K - Sorting It All Out
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An ascending sorted sequence of distinct values is one in which some form of a less-than operator is used to order the elements from smallest to largest. For example, the sorted sequence A, B, C, D implies that A < B, B < C and C < D. in this problem, we will give you a set of relations of the form A < B and ask you to determine whether a sorted order has been specified or not.
Input consists of multiple problem instances. Each instance starts with a line containing two positive integers n and m. the first value indicated the number of objects to sort, where 2 <= n <= 26. The objects to be sorted will be the first n characters of the uppercase alphabet. The second value m indicates the number of relations of the form A < B which will be given in this problem instance. Next will be m lines, each containing one such relation consisting of three characters: an uppercase letter, the character "<" and a second uppercase letter. No letter will be outside the range of the first n letters of the alphabet. Values of n = m = 0 indicate end of input.
For each problem instance, output consists of one line. This line should be one of the following three:
Sorted sequence determined after xxx relations: yyy...y.
Sorted sequence cannot be determined.
Inconsistency found after xxx relations.
where xxx is the number of relations processed at the time either a sorted sequence is determined or an inconsistency is found, whichever comes first, and yyy...y is the sorted, ascending sequence.
Sorted sequence determined after xxx relations: yyy...y.
Sorted sequence cannot be determined.
Inconsistency found after xxx relations.
where xxx is the number of relations processed at the time either a sorted sequence is determined or an inconsistency is found, whichever comes first, and yyy...y is the sorted, ascending sequence.
Sample Input
4 6 A<B A<C B<C C<D B<D A<B 3 2 A<B B<A 26 1 A<Z 0 0
Sample Output
Sorted sequence determined after 4 relations: ABCD. Inconsistency found after 2 relations. Sorted sequence cannot be determined.
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int n,m,time,time1,time2; int temp,number,test,number2,test2; int map[50][50],degree[50],match[50]; int sort[50],end[50]; void topo() { int in,k; memset(sort,0,sizeof(sort)); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) match[i]=degree[i]; //每次都把入度数组复制在match数组中,再对match进行判断 k=0; while(k<n) { number=0; number2=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { if(!match[i]) {in=i;number++;} //number是用来判断里面有多少个入度为0的顶点 if(match[i]==-1) number2++; //number2是用来判断是否出现了条件2的情况的 //有点乱来,这是不满意的地方 //因为这只是针对最后一次排序时候,出现match数组全部变成-1的情况 //全为-1说明已经全部排好序了 //如果有环的话,说明这时候match没有值为0的一项 //而排好序的话,全变成-1了,数组match里面任何一项也不会出现0 //所以会一直记录time2的时间为0 } if(number2!=n&&!number) test2=1; //如果number等于0且number2不等于n,才能说明在排序的时候没有入度为0的一项 if(number>1) test=1; //test是用来判断某次排序的时候,是否曾经出现过有环的情况 sort[k++]=in; //找到这个入度为0的顶点,放在sort中 match[in]=-1; //-1表示已经删除了这个顶点 for(int i=0;i<n;i++) if(map[in][i]>0) match[i]--; //遍历矩阵,找相邻顶点后入度-1 } } int main() { int k; char task[5]; while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)&&(n||m)) //n和m可以有其中一个为0的情况 { temp=0; //temp判断是三种情况中的哪一个 time1=0; //time1记录第一次完成排序的时间 time2=0; //time2记录第一次出现矛盾排序的时间 memset(map,0,sizeof(map)); memset(degree,-1,sizeof(degree)); for(time=0;time<m;time++) { int x,y; scanf("%s",task); x=task[0]-'A'; y=task[2]-'A'; //如果不加判断条件!map[x][y]的话,对于两次输入都一样的情况则会使某项入度+1 if(!map[x][y]) { if(degree[x]==-1) degree[x]=0; if(degree[y]==-1) degree[y]=1; else degree[y]++; } map[x][y]=1; //判断后标记这个点为1 if(map[x][y]==1&&map[y][x]==1&&!temp) { time2=time; temp=2; } //其实这个条件是可以忽略的,因为一开始理解错了 //这个地方需要改进,很不满意 test=0; test2=0; topo(); if(test2&&!temp) { time2=time; temp=2; } k=0; for(int i=1;i<n;i++) if(sort[i]!=sort[i-1]) k++; else break; //判断这个时候的sort序列是不是全部都是不一样的数,如果有一样的话说明还没排好序 //其实这个条件也是错误的,因为一开始写的时候没考虑清楚,后来要改动的话又会牵扯很多东西 //所以就一直放着了,这也是很不满意的地方 if(!test&&!temp&&k==n-1) { time1=time; temp=1; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) end[i]=sort[i]; //第一次排好序的时候把sort复制到end中 //因为可能不是最后一次才排好序,不是最后一次的话sort会一直变 //所以应该第一次排好的时候就复制到end中 } } if(!n) { printf("Sorted sequence determined after 1 relations: .\n"); } //这也只是针对n等于0时候的情况的,这又是一个不满意的地方 if(n) { if((time1<time2&&time2&&temp==1)||(time1&&!time2&&temp==1)||(time1==0&&temp==1)) { printf("Sorted sequence determined after %d relations: ",time1+1); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%c",end[i]+'A'); printf(".\n"); } if((time2<time1&&time1&&temp==2)||(time2&&!time1&&temp==2)||(time2==0&&temp==2)) printf("Inconsistency found after %d relations.\n",time2+1); if(!temp) printf("Sorted sequence cannot be determined.\n"); //三项判断输出,肯定有简便的地方 //一开始写觉得非常繁杂啰嗦,这也是不满意的地方 } } }