objective-C 编程全解-第15章 消息发送模式 中

第15章 消息发送模式 中







2: InvocationTestViewController中都实现了下面方法:

- (void)invocationTestFuncA;

- (void)invocationTestFuncB;


    NSMethodSignature * methodSig1 = [self methodSignatureForSelector:@selector(invocationTestFuncB)];

    NSLog(@"%@",methodSig1);//<NSMethodSignature: 0x7fd711609b30>


    InvocationTest *test = [[InvocationTest alloc]init];

    NSMethodSignature * methodSig2 = [test methodSignatureForSelector:@selector(invocationTestFuncB)];

    NSLog(@"%@",methodSig2);//<NSMethodSignature: 0x7fd711609b30>


    NSMethodSignature * methodSig3 = [test methodSignatureForSelector:@selector(invocationTestFuncA)];

    NSLog(@"%@",methodSig3);//<NSMethodSignature: 0x7fd711609b30>


    NSMethodSignature * methodSig4 = [self methodSignatureForSelector:@selector(init)];

    NSLog(@"%@",methodSig4);//<NSMethodSignature: 0x7fd7117932a0>


15.5 消息转送

15.5.1 消息转送的构成




- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation


- (void)doesNotRecognizeSelector:(SEL)aSelector;


15.5.2 消息转送所需要的信息

如接口所示- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation的参数anInvocation中携带了消息转送所需要的信息,有目标、选择器、参数等

@property (nullable, assign) id target;

@property SEL selector;

@property (readonly, retain) NSMethodSignature *methodSignature;


15.5.3 消息转送的定义


再有,为了使运行时系统能够使用传送目的地的对象信息生成NSInvocation实例,必须重新定义返回的方法签名(method signature)对象(因为生成NSInvocation对象需要目标、选择器、参数等信息,而NSMethodSignature包含着参数返回值等信息(因此也可以预料到,此方法会先于forwardInvocation:方法被调用))。



15.5.4 禁止使用消息



- (void)setSize:(NSSize *)size


    [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd];


15.5.5 程序示例


//  InvocationTest.h

//  HTMLTest


//  Created by ranzhou on 16/7/1.

//  Copyright © 2016 ranzhouee. All rights reserved.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface InvocationTest : NSObject

- (void)invocationTestFuncA;  //有实现

- (void)invocationTestFuncB;   //有实现

- (void)noThisFun;  //此方法没有实现



//  InvocationTest.m

//  HTMLTest


//  Created by ranzhou on 16/7/1.

//  Copyright © 2016 ranzhouee. All rights reserved.


#import "InvocationTest.h"

#import <objc/runtime.h>

#import <objc/message.h>

@implementation InvocationTest



    self = [super init];

    if (self) {


    return self;


- (void)invocationTestFuncA


    NSLog(@"%@ %@",NSStringFromClass([self class]),NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));


- (void)invocationTestFuncB


    NSLog(@"%@ %@",NSStringFromClass([self class]),NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));



 - (void)doesNotRecognizeSelector:(SEL)aSelector


 Handles messages the receiver doesn’t recognize.

 The runtime system invokes this method whenever an object receives an aSelector message it can’t respond to or forward. This method, in turn, raises an NSInvalidArgumentException, and generates an error message.

 Any doesNotRecognizeSelector: messages are generally sent only by the runtime system. However, they can be used in program code to prevent a method from being inherited. For example, an NSObject subclass might renounce the copy or init method by re-implementing it to include a doesNotRecognizeSelector: message as follows:

       - (id)copy


            [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd];


 The _cmd variable is a hidden argument passed to every method that is the current selector; in this example, it identifies the selector for the copy method. This code prevents instances of the subclass from responding to copy messages or superclasses from forwarding copy messages—although respondsToSelector: will still report that the receiver has access to a copy method.

 If you override this method, you must call super or raise an NSInvalidArgumentException exception at the end of your implementation. In other words, this method must not return normally; it must always result in an exception being thrown.




 A selector that identifies a method not implemented or recognized by the receiver.



 没啥好说的,看注释,主要用于be used in program code to prevent a method from being inherited.Although respondsToSelector: will still report that the receiver has access to the  method.


- (void)doesNotRecognizeSelector:(SEL)aSelector


    //[super doesNotRecognizeSelector:aSelector];//此方法要放在最后调用,或者下最后手动抛出NSInvalidArgumentException异常。


    //[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException  format:@"崩溃原因:doesNotRecognizeSelector"];

    [super doesNotRecognizeSelector:aSelector];




//  ViewController.h

//  HTMLTest


//  Created by ranzhou on 16/6/29.

//  Copyright © 2016 ranzhouee. All rights reserved.


