试下换成手机热点,或其他网络

2021-11-22 15:32:55 510


linux下编译zookeeper3.7.0出的头文件和库: proto.h recordio.h zookeeper.h zookeeper.jute.h zookeeper_log.h zookeeper_version.h libzookeeper_mt.a libzookeeper_mt.la libzookeeper_mt.so libzookeeper_mt.so.2 libzookeeper_mt.so.2.0.0 libzookeeper_st.a libzookeeper_st.la libzookeeper_st.so libzookeeper_st.so.2 libzookeeper_st.so.2.0.0





Augmented Reality Where We Will All Live / by Jon Peddie

Preface -- Introduction -- Types of Augmented Reality Systems -- Augmented Reality—We’ll All Be Experts Now -- Overview of Augmented Reality System Organization -- Historical Overview: Ghosts to Real AR to DARPA -- Key Applications -- Software Tools and Technologies -- Technology Issues -- Augmented Reality Devices and Suppliers -- Conclusions and Future Possibilities -- Appendix. This book provides an in-depth exploration of the field of augmented reality (AR) in its entirety and sets out to distinguish AR from other inter-related technologies like virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR). The author presents AR from its initial philosophies and early developments, to its current technologies and its impact on our modern society, to its possible future developments; providing readers with the tools to understand issues relating to defining, building, and using our perception of what is represented in our perceived reality, and ultimately how we assimilate and react to this information. Augmented Reality: Where We Will All Live can be used as a comprehensive guide to the field of AR and provides valuable insights for technologists, marketers, business managers, educators and academics who are interested in the field of augmented reality; its concepts, history, practices and the science behind this rapidly advancing field of research and development.


Understanding augmented reality concepts and applications 、Alan B. Craig.

Machine generated contents note: Chapter 1 What is Augmented Reality? Chapter 2 Augmented Reality Concepts Chapter 3 Content is Key! Augmented Reality Content Chapter 4 Augmented Reality Hardware Chapter 5 Augmented Reality Software Chapter 6 Interaction in Augmented Reality Chapter 7 Mobile Augmented Reality Chapter 8 Augmented Reality Applications Chapter 9 The future of Augmented Reality. "Chapter 1 introduces the idea that augmented reality (AR) is a medium. Although it is a medium, there is technology that is required to carry it out. In much the same way that technology is required for other media, like movies, AR also utilizes technology to carry out the ideas represented in the medium. It is important to learn about the medium first and foremost and then the technology. A movie producer must understand the medium and its affordances, how it can be used to tell a story, etc. in order to create a compelling movie. Simply learning about cameras and projectors does not enable one to make great movies. The same is true with augmented reality. Simply learning about the technology does not enable an AR producer to create compelling AR applications. Chapter 1 also provides a history of augmented reality, compares and situates augmented reality with related media an technologies, and defines some key terms related to augmented reality, including the definition for augmented reality that is used throughout the book"


Handbook of Augmented Reality

PART I TECHNOLOGIES -- Augmented Reality: An Overview -- New Augmented Reality Taxonomy: Technologies and Features of Augmented Environment -- Visualization Techniques for Augmented Reality -- Mobile Augmented Reality Game Engine -- Head-Mounted Projection Display Technology and Applications -- Wireless Displays in Educational Augmented Reality Applications -- Mobile Projection Interfaces for Augmented Reality Applications -- Interactive Volume Segmentation and Visualization in Augmented Reality -- Virtual Roommates: Sampling and Reconstructing Presence in Multiple Shared Spaces -- Large Scale Spatial Augmented Reality for Design and Prototyping -- Markless Tracking for Augmented Reality -- Enhancing Interactivity in Handheld AR Environments -- Evaluating Augmented Reality Systems -- Situated Simulations Between Virtual Reality and Mobile Augmented Reality: Designing a Narrative Space -- Referencing Patterns in Collaborative Augmented Reality -- QR Code Based Augmented Reality and Its Applications -- Evolution of a Tracking System -- Navigation Techniques in Augmented and Mixed Reality: Crossing the Virtuality Continuum -- Survey of Use Cases for Mobile Augmented Reality Browsers -- PART II APPLICATIONS -- Augmented Reality for Nano Manipulation -- Augmented Reality in Psychology -- Environmental Planning Using Augmented Reality -- Mixed Reality Manikins for Medical Education -- Augmented Reality Applied to Edutainment -- Designing Mobile Augmented Reality Games -- Network Middleware for Mobile and Pervasive Large Scale Augmented Reality Games -- 3D Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality for Image-Guided Surgery -- Augmented Reality in Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation Engineering -- Using Augmentation Techniques for Performance Evaluation in Automotive Safety -- Augmented Reality in Product Development and Manufacturing -- Military Applications of Augmented Reality -- Augmented Reality in Exhibition and Entertainment for the Public -- GIS and Augmented Reality: State of the Art and Issues. Augmented Reality (AR) refers to the merging of a live view of the physical, real world with context-sensitive, computer-generated images to create a mixed reality. Through this augmented vision, a user can digitally interact with and adjust information about their surrounding environment on-the-fly. Handbook of Augmented Reality provides an extensive overview of the current and future trends in Augmented Reality, and chronicles the dramatic growth in this field. The book includes contributions from world expert s in the field of AR from academia, research laboratories and private industry. Case studies and examples throughout the handbook help introduce the basic concepts of AR, as well as outline the Computer Vision and Multimedia techniques most commonly used today. The book is intended for a wide variety of readers including academicians, designers, developers, educators, engineers, practitioners, researchers, and graduate students. This book can also be beneficial for business managers, entrepreneurs, and investors.


