Scroll View 控件以Thumbnail的方式显示一个文件夹的所有图片,类似图片浏览器

MAC : XCode -> Scroll View 控件以Thumbnail的方式显示一个文件夹的所有图片,类似图片浏览器


STEP2:将Quartz.framework 和QuartzCore.framework库 导入到工程里面,这两个库是系统库

STEP3:   找到控件Scroll View 控件,上面写着“Scroll View”拖入到工程里面,然后将其里面的类修改为:

ImageBrowser 这是上面文件夹里面一个类。

STEP4: 从控件面板里面,找到2个委托类,然后分别对应ImageDataSource 和 ImageBrowserDelegate

STEP5:  然后将控件(里面的)按住Ctrl拖拉到委托控件上,然后分别对应数据源Datasource和Delegate

STEP6:  然后还要对这个控件绑定,代码已经在数据源和委托类写好,只要拖拉对应这个控件就可以。也是一定是ScrollView里面一层的控件。

STEP7:  然后查看1下,是否DataSource和delegate,还有2个定义是否绑定好


- (IBAction)OnBT_SelectFolder:(id)sender


    NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];

    NSString *msg=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Select a folder"];



    [panel setMessage:msg];

    [panel setPrompt:@"OK"];

    [panel setCanChooseDirectories:YES];

    [panel setCanCreateDirectories:YES];

    [panel setCanChooseFiles:NO];


    [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:[NSApp mainWindow] completionHandler:^(NSInteger result)


         NSString *selected_folder=@"";

         if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton)


             selected_folder=[[panel URL] path];

             [g_ImageDataSource Show_ThumbnailImages:selected_folder];






 [g_ImageDataSource SetSelected_All_or_None];



- (IBAction)OnBT_ChangeTitle:(id)sender



    [g_ImageDataSource setID];



    NSMutableArray *array_image_id = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    NSMutableArray *array_image_path = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    NSMutableArray *array_image_file_size = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    int i=0;


    int i_pic_count = 10;//file_count, need you change

    NSString *picture_id=nil;

    NSString *picture_path=nil;

    NSString *picture_file_size = nil;

    for (; i<i_pic_count; i++)


        picture_id =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"ID%d",i+1];

        picture_path =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Path%d",i+1];

        picture_file_size=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Size%d",i+1];        

        [array_image_id addObject:picture_id];

        [array_image_path addObject:picture_path];

        [array_image_file_size addObject:picture_file_size];



    [g_ImageDataSource setImagesPath:array_image_id







#import "ImageDataSource.h"

extern ImageDataSource *g_ImageDataSource;



Document *g_Document;


#import "Document.h"

extern Document *g_Document;


-(void)imageBrowserSelectionDidChange:(IKImageBrowserView *)aBrowser


 [g_Document ShowMessageInBottom:msg];







#import <Quartz/Quartz.h>

@class ImageItem;


Image browser view. Displays thumbnails of the images contained in a single

folder. Fullscreen is binded to the image view, and it implements the

CutCopy protocol.


@interface ImageBrowser : IKImageBrowserView







// utils







-(void)setSelectedImage:(NSString *)image;

-(ImageItem *)itemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;

-(NSArray *)selectedImagesAsURLArray;

-(NSArray *)selectedImagesAsTitelArray;

-(NSArray *)selectedImagesAsPhotoPathArray;

-(NSArray *)selectedImagesAsPhotoIDArray;

// used by the slide show timer

-(void)selectNextImage:(NSTimer *)timer;

// for binding





// event methods

-(void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent;

-(void)otherMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent;

-(NSArray *)selectedImagesAsPhotoIDArray;




#import "ImageBrowser.h"

#import "ImageBrowserDelegate.h"

#import "ImageItem.h"

#import "ImageDataSource.h"

#import "../Utils/FileUtils.h"

#import "../Utils/Utils.h"

#import "../Utils/SlideShow.h"

@implementation ImageBrowser



// cell spacing

    // [LeftRight Margin,UpDown Margin]

[self setIntercellSpacing:NSMakeSize(3.0f, 5.0f)];

    // forground color for the cell's titles

NSMutableDictionary * options = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

[options setObject:[NSColor blackColor] forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];

[self setValue:options forKey:IKImageBrowserCellsTitleAttributesKey];

[options release];


    [self setShowTitles :YES];




[super dealloc];



This method is used to seemlessly reload data. Since the selected image is

bound to the current image of the image view, when we do the usual

reloadData, the selection is lost. If we're in fullscreen, it'll break it.

So this method reloads data and select the next available image just after





// remember the first selected image

int selectedIndex = (int)[[self selectionIndexes] firstIndex];

// reload the data

[(ImageBrowserDelegate *)[self delegate] setIgnoreSelectionChanges:YES];

[super reloadData];

[(ImageBrowserDelegate *)[self delegate] setIgnoreSelectionChanges:NO];

// restore the selection, taking care of out of bound indexes

int numImages = (int)[[self dataSource] numberOfItemsInImageBrowser:self];

if (numImages != 0)


if (selectedIndex >= numImages)

selectedIndex = numImages - 1;

[self setSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:selectedIndex]





// if there is no more images, we need to explicitely set the image

// property of the delegate to nil.ImageViewer

// This is because [super reloadData] set the current selection to

// nothing, so setting it again to nothing will NOT call the selection

// changed delegate, thus the need to explicitely call setSelectedImage.

