


  • 所用的数据为EasyPR提供的数据集,共有1541张车牌图片,按照8:1:1的比例分为train、val和test三个数据集。(数据集太少,后期还会用GAN和真实车牌生成数据)
  • caffe自带的lmdb数据库没有存储多标签数据的功能,所以用hdf5对数据进行存储。车牌共有7个字符,第一个字符为汉字,第二个字符为字母,后面五个字符为数字和字母,所以将标签分为三类:31个汉字标签,24个字母标签,以及34个字母数字标签。
  • opencv读取的图片为H*W*C的形式,根据blob对图片reshape为C*H*W维度。
# 读取labelmap
labeldict_Chi = dict()
labelmap_Chi = open("labelmap_Chinese.txt", "r")
lines = labelmap_Chi.readlines()
for line in lines:
    line = line.strip("\n")
    temp = line.split(" ")
    labeldict_Chi[temp[1]] = temp[0]

labeldict_Letter = dict()
labelmap_Letter = open("labelmap_Letter.txt", "r")
lines = labelmap_Letter.readlines()
for line in lines:
    line = line.strip("\n")
    temp = line.split(" ")
    labeldict_Letter[temp[1]] = temp[0]

labeldict_NL = dict()
labelmap_NL = open("labelmap_Num&Letter.txt", "r")
lines = labelmap_NL.readlines()
for line in lines:
    line = line.strip("\n")
    temp = line.split(" ")
    labeldict_NL[temp[1]] = temp[0]

for i in range(2):
    imgs_file = os.listdir(IMG_FILE[i])

    for img_file in imgs_file:
        filename = os.path.join(IMG_FILE[i], img_file)
        image = cv2.imread(filename)
        image = image.reshape(3, 36, 136)

        label = []
        char_Chi = img_file[:3]
        char_Spe = img_file[3:4]
        for char in img_file[4:-4]:


    IMAGE[i] = np.array(IMAGE[i], dtype=int)
    LABEL[i] = np.array(LABEL[i], dtype=int)

    meanValue = mean(IMAGE[0])

    print "Creating hdf5..."
    with h5py.File(HDF5_FILE[i], "w") as h5:
        data = IMAGE[i].astype(np.float32) - meanValue
        label = LABEL[i].astype(np.float32)
        h5["data"] = data
        h5["label"] = label

    print "Creating txt..."
    with open(TXT_FILE[i], "w") as txt:
        txt.write(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), HDF5_FILE[i]))

np.save("mean_e2e.npy", meanValue)


# 计算均值
def mean(images):
    images = images.astype(np.float32)
    meanValue = sum(images) / len(images)
    return meanValue



