
runtime 文档描述

// 1. GC performs sweep termination.
//    a. Stop the world. This causes all Ps to reach a GC safe-point.(STW)
//    b. Sweep any unswept spans. There will only be unswept spans if
//    this GC cycle was forced before the expected time. (强制gc可能会导致存在尚未清扫的spans)
// 2. GC performs the mark phase.
//    a. Prepare for the mark phase by setting gcphase to _GCmark
//    (from _GCoff), enabling the write barrier, enabling mutator
//    assists, and enqueueing root mark jobs. No objects may be
//    scanned until all Ps have enabled the write barrier, which is
//    accomplished using STW. (开启写屏障和辅助gc,辅助gc是将部分标记和清扫工作交给用户goroutine执行)
//    b. Start the world. From this point, GC work is done by mark
//    workers started by the scheduler and by assists performed as
//    part of allocation. The write barrier shades both the
//    overwritten pointer and the new pointer value for any pointer
//    writes (see mbarrier.go for details). Newly allocated objects
//    are immediately marked black.(写屏障会将修改引用关系的白色对象标记为灰色,新分配的对象直接标记为黑色)
//    c. GC performs root marking jobs. This includes scanning all
//    stacks, shading all globals, and shading any heap pointers in
//    off-heap runtime data structures. Scanning a stack stops a
//    goroutine, shades any pointers found on its stack, and then
//    resumes the goroutine.(扫描栈,标记全局对象,标记堆中的根对象。扫描栈时会暂停goroutine)
//    d. GC drains the work queue of grey objects, scanning each grey
//    object to black and shading all pointers found in the object
//    (which in turn may add those pointers to the work queue).
//    e. Because GC work is spread across local caches, GC uses a
//    distributed termination algorithm to detect when there are no
//    more root marking jobs or grey objects (see gcMarkDone). At this
//    point, GC transitions to mark termination.
// 3. GC performs mark termination.
//    a. Stop the world. (STW)
//    b. Set gcphase to _GCmarktermination, and disable workers and
//    assists.(关闭辅助gc)
//    c. Perform housekeeping like flushing mcaches.
// 4. GC performs the sweep phase.
//    a. Prepare for the sweep phase by setting gcphase to _GCoff,
//    setting up sweep state and disabling the write barrier.(关闭写屏障)
//    b. Start the world. From this point on, newly allocated objects
//    are white, and allocating sweeps spans before use if necessary.
//    c. GC does concurrent sweeping in the background and in response
//    to allocation. See description below.
// 5. When sufficient allocation has taken place, replay the sequence
// starting with 1 above. See discussion of GC rate below.

// Concurrent sweep.
// The sweep phase proceeds concurrently with normal program execution.
// The heap is swept span-by-span both lazily (when a goroutine needs another span)
// and concurrently in a background goroutine (this helps programs that are not CPU bound).
// At the end of STW mark termination all spans are marked as "needs sweeping".
// The background sweeper goroutine simply sweeps spans one-by-one.
// To avoid requesting more OS memory while there are unswept spans, when a
// goroutine needs another span, it first attempts to reclaim that much memory
// by sweeping. When a goroutine needs to allocate a new small-object span, it
// sweeps small-object spans for the same object size until it frees at least
// one object. When a goroutine needs to allocate large-object span from heap,
// it sweeps spans until it frees at least that many pages into heap. There is
// one case where this may not suffice: if a goroutine sweeps and frees two
// nonadjacent one-page spans to the heap, it will allocate a new two-page
// span, but there can still be other one-page unswept spans which could be
// combined into a two-page span.
// It's critical to ensure that no operations proceed on unswept spans (that would corrupt
// mark bits in GC bitmap). During GC all mcaches are flushed into the central cache,
// so they are empty. When a goroutine grabs a new span into mcache, it sweeps it.
// When a goroutine explicitly frees an object or sets a finalizer, it ensures that
// the span is swept (either by sweeping it, or by waiting for the concurrent sweep to finish).
// The finalizer goroutine is kicked off only when all spans are swept.
// When the next GC starts, it sweeps all not-yet-swept spans (if any).

// GC rate.
// Next GC is after we've allocated an extra amount of memory proportional to
// the amount already in use. The proportion is controlled by GOGC environment variable
// (100 by default). If GOGC=100 and we're using 4M, we'll GC again when we get to 8M
// (this mark is tracked in next_gc variable). This keeps the GC cost in linear
// proportion to the allocation cost. Adjusting GOGC just changes the linear constant
// (and also the amount of extra memory used).

// Oblets
// In order to prevent long pauses while scanning large objects and to
// improve parallelism, the garbage collector breaks up scan jobs for
// objects larger than maxObletBytes into "oblets" of at most
// maxObletBytes. When scanning encounters the beginning of a large
// object, it scans only the first oblet and enqueues the remaining
// oblets as new scan jobs.
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