Java - Difference between Abstract class and Interface

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Difference between abstract class and interface in Java

1) Interface in Java can only contains declaration. You can not declare any concrete methods inside interface. On the other hand abstract class may contain both abstract and concrete methods, which makes abstract class an ideal place to provide common or default functionality.

2) Java interface can extend multiple interface also Java class can implement multiple interfaces, Which means interface can provide more Polymorphism support than abstract class.

3) In order to implement interface in Java, until your class is abstract, you need to provide implementation of all methods, which is very painful. On the other hand abstract class may help you in this case by providing default implementation.

When to use abstract class and interface in Java

1) In Java particularly, decision between choosing Abstract class and interface may influence by the fact that multiple inheritance is not supported in Java. One of the common example, in favor of interface over abstract class is Thread vs Runnable case. If you want to execute a task and need run() method it's better to implement Runnable interface than extending Thread class.

2) Let's see another case where an abstract class suits better than interface. Since abstract class can include concrete methods, it’s great for maintenance point of view, particularly when your base class is evolving and keep changing.

3) Interface in Java is great for defining Types. Programming for interfaces than implementation is also one of the useful Object oriented design principle which suggests benefit of using interface as argument to function, return type etc.

4) One more general rule of when to use abstract class and interface is to find out whether a certain class will form a IS-A hierarchy or CAN-DO-THIS hierarchy. If you know that you will be creating classes e.g. Circle, Square then it's better to create an abstract class Shape which can have area() and perimeter() as abstract method, rather than defining Shape as interface in Java. On the other hand if you are going to create classes which can do thinks like, can fly, you can use interface Flyable instead of abstract class.

5) Interface generally define capability e.g. Runnable can run(), Callable can call(), Displayable can display(). So if you need to define capability, consider using interface. Since a class can have multiple capabilities i.e. a class can be Runnable as well as Displayable at same time. As discussed in first point, Since java does not allow multiple inheritance at class level, only way to provide multiple capability is via interfaces.

6) Let's see another example of where to use Abstract class and Interface in Java, which is related to earlier point. Suppose you have lot of classes to model which are birds, which can fly, then creating a base abstract class as Bird would be appropriate,  but if you have to model other things along with Birds, which can fly e.g. Airplanes, Balloons or Kites, then it's better to create interface Flyable to represent flying functionality. In conclusion, if you need to provide a functionality which is used by same type of class then use Abstract class and if functionality can be used by completely unrelated classes then use interface.

7) Another interesting use of Abstract class and interface is: defining contract using interface and providing skeletal using abstract class. java.util.List from Java collection framework is a good example of this pattern. List is declared as interface and extends Collection and Iterable interface , AbstractList is an abstract class which implements List. AbstractList provides skeletal implementation of List interface. Benefit of using this approach is that it minimize the effort to implement this interface by concrete class e.g. ArrayList or LinkedList. If you don't use skeletal implementation e.g. abstract class and instead decide to implement List interface then not only you need to implement all List methods but also you might be duplicating common code. Abstract class in this case reduce effort to implement interface.

8) Interface also provide more decoupling than abstract class because interface doesn't contain any implementation detail, while abstract class may contain default implementation which may couple them with other class or resource.

9) Using interface also help while implementing Dependency Injection design pattern and makes testing easy. Many mock testing framework utilize this behavior.

Last thing to remember is that interface is extremely difficult to evolve, so put extra care while designing interfaces.

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