
Four-color Personality Analysis Test 

From the test maker:  Please focus on who you really are inside ofyou, not who you are when you are working. Your habit, education, social statusand age might mislead you. If you have a difficult time to answer the question,please choose the one which reflect your instinct. Do not choose the answerwhich you think is the best suit, or you think what you should do. In otherwords, you are answering “who I am”, not “who I should be” or “who I wish Icould be”. Please keep this in mind and make the true reaction. 

Choose the answers base on your naturalinstinct and be honest to yourself.


1. Which of the following is true aboutyour philosophy?

A. I wish I can experience all kinds ofpossibilities in life. So my ideas are more diversified. B. I think depth ismore important than variety. I carefully and reasonably set my targets. Once Iset the goal, I will be committed to it.

C. I care more about making thingspossible. I want to be as successful as possible. I need to accomplishsomething in this life.

D. I don’t like taking risk, I enjoy peaceand stable. Living in this world should not be hard, just enjoy the life 


2. If I go for hiking, under mostcircumstances, on the way back, I will choose:

A. The fun route. I don’t like to repeat.I’d like to take a different route than the one I did.

B. The safe route. Idon’t want to put myself in danger. I’d like to take the same route back.

C.The challenging route. I don’t mind taking the risk. I’d like to take a differentroute back.

D. The more convenient route. I don’t want any trouble. I’d like totake the route I did.


3. When I am talking, I pay more attentionto:

A. The impression I make. Sometimes, itmight be exaggerated.

B. Precisely describe the topic. Sometimes, it might belengthy.

C. Make my point clear. Sometimes, it mightbe too direct that people might feel uncomfortable.

D. How people feel. Sometimes, I may notwant to tell them the truth. 


4. Under most of the circumstances, myheart likes:

A. Excitement. I always have new ideas, andI will make them happen. I like to be different. 

B. Safety. I am calm and not impulsive.

C. Challenge.  I like competition. I have a strong desire ofwinning.

D. Steady. I am happy of what I have. I rarely envy others.

5. I consider the basic characteristic ofthe emotions I have is

A. Emotional, moody, fluctuated.

B. On the appearance, I am strong andtough. But on the inside, I am emotional. Once I got hurt, it takes a long timeto recover.

C. I like clear-cut relationship, but onceit is unstable, I got irritated easily.

D. Emotionally stable. 

6. In my opinion, besides in the workingenvironment, when it comes to control other people,  

A. I don’t want to control people. I onlywant to influence them. But I don’t have a strong ability of self-control.

B. I use rules to control myself and otherpeople.

C. I have a desire of taking control. Iwant everyone to obey me.

D. I am not interested in influence orcontrol anyone. And I don’t want to be controlled by anyone either.  


7. When I am with my lover, I wish she orhe can:

A. Always give me compliments and supportme. Let me feel happy and feel being cared, but I also need to have my space orfreedom.

B. Always know what I am thinking about,and being very sensitive to what I need.

C. Agree with me. Telling me that I amright and I am important to her/him.

D. Give me full respect. And we can getalong well and peaceful.  


8. When I am socializing with otherpeople, 

A. Have an open mind can help me quicklybuild up relationship with others.

B. I carefully and slowly get involved withpeople. Once I make friends, this friendship will last long. 

C. I hope to be the dominate person inrelationships.

D. I’d like to go with the flow. Not tooaggressive. I am relatively passive. 

9. I think I am: 

A. Amiable and enthusiastic. 

B. Cool and introverted.

C. Decisive andconfident. 

D. Calm and peaceful. 

10. The way that I usually accomplish mywork is

A. I always do it at the last minute. And Iam good at it.

B. I have my strict rules and procedures ofdoing things. I do it carefully and precisely. I don’t like to bother people orto ask them for help.

C. I start doing my work as soon as I getit. And I do it quickly. 

D. I follow the book step by step, and Iwill ask someone for help when I need it. 

11. If someone really makes me mad, 

A. I feel hurt inside. I think there is noway I will forgive her/him at that moment. But most of the time, I will forgiveher/him eventually.

