Springboot:mybatis-generator-maven 工具使用




注意放到插件 <plugins>里,别直接放到<dependencies>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE generatorConfiguration PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD MyBatis Generator Configuration 1.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-generator-config_1_0.dtd" >
    <!-- 在pom.xml中使用了maven插件,所以不用使用eclipse插件, 可以直接cmd到service执行
    "mvn -Dmybatis.generator.configurationFile=/Users/fangxm/Documents/git_vcb/vcb-project/framework/src/main/resources/generatorConfig.xml -Dmybatis.generator.overwrite=true mybatis-generator:generate"
    命令生成MyBatis文件 -->
    <!--<classPathEntry location="D:/registry/mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.1.22/mysql-connector-java-5.1.22.jar"/>-->
    <context id="context1" targetRuntime="MyBatis3">
        <plugin type="com.itfsw.mybatis.generator.plugins.CommentPlugin">
            <!-- 自定义模板路径 -->
            <property name="template" value="src/main/resources/mybatis-generator-comment.ftl" />
            <property name="suppressDate" value="true"/>

        <jdbcConnection driverClass="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" connectionURL="jdbc:mysql://" userId="root"

            <property name="forceBigDecimals" value="false"/>

        <javaModelGenerator targetPackage="edu.duan.springboot.entity" targetProject="./src/main/java"/>
        <sqlMapGenerator targetPackage="edu.duan.springboot.dao" targetProject="./src/main/resources"/>
        <javaClientGenerator targetPackage="edu.duan.springboot.dao" targetProject="./src/main/java" type="MIXEDMAPPER"/>

        <table tableName="matched" domainObjectName="Matched" enableCountByExample="true" enableUpdateByExample="true" enableDeleteByExample="true" enableSelectByExample="true" selectByExampleQueryId="true">
            <generatedKey column="id" sqlStatement="MySql" identity="true"/>

        <table tableName="connection" domainObjectName="Connection" enableCountByExample="true" enableUpdateByExample="true" enableDeleteByExample="true" enableSelectByExample="true" selectByExampleQueryId="true">
            <generatedKey column="id" sqlStatement="MySql" identity="true"/>

        <table tableName="user" domainObjectName="User" enableCountByExample="true" enableUpdateByExample="true" enableDeleteByExample="true" enableSelectByExample="true" selectByExampleQueryId="true">
            <generatedKey column="uid" sqlStatement="MySql" identity="true"/>


以及 mybatis-generator-comment.ftl

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- #############################################################################################################
     * This method is called to add a file level comment to a generated java file. This method could be used to add a
     * general file comment (such as a copyright notice). However, note that the Java file merge function in Eclipse
     * does not deal with this comment. If you run the generator repeatedly, you will only retain the comment from the
     * initial run.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation does nothing.
     * @param compilationUnit
     *            the compilation unit
    <comment ID="addJavaFileComment"></comment>

    <!-- #############################################################################################################
     * This method should add a suitable comment as a child element of the specified xmlElement to warn users that the
     * element was generated and is subject to regeneration.
     * @param xmlElement
     *            the xml element
    <comment ID="addComment"><![CDATA[
  WARNING - ${mgb}
  This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
  @project https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin

    <!-- #############################################################################################################
     * This method is called to add a comment as the first child of the root element. This method could be used to add a
     * general file comment (such as a copyright notice). However, note that the XML file merge function does not deal
     * with this comment. If you run the generator repeatedly, you will only retain the comment from the initial run.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation does nothing.
     * @param rootElement
     *            the root element
    <comment ID="addRootComment"></comment>

    <!-- #############################################################################################################
     * This method should add a Javadoc comment to the specified field. The field is related to the specified table and
     * is used to hold the value of the specified column.
     * <p>
     * <b>Important:</b> This method should add a the nonstandard JavaDoc tag "@mbg.generated" to the comment. Without
     * this tag, the Eclipse based Java merge feature will fail.
     * @param field
     *            the field
     * @param introspectedTable
     *            the introspected table
     * @param introspectedColumn
     *            the introspected column
    <comment ID="addFieldComment"><![CDATA[
<#if introspectedColumn??>
    <#if introspectedColumn.remarks?? && introspectedColumn.remarks != ''>
        <#list introspectedColumn.remarks?split("\n") as remark>
 * ${remark}

    <!-- #############################################################################################################
     * Adds a comment for a model class.  The Java code merger should
     * be notified not to delete the entire class in case any manual
     * changes have been made.  So this method will always use the
     * "do not delete" annotation.
     * Because of difficulties with the Java file merger, the default implementation
     * of this method should NOT add comments.  Comments should only be added if
     * specifically requested by the user (for example, by enabling table remark comments).
     * @param topLevelClass
     *            the top level class
     * @param introspectedTable
     *            the introspected table
    <comment ID="addModelClassComment"><![CDATA[
<#if introspectedTable.remarks?? && introspectedTable.remarks != ''>
    <#list introspectedTable.remarks?split("\n") as remark>
 * ${remark}

    <!-- #############################################################################################################
     * Adds the inner class comment.
     * @param innerClass
     *            the inner class
     * @param introspectedTable
     *            the introspected table
     * @param markAsDoNotDelete
     *            the mark as do not delete
    <comment ID="addClassComment"/>

    <!-- #############################################################################################################
     * Adds the enum comment.
     * @param innerEnum
     *            the inner enum
     * @param introspectedTable
     *            the introspected table
    <comment ID="addEnumComment"/>

    <!-- #############################################################################################################
     * Adds the interface comment.
     * @param innerInterface
     *            the inner interface
     * @param introspectedTable
     *            the introspected table
    <comment ID="addInterfaceComment"/>

    <!-- #############################################################################################################
     * Adds the getter comment.
     * @param method
     *            the method
     * @param introspectedTable
     *            the introspected table
     * @param introspectedColumn
     *            the introspected column
    <comment ID="addGetterComment"/>

    <!-- #############################################################################################################
     * Adds the setter comment.
     * @param method
     *            the method
     * @param introspectedTable
     *            the introspected table
     * @param introspectedColumn
     *            the introspected column
    <comment ID="addSetterComment"/>

    <!-- #############################################################################################################
     * Adds the general method comment.
     * @param method
     *            the method
     * @param introspectedTable
     *            the introspected table
    <comment ID="addGeneralMethodComment"/>

其中,generatorConfig.xml 中的mapper路径、表实体类路径、数据库用户密码,以及各个表名主键需要自己修改设置

mybatis-generator-comment.ftl 是为了生成实体类的时候注释规范,是否使用的差别如下两图



打开maven project,找到generator运行





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