[(ImageBrowserDelegate *)[self delegate] setSelectedImage:nil];





[super reloadData];

[self scrollPoint:NSMakePoint(0, [self frame].size.height)];


-(void)selectNextImage:(NSTimer *)timer


// get the index of the first selected image

int selectedImage = -1;

if ([self selectionIndexes] != nil || [[self selectionIndexes] count] != 0)

selectedImage = (int)[[self selectionIndexes] firstIndex];

// increment it, and check for bound, and loop


int numImages = (int)[[self dataSource] numberOfItemsInImageBrowser:nil];

if (selectedImage >= numImages)


if ([[timer userInfo] boolValue] == YES)


selectedImage = 0;




selectedImage = (int)numImages - 1;

// also stop the slide show

[SlideShow stopSlideShow];



// finally, set the new image

[self setSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:selectedImage]





return [self cellsStyleMask] & IKCellsStyleTitled;




if (showTitles == YES)

[self setCellsStyleMask:[self cellsStyleMask] | IKCellsStyleTitled];


[self setCellsStyleMask:[self cellsStyleMask] & ~IKCellsStyleTitled];




return [self intercellSpacing].width;




[self setIntercellSpacing:NSMakeSize(margin, margin)];




// if still nothing's selected, it means we don't have any image

// in the image browser, so simply break (launching a slideshow

// on an empty folder has no meaning :)

if ([self selectionIndexes] == nil ||

[[self selectionIndexes] count] == 0)

return NO;

// select only the first one

[self setSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:[[self selectionIndexes] firstIndex]]


// set the fullscreen property of the delegate (which is binded to the

// image view)

[(ImageBrowserDelegate *)[self delegate] setFullscreen:YES];

return YES;


-(ImageItem *)itemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index


return [[self dataSource] imageBrowser:self itemAtIndex:index];


-(NSArray *)selectedImagesAsURLArray


NSIndexSet * indexes = [self selectionIndexes];

NSUInteger index = [indexes firstIndex];

NSMutableArray * files = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[indexes count]];

while (index != NSNotFound)


[files addObject:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[self itemAtIndex:index] path]]];

index = [indexes indexGreaterThanIndex:index];


return files;


-(NSArray *)selectedImagesAsTitelArray


NSIndexSet * indexes = [self selectionIndexes];

NSUInteger index = [indexes firstIndex];

NSMutableArray * files = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[indexes count]];

while (index != NSNotFound)


[files addObject:[[self itemAtIndex:index] title]];

index = [indexes indexGreaterThanIndex:index];


return files;


-(NSArray *)selectedImagesAsPhotoIDArray


NSIndexSet * indexes = [self selectionIndexes];

NSUInteger index = [indexes firstIndex];

NSMutableArray * files = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[indexes count]];

while (index != NSNotFound)


[files addObject:[[self itemAtIndex:index] photo_id]];

index = [indexes indexGreaterThanIndex:index];


return files;


-(NSArray *)selectedImagesAsPhotoPathArray


NSIndexSet * indexes = [self selectionIndexes];

NSUInteger index = [indexes firstIndex];

NSMutableArray * files = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[indexes count]];

while (index != NSNotFound)


[files addObject:[[self itemAtIndex:index] photo_path]];

index = [indexes indexGreaterThanIndex:index];


return files;




// remove files from the disk

NSArray * files = [self selectedImagesAsURLArray];

for (NSURL * file in files)

[[FileUtils instance] removeItemAtPath:[file path]];




[[FileUtils instance] cutItems:[self selectedImagesAsURLArray]];




[[FileUtils instance] copyItems:[self selectedImagesAsURLArray]];


-(void)setSelectedImage:(NSString *)image


[(ImageBrowserDelegate *)[self delegate] setSelectedImage:image];




// check if we're not in fullscreen

if ([(ImageBrowserDelegate *)[self delegate] fullscreen] == YES)


int numImages = (int)[[self dataSource] numberOfItemsInImageBrowser:self];

if (numImages == 0)


// ensure the image browser is the first responder when it selects all

[[self window] makeFirstResponder:self];

NSIndexSet * indexSet = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, numImages)];

[self setSelectionIndexes:indexSet byExtendingSelection:NO];




// check if we're not in fullscreen

if ([(ImageBrowserDelegate *)[self delegate] fullscreen] == YES)


[self setSelectionIndexes:nil byExtendingSelection:NO];


-(void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent


// get the event and the modifiers

NSString * characters = [theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers];

unichar event = [characters characterAtIndex:0];

switch (event)


// space & p : play / pause slideshow

case ' ':

case 'p':

if ([SlideShow isRunning] == YES)


[SlideShow stopSlideShow];




if ([self setFullscreen] == YES)

[SlideShow startSlideShow:self callback:@"selectNextImage:"];



// enter & escape : leave fullscreen

case 13:

case 27:

[self setFullscreen];



[super keyDown:theEvent];



-(void)otherMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent


if ([theEvent clickCount] == 1)

[self setFullscreen];





#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@class IKImageBrowserView;

@class ImageBrowser;

@interface ImageBrowserDelegate: NSObject



NSString * mSelectedImage;

ImageBrowser * mImageBrowser;

BOOL mIgnoreSelectionChanges;

    BOOL fullscreen;


@property BOOL ignoreSelectionChanges;

@property BOOL fullscreen;

@property (assign) IBOutlet ImageBrowser * imageBrowser;



// used to bind the image view and the image browser view

-(NSString *)selectedImage;

-(void)setSelectedImage:(NSString *)image;

// implementation of IKImageBrowserDelegate protocol

-(void)imageBrowserSelectionDidChange:(IKImageBrowserView *)aBrowser;

-(void)imageBrowser:(IKImageBrowserView *)aBrowser cellWasDoubleClickedAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;

-(NSUInteger)imageBrowser:(IKImageBrowserView *)aBrowser writeItemsAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)itemIndexes toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pasteboard;




#import <Quartz/Quartz.h>

#import "ImageBrowserDelegate.h"

#import "ImageBrowser.h"

#import "ImageDataSource.h"

#import "ImageItem.h"

#import "../Utils/Utils.h"

#import "Document.h"

extern Document *g_Document;

@implementation ImageBrowserDelegate

@synthesize fullscreen;

@synthesize ignoreSelectionChanges = mIgnoreSelectionChanges;

@synthesize imageBrowser = mImageBrowser;



self = [super init];

if (self != nil)


mSelectedImage = nil;

mIgnoreSelectionChanges = NO;


return self;




if (mSelectedImage != nil)


[mSelectedImage release];

mSelectedImage = nil;


[super dealloc];


-(NSString *)selectedImage


return mSelectedImage;


-(void)setSelectedImage:(NSString *)image


if (mSelectedImage != image)


// NOTE: here, we check if the image if different from the current one.

