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原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(20) - <service>

SYNTAX: android:enabled=["true" | "false"]         android:exported=["true" | "false"]         android:icon="drawable resource"         android:isolatedProcess=["true" | "false"]         android

2014-04-06 21:22:58 665

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(19) - <receiver>

SYNTAX: android:enabled=["true" | "false"]          android:exported=["true" | "false"]          android:icon="drawable resource"          android:label="string resource"          android:name="

2014-04-06 21:21:55 519

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(18) - <provider>

SYNTAX: android:authorities="list"          android:enabled=["true" | "false"]          android:exported=["true" | "false"]          android:grantUriPermissions=["true" | "false"]          andro

2014-04-06 21:20:58 718

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(17) - <permission-tree>

SYNTAX: android:icon="drawable resource"                 android:label="string resource" ]                 android:name="string" />CONTAINED IN:DESCRIPTION:Declares the base name for a tree of p

2014-04-06 21:19:42 700

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(16) - <permission-group>

SYNTAX: android:description="string resource"                  android:icon="drawable resource"                  android:label="string resource"                  android:name="string" />CONTAIN

2014-04-06 21:18:51 497

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(15) - <permission>

SYNTAX: android:description="string resource"            android:icon="drawable resource"            android:label="string resource"            android:name="string"            android:permissio

2014-04-06 21:18:08 655

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(14) - <path-permission>

SYNTAX: android:path="string"                 android:pathPrefix="string"                 android:pathPattern="string"                 android:permission="string"                 android:readPer

2014-04-06 21:17:24 503

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(13) - <meta-data>

SYNTAX: android:name="string"           android:resource="resource specification"           android:value="string" />CONTAINED IN:    DESCRIPTION:A name-value pair for an item of addit

2014-04-06 21:16:34 482

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(12) - <manifest>

SYNTAX: xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"          package="string"          android:sharedUserId="string"          android:sharedUserLabel="string resource"           a

2014-04-06 21:15:49 669

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(11) - <instrumentation>

SYNTAX: android:icon="drawable resource"               android:label="string resource"               android:priority="integer" >    . . .CONTAINED IN:   MUST CONTAIN:CAN CONTAIN: DESC

2014-04-06 21:15:01 523

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(10) - <instrumentation>

SYNTAX: android:functionalTest=["true" | "false"]                 android:handleProfiling=["true" | "false"]                 android:icon="drawable resource"                 android:label="string

2014-04-06 21:14:10 519

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(9) - <grant-uri-permission>

SYNTAX: android:path="string"                      android:pathPattern="string"                      android:pathPrefix="string" />CONTAINED IN:DESCRIPTION:Specifies which data subsets of the pa

2014-04-06 21:13:09 527

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(8) - <data>

SYNTAX: android:scheme="string"      android:host="string"      android:port="string"      android:path="string"      android:pathPattern="string"      android:pathPrefix="string"      android

2014-04-06 21:11:57 679

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(7) - <compatible-screens>

SYNTAX:compatible-screens>    screen android:screenSize=["small" | "normal" | "large" | "xlarge"]            android:screenDensity=["ldpi" | "mdpi" | "hdpi" | "xhdpi"] />    ...CONTAINED IN:DE

2014-04-06 21:10:58 610

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(6) - <category>

SYNTAX: android:name="string" />CONTAINED IN:DESCRIPTION:Adds a category name to an intent filter. See Intents and Intent Filters for details on intent filters and the role of category specifica

2014-04-06 21:10:02 568

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(5) - <application>

SYNTAX: android:allowTaskReparenting=["true" | "false"]             android:allowBackup=["true" | "false"]             android:backupAgent="string"             android:debuggable=["true" | "false

2014-04-06 21:09:11 712

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(4) - <activity-alias>

SYNTAX: android:enabled=["true" | "false"]                android:exported=["true" | "false"]                android:icon="drawable resource"                android:label="string resource"     

2014-04-06 21:08:16 808

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(3) - <activity>

SYNTAX: android:allowTaskReparenting=["true" | "false"]          android:alwaysRetainTaskState=["true" | "false"]          android:clearTaskOnLaunch=["true" | "false"]          android:configChan

2014-04-06 21:06:58 1087

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(2) - <action>

SYNTAX: android:name="string" />CONTAINED IN:DESCRIPTION:Adds an action to an intent filter. An  element must contain one or more elements. If it doesn't contain any, no Intent objects will

2014-04-06 21:05:44 565

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Manifest(1) - Structure

App ManifestIN THIS DOCUMENTStructure of the Manifest FileFile ConventionsFile FeaturesIntent FiltersIcons and LabelsPermissionsLibrariesEvery application must have an An

2014-04-06 21:04:05 818

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(14) - Resource Types - More Type

More Resource TypesThis page defines more types of resources you can externalize, including:BoolXML resource that carries a boolean value.ColorXML resource that carries a color value (a hexade