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface ViewController : UIViewController

- (void)VCinvocationTestFuncA; //没有实现

- (void)invocationTestFuncA;    //没有实现

- (void)invocationTestFuncB;    //有实现


- (void)viewDidLoad {

    [super viewDidLoad];

    [self invocationTest];


- (void)invocationTestFuncB


    NSLog(@"%@ %@",NSStringFromClass([self class]),NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));



 class NSMethodSignature


 An NSMethodSignature object records type information for the return value and parameters of a method. It is used to forward messages that the receiving object does not respond to—most notably in the case of distributed objects.



 This is a preliminary document for an API or technology in development. Although this document has been reviewed for technical accuracy, it is not final. This Apple confidential information is for use only by registered members of the applicable Apple Developer program. Apple is supplying this confidential information to help you plan for the adoption of the technologies and programming interfaces described herein. This information is subject to change, and software implemented according to this document should be tested with final operating system software and final documentation. Newer versions of this document may be provided with future seeds of the API or technology.

 You typically create an NSMethodSignature object using the NSObjectmethodSignatureForSelector: instance method (on OS X 10.5 and later you can also use signatureWithObjCTypes:). It is then used to create an NSInvocation object, which is passed as the argument to a forwardInvocation: message to send the invocation on to whatever other object can handle the message. In the default case, NSObject invokes doesNotRecognizeSelector:, which raises an exception. For distributed objects, the NSInvocation object is encoded using the information in the NSMethodSignature object and sent to the real object represented by the receiver of the message.

 Type Encodings

 An NSMethodSignature object is initialized with an array of characters representing the string encoding of return and argument types for a method. You can get the string encoding of a particular type using the @encode() compiler directive. Because string encodings are implementation-specific, you should not hard-code these values.

 A method signature consists of one or more characters for the method return type, followed by the string encodings of the implicit arguments self and _cmd, followed by zero or more explicit arguments. You can determine the string encoding and the length of a return type using methodReturnType and methodReturnLength properties. You can access arguments individually using the getArgumentTypeAtIndex: method and numberOfArguments property.

 For example, the NSString instance method containsString: has a method signature with the following arguments:

 @encode(BOOL) (c) for the return type

 @encode(id) (@) for the receiver (self)

 @encode(SEL) (:) for the selector (_cmd)

 @encode(NSString *) (@) for the first explicit argument

 See Type Encodings in Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide for more information.

 Availability iOS (2.0 and later)

 Declared In NSMethodSignature.h

 Reference NSMethodSignature Class Reference


- (void)invocationTest


    self.myTest = [[InvocationTest alloc]init];

    //[self.myTest noThisFun];


     Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '崩溃原因:doesNotRecognizeSelector'.




    [self description];  //此方法不会引起methodSignatureForSelector:forwardInvocation:被调用。

    [self invocationTestFuncA];    //self没有实现此方法,但self.myTest实现了这个方法,methodSignatureForSelector:forwardInvocation:被先后调用。

    //[self VCinvocationTestFuncA]; //self没有实现此方法,self.myTest也没有实现这个方法,methodSignatureForSelector:被调用,返回nil,随后崩溃。

    [self invocationTestFuncB];


     2016-07-02 13:18:54.684 HTMLTest[1767:84870] ViewController methodSignatureForSelector: invocationTestFuncA result:<NSMethodSignature: 0x7f9820d06490>

     2016-07-02 13:18:55.490 HTMLTest[1767:84870] ViewController invocationTestFuncA

     2016-07-02 13:18:55.490 HTMLTest[1767:84870] [anInvocation invokeWithTarget:self.myTest]

     2016-07-02 13:18:56.138 HTMLTest[1767:84870] InvocationTest invocationTestFuncA

     2016-07-02 13:18:57.220 HTMLTest[1767:84870] ViewController invocationTestFuncB




 - (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation


 Overridden by subclasses to forward messages to other objects.

 When an object is sent a message for which it has no corresponding(correspond |ˌkɒrɪˈspɒnd|) method, the runtime system gives the receiver an opportunity(opportunity |ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti| n 机遇) to delegate the message to another receiver. It delegates the message by creating an NSInvocation object representing the message and sending the receiver a forwardInvocation: message containing this NSInvocation object as the argument. The receiver’s forwardInvocation: method can then choose to forward the message to another object. (If that object can’t respond to the message either, it too will be given a chance to forward it.)

 The forwardInvocation: message thus(thus |ðʌs| 因此) allows an object to establish relationships with other objects that will, for certain messages, act on its behalf. The forwarding object is, in a sense, able to “inherit” some of the characteristics of the object it forwards the message to.