// This means that if we reach this point, the selected image was

// set by an external source (by binding or whatever)

// This is also why we need to scroll the view to show the new

// selected image.

if (mSelectedImage != nil)

[mSelectedImage release];

mSelectedImage = [image copy];

// update the selected image of the view

ImageDataSource *dataSource = (ImageDataSource *)[mImageBrowser dataSource];

// get the index corresponding to the image

NSInteger imageIndex = [dataSource indexOfImage:image];

NSIndexSet * indices = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:imageIndex];

[mImageBrowser setSelectionIndexes:indices byExtendingSelection:NO];

// scroll to selected image

[mImageBrowser scrollIndexToVisible:imageIndex];



-(void)imageBrowserSelectionDidChange:(IKImageBrowserView *)aBrowser


if (mIgnoreSelectionChanges == YES)


// get the selection indexes

NSIndexSet * selectionIndexes = [mImageBrowser selectionIndexes];

// set the first selected image, so that any other view bound to

// selectedImage will be notified

if ([selectionIndexes count] == 0)


[self setSelectedImage:nil];




NSUInteger index = [selectionIndexes firstIndex];

ImageItem * item = [[mImageBrowser dataSource] imageBrowser:nil


[mSelectedImage release];

mSelectedImage = [[item path] copy];

        NSLog(@"\nPath:\n%@",[item path]);

        NSLog(@"\nTitel:\n%@",[item title]);

        NSLog(@"\nPhoto_ID:\n%@",[item photo_id]);

        NSLog(@"\nPhoto_Path:\n%@",[item photo_path]);

[self setSelectedImage:[item path]];


    NSString *msg=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"File:  \"%@\".   ",[item path]];

        [g_Document ShowMessageInBottom:msg];



-(void)imageBrowser:(IKImageBrowserView *)aBrowser cellWasDoubleClickedAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index


// NOTE: the fullscreen property of this instance is bound to the fullscreen

// property of the image view, so this will automatically toggle

// fullscreen without having a direct reference to ImageView

[self setFullscreen:![self fullscreen]];


-(NSUInteger)imageBrowser:(IKImageBrowserView *)aBrowser

writeItemsAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)itemIndexes

toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pasteboard


NSArray * selectedImages = [mImageBrowser selectedImagesAsURLArray];

[pasteboard clearContents];

[pasteboard writeObjects:selectedImages];

return [selectedImages count];





#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

#import "../Utils/FSEventsListener.h"

@class IKImageBrowserView;

@class ImageBrowser;

typedef struct ImageItemStruct


    NSString *picture_id;

    NSString *picture_name;

    NSString *picture_file_size;

} A_ImageItemStruct;


This is the image data source. It's responsible for giving access to all

the images contained in a single folder.


@interface ImageDataSource: NSObject< FSEventListenerDelegate >



/// the current directory. It's bound to the currently selected directory

NSString * mCurrentDirectory;

/// the associated view

ImageBrowser * mImageBrowser;

/// the images' paths.

NSMutableArray * mImages;

    BOOL isEmpty;

    BOOL isSelectedAll;


@property (assign) IBOutlet ImageBrowser * imageBrowser;

@property (readonly) NSArray * images;

@property (readwrite) BOOL isEmpty;

@property (readwrite) BOOL isSelectedAll;



// implementation of FSEventListenerDelegate protocol

-(void)fileWasAdded:(NSString *)file;

-(void)fileWasRemoved:(NSString *)file;

-(void)fileWasRenamed:(NSString *)oldFile to:(NSString *)newFile;

-(void)directoryWasAdded:(NSString *)directory;

-(void)directoryWasRemoved:(NSString *)directory;

-(void)directoryWasRenamed:(NSString *)oldDirectory to:(NSString *)newDirectory;

// this is used to bind the directory browser and the image data source

-(NSString *)currentDirectory;

-(void)setCurrentDirectory:(NSString *)path;

// these are internally used

-(void)addImage:(NSString *)path;

-(void)addImagesInPath:(NSString *)path;

// implementation of IKImageBrowserDataSource protocol

-(NSUInteger)numberOfItemsInImageBrowser:(IKImageBrowserView *)view;

-(id)imageBrowser:(IKImageBrowserView *)view itemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;

// utility

-(NSInteger)indexOfImage:(NSString *)image;

-(NSArray *)imagesAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes;

-(void)Show_ThumbnailImages:(NSString *)pic_folder;


-(NSArray *)GetThumbnailImagesPaths:(id)sender;

-(NSArray *)GetThumbnailImagesTitles:(id)sender;

-(void) setID;

-(void) setImagesPath:(NSMutableArray *)data_Picture_ID

                 PhotoPath:(NSMutableArray *)data_Picture_Path

             PhotoFileSize:(NSMutableArray *)data_File_Size;

-(A_ImageItemStruct) getPicturePath:(NSMutableArray *)data_Picture_ID

                              Picture_Path:(NSMutableArray *)data_Picture_Path

                             PhotoFileSize:(NSMutableArray *)data_File_Size

                                 PictureID:(NSString *)strPhoto_ID;

-(NSArray *)get_selectedImagesAsPhotoIDArray;

-(NSArray *)get_selectedImagesAsPhotoPathArray;




#import <Quartz/Quartz.h>

#import "ImageDataSource.h"

#import "ImageItem.h"

#import "ImageBrowser.h"

#import "../Utils/FileUtils.h"

#import "../Utils/FSEventsListener.h"

#import "../Utils/Utils.h"

ImageDataSource *g_ImageDataSource;

@implementation ImageDataSource

@synthesize imageBrowser = mImageBrowser;

@synthesize images = mImages;

@synthesize isEmpty;

@synthesize isSelectedAll;



self = [super init];

if (self != nil)



mCurrentDirectory = nil;

mImages = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

[self setIsEmpty:YES];

        g_ImageDataSource = self;

        isSelectedAll = NO;


return self;




[mCurrentDirectory release];

[mImages release];

[super dealloc];


-(NSString *)currentDirectory


return mCurrentDirectory;


