如何在eclipse cdt环境下 导入一个含makefile的工程文件

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本教程介绍了如何在Eclipse CDT环境中导入一个已有的包含makefile的C++项目。步骤包括:创建新项目,指定项目位置和源文件目录,选择Makefile项目类型,配置构建命令以指向自定义的makefile,以及设置运行配置来执行应用程序。


Tutorial: Importing an existing project

The following tutorial takes you though the process of importing a 'legacy' application using the CDT.

Step 1: You want to create a single project that will reflect all of the components for the existing source tree.

  1. Select File > New > Project.
  2. For this tutorial, expand C/C++ and select C++ project.

    The New Project wizard displays. Click here to see an illustration (displayed in a separate window).

  3. In the Project name field, type a name for the project.
  4. Ensure that the Use default location option is not selected because here we will specify where the resources reside in the file system, in a location other than your workspace. 
    We assume this directory location already exists, and contains e.g. source files and makefile. If it does not exist, it will be created.

    In this example, we will use an existing hello.cpp and its existing hello.mak makefile, located in the directory c:\brandon.

      Click here to see an illustration (displayed in a separate window).

  5. In the Location field, specify the path to the existing files for your project.
  6. From the Project types list, expand Makefile Project and select Empty Project..
    • To have sample source and a makefile created in your existing directory, select Hello World C++ Project
  7. Make sure a toolchain is selected.
  8. Click Next.


  9. (Optional) On the Select Configurations page, select only the configurations you want created. Configurations display for each toolchain selected on the previous page of the wizard.
  10. Click Finish to close the dialog box.

    You will see the new project in the Project Explorer view. In addition, new 'dot' files have been created in your legacy project's root directory, these are CDT project files.

Step 2: You are now ready to build your project.

  1. To build your project, select Project > Build Project
    You can also hit the hammer icon build icon on the toolbar to build the selected project. 
  2. You may see an error e.g. "make: *** no rule to make target 'all'.

    This is because, in our case, we didn't tell it where the makefile is, or its name.

    • Open the project properties (right mouse on project name in the Project Explorer view and select Properties at the bottom on the context menu).
    • On the C/C++ Build Page, on its Builder Settings tab, uncheck Use default build command and change the make command to make -f hello.maksince our makefile is not named the default makefile.

      Click here to see an illustration (displayed in a separate window).

    • Click OK to close the Project Properties window.
    • Your project will probably rebuild. If not you can force a build via Project > Build Project or use the hammer icon build icon.

    After the project build completes, the results display in the Console view and new objects, such as binaries and includes, show in the Project Explorer view.

      Click here to see an illustration (displayed in a separate window).

  3. Review the results to ensure that there are no errors.


    Note: By default, the indexer is set to Fast indexer for the project to parse your project in the same way that a compiler does; beginning with each compilation unit and parsing that file and all files that it includes, except that it parses each header file included in a project only once. This method provides the most accurate index information. For large projects using complex C++ code, this indexer can be slow. For example, if a header file is included and takes two compilation units, the parsing of the second unit reuses the results of parsing the first unit. This is similar to how precompiled headers work. The indexing of large projects using the Fast indexer uses fewer resources than the Full indexer, but the resulting index is not quite as accurate. 
    To change indexer settings, bring up the Indexer page in the Project Properties.

    Click here to see an illustration (displayed in a separate window).

Step 3: You are now ready to run your application.

  1. To run your application within the C/C++ Perspective, click Run > Run Configurations...

    The Run Configurations dialog displays.

  2. To create a run configuration, select C/C++ Application and click the New icon.
  3. Give your run configuration a name by entering a new name in the Name field at the top.
  4. On the Main tab, select the project by clicking Browse opposite the Project field.
    • From the Project Selection window, select the project and click OK.
  5. Select the new C/C++ Application you want to execute by clicking Search.

    In our case it didn't find the file because it's in a nonstandard location. Use the Browse button to select the executable. In our case also it's a nonstandard name, hello.e because that's what our makefile hello.mak built.

    Click here to see an illustration (displayed in a separate window).

    • If you see the error [Debugger]: No debugger available, select the Debugger tab and choose a valid debugger for your platform (e.g. gdb/mi).
  6. Click Run to save the run configuration and run it.

    Click here to see an illustration (displayed in a separate window).

    The application runs in the Console view. The Console also shows which application it is currently running in the title bar. You can configure the view to display different elements, such as user input elements using different colors.

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