  • 网络结构使用的是AlexNet结构,对网络结构进行了一些修改:
    • 数据层用的是hdf5数据;
    • 多标签分类,添加了slice层;
    • 最后的输出根据标签数量的不同,输出的特征数有变化。
name: "Plate_E2E"
layer {
  name: "data"
  type: "HDF5Data"
  top: "data"
  top: "label"
  include {
    phase: TRAIN
  hdf5_data_param {
    source: "examples/plate_e2e/train_e2e.txt"
    batch_size: 10
layer {
  name: "data"
  type: "HDF5Data"
  top: "data"
  top: "label"
  include {
    phase: TEST
  hdf5_data_param {
    source: "examples/plate_e2e/val_e2e.txt"
    batch_size: 10
layer {
  name: "slicers"
  type: "Slice"
  bottom: "label"
  top: "label_1"
  top: "label_2"
  top: "label_3"
  top: "label_4"
  top: "label_5"
  top: "label_6"
  top: "label_7"
  slice_param {
    axis: 1
    slice_point: 1
    slice_point: 2
    slice_point: 3
    slice_point: 4
    slice_point: 5
    slice_point: 6
layer {
  name: "conv1"
  type: "Convolution"
  bottom: "data"
  top: "conv1"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  convolution_param {
    num_output: 96
    kernel_size: 11
    stride: 4
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.01
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0
layer {
  name: "relu1"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "conv1"
  top: "conv1"
layer {
  name: "norm1"
  type: "LRN"
  bottom: "conv1"
  top: "norm1"
  lrn_param {
    local_size: 5
    alpha: 0.0001
    beta: 0.75
layer {
  name: "pool1"
  type: "Pooling"
  bottom: "norm1"
  top: "pool1"
  pooling_param {
    pool: MAX
    kernel_size: 3
    stride: 2
layer {
  name: "conv2"
  type: "Convolution"
  bottom: "pool1"
  top: "conv2"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  convolution_param {
    num_output: 256
    pad: 2
    kernel_size: 5
    group: 2
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.01
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0.1
layer {
  name: "relu2"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "conv2"
  top: "conv2"
layer {
  name: "norm2"
  type: "LRN"
  bottom: "conv2"
  top: "norm2"
  lrn_param {
    local_size: 5
    alpha: 0.0001
    beta: 0.75
layer {
  name: "pool2"
  type: "Pooling"
  bottom: "norm2"
  top: "pool2"
  pooling_param {
    pool: MAX
    kernel_size: 3
    stride: 2
layer {
  name: "conv3"
  type: "Convolution"
  bottom: "pool2"
  top: "conv3"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  convolution_param {
    num_output: 384
    pad: 1
    kernel_size: 3
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.01
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0
layer {
  name: "relu3"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "conv3"
  top: "conv3"
layer {
  name: "conv4"
  type: "Convolution"
  bottom: "conv3"
  top: "conv4"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  convolution_param {
    num_output: 384
    pad: 1
    kernel_size: 3
    group: 2
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.01
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0.1
layer {
  name: "relu4"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "conv4"
  top: "conv4"
layer {
  name: "conv5"
  type: "Convolution"
  bottom: "conv4"
  top: "conv5"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  convolution_param {
    num_output: 256
    pad: 1
    kernel_size: 3
    group: 2
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.01
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0.1
layer {
  name: "relu5"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "conv5"
  top: "conv5"
layer {
  name: "fc6"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "conv5"
  top: "fc6"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 4096
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0
layer {
  name: "relu6"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "fc6"
  top: "fc6"
layer {
  name: "drop6"
  type: "Dropout"
  bottom: "fc6"
  top: "fc6"
  dropout_param {
    dropout_ratio: 0.5
layer {
  name: "fc7_1"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc6"
  top: "fc7_1"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 4096
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.005
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0.1
layer {
  name: "relu7_1"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "fc7_1"
  top: "fc7_1"
layer {
  name: "drop7_1"
  type: "Dropout"
  bottom: "fc7_1"
  top: "fc7_1"
  dropout_param {
    dropout_ratio: 0.5
layer {
  name: "fc7_2"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc6"
  top: "fc7_2"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 4096
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.005
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0.1
layer {
  name: "relu7_2"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "fc7_2"
  top: "fc7_2"
layer {
  name: "drop7_2"
  type: "Dropout"
  bottom: "fc7_2"
  top: "fc7_2"
  dropout_param {
    dropout_ratio: 0.5
layer {
  name: "fc7_3"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc6"
  top: "fc7_3"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 4096
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.005
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0.1
layer {
  name: "relu7_3"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "fc7_3"
  top: "fc7_3"
layer {
  name: "drop7_3"
  type: "Dropout"
  bottom: "fc7_3"
  top: "fc7_3"
  dropout_param {
    dropout_ratio: 0.5
layer {
  name: "fc7_4"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc6"
  top: "fc7_4"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 4096
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.005
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0.1
layer {
  name: "relu7_4"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "fc7_4"
  top: "fc7_4"
layer {
  name: "drop7_4"
  type: "Dropout"
  bottom: "fc7_4"
  top: "fc7_4"
  dropout_param {
    dropout_ratio: 0.5
layer {
  name: "fc7_5"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc6"
  top: "fc7_5"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 4096
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.005
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0.1
layer {
  name: "relu7_5"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "fc7_5"
  top: "fc7_5"
layer {
  name: "drop7_5"
  type: "Dropout"
  bottom: "fc7_5"
  top: "fc7_5"
  dropout_param {
    dropout_ratio: 0.5
layer {
  name: "fc7_6"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc6"
  top: "fc7_6"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 4096
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.005
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0.1
layer {
  name: "relu7_6"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "fc7_6"
  top: "fc7_6"
layer {
  name: "drop7_6"
  type: "Dropout"
  bottom: "fc7_6"
  top: "fc7_6"
  dropout_param {
    dropout_ratio: 0.5
layer {
  name: "fc7_7"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc6"
  top: "fc7_7"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 4096
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.005
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0.1
layer {
  name: "relu7_7"
  type: "ReLU"
  bottom: "fc7_7"
  top: "fc7_7"
layer {
  name: "drop7_7"
  type: "Dropout"
  bottom: "fc7_7"
  top: "fc7_7"
  dropout_param {
    dropout_ratio: 0.5
layer {
  name: "fc8_1"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc7_1"
  top: "fc8_1"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 31
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.01
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0
layer {
  name: "fc8_2"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc7_2"
  top: "fc8_2"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 24
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.01
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0
layer {
  name: "fc8_3"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc7_3"
  top: "fc8_3"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 34
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.01
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0
layer {
  name: "fc8_4"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc7_4"
  top: "fc8_4"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 34
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.01
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0
layer {
  name: "fc8_5"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc7_5"
  top: "fc8_5"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 34
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.01
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0
layer {
  name: "fc8_6"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc7_6"
  top: "fc8_6"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 34
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.01
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0
layer {
  name: "fc8_7"
  type: "InnerProduct"
  bottom: "fc7_7"
  top: "fc8_7"
  param {
    lr_mult: 1
    decay_mult: 1
  param {
    lr_mult: 2
    decay_mult: 0
  inner_product_param {
    num_output: 34
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.01
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"
      value: 0
layer {
  name: "accuracy_1"
  type: "Accuracy"
  bottom: "fc8_1"
  bottom: "label_1"
  top: "accuracy_1"
  include {
    phase: TEST
layer {
  name: "accuracy_2"
  type: "Accuracy"
  bottom: "fc8_2"
  bottom: "label_2"
  top: "accuracy_2"
  include {
    phase: TEST
layer {
  name: "accuracy_3"
  type: "Accuracy"
  bottom: "fc8_3"
  bottom: "label_3"
  top: "accuracy_3"
  include {
    phase: TEST
layer {
  name: "accuracy_4"
  type: "Accuracy"
  bottom: "fc8_4"
  bottom: "label_4"
  top: "accuracy_4"
  include {
    phase: TEST
layer {
  name: "accuracy_5"
  type: "Accuracy"
  bottom: "fc8_5"
  bottom: "label_5"
  top: "accuracy_5"
  include {
    phase: TEST
layer {
  name: "accuracy_6"
  type: "Accuracy"
  bottom: "fc8_6"
  bottom: "label_6"
  top: "accuracy_6"
  include {
    phase: TEST
layer {
  name: "accuracy_7"
  type: "Accuracy"
  bottom: "fc8_7"
  bottom: "label_7"
  top: "accuracy_7"
  include {
    phase: TEST
layer {
  name: "loss_1"
  type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
  bottom: "fc8_1"
  bottom: "label_1"
  top: "loss_1"
  loss_weight: 0.2
layer {
  name: "loss_2"
  type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
  bottom: "fc8_2"
  bottom: "label_2"
  top: "loss_2"
  loss_weight: 0.2
layer {
  name: "loss_3"
  type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
  bottom: "fc8_3"
  bottom: "label_3"
  top: "loss_3"
  loss_weight: 0.2
layer {
  name: "loss_4"
  type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
  bottom: "fc8_4"
  bottom: "label_4"
  top: "loss_4"
  loss_weight: 0.2
layer {
  name: "loss_5"
  type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
  bottom: "fc8_5"
  bottom: "label_5"
  top: "loss_5"
  loss_weight: 0.2
layer {
  name: "loss_6"
  type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
  bottom: "fc8_6"
  bottom: "label_6"
  top: "loss_6"
  loss_weight: 0.2
layer {
  name: "loss_7"
  type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
  bottom: "fc8_7"
  bottom: "label_7"
  top: "loss_7"
  loss_weight: 0.2
  • 有两个问题需要总结下:
    • AlexNet在conv5之后又一个pool5层,但是到conv5之后,图片的边界已经不足以再做池化,所以去掉了pool5层;
    • 第一次训练的时候忘记修改最后fc层输出的num_output参数,导致特征分类出现问题。七个fc层的num_output分别是31、24、34、34、34、34、34,分别对应各自标签的类别。


