重装 11G( ORDIM组件

1,Removing Oracle Multimedia

  1. Start SQL*Plus, and connect as SYSDBA:

    % sqlplus
    SQL> CONNECT sys as sysdba
  2. Call the script catcmprm.sql, with the parameter ORDIM:

    On Linux and UNIX:

    SQL> @<ORACLE_HOME>/rdbms/admin/catcmprm.sql ORDIM

    On Windows:

    SQL> @<ORACLE_HOME>\rdbms\admin\catcmprm.sql ORDIM

    If one or more components that depend on Oracle Multimedia (such as Oracle Spatial) are installed, this message appears:

    ORDIM cannot be removed as it has the following dependencies:
        Component: SDO Namespace: SERVER

    If no dependent components are installed, a message appears, indicating either that Oracle Multimedia is or is not in use.

    Then, a prompt asks if you really want to remove Oracle Multimedia.

  3. Reply to the prompt with Y or y to remove Oracle Multimedia.

    Oracle Multimedia is removed with force (regardless of whether it is in use).

2 Installation and Configuration Steps

These steps are not required if you use the Database Configuration Assistant.

To install and configure Oracle Multimedia manually, perform these steps (<ORACLE_HOME> represents the Oracle home directory):

  1. Use Oracle Universal Installer to install the files that comprise Oracle Multimedia on your system.

  2. Decide which tablespace to use for the Oracle Multimedia users, and which tablespace to use for the Oracle Spatial/Oracle Multimedia Location Services user (see Table B-1). Oracle recommends using the SYSAUX tablespace for all of these users.

  3. Create the users and grant the appropriate privileges, as follows:

    1. Start SQL*Plus and connect as SYSDBA:

      % sqlplus
      SQL> CONNECT sys as sysdba
    2. Call the script ordinst.sql, with two parameters for the Oracle Multimedia tablespace and the Oracle Spatial/Oracle Multimedia Location Services tablespace:

      On Linux and UNIX:

      SQL> @<ORACLE_HOME>/ord/admin/ordinst.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX

      On Windows:

      SQL> @<ORACLE_HOME>\ord\admin\ordinst.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX 
  4. Install the Oracle Multimedia types and packages, as follows:

    Call the script catim.sql, while you are connected as SYSDBA:

    On Linux and UNIX:

    SQL> @<ORACLE_HOME>/ord/im/admin/catim.sql

    On Windows:

    SQL> @<ORACLE_HOME>\ord\im\admin\catim.sql

Now Oracle Multimedia is ready for use.

3 Verifying an Installed Version of Oracle Multimedia

After installing or upgrading Oracle Multimedia, you can verify the Oracle Multimedia installation by calling the Oracle Multimedia validation procedure.

To run the Oracle Multimedia validation procedure, perform these steps:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect as SYSDBA:

    % sqlplus
    SQL> CONNECT sys as sysdba
  2. Execute the procedure sys.validate_ordim:

    SQL> execute sys.validate_ordim;

    If the validation procedure detects invalid objects, it lists the first few invalid objects and sets the registry entry to INVALID; otherwise, it silently sets the Oracle Multimedia registry entry to VALID.

  3. Verify that the registry entry for Oracle Multimedia is correct, as follows:

    1. Enter this query from SQL*Plus, while you are connected as SYSDBA:

      SQL> select version, status from dba_registry where comp_id='ORDIM';
    2. Examine the result of the query to ensure that the version value is correct and the status value is VALID.

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