-(void)setCurrentDirectory:(NSString *)path


if (path != mCurrentDirectory && path != nil)


// unregister from the event listeners

[[FSEventsListener instance] removeListener:self forPath:mCurrentDirectory];

// copy the new path

[mCurrentDirectory release];

mCurrentDirectory = [path copy];

// load images

[self setIsEmpty:YES];

[mImages removeAllObjects];

[self addImagesInPath:mCurrentDirectory];

[mImageBrowser reloadData];

// register with the new path

[[FSEventsListener instance] addListener:self forPath:mCurrentDirectory];



-(void)addImagesInPath:(NSString *)path


// get the content of the directory

NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

NSURL * url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];

NSArray * content = [fileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:url




// for each item, create an image object and add to the mImportedImages array

for (NSURL * url in content)


[self addImage:[url path]];



-(void)addImage:(NSString *)path


// error check

if ([FileUtils isImage:path] == NO)


// add the image item

ImageItem * image = [[ImageItem alloc] init];

[image setPath:path];

[mImages addObject:image];

[image release];

[self setIsEmpty:NO];


-(void)fileWasAdded:(NSString *)file


[self addImage:file];

[mImageBrowser reloadDataAndKeepSelection];


-(void)fileWasRemoved:(NSString *)file


NSInteger index = [self indexOfImage:file];

if (index == -1)


DEBUG_LOG(@"ImageDataSource - receive fileWasRemoved, "

  @"but couldn't find the image [%@]", file);



[mImages removeObjectAtIndex:index];

[mImageBrowser reloadDataAndKeepSelection];

[self setIsEmpty:[mImages count] > 0 ? NO : YES];


-(void)fileWasRenamed:(NSString *)oldFile to:(NSString *)newFile


NSInteger index = [self indexOfImage:oldFile];

if (index == -1)


// check if the newFile is an image, and if it's the case, add it.

if ([FileUtils isImage:newFile] == YES)

[self fileWasAdded:newFile];



if ([FileUtils isImage:newFile] == YES)


ImageItem * image = [self imageBrowser:mImageBrowser itemAtIndex:index];

[image setPath:newFile];

[mImageBrowser reloadDataAndKeepSelection];




[self fileWasRemoved:oldFile];



-(void)directoryWasAdded:(NSString *)directory



-(void)directoryWasRemoved:(NSString *)directory



-(void)directoryWasRenamed:(NSString *)oldDirectory to:(NSString *)newDirectory



-(NSUInteger)numberOfItemsInImageBrowser:(IKImageBrowserView *)view


    return [mImages count];


-(id)imageBrowser:(IKImageBrowserView *)view itemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index


    return [mImages objectAtIndex:index];


-(NSInteger)indexOfImage:(NSString *)image


NSInteger index = 0;

for (ImageItem * item in mImages)


if ([[item path] isEqualToString:image])

return index;



return -1;


-(NSArray *)imagesAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes


NSMutableArray * images = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[indexes count]];

NSUInteger index = [indexes firstIndex];

while (index != NSNotFound)


[images addObject:[self imageBrowser:nil itemAtIndex:index]];

index = [indexes indexGreaterThanIndex:index];


return images;


-(void)Show_ThumbnailImages:(NSString *)pic_folder


    //NSString *path = @"/Users/mac2/Documents/test_photo/thumbnail_template_photo";

    [self setCurrentDirectory:pic_folder];




    [mImageBrowser selectAll:nil];

    isSelectedAll = TRUE;




    [mImageBrowser deselectAll:nil];

    isSelectedAll = FALSE;




    if (YES == isSelectedAll)


        [self SetSelectedNone];




        [self SetSelectedAll];



- (NSArray *)GetThumbnailImagesPaths:(id)sender


    NSArray *files_selected ;

    files_selected = [mImageBrowser selectedImagesAsURLArray];

    return files_selected;


- (NSArray *)GetThumbnailImagesTitles:(id)sender


    NSArray *files_selected ;

    files_selected = [mImageBrowser selectedImagesAsTitelArray];

    return files_selected;




    int images_count = (int)[mImages count];

    NSString *id_value=nil;

    for (int i=0; i<images_count;i++)


        ImageItem *image1 = [mImages objectAtIndex:i];

        id_value = image1.title;

        id_value = [id_value stringByDeletingPathExtension];

        [image1 setPhoto_ID:id_value];






-(void) setImagesPath:(NSMutableArray *)data_Picture_ID

                 PhotoPath:(NSMutableArray *)data_Picture_Path

                 PhotoFileSize:(NSMutableArray *)data_File_Size


    int images_count = (int)[mImages count];

    NSString *id_value=nil;


    for (int i=0; i<images_count;i++)


        ImageItem *image1 = [mImages objectAtIndex:i];

        id_value = image1.title;

        id_value = [id_value stringByDeletingPathExtension];

        id_value = [id_value stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];

        // 使用id 从数组中找到

        A_ImageItemStruct a_record;

        a_record =[self getPicturePath:data_Picture_ID





        [image1 setPhoto_Path:a_record.picture_name];

        [image1 setFile_Size:a_record.picture_file_size];

        [image1 setTitle:[[a_record.picture_name lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension]];



   [mImageBrowser reloadData ];


-(A_ImageItemStruct) getPicturePath:(NSMutableArray *)data_Picture_ID

                              Picture_Path:(NSMutableArray *)data_Picture_Path

                             PhotoFileSize:(NSMutableArray *)data_File_Size

                                 PictureID:(NSString *)strPhoto_ID


    A_ImageItemStruct a_record;

    NSString *photo_path = nil;

    NSString *photo_id = nil;

    NSString *photo_file_size = nil;

    int count =(int)[data_Picture_ID count];

    for (int i=0; i<count; i++)


        photo_id =  [data_Picture_ID objectAtIndex:i];

        photo_path = [data_Picture_Path objectAtIndex:i];

        photo_file_size = [data_File_Size objectAtIndex:i];


        a_record.picture_file_size = photo_file_size;

        a_record.picture_id = photo_id ;

        a_record.picture_name = photo_path;


        if (YES == [strPhoto_ID isEqualToString:photo_id])





    return a_record;


-(NSArray *)get_selectedImagesAsPhotoIDArray


    NSArray *files_selected;

    files_selected = [mImageBrowser selectedImagesAsPhotoIDArray];

    return  files_selected;


-(NSArray *)get_selectedImagesAsPhotoPathArray


    NSArray *files_selected;

    files_selected = [mImageBrowser selectedImagesAsPhotoPathArray];

    return  files_selected;





#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>


This class represents a single image.


