**官方解释:The lastIndex is a read/write integer property of regular expression instances that specifies the index at which to start the next match.(lastIndex是正则表达式实例读/写的整数属性,指定开始下一个匹配的索引。)
**正则的实例属性 lastIndex,初始情况下都是从零开始,当第二次调用这个实例匹配字符串时是从
var reg = new RegExp(/\s(fo)+/,'g');
console.log(reg.lastIndex); // 0
var bol3 = reg.test('i like play afootball,fo'); //输出 false
console.log(reg.lastIndex); // 0
var bol1 = reg.test('i like play afootball, fo'); //输出true
console.log(reg.lastIndex); //25
var arr = reg.exec('i like play fo football'); //['fo','fo']
console.log(reg.lastIndex); //0
var bol2 = reg.test('i like play football,fo'); //输出false
console.log(reg.lastIndex); //14
console.log(bol3); //false
console.log(arr); //null
console.log(bol1); //true
console.log(bol2); //true
最新推荐文章于 2023-12-18 13:08:41 发布