net: "examples/plate_e2e/train_val_e2e.prototxt"
test_iter: 130
test_interval: 100
base_lr: 0.001
lr_policy: "step"
gamma: 0.1
stepsize: 3000
display: 10
max_iter: 15000
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.0005
snapshot: 3000
snapshot_prefix: "examples/plate_e2e/plate_e2e"
solver_mode: GPU


#!/usr/bin/env sh


$TOOLS/caffe train --solver=examples/plate_e2e/solver_e2e.prototxt -gpu all


def Test(img):
    # 加载模型
    net = caffe.Net(deploy, caffe_model, caffe.TEST)

    # 注意可以调节预处理批次的大小
    # 由于是处理一张图片,所以把原来的10张的批次改为1
    net.blobs['data'].reshape(1, 3, 36, 136)

    # 加载图片到数据层
    im = cv2.imread(img)
    images = np.array([im.reshape(3, 36, 136)], dtype=np.float32)
    meanValue = mean()
    net.blobs['data'].data[...] =  images - meanValue

    # 前向计算
    out = net.forward()

    # 预测分类
    result = []

    return result


目标识别是计算机视觉一个重要的研究领域,由此延伸出的车辆型号识别具有重 要的实际应用价值,特别是在当今交通状况复杂的大城市,智能交通系统成为发展趋 势,这离不开对车辆型号进行识别和分类的工作,本文围绕如何利用计算机视觉的方 法进行车辆型号的识别和分类展开了一系列研究: 本文对当前的目标识别和分类的特征和算法做了总结和归纳。分析比较了作为图 像特征描述常见的特征算子,总结归纳了他们的提取方法、特征性能以及相互之间的 关联。另外,介绍了在目标识别工作中常用的分类方法,阐述了他们各自的原理和工作 方法。研究了深度神经网络的理论依据,分析比较了深度神经网络不同的特征学习方 法,以及卷积神经网络的训练方法。分析比较不同特征学习方法的特点选取 k-means 作为本文使用的特征学习方法,利用卷积神经网络结构搭建深度学习模型,进行车辆 车型识别工作。 本文为了测试基于深度学习的车辆型号分类算法的性能在 30 个不同型号共 7158 张图片上进行实验;并在相同数据上利用改进了的 SIFT 特征匹配的算法进行对比实验; 进过实验测试,深度学习方法在进行车型分类的实验中取得 94%的正确率,并在与 SIFT 匹配实验结果对比后进一步证实:深度学习的方法能够应用在车辆型号识别领域
评论 16




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


