How to change user habits with interaction design




Studies have verified that we spend more than 40 percent of our time engaged in habitual action. Our brains seem to prefer being on auto-pilot, as the mechanisms for creating habits are so deeply ingrained. By knowing the finer points of habit development, you can design interactions that: 


Create helpful habits — Know how to entice your users to form the habits you want.  

创造有用的习惯 —— 知道如何诱使你的用户去形成你想要的习惯。

Don’t harm existing habits when redesigning — If your users already formed habits with your product, don’t destroy them because of a few careless tweaks.

在重新设计时不要伤害已经存在的习惯 —— 如果你的用户已经与你的产品形成了习惯,不要因为一些草率的妙计而破坏他们。

Forming Habits

Obviously, habits are formed when people perform the same actions repeatedly, but how can you streamline the process?


Let’s look at an example of a digital habit, logging in to your email from your phone. The cue is feeling the vibration, the routine is opening the message, and the reward is staying updated (or distracted)


Interaction design strives to elevate these functional rewards to emotional rewards by crafting memorable micromoments. Over time, these micromoments add up to promote deeper engagement — and thus a better overall user experience.


Revealing Behavior Pattens

To uncover user habits, conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis. 为了揭示用户习惯,进行定性和定量分析。

Qualitative analysis can be accomplished through informal hallway tests or formal lab tests. You could also encourage them to keep a user diary, logging their behavioral patterns for common tasks. In doing so, you’ll better uncover their cues and routines.


Once you know how users are currently behaving, you’ll be able to take the next step into tweaking or redesigning your interface to affect those habits.


Changing User Behavior

But since it’s human behavior to resist change, users do not want to lose their old habits. Forcing users into new habits will only hurt the UX, so you need to be delicate with redesigning new user paths。


Focus on Feedback Loops

As direct interactions with your users, feedback loops go a long way in affecting your user’s behavior.

作为与你的用户的直接交互, 反馈回路在影响用户习惯方面起重要作用。

Communicate right and wrong — Don’t save all your feedback for errors. Keep your users posted on the good as well as the bad so they also receive positive reinforcement.

传达对的和错的 —— 不要只是保留那些错误信息的反馈。让你的用户保持反馈好的方面和不好的方面,这样好的方面也会得到增强。

Match visuals to the dialogue — A warning message should look different than an update message, for example. Proper visuals indicate of what the message means before users read it

让视觉匹配对话 —— 比如,一条警告信息应该看起来不同于一条更新消息。在用户阅读信息之前,合适的视觉显示它的含义。比如,红色在大部分文化中被认为是一种警告的颜色。

Be consistent — While you should vary your feedback styles based on the purpose, it’s important to have some kind of consistency between all types of messages, as well as all feedback in general

保持一致性 —— 当你应该让你的反馈样式基于目标而多样化时,在所有类型的信息和反馈里拥有一些相同的地方是很重要的。

Don’t be oppressive — Be communicative, but don’t overdo it. Make feedback optional by having it appear only when the user hovers over a relevant items, and fade away if ignored (unless immediate action is required).

不要压迫性的 —— 交流的,但不要做得过度。让反馈成为可选的,通过让它只在用户划过相关项目时显示,然后隐去如果用户无视的话(除非及时的操作是必须的)


The feedback is simple (and not particularly innovative), but it does everything right. 这条反馈很简单,没什么特别创新的,但是它做了所有对的事。

It’s not necessary, it requires no activity; it’s there just as a notification. It appears in a noticeable place without getting in the way of other interactions, and will fade away on its own if ignored.


Delving further, the message is a great tool in communicating with the user. It explains what exactly happened, with details (mentioning the message is in the Trash). Then, it gives the user options for more interaction with “Learn more,” or the opportunity to undo the action. Both of these options provide a greater sense of control.

更深地挖掘,这条信息是与用户沟通的极好的工具。它解释了刚刚发生了什么,包括细节(提到消息在垃圾箱里 )。然后它给用户选项,“了解更多”,或者撤销操作的机会。这两个选项都给用户提供一种在掌控之中的感觉。





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