@interface ImageItem: NSObject



/// the path to the image file

NSString * mPath;

/// the title of the image. Usually the file name.

NSString * mTitle;

    NSString *m_Photo_ID;

    NSString *m_Photo_Path;

    NSString *m_File_Size;


-(void)setPhoto_ID:(NSString *)photo_id;

-(NSString *)photo_id;

-(void)setFile_Size:(NSString *)photo_file_size;

-(NSString *)photo_file_size;

-(void)setPhoto_Path:(NSString *)photo_path;

-(NSString *)photo_path;

-(void)setPath:(NSString *)path;

-(NSString *)path;

-(void)setTitle:(NSString *)title;

-(NSString *)title;

-(NSString *)imageRepresentationType;


-(NSString *)imageUID;

-(NSString *)imageTitle;




#import "ImageItem.h"

#import <Quartz/Quartz.h>

@implementation ImageItem



[mPath release];

[mTitle release];

    [m_Photo_Path release];

    [m_Photo_ID release];

    [m_File_Size release];

[super dealloc];


-(void)setPath:(NSString *)path


if (mPath != path)


[mPath release];

[mTitle release];

mPath = [path retain];

mTitle = [[mPath lastPathComponent] copy];



-(NSString *)path


return mPath;


-(void)setTitle:(NSString *)title


if (mTitle != title)


[mTitle release];

mTitle = [title copy];



-(void)setFile_Size:(NSString *)photo_file_size


    if (m_File_Size != photo_file_size)


        [m_File_Size release];

        m_File_Size = [photo_file_size retain];



-(NSString *)photo_file_size


    return m_File_Size;


-(void)setPhoto_ID:(NSString *)photo_id


    if (m_Photo_ID!= photo_id)


        [m_Photo_ID release];

        m_Photo_ID = [photo_id retain];



-(NSString *)photo_id


   return m_Photo_ID;


-(void)setPhoto_Path:(NSString *)photo_path


    if (m_Photo_Path != photo_path)


        [m_Photo_Path release];

        m_Photo_Path = [photo_path retain];



-(NSString *)photo_path


    return m_Photo_Path;


-(NSString *)title


return mTitle;


-(NSString *)imageRepresentationType


return IKImageBrowserPathRepresentationType;




return mPath;


-(NSString *)imageUID


return mPath;


-(NSString *)imageTitle


if (mTitle == nil)

return [mPath lastPathComponent];

return mTitle;




// FileUtils.h

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>


This class is responsible for interacting with the filesystem. It's meant

to be instanciated through a XIB file (I use awakFromNib to initialize it)


@interface FileUtils: NSObject



NSMutableArray * mCutItems;

NSMutableArray * mCopiedItems;

NSString * mDestinationDirectory;


@property (copy) NSString * destinationDirectory;

// init / deinit



// global accessor

+(FileUtils *)instance;

// misc

+(BOOL)isImage:(NSString *)path;

+(BOOL)isGIF:(NSString *)path;

// delete / copy-cut / paste support

-(void)removeItemAtPath:(NSString *)path;

-(void)copyItems:(NSArray *)items;

-(void)cutItems:(NSArray *)items;


-(void)pasteTo:(NSString *)destination;





// FileUtils.m

#import "FileUtils.h"

#import "Utils.h"

#import "SimpleProfiler.h"

@implementation FileUtils

static FileUtils * instance = nil;

@synthesize destinationDirectory = mDestinationDirectory;



instance = self;

mDestinationDirectory = nil;

mCutItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

mCopiedItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];




instance = nil;

[mCutItems release];

[mCopiedItems release];

[mDestinationDirectory release];

[super dealloc];


+(FileUtils *)instance


return instance;


+(BOOL)isImage:(NSString *)path


PROFILING_START(@"FileUtils - isImage");

NSString * extension = [[path pathExtension] lowercaseString];

if ([extension isEqualToString:@"jpg"] == YES ||

[extension isEqualToString:@"jpeg"] == YES ||

[extension isEqualToString:@"gif"] == YES ||

[extension isEqualToString:@"png"] == YES ||

[extension isEqualToString:@"psd"] == YES ||

[extension isEqualToString:@"tiff"] == YES ||

[extension isEqualToString:@"tif"] == YES ||

[extension isEqualToString:@"dng"] == YES ||

[extension isEqualToString:@"cr2"] == YES ||

[extension isEqualToString:@"raw"] == YES ||

[extension isEqualToString:@"pdf"] == YES)



return YES;



return NO;


+(BOOL)isGIF:(NSString *)path


NSString * extension = [[path pathExtension] lowercaseString];

return [extension isEqualToString:@"gif"];


-(void)removeItemAtPath:(NSString *)path


// check the preferences to see if we need to use the recycled bin, or

// permanently delete files

    BOOL permanently = YES;

    //[[Preferences instance] boolForKey:@"permanentlyDeleteFiles"];

if (permanently == YES)


NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

[fileManager removeItemAtPath:path error:NULL];




NSInteger tag = 0;

NSString * source = [path stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];

NSArray * files = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[path lastPathComponent]];

NSWorkspace * workspace = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace];

[workspace performFileOperation:NSWorkspaceRecycleOperation








Private method used to clear previously copied/cut items.




