An acronym standing for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. These properties are all desirable in a database system, and are all closely tied to the notion of a transaction. The transactional features of InnoDB adhere to the ACID principles.
Transactions are atomic units of work that can be committed or rolled back. When a transaction makes multiple changes to the database, either all the changes succeed when the transaction is committed, or all the changes are undone when the transaction is rolled back.
The database remains in a consistent state at all times — after each commit or rollback, and while transactions are in progress. If related data is being updated across multiple tables, queries see either all old values or all new values, not a mix of old and new values.
Transactions are protected (isolated) from each other while they are in progress; they cannot interfere with each other or see each other’s uncommitted data. This isolation is achieved through the locking mechanism. Experienced users can adjust the isolation level, trading off less protection in favor of increased performance and concurrency, when they can be sure that the transactions really do not interfere with each other.
The results of transactions are durable: once a commit operation succeeds, the changes made by that transaction are safe from power failures, system crashes, race conditions, or other potential dangers that many non-database applications are vulnerable to. Durability typically involves writing to disk storage, with a certain amount of redundancy to protect against power failures or software crashes during write operations. (In InnoDB, the doublewrite buffer assists with durability.)
See Also atomic, commit, concurrency, doublewrite buffer, isolation level, locking, rollback, transaction.


read phenomena(读现象)
Phenomena such as dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads which can occur when a transaction reads data that another transaction has modified.
See Also dirty read, non-repeatable read, phantom.

dirty read
An operation that retrieves unreliable data, data that was updated by another transaction but not yet committed. It is only possible with the isolation level known as read uncommitted.
This kind of operation does not adhere to the ACID principle of database design. It is considered very risky, because the data could be rolled back, or updated further before being committed; then, the transaction doing the dirty read would be using data that was never confirmed as accurate.
Its opposite is consistent read, where InnoDB ensures that a transaction does not read information updated by another transaction, even if the other transaction commits in the meantime.

non-repeatable read
The situation when a query retrieves data, and a later query within the same transaction retrieves what should be the same data, but the queries return different results (changed by another transaction committing in the meantime).
This kind of operation goes against the ACID principle of database design. Within a transaction, data should be consistent, with predictable and stable relationships.
Among different isolation levels, non-repeatable reads are prevented by the serializable read and repeatable read levels, and allowed by the consistent read, and read uncommitted levels.
See Also ACID, consistent read, isolation level, READ UNCOMMITTED, REPEATABLE READ, SERIALIZABLE, transaction.

A row that appears in the result set of a query, but not in the result set of an earlier query. For example, if a query is run twice within a transaction, and in the meantime, another transaction commits after inserting a new row or updating a row so that it matches the WHERE clause of the query.
This occurrence is known as a phantom read. It is harder to guard against than a non-repeatable read, because locking all the rows from the first query result set does not prevent the changes that cause the phantom to appear.
Among different isolation levels, phantom reads are prevented by the serializable read level, and allowed by the repeatable read, consistent read, and read uncommitted levels.
See Also consistent read, isolation level, non-repeatable read, READ UNCOMMITTED, REPEATABLE READ, SERIALIZABLE, transaction.

isolation level

One of the foundations of database processing. Isolation is the I in the acronym ACID; the isolation level is the setting that fine-tunes the balance between performance and reliability, consistency, and reproducibility of results when multiple transactions are making changes and performing queries at the same time.
From highest amount of consistency and protection to the least, the isolation levels supported by InnoDB are: SERIALIZABLE, REPEATABLE READ, READ COMMITTED, and READ UNCOMMITTED.
With InnoDB tables, many users can keep the default isolation level (REPEATABLE READ) for all operations. Expert users might choose the READ COMMITTED level as they push the boundaries of scalability with OLTP processing, or during data warehousing operations where minor inconsistencies do not affect the aggregate results of large amounts of data. The levels on the edges (SERIALIZABLE and READ UNCOMMITTED) change the processing behavior to such an extent that they are rarely used.

The isolation level that provides the least amount of protection between transactions. Queries employ a locking strategy that allows them to proceed in situations where they would normally wait for another transaction. However, this extra performance comes at the cost of less reliable results, including data that has been changed by other transactions and not committed yet (known as dirty read). Use this isolation level with great caution, and be aware that the results might not be consistent or reproducible, depending on what other transactions are doing at the same time. Typically, transactions with this isolation level only do queries, not insert, update, or delete operations.
See Also ACID, dirty read, isolation level, locking, transaction.

An isolation level that uses a locking strategy that relaxes some of the protection between transactions, in the interest of performance. Transactions cannot see uncommitted data from other transactions, but they can see data that is committed by another transaction after the current transaction started. Thus, a transaction never sees any bad data, but the data that it does see may depend to some extent on the timing of other transactions.
When a transaction with this isolation level performs UPDATE … WHERE or DELETE … WHERE operations, other transactions might have to wait. The transaction can perform SELECT … FOR UPDATE, and LOCK IN SHARE MODE operations without making other transactions wait.
SELECT … FOR SHARE replaces SELECT … LOCK IN SHARE MODE in MySQL 8.0.1, but LOCK IN SHARE MODE remains available for backward compatibility.
See Also ACID, isolation level, locking, REPEATABLE READ, SERIALIZABLE, transaction.

The default isolation level for InnoDB. It prevents any rows that are queried from being changed by other transactions, thus blocking non-repeatable reads but not phantom reads. It uses a moderately strict locking strategy so that all queries within a transaction see data from the same snapshot, that is, the data as it was at the time the transaction started.
When a transaction with this isolation level performs UPDATE … WHERE, DELETE … WHERE, SELECT … FOR UPDATE, and LOCK IN SHARE MODE operations, other transactions might have to wait.
SELECT … FOR SHARE replaces SELECT … LOCK IN SHARE MODE in MySQL 8.0.1, but LOCK IN SHARE MODE remains available for backward compatibility.
See Also ACID, consistent read, isolation level, locking, phantom, transaction.

The isolation level that uses the most conservative locking strategy, to prevent any other transactions from inserting or changing data that was read by this transaction, until it is finished. This way, the same query can be run over and over within a transaction, and be certain to retrieve the same set of results each time. Any attempt to change data that was committed by another transaction since the start of the current transaction, cause the current transaction to wait.
This is the default isolation level specified by the SQL standard. In practice, this degree of strictness is rarely needed, so the default isolation level for InnoDB is the next most strict, REPEATABLE READ.
See Also ACID, consistent read, isolation level, locking, REPEATABLE READ, transaction.


Both non-repeatable and phantom reads have to do with data modification operations from a different transaction, which were committed after your transaction began, and then read by your transaction.
Non-repeatable reads are when your transaction reads committed UPDATES from another transaction. The same row now has different values than it did when your transaction began.
Phantom reads are similar but when reading from committed INSERTS and/or DELETES from another transaction. There are new rows or rows that have disappeared since you began the transaction.
Dirty reads are similar to non-repeatable and phantom reads, but relate to reading UNCOMMITTED data, and occur when an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE from another transaction is read, and the other transaction has NOT yet committed the data. It is reading “in progress” data, which may not be complete, and may never actually be committed。









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