B. I feel so angry that I won’t forgetabout it. I will keep this in mind and avoid seeing that person what so ever.

C. I will be so angry that I wish I can getrevenge if I get a chance.

D. I will avoid confronting it, becauseit’s probably not that bad. Or I will go find some new friends. 

12. In a social relationship, what I carethe most is:

A. Getting compliments and welcome fromother people.

B. People understand me and appreciate my work.

C. Gettingrespect and gratitude from other people. 

D. Getting respect and acceptance from other people. 

13. In my work, I often show: 

A. Full of enthusiasm, a lot of ideas andsmart

B. Careful and rigorous, perfectlyaccurate, and reliable 

C. Strong andstraightforward, sometimes aggressive.

D. Patience, adaptability and good withcommunication and compromise


14. Most likely my teachers in the pastwill describe me as: 

A. Emotional,articulate and good at expressing emotions

B. Strictly protection of my privacy,sometimes seem lonely or unsocial

C. Agile and independent, and like to dothings by myself.

D. Looks calm and relax, low reactivity, relatively mild.  

15 My friends will describe me as:

A. Like to talk to friends, and have thepower to influence others and make them happy.

B. Ask a lot of questions inregarding the details, and ask for precise explanation.

C. I am good at solvingproblems

D. A good listener.  


16. On the issue of helping others, myinner thoughts are:

A. I don’t initiatively offer help. I willhelp them if they come to me.

B. I help people who deserve my help.

C. I rarely offer my help to people. Butonce I make promise to help them out, I’ll make it happen.

D. Maybe I am not really helpful to others,but I like offer my help. 

17. When I hear people’s compliment, myinner thoughts are:

A. I won’t be too happy about gettingcompliments, and I don’t care if there is none.

B. I don’t need those useless or fakecompliments. I’d rather people appreciate my ability.

C. I doubt people’ssincerity. Or I avoid everyone’s attention right away.

D. Compliments make mehappy, so the more the better.


18. Which of the following best describesyour attitude toward your life?

A. What everyone else do is not my business, Ifeel pretty good of what I do.

B. If I don’t make progress, others will.So I have to keep up with the rest of the world.

C. I try to think of everypossible outcome before things actually take place.

D. The most important thingin life is to live happily every day. 

19. Which of the following best describesyour attitude toward rules?

A. I don’t want to break rules, butsometimes I might be sloppy and can’t fully follow them.

B. I want to breakrules. I hope I can make the rules instead of following them.

C. I strictcompliance with the rules, and do my best within the rules.

D. I don’t like being restrained by rules.Not playing by the rules will be more fun. 

20. Which of the following best describesthe characteristic of my behavior?

A. I don things slowly, step by step, couldbe harmonized with people around me.

B. I have clear objectives and I focus onachieving goals. I am good at catching the essential elements.

C. I am caution. I prepare for everypossible outcome. And I dedicate all of my time and effort into it.

D. I am active and dynamic. I don’t like tobe restrained by rules. I prefer immediate reaction. 


21. Which of the following best describehow you deal with pressure?

A. Out of sight, out of mind.

B. The greater the pressure, the greaterthe resistance.

C. I digest it slowly by myself. 

D. I distinctly avoid it. If I can’t avoidthe pressure, I’d do anything to let it out.  

22. When I come out of an unforgettablelove relationship:

A. I still have to live my life, time will resolveeverything.

B. Although I feel hurt, but once I amdetermined to move on, I will try my best to do it.

C. I will be buried in grief for arelatively long period of time where I am unable to accept anyone new.

D. I will feel extremely sorrow, and I needto find a friend to talk to find a way out. 

23. When my friends confided their troublesto me, what I usually do is:

A. Listen to what they say, and agree with theirfeelings.

B. I quickly make judgment to help them endthe useless suffering. I prefer to help them to solve their problem.

C. Give them some of possible reasoning,help them analyze the problem and appease their emotions.

D. I give out my opinion, and I sympathizewith them and share the same feeling of theirs. 

24. Which of the following environments ofconversation makes me most comfortable?

A. Relax environment.  And peacefully come to the same conclusion.

B. Everyone should be straightforward andbrief and driven to get a result by having certain amount of discussion.

C. Follow the rules and step by step todiscuss the detail of the subject.

D. Everyone should be able to talk freelyand happily, not eagerly getting an outcome. 

25. I think of work as:

A. No need to have too much pressure. It’sgood if I can work on something I am familiar with.

B. It’s an important means to achieve mylife goal and to success.

C. Either I don’t do it, or I make it the best.

D. That would be awesome if I can combinejoy into my work. That would be sucks if I have to do something that I amtotally not interested in.  

26. If I am a leader, I wish people workingunder me would think me as:

A. Amiable and always think for them.

B. Have a strong ability and strongleadership.

C. Being fair on everything and being reliable.

D. They like me and think I am a charismaticleader. 

27. Which of the following best describesthe way I hope I get to be agreed with or get accepted by?

A. Whether or not they agree with medoesn’t matter to me.

B. Being accepted or agreed with by smartpeople or elites is the most important.

C. I only need those who I care aboutto agree with me.

D. I hope everyone could agree with me.


28. When I was a child:

A. I less likely to actively try on newthings. I usually prefer the old and familiar stuff.

B. I am the head ofchildren, everyone listened to my decision. 

C. I was shy when I see strangers, and Iintentionally avoid meeting people.

D. I was naughty and lovely, usually I wasactive and enthusiastic. 

29. If I was a parent, 

A. I don’t want to interfere with them toomuch, and I am easy to be convinced.

B.I am strict and rigid, and I give them direction very straightforward.

C. I use actions instead of language toexpress my love. And I have high standards. 

D. I’d love to spend time with the children. My children love and welcomeme.  

30. Which of the following sayings bestdescribes my overall life value?

A. The most profound truth is the simplestand most mundane. To be successful in this world, I need to stay hungry, stayfoolish. Good temper is the best tool in social relationships. Happiness liesin contentment.

B. Follow my heart, and let people talk.Although the world is full of suffering, I am always able to overcome the allof the challenges. Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life. To me,solving a problem is as good as having a holiday.

C. One who doesn’t pay attention to thedetails will never succeed in business. Rationality is the essential of thesoul. Never act pompously or ostentatiously or extravagantly. I would ratherway nothing than say too much. Being cautious is better than being bold. 

D. Happiness lies in the joy and passionfor life. Be honest to yourself at anytime is most important thing. You candream the life you want, and then make your dream come true. Happiness lies notin the possession of money, but in the joy of achievement and in the passion ofcreativity.

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