[mCopiedItems removeAllObjects];

[mCutItems removeAllObjects];


-(void)copyItems:(NSArray *)items


[self clear];

[mCopiedItems addObjectsFromArray:items];

[self setCanPaste:YES];


-(void)cutItems:(NSArray *)items


[self clear];

[mCutItems addObjectsFromArray:items];

[self setCanPaste:YES];




if ([mCutItems count] > 0 || [mCopiedItems count] > 0)

return YES;

return NO;




// this is just used for binding : when an item is added to the copy or

// cut list, we call [self setCanPaste:whatever] to notify binded objects.




if (mDestinationDirectory != nil)

[self pasteTo:mDestinationDirectory];


-(void)pasteTo:(NSString *)destination


NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

// handle cut files

for (NSURL * url in mCutItems)


// check if the destination folder is different from the source folder

if ([destination isEqualToString:[[url path] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]])


NSURL * destinationURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:destination];

destinationURL = [destinationURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:[url lastPathComponent]];

// little hack : if the destination already exists, moving wont work,

// so I remove the destination before moving. This might be a bit

// "unsafe", but I don't want to bloat the code for something that will

// happen with a 0.000001% chance.

[fileManager removeItemAtURL:destinationURL error:nil];

[fileManager moveItemAtURL:url toURL:destinationURL error:nil];


// handle copied files

for (NSURL * url in mCopiedItems)


// check if the destination folder is different from the source folder

if ([destination isEqualToString:[[url path] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]])


NSURL * destinationURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:destination];

destinationURL = [destinationURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:[url lastPathComponent]];

[fileManager copyItemAtURL:url toURL:destinationURL error:nil];


[self clear];




// FSEventsListener.h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>


This defines a little protocol which should be implemented by objects that

want to be notified of file changes (objects set as delegate of the

FSEventsListener class)


@protocol FSEventListenerDelegate< NSObject >


-(void)fileWasAdded:(NSString *)file;

-(void)fileWasRemoved:(NSString *)file;

-(void)fileWasRenamed:(NSString *)oldFile to:(NSString *)newFile;

-(void)directoryWasAdded:(NSString *)directory;

-(void)directoryWasRemoved:(NSString *)directory;

-(void)directoryWasRenamed:(NSString *)oldDirectory to:(NSString *)newDirectory;



This class is a little helper to create file system events listeners. It

allow to schedule event watching on a particular directory, and specify a

delegate which will be called on each supported event.


@interface FSEventsListener

: NSObject



NSDictionary * mListeners;

FSEventStreamRef mFileStream;


@property (assign) NSDictionary * listeners;



// singleton handling

+(FSEventsListener *)instance;


// handle listeners

-(void)addListener:(NSObject< FSEventListenerDelegate > *)listener forPath:(NSString *)path;

-(void)removeListener:(NSObject< FSEventListenerDelegate > *)listener forPath:(NSString *)path;

// utils

-(NSString *)formatPath:(NSString *)path;

// used to dispatch events to listeners

-(void)fileWasAdded:(NSString *)file;

-(void)fileWasRemoved:(NSString *)file;

-(void)fileWasRenamed:(NSString *)oldFile to:(NSString *)newFile;

-(void)directoryWasAdded:(NSString *)directory;

-(void)directoryWasRemoved:(NSString *)directory;

-(void)directoryWasRenamed:(NSString *)oldDirectory to:(NSString *)newDirectory;



// FSEventsListener.m

#import "FSEventsListener.h"

#import "Utils.h"

#import "FileUtils.h"

void fsevents_callback(ConstFSEventStreamRef streamRef,

                       void * userData,

                       size_t numEvents,

                       void * eventPaths,

                       const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[],

                       const FSEventStreamEventId eventIds[]);

@implementation FSEventsListener

static FSEventsListener * instance = nil;

@synthesize listeners = mListeners;



self = [super init];

if (self == nil)

return nil;

mListeners = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

// create the context that will be associated to the stream. We pass a

// pointer to the FSEventsListener instance as user data.

FSEventStreamContext context = { 0, (void *)self, NULL, NULL, NULL };

// create the event stream, with a flag telling that we want to watch file

// level events. This will allow to directly retrieve the file names in the

// callback, instead of just the name of the directory

mFileStream = FSEventStreamCreate(NULL,



  (CFArrayRef)[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"/"],




// start the stream on the main event loop





// init the globally accessible instance

instance = self;

return self;




// clear the instance

instance = nil;

// stop and clean event stream







[mListeners release];

[super dealloc];


+(FSEventsListener *)instance


if (instance == nil)


[[FSEventsListener alloc] init];


return instance;




if (instance != nil)


[instance release];

instance = nil;




ensure pathes are always formated the same way : except for the root '/'

path, every path must NOT end with a trailing '/'


-(NSString *)formatPath:(NSString *)path


if ([path characterAtIndex:[path length] - 1] == '/')


return [path substringToIndex:[path length] - 1]; 


return [[path copy] autorelease];


-(void)addListener:(NSObject< FSEventListenerDelegate > *)listener forPath:(NSString *)path


NSString * formatedPath = [self formatPath:path]; 

NSMutableArray * listeners = [mListeners objectForKey:formatedPath];

if (listeners == nil)


[mListeners setValue:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:listener] forKey:formatedPath];




[listeners addObject:listener];



-(void)removeListener:(NSObject< FSEventListenerDelegate > *)listener forPath:(NSString *)path


NSString * formatedPath = [self formatPath:path]; 

NSMutableArray * listeners = [mListeners objectForKey:formatedPath];

if (listeners != nil)


[listeners removeObject:listener];



-(void)fileWasAdded:(NSString *)file


NSString * path = [file stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];

NSArray * listeners = [mListeners objectForKey:path];

for (NSObject< FSEventListenerDelegate > * listener in listeners)

[listener fileWasAdded:file];


-(void)fileWasRemoved:(NSString *)file


NSString * path = [file stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];

NSArray * listeners = [mListeners objectForKey:path];

for (NSObject< FSEventListenerDelegate > * listener in listeners)

[listener fileWasRemoved:file];


-(void)fileWasRenamed:(NSString *)oldFile to:(NSString *)newFile


NSString * path = [newFile stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];

NSArray * listeners = [mListeners objectForKey:path];

for (NSObject< FSEventListenerDelegate > * listener in listeners)

