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转载 matlabr: a Package to Calling MATLAB from R with system

In my research, I primarily use R, but I try to use existing code if available. In neuroimaging and other areas, that means calling MATLAB code. There are some existing solutions for the problem of Rt

2016-07-31 11:54:24 548

转载 Reach for your Matlab data with R

If you work with both Matlab and R, the R.matlab package maintained by Henrik Bengtsson on CRAN helps you to connect the two environments by allowing you to read and write Matlab's MAT data file for

2016-07-31 11:52:00 370

转载 详解并行逻辑回归

摘要:Logistic regression (逻辑回归)是当前业界比较常用的机器学习方法,用于估计某种事物的可能性。这里是:“可能性”而非数学上的“概率”,logisitc回归的结果并非数学定义中的概率值,不可以直接当做概率值来用。编者按:回归其实就是对已知公式的未知参数进行估计,Logistic regression是线性回归的一种,是机器学习中十分常用的一种分类算法,在互联网领域

2016-07-25 11:59:54 2717

转载 Sustainability through Energy Load Shaping for Buildings using R

by Mike Wise, Data Scientist / Solution Architect – MCS Incubation ServicesBackgroundBuilding energy consumption is a huge component of energy consumption. In the USA for example, around 40 pe

2016-07-25 11:53:39 491

转载 Data frame columns as arguments to dplyr functions

Suppose that you would like to create a function which does a series of computations on a data frame. You would like to pass a column as this function’s argument. Something like:data(cars)convert

2016-07-25 11:12:36 773

转载 recosystem: Recommender System Using Parallel Matrix Factorization

Posted on July 15, 2016http://statr.me/2016/07/recommender-system-using-parallel-matrix-factorization/A Quick View of Recommender SystemThe main task of recommender system is to predic

2016-07-25 10:42:23 1024

转载 Does sentiment analysis work? A tidy analysis of Yelp reviews

This year Julia Silge and I released the tidytext package for text mining using tidy tools such as dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2 and broom. One of the canonical examples of tidy text mining this package m

2016-07-25 10:02:42 911

转载 Installing R in Ubuntu

UniverseThe current version of R available when a new version of Ubuntu is released is always available in the universe repository. To install R: sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev This

2016-07-14 10:54:54 582

转载 作为科技迷,你必须要了解的乐高机器人常识!

Source by Fans主要材料:乐高机器人常识所需工具:乐高机器人常识制作步骤:第1步:从今天起,给大家盘点一下主流的机器人开发套件。谈及机器人套件,乐高是回避不掉的,既然这样,那我们索性从乐高机器人套件开始说起。

2016-07-13 09:39:44 3974

转载 Extending R

(This article was first published on R – Xi'an's Og, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers)As I was previously unaware of this book coming up, my surprise and excitement were both extreme whe

2016-07-13 09:15:42 487

转载 Implementing Apriori Algorithm in R

There are a bunch of blogs out there posted that show how to implement apriori algorithm in R. However, when I was working on the same, I hit a roadblock since the data was neither in single format, n

2016-07-12 20:55:47 541

转载 Exporting nice plots from R

A vital part of statistics is producing nice plots, an area where R is outstanding. The graphical ablility of R is often listed as a major reason for choosing the language. It is therefore funny tha

2016-07-12 17:25:39 541

转载 The Mathematics of Machine Learning

This post was first published on my Linkedin page and posted here as a contributed post.In the last few months, I have had several people contact me about their enthusiasm for venturing into the

2016-07-10 08:55:09 1772

转载 Playing Around with Methods Overloading, C-language and Operators (1)

IntroductionR is an object-oriented (OO) language. This basically means that R is able to recognize the type of objects generate from analysis and to apply the right operation on different objects

2016-07-08 11:32:06 542

转载 useR! talk on teaching R

Here is a video recording of my talk from useR! 2016 on teaching R. It’s nominally about teaching a lot of students in an intensive format, but I think almost everything translates to traditional clas

2016-07-08 10:28:08 293

转载 dplyr do: Some Tips for Using and Programming

This post was originally posted on Quantide blog. Read the full article here.If you want to compute arbitrary operations on a data frame returning more than one number back, use dplyr do()!Thi

2016-07-08 10:21:10 438

转载 Image Recognition and Face Detection

Image recognition and face detection has been around for some years. However, usage and adoption was limited due to quality and ease of development. With the release of Microsoft’s Project Oxford, t

2016-07-06 08:40:55 560



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