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原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Good Luck - Java

Google Code Jam Notes - Good Luck - Java

2014-01-10 03:43:16 1015

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Meet And Party - Java

Problem:https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/2929486/dashboard#s=p1Analysis:Calculating the total distance can be divided to calculate the total horizontal distance and total vertic

2013-12-31 04:18:28 1070

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Dragon Maze - Java

You are the prince of Dragon Kingdom and your kingdom is in danger of running out of power. You must find power to save your kingdom and its people. An old legend states that power comes from a place known as Dragon Maze. Dragon Maze appears randomly out o

2013-12-28 04:52:21 965

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Alien Language - Java

Problem:http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/90101/dashboard#s=p0Analysis:Because L is no more than 15, and also the word is composed of 26 characters. A boolean[15][26] is used to

2013-12-28 00:35:33 1234

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - All Your Base - Java

Problem:https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/189252/dashboard#s=p0Analysis:The base is dependent on how many different characters in the string. The first digit has to be 1, and then we ass

2013-12-28 00:33:49 1487

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Bad Horse - Java

Problemhttp://code.google.com/codejam/contest/2845486/dashboard#s=p2Analysis:Solve this problem by using DFS, since large data set is 100, we can implement it recursively.T

2013-12-28 00:31:11 1530

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Captain Hammer - Java

Problem:http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/2845486/dashboard#s=p1Analysis:This is a physics problemV*sinx = 1/2 * g * tV*cosx * t = D=>x = 1/2* arcsin(gD/v^2)

2013-12-28 00:28:40 1577 1

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Cross The Maze - Java

Google Code Jam Notes - Cross The Maze - Java

2013-12-28 00:18:08 1708

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - File Fix-It - Java

Problem:https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/635101/dashboard#s=p0Analysis:Create a collection for the directives we already have, and create a collection for the directives we ne

2013-12-28 00:15:45 829

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Minimum Scalar Product - Java

Problem:http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/32016/dashboard#s=p0Analysis:This is actually a mathematical problem, the fact is if we have two arrays in natural order:(x1, x2, x

2013-12-28 00:13:29 976

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Moist - Java

Problem:http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/2845486/dashboard#s=p0Analysis:There is no need to insert the card in the right position, just calculate how many times it need to inse

2013-12-28 00:09:08 713

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Rational Number Tree - Java

Google Code Jam Notes - Rational Number Tree - Java

2013-12-28 00:08:06 1419

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Read Phone Number - Java

Problem:http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/2924486/dashboard#s=p0Analysis:Take your time and simulate each step.Time complexity O(n).My solution: (Your opinio

2013-12-28 00:07:00 608

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Reverse Words - Java

Problem:http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/351101/dashboard#s=p1Analysis:Straightforward, use String.split("\\s") to separate each word.Time complexity: O(n).My sol

2013-12-28 00:05:39 860

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Rope Intranet - Java

Problem:http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/619102/dashboard#s=p0Analysis:Sort one side of the end points, and calculate how many end points not in order on the other side.

2013-12-28 00:04:21 696

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Rotate - Java

Problem:https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/544101/dashboard#s=p0Analysis:The trick for this problem is that you don't need to rotate the table! Just push all the characters to t

2013-12-28 00:00:56 612

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Sorting - Java

Problem:http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/2924486/dashboard#s=p2Analysis:package codeJam.google.com;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.FileReader;import java.io.File

2013-12-27 23:58:24 580

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Spaceship Defence - Java

Google Code Jam Notes - Spaceship Defence - Java

2013-12-27 23:56:13 1000

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Store Credit - Java

Problem:https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/351101/dashboard#s=p0Analysis:Warm up practice, time complexity O(n^2).My solution: (Your opinion is highly appreciated)pack

2013-12-27 23:51:03 800

原创 Google Code Jam Notes - Sudoku Checker - Java

Problem:http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/2929486/dashboard#s=p0Analysis:Use Set to check whether each element is just appearing once either in a line, a row, or a subMatrix. Time

2013-12-27 23:36:54 1131



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