2014-04-06 10:50:07 692

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(13) - Resource Types - Style

Style ResourceSEE ALSOStyles and ThemesA style resource defines the format and look for a UI. A style can be applied to an individual View (from within a layout file) or to an

2014-04-06 10:48:38 489

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(12) - Resource Types - String

String ResourcesA string resource provides text strings for your application with optional text styling and formatting. There are three types of resources that can provide your application with

2014-04-06 10:47:13 593

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(11) - Resource Types - Menu

Menu ResourceSEE ALSOMenusA menu resource defines an application menu (Options Menu, Context Menu, or submenu) that can be inflated with MenuInflater.For a guide to using menus

2014-04-06 10:45:16 604

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(10) - Resource Types - Layout

Layout ResourceSEE ALSOLayoutsA layout resource defines the architecture for the UI in an Activity or a component of a UI.FILE LOCATION:res/layout/filename.xmlThe filename wi

2014-04-06 10:43:28 614

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(9) - Resource Types - Drawable

Drawable ResourcesSEE ALSO2D GraphicsA drawable resource is a general concept for a graphic that can be drawn to the screen and which you can retrieve with APIs such asgetDrawabl

2014-04-06 10:42:10 613

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(8) - Resource Types - Color

Color State List ResourceSEE ALSOColor (simple value)A ColorStateList is an object you can define in XML that you can apply as a color, but will actually change colors, dependi

2014-04-06 10:25:23 605

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(7) - Resource Types - Animation

Animation ResourcesIN THIS DOCUMENTProperty AnimationView AnimationTween animationFrame animationSEE ALSOView AnimationProperty AnimationAn animation resource can d

2014-04-06 10:23:45 573

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(6) - Resource Types

Resource TypesSEE ALSOProviding ResourcesAccessing ResourcesEach of the documents in this section describe the usage, format and syntax for a certain type of application resource

2014-04-06 10:21:55 454

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(5) - Localizing with Resources

Localizing with ResourcesQUICKVIEWUse resource sets to create a localized app.Android loads the correct resource set for the user's language and locale.If localized resources are not a

2014-04-06 10:19:02 592

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(4) - Handling Runtime Changes

Handling Runtime ChangesIN THIS DOCUMENTRetaining an Object During a Configuration ChangeHandling the Configuration Change YourselfSEE ALSOProviding ResourcesAccessing Reso

2014-04-06 10:17:08 553

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(3) - Accessing Resources

Accessing ResourcesQUICKVIEWResources can be referenced from code using integers fromR.java, such asR.drawable.myimageResources can be referenced from resources using a special XML syn

2014-04-06 10:14:51 660

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(2) - Providing Resources

Providing ResourcesQUICKVIEWDifferent types of resources belong in different subdirectories of res/Alternative resources provide configuration-specific resource filesAlways include def

2014-04-06 10:12:53 614

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Resources(1) - Overview

Resources OverviewTOPICSProviding ResourcesAccessing ResourcesHandling Runtime ChangesLocalizationREFERENCEResource TypesYou should always externalize resources such as i

2014-04-06 10:11:08 537

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Components(18) - Processes and Threads

Processes and ThreadsQUICKVIEWEvery application runs in its own process and all components of the application run in that process, by defaultAny slow, blocking operations in an activit

2014-03-31 11:46:11 885

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Components(17) - App Widgets - App Widget Host

App Widget HostIN THIS DOCUMENTBinding App WidgetsBinding app widgets on Android 4.0 and lowerBinding app widgets on Android 4.1 and higherHost ResponsibilitiesAndroid 3.

2014-03-31 11:44:23 928

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Components(16) - App Widgets

App WidgetsIN THIS DOCUMENTThe BasicsDeclaring an App Widget in the ManifestAdding the AppWidgetProviderInfo MetadataCreating the App Widget LayoutUsing the AppWidgetProvider Class

2014-03-31 11:42:10 970

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Components(15) - Content Providers - Storage Access Framework

Storage Access FrameworkIN THIS DOCUMENTSHOW MOREOverviewControl FlowWriting a Client AppWriting a Custom Document ProviderKEY CLASSESDocumentsProviderDocumentsContract

2014-03-31 11:15:13 5463

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Components(14) - Content Providers - Contacts Provider

Contacts ProviderQUICKVIEWAndroid's repository of information about people.Syncs with the web.Integrates social stream data.IN THIS DOCUMENTContacts Provider OrganizationRaw

2014-03-31 11:12:52 3007

原创 Android API Guides 之 App Components(13) - Content Providers - Calendar Provider

Calendar ProviderIN THIS DOCUMENTBasicsUser PermissionsCalendars tableQuerying a calendarModifying a calendarInserting a calendarEvents tableAdding EventsUpdating EventsDelet

2014-03-31 10:26:51 547



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