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转载 SQL on_delete的删除选项
There are 6 possible actions to take when such event occurs:CASCADE: When the referenced object is deleted, also delete the objects that have references to it (When you remove a blog post for instance...
2018-06-16 00:33:00 1716 1
原创 python 对象感悟
python 对象 : function object, class object(包括 buit-in object(int str list tuple set dict))对象的创建:1、function 定义创造函数对象;2、function的调用;3、class定义创造类对象;4、class的实例化。对象创建本质上定义了一个namespace,这个名字空间是一些键值对,(key,valu...
2018-06-14 22:54:36 180
原创 Ngnix 总结
Part 1 :路由原则 server和locationhttps://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/understanding-nginx-server-and-location-block-selection-algorithms描述越准确,优先级越高
2018-06-13 23:29:38 138
原创 regx
1、创建正则对象let re1 = new RegExp("abc");let re2 = /abc/; 2、测试匹配console.log(/abc/.test("abcde"));// → trueconsole.log(/abc/.test("abxde"));// → false 3、字符类\d Any digit character\w An alphanumeric character...
2018-06-08 19:47:30 1005
原创 object
2018-06-08 19:17:57 144
转载 program Structure
BINDINGS or variables keyword: let, var, const:BINDING NAMES: A binding name may include dollar signs ($) or underscores (_) but no other punctuation or special characters. ENVIRONMENT:...
2018-06-04 17:47:01 210
原创 Django管理控制台技术
Django-suit 安装和部署1. pip install Django-suit2. 将’suit’加到INSTALLED_APPS中,suit 必须在所有管理APP之前。3. 将django.template.context_processors.request 加到TEMPLATES->OPTIONS->context_processors...
2018-06-03 22:58:44 1065
原创 function decorator
概念:function decorator 是一个返回函数的的函数(high order function, function return function) 技术用途:在不改变函数的代码的情况下,修改函数的执行行为。 基本的结构:...
2018-06-03 00:41:23 390
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