[listener fileWasRenamed:oldFile to:newFile];


-(void)directoryWasAdded:(NSString *)directory


NSString * path = [directory stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];

NSArray * listeners = [mListeners objectForKey:path];

for (NSObject< FSEventListenerDelegate > * listener in listeners)

[listener directoryWasAdded:directory];


-(void)directoryWasRemoved:(NSString *)directory


NSString * path = [directory stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];

NSArray * listeners = [mListeners objectForKey:path];

for (NSObject< FSEventListenerDelegate > * listener in listeners)

[listener directoryWasRemoved:directory];


-(void)directoryWasRenamed:(NSString *)oldDirectory to:(NSString *)newDirectory


NSString * path = [newDirectory stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];

NSArray * listeners = [mListeners objectForKey:path];

for (NSObject< FSEventListenerDelegate > * listener in listeners)

[listener directoryWasRenamed:oldDirectory to:newDirectory];



#define CHECK_STREAM(x, y) if (((x) & (y)) == (y)) NSLog(@"    %s", #y);

void fsevents_callback(ConstFSEventStreamRef streamRef,

                       void * userData,

                       size_t numEvents,

                       void * eventPaths,

                       const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[],

                       const FSEventStreamEventId eventIds[])


static NSString * previousRenamedPath = nil;

FSEventsListener * eventListener = (FSEventsListener *)userData;

size_t i;

char ** paths = eventPaths;

for (i = 0; i < numEvents; ++i)


NSString * newName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s", paths[i]];

// first, we handle events WITHOUT the renamed flag. Those are simple

// event, like "created", "removed". Note that when a device is mounted,

// or unmounted, a corresponding "created" or "removed" event is

// triggered, so we don't need to handle mount/unmount event.

if ((eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagUserDropped) == 0)


if (eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagUserDropped)


// a file or directory was permanently deleted

//if (eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemIsFile)

                if (eventFlags[i])    


[eventListener fileWasRemoved:newName];


else if (eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagUnmount)


[eventListener directoryWasRemoved:newName];



else if (eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagUserDropped)


// a file or directory was copied/created

//if (eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemIsFile)

                if (eventFlags[i])


[eventListener fileWasAdded:newName];


else if (eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagUnmount)


[eventListener directoryWasAdded:newName];






// here, the "renamed" flag is present. From what I can guess

// through experiments, when a file is renamed, or moved, or sent

// to the trash, it triggers 2 successive renamed events. The first

// contains the source file, the second the destination file.

// So I just use a static string to store the first event path and

// detect if it's the first or second event.

if (previousRenamedPath == nil)


previousRenamedPath = [newName retain];




NSString * newDir = [newName stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];

NSString * oldName = previousRenamedPath;

NSString * oldDir = [oldName stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];

//if (eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemIsFile)

                if (eventFlags[i])    


if ([oldDir isEqualToString:newDir])


// both directory are the same : file renamed

[eventListener fileWasRenamed:oldName to:newName];




// directories are different, the file was moved

[eventListener fileWasAdded:newName];

[eventListener fileWasRemoved:oldName];



else if (eventFlags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagUnmount)


if ([oldDir isEqualToString:newDir])


// both directory are the same : renamed

[eventListener directoryWasRenamed:oldName to:newName];




// directories are different, the directory was moved

[eventListener directoryWasAdded:newName];

[eventListener directoryWasRemoved:oldName];



// reset the previous renamed path.




#if defined(DEBUG)

// NSLog(@"event [%d] [%d] [%s]", (int)eventIds[i], eventFlags[i], paths[i]);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagNone);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagMustScanSubDirs);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagUserDropped);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagKernelDropped);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagEventIdsWrapped);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagHistoryDone);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagRootChanged);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagMount);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagUnmount);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemCreated);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemRemoved);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemInodeMetaMod);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemRenamed);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemModified);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemFinderInfoMod);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemChangeOwner);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemXattrMod);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemIsFile);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemIsDir);

// CHECK_STREAM(eventFlags[i], kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemIsSymlink);

#endif // _DEBUG





#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@class ProfilingEntry;

@interface SimpleProfiler: NSObject



NSMutableDictionary * mEntries;


+(SimpleProfiler *)instance;




-(void)addEntry:(NSString *)name withTime:(double)time;



@interface ProfilingEntry

: NSObject



NSString * mName;

NSMutableArray * mTimes;


@property (copy) NSString * name;

+(ProfilingEntry *)entryWithName:(NSString *)name;






#if defined(PROFILING)

# define PROFILING_START(name) \

NSString * __name = name; \

NSDate * __date = [NSDate date]


# define PROFILING_START(name)


#if defined(PROFILING)

# define PROFILING_STOP() \

[[SimpleProfiler instance] addEntry:__name \

  withTime:[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:__date]]





// SimpleProfiler.m

#import "SimpleProfiler.h"

static SimpleProfiler * mSimpleProfilerInstance = nil;

@implementation SimpleProfiler

+(SimpleProfiler *)instance


if (mSimpleProfilerInstance == nil)

mSimpleProfilerInstance = [[SimpleProfiler alloc] init];

return mSimpleProfilerInstance;




if (mSimpleProfilerInstance != nil)


[mSimpleProfilerInstance release];

mSimpleProfilerInstance = nil;





self = [super init];

if (self)


mEntries = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];


return self;




[mEntries removeAllObjects];

[mEntries release];

[super dealloc];


-(void)addEntry:(NSString *)name withTime:(double)time


ProfilingEntry * entry = nil;

entry = [mEntries objectForKey:name];

if (entry == nil)


entry = [ProfilingEntry entryWithName:name];

[mEntries setValue:entry forKey:name];


[entry addTime:time];




if ([mEntries count] == 0)


NSLog(@"Profiling log");

for (ProfilingEntry * entry in [mEntries allValues])


NSLog(@"%@ -- %f", [entry name], [entry averageTime]);




@implementation ProfilingEntry

@synthesize name = mName;

+(ProfilingEntry *)entryWithName:(NSString *)name


ProfilingEntry * entry = [[[ProfilingEntry alloc] init] autorelease];