 To respond to methods that your object does not itself recognize, you must override methodSignatureForSelector: in addition to forwardInvocation:. The mechanism for forwarding messages uses information obtained from methodSignatureForSelector: to create the NSInvocation object to be forwarded. Your overriding method must provide an appropriate method signature for the given selector, either by pre formulating one or by asking another object for one.

 An implementation of the forwardInvocation: method has two tasks:

 To locate an object that can respond to the message encoded in anInvocation. This object need not be the same for all messages.

 To send the message to that object using anInvocation. anInvocation will hold the result, and the runtime system will extract and deliver this result to the original sender.

 In the simple case, in which an object forwards messages to just one destination (such as the hypothetical friend instance variable in the example below), a forwardInvocation: method could be as simple as this:

 - (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation


 SEL aSelector = [invocation selector];


 if ([friend respondsToSelector:aSelector])

 [invocation invokeWithTarget:friend];


 [super forwardInvocation:invocation];


 The message that’s forwarded must have a fixed number of arguments; variable numbers of arguments (in the style of printf()) are not supported.

 The return value of the forwarded message is returned to the original sender. All types of return values can be delivered to the sender: id types, structures, double-precision floating-point numbers.

 Implementations of the forwardInvocation: method can do more than just forward messages. forwardInvocation: can, for example, be used to consolidate code that responds to a variety of different messages, thus avoiding the necessity of having to write a separate method for each selector. A forwardInvocation: method might also involve several other objects in the response to a given message, rather than forward it to just one.

 NSObject’s implementation of forwardInvocation: simply invokes the doesNotRecognizeSelector: method; it doesn’t forward any messages. Thus, if you choose not to implement forwardInvocation:, sending unrecognized messages to objects will raise exceptions.



 The invocation to forward.

 Availability iOS (2.0 and later)

 Declared In NSObject.h

 Reference NSObject Class Reference


- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation


    SEL sel = [anInvocation selector];

    NSLog(@"%@ %@",NSStringFromClass([self class]),NSStringFromSelector(sel));

    if ([self.myTest respondsToSelector:sel])


        NSLog(@"[anInvocation invokeWithTarget:self.myTest]");

        [anInvocation invokeWithTarget:self.myTest];




        NSLog(@"[super forwardInvocation:anInvocation]");

        [super forwardInvocation:anInvocation];





 - (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector


 Returns an NSMethodSignature object that contains a description of the method identified by a given selector.

 An NSMethodSignature object that contains a description of the method identified by aSelector, or nil if the method can’t be found.



 A selector that identifies the method for which to return the implementation address. When the receiver is an instance, aSelector should identify an instance method; when the receiver is a class, it should identify a class method.

 Returns An NSMethodSignature object that contains a description of the method identified by aSelector, or nil if the method can’t be found.




    if ([super respondsToSelector:aSelector]) {

        return [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];


    NSMethodSignature *result = [self.myTest methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];

    NSLog(@"%@ %@ %@ result:%@",NSStringFromClass([self class]),NSStringFromSelector(_cmd),NSStringFromSelector(aSelector),result);

    return result;


- (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector


//    if ([self respondsToSelector:aSelector]) {//千万别,会循环调用,使用下面的代码代替

//        return YES;

//    }

    if([self methodForSelector:aSelector]!=(IMP)NULL)


        return YES;


    else if([super respondsToSelector:aSelector])


        return YES;


    else if([self.myTest respondsToSelector:aSelector])


        return YES;




        return NO;











// 方法签名中保存了方法的名称/参数/返回值,协同NSInvocation来进行消息的转发

// 方法签名一般是用来设置参数和获取返回值的, 和方法的调用没有太大的关系


NSMethodSignature  *signature = [ViewController instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:@selector(run:)];


// NSInvocation中保存了方法所属的对象/方法名称/参数/返回值



NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];


invocation.target = self;


invocation.selector = @selector(run:);

NSString *way = @"byCar";


[invocation setArgument:&way atIndex:2];


[invocation invoke];


- (void)run:(NSString *)method{






if (signature == nil) {


NSString *info = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@方法找不到", NSStringFromSelector(aSelector)];

[NSException raise:@"方法调用出现异常" format:info, nil];





NSUInteger argsCount = signature.numberOfArguments - 2;

NSUInteger arrCount = objects.count;

NSUInteger count = MIN(argsCount, arrCount);

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

    id obj = objects[i];

    // 判断需要设置的参数是否是NSNull, 如果是就设置为nil

    if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) {

        obj = nil;


[invocation setArgument:&obj atIndex:i + 2];




id res = nil;

if (signature.methodReturnLength != 0) {//有返回值


    [invocation getReturnValue:&res];


return res;







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