hdu 6070 Dirt Ratio二分 线段树

Dirt Ratio

Time Limit: 18000/9000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 524288/524288 K (Java/Others)

Problem Description
In ACM/ICPC contest, the ''Dirt Ratio'' of a team is calculated in the following way. First let's ignore all the problems the team didn't pass, assume the team passed  X problems during the contest, and submitted  Y  times for these problems, then the ''Dirt Ratio'' is measured as  XY . If the ''Dirt Ratio'' of a team is too low, the team tends to cause more penalty, which is not a good performance.

Picture from MyICPC

Little Q is a coach, he is now staring at the submission list of a team. You can assume all the problems occurred in the list was solved by the team during the contest. Little Q calculated the team's low ''Dirt Ratio'', felt very angry. He wants to have a talk with them. To make the problem more serious, he wants to choose a continuous subsequence of the list, and then calculate the ''Dirt Ratio'' just based on that subsequence.

Please write a program to find such subsequence having the lowest ''Dirt Ratio''.

The first line of the input contains an integer  T(1T15) , denoting the number of test cases.

In each test case, there is an integer  n(1n60000)  in the first line, denoting the length of the submission list.

In the next line, there are  n  positive integers  a1,a2,...,an(1ain) , denoting the problem ID of each submission.

For each test case, print a single line containing a floating number, denoting the lowest ''Dirt Ratio''. The answer must be printed with an absolute error not greater than  104 .

Sample Input
1 5 1 2 1 2 3

Sample Output
For every problem, you can assume its final submission is accepted.


对于区间[L ,R] ,不同数有X个, f = X/(R-L+1)  , 求最小的f 。
对于给定的f ,
枚举右端点r 。 有 X / (r-l+1) <= f 
X + l * f <= (r+1) * f 
这里对于给定的r , (r+1)*f 为定值。
对于不同的左端点,其实l*f 也是定值。
转换为维护X的值,即:维护[1,r] ,[2,r],[3,r]....[r,r]区间不同数的个数,可用线段树来维护。
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new Task().solve();

class Task {
	InputReader in = new InputReader(System.in) ;
	PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out) ;
	int n ; 
	int[] num ;
	double[] min , add ;
	int[] last = new int[60008]  ;
	void build(int l , int r , int t , double mid){
		add[t] = 0 ;
		if(l == r){
			min[t] = l * mid ;
			return ;
		int m = (l + r) >> 1 ;
		build(l, m, t<<1 , mid) ;
		build(m+1, r, t<<1|1 , mid) ;
		up(t) ;
	void down(int t){
		if(add[t] != 0){
			add[t<<1] += add[t] ;
			add[t<<1|1] += add[t] ;
			min[t<<1] += add[t] ;
			min[t<<1|1] += add[t] ;
			add[t] = 0 ;
	void up(int t){
		min[t] = Math.min(min[t<<1] , min[t<<1|1]) ;
	void update(int L , int R , double d , int l , int r , int t){
		if(L <= l && r <= R){
			min[t] += d ;
			add[t] += d ; 
			return ;
        down(t) ;
		int m = (l + r) >> 1 ;
		if(L <= m){
			update(L, R, d, l, m, t<<1) ;
		if(R > m){
			update(L, R, d, m+1, r, t<<1|1) ;
		up(t) ;
	double query(int L , int R , int l , int r , int t){
		if(L <= l && r <= R){
			return min[t] ;
		down(t) ;
		int m = (l + r) >> 1 ;
		double reslut = Double.MAX_VALUE ;
		if(L <= m){
			reslut = Math.min(reslut, query(L, R, l, m, t<<1)) ;
		if(R > m){
			reslut = Math.min(reslut, query(L, R, m+1, r, t<<1|1)) ;
		up(t) ;
		return reslut ;
	boolean judge(double mid){
		Arrays.fill(last, 0) ;
		build(1, n, 1 , mid) ;
		for(int r = 1 ; r <= n ; r++){
			update(last[num[r]]+1, r, 1 , 1 , n , 1) ;
		    double q = query(1, r, 1, n, 1) ;
		    if(q <= mid * (r+1)){
		    	return true ;
		    last[num[r]] = r ;
		return false ; 
	void solve(){
		int t = in.nextInt() ;
		while(t-- > 0){
			 n = in.nextInt() ;
			 num = new int[n+1] ;
			 min = new double[n<<2] ;
			 add = new double[n<<2] ;
			 for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++){
				 num[i] = in.nextInt() ;
			 double l = 0.0 , r = 1.0 , result = -1 ;
			 for(int step = 0 ; step < 20 ; step++){
				 double mid = (l + r) * 0.5 ;
					 r = mid ;
					 result = mid ; 
					 l = mid ;
			 out.printf("%.10f%n" , result) ;
		out.flush() ;

class InputReader {    
    public BufferedReader reader;    
    public StringTokenizer tokenizer;    
    public InputReader(InputStream stream) {    
        reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768);    
        tokenizer = new StringTokenizer("");    
    private void eat(String s) {    
        tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(s);    
    public String nextLine() {     
        try {    
            return reader.readLine();    
        } catch (Exception e) {    
            return null;    
    public boolean hasNext() {    
        while (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {    
            String s = nextLine();    
            if (s == null)    
                return false;    
        return true;    
    public String next() {    
        return tokenizer.nextToken();    
    public int nextInt() {    
        return Integer.parseInt(next());    
    public int[] nextInts(int n) {    
        int[] nums = new int[n];    
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {    
            nums[i] = nextInt();    
        return nums;    
    public long nextLong() {    
        return Long.parseLong(next());    
    public double nextDouble() {    
        return Double.parseDouble(next());    
    public BigInteger nextBigInteger() {    
        return new BigInteger(next());    

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