[entry setName:name];

return entry;




self = [super init];

if (self)


mName = nil;

mTimes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];


return self;




[mName release];

[mTimes release];

[super dealloc];




double averageTime = 0.0;

for (NSNumber * number in mTimes)


averageTime += [number doubleValue];


return averageTime / (double)[mTimes count];




[mTimes addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:time]];




// SlideShow.h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface SlideShow

: NSObject



+(void)startSlideShow:(NSObject *)target callback:(NSString *)callback;





// SlideShow.m

#import "SlideShow.h"

#import "Utils.h"

@implementation SlideShow

static NSTimer * slideshowTimer = nil;

+(void)startSlideShow:(NSObject *)target callback:(NSString *)callback


if (slideshowTimer != nil)

[SlideShow stopSlideShow];

// get the slideshow user preferences

NSUserDefaultsController * defaults = [NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController];

BOOL loop = [[[defaults values] valueForKey:@"slideshowLoop"] boolValue];

float interval = [[[defaults values] valueForKey:@"slideshowInterval"] floatValue];

// launch the slideshow. I use a simple NSTimer with scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval.

// This method creates the timer and automatically fire it after "interval" secondes.

slideshowTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:interval



  userInfo:loop ? @"Y" : @"N"


[slideshowTimer setFireDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:interval]];




if (slideshowTimer != nil)


[slideshowTimer invalidate];

[slideshowTimer release];

slideshowTimer = nil;





return slideshowTimer == nil ? NO : YES;




// Utils.h

#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>

@interface Utils

: NSObject




  keyPath:(NSString *)srcKey





+(NSMutableParagraphStyle *)defaultParagraphStyle;

+(NSSize)stringSize:(NSString *)string withAttribute:(NSDictionary *)attributes;


// Use this macro to output debug infos and strip them in release

#if defined(DEBUG)

# define DEBUG_LOG(...) NSLog(__VA_ARGS__)


# define DEBUG_LOG(...)


// Use this macro to do something only in debug

#if defined(DEBUG)

# define DEBUG_ONLY(args) args


# define DEBUG_ONLY(args)


// This macro is used when launching the ImageViewer from outside XCode :

// since we don't have access to the log, we need a way to debug

#if defined(DEBUG)

# define DEBUG_ALERT(...) \

{ \

NSAlert * __alert = [[[NSAlert alloc] init] autorelease]; \

[__alert setMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:__VA_ARGS__]]; \

[__alert runModal]; \



# define DEBUG_ALERT(...)


// this macro is used to release an object and re-assign its value to nil, only

// if it's different from nil.

#if !defined(SAFE_RELEASE)

# define SAFE_RELEASE(x) if ((x) != nil) { [(x) release]; (x) = nil; }



// Utils.m

#import "Utils.h"

@implementation Utils


  keyPath:(NSString *)srcKey






NSMutableDictionary * options = nil;

if (continuous == YES)


options = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

[options setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]



[src bind:srcKey toObject:dest withKeyPath:destKey options:options];

if (twoWay == YES)

[dest bind:destKey toObject:src withKeyPath:srcKey options:options];

[options release];


+(NSMutableParagraphStyle *)defaultParagraphStyle


return [[[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy] autorelease];


+(NSSize)stringSize:(NSString *)string withAttribute:(NSDictionary *)attributes


NSAttributedString * attributedString = [NSAttributedString alloc];

attributedString = [attributedString initWithString:string];

NSSize size = [attributedString size];

[attributedString release];

return size;





//  Document.h

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface Document : NSPersistentDocument

@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTextField *m_LB1;

-(void)ShowMessageInBottom:(NSString *)msg;




//  Document.m

// Created 2014-11-13 by DMD

// ShenZhen In China

#import "Document.h"

#import "ImageDataSource.h"

extern ImageDataSource *g_ImageDataSource;

Document *g_Document;

@implementation Document

@synthesize m_LB1;

- (id)init


    self = [super init];

    if (self)


        g_Document = self;


    return self;


- (NSString *)windowNibName


    // Override returning the nib file name of the document

    // If you need to use a subclass of NSWindowController or if your document supports multiple NSWindowControllers, you should remove this method and override -makeWindowControllers instead.

    return @"Document";


- (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *)aController


    [super windowControllerDidLoadNib:aController];

    // Add any code here that needs to be executed once the windowController has loaded the document's window.


+ (BOOL)autosavesInPlace


    return YES;


- (IBAction)OnBT_SelectFolder:(id)sender


    NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];

    NSString *msg=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Select a folder"];



    [panel setMessage:msg];

    [panel setPrompt:@"OK"];

    [panel setCanChooseDirectories:YES];

    [panel setCanCreateDirectories:YES];

    [panel setCanChooseFiles:NO];


    [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:[NSApp mainWindow] completionHandler:^(NSInteger result)


         NSString *selected_folder=@"";

         if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton)


             selected_folder=[[panel URL] path];

             [g_ImageDataSource Show_ThumbnailImages:selected_folder];




- (IBAction)OnBT_SelectedAll:(id)sender


    [g_ImageDataSource SetSelected_All_or_None];


- (IBAction)OnBT_ChangeTitle:(id)sender



    [g_ImageDataSource setID];



    NSMutableArray *array_image_id = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    NSMutableArray *array_image_path = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    NSMutableArray *array_image_file_size = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    int i=0;


    int i_pic_count = 10;//file_count, need you change

    NSString *picture_id=nil;

    NSString *picture_path=nil;

    NSString *picture_file_size = nil;

    for (; i<i_pic_count; i++)


        picture_id =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"ID%d",i+1];

        picture_path =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Path%d",i+1];

        picture_file_size=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Size%d",i+1];        

        [array_image_id addObject:picture_id];

        [array_image_path addObject:picture_path];

        [array_image_file_size addObject:picture_file_size];



    [g_ImageDataSource setImagesPath:array_image_id




-(void)ShowMessageInBottom:(NSString *)msg


    m_LB1.stringValue = msg;








2014-11-13 Created By DMD

评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