Soft Computing in Machine Learning(PDF)

Machine learning as part of intelligent systems is already one of the most critical components in everyday tools ranging from search engines and credit card fraud detection to stock market analysis. You can train machines to perform some things, so that they can automatically detect, diagnose, and solve a variety of problems. The intelligent systems have made rapid progress in developing the state of the art in machine learning based on smart and deep perception. Using machine learning, the intelligent systems make widely applications in automated speech recognition, natural language processing, medical diagnosis, bioinformatics, and robot locomotion. This book aims at introducing how to treat a substantial amount of data, to teach machines and to improve decision making models. And this book specializes in the developments of advanced intelligent systems through machine learning. It consists of 11 contributions that features illumination change detection, generator of electronic educational publications, intelligent call triage system, recognition of rocks at uranium deposits, graphics processing units, mathematical model of hit phenomena, selection and mutation in genetic algorithm, hands and arms motion estimation, application of wavelet network, Kanizsa triangle illusion, and support vector machine regression. Also, it describes how to apply the machine learning for the intelligent systems. This edition is published in original, peer reviewed contributions covering from initial design to final prototypes and verifications


Robot Motion and Control Recent Developments(PDF)

Control and Trajectory Planning of Nonholonomic Systems -- Trajectory Tracking for Nonholonomic Vehicles -- Posture Stabilization of a Unicycle Mobile Robot — Two Control Approaches -- Trajectory Tracking Control for Nonholonomic Mobile Manipulators -- Bases for Local Nonholonomic Motion Planning -- On Drift Neutralization of Stratified Systems -- Control and Mechanical Systems -- Novel Adaptive Control of Partially Modeled Dynamic Systems -- Example Applications of Fuzzy Reasoning and Neural Networks in Robot Control -- Adaptive Control of Kinematically Redundant Manipulator along a Prescribed Geometric Path -- Adaptive Visual Servo Control of Robot Manipulators via Composite Camera Inputs -- Flexible Robot Trajectory Tracking Control -- Modeling, Motion Planning and Control of the Drones with Revolving Aerofoils: an Outline of the XSF Project -- Climbing and Walking Robots -- Absolute Orientation Estimation for Observer-based Control of a Five-link Walking Biped Robot -- Biologically Inspired Motion Planning in Robotics -- Control of an Autonomous Climbing Robot -- Computation of Optimum Consumption of Energy for Anthropomorphic Robot Driven by Electric Motor -- Multi-agent Systems and Localization Methods


Designing the Search Experience (PDF)

Search is not just a box and ten blue links. Search is a journey: an exploration where what we encounter along the way changes what we seek. But in order to guide people along this journey, designers must understand both the art and science of search.In Designing the Search Experience, authors Tony Russell-Rose and Tyler Tate weave together the theories of information seeking with the practice of user interface design. Understand how people search, and how the concepts of information seeking, information foraging, and sense making underpin the sea


Ubuntu 14.04上安装Openface

Openface是一个基于深度神经网络的开源人脸识别系统, 可用于情感计算等相关方面。





Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach 3rd-original中文高清PDF+英文高清PDF

Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach 3rd-original 人工智能 一种现代的方法(第3版) 中文高清PDF+英文高清PDF 下载地址


VC++6.0 英文版(原版)

VC++6.0 英文版下载地址。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。


TI BasicRF 简单无线点对点传输协议(0分下载)

TI BasicRF 简单无线点对点传输协议,用于无线节点点灯实验的学习


Wireless Sensor Networks.PDF

Wireless Sensor Networks PDF



Texas Instruments德州仪器,CC2530数据手册中文版



Texas Instruments,德州仪器的CC2530数据手册














Visual Basic串口通信及编程实例配套光盘内容

《Visual Basic串口通信及编程实例》书 的光盘








Turbo C 2.0英文版.zip




文档中详细描述了mscomm串口控件的使用 采用图文形式讲解 防止初学者光看文档看不懂的情况






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