第6章 为用户编程:终端控制和信号







(4)屏蔽Ctrl + c


 *puurpose: use for showing tty mode
int main()
    int c;
    while(( c = getchar()) != EOF)
        if( c == 'z')
            c = 'a';
        else if(islower(c))







stty -icanon关闭了驱动程序中的规范模式处理,非规范模式没有缓冲,因此输入字符直接回显

stty -icanon -echo还关闭了回显模式,驱动程序不再显示输入的字符,输出仅来自程序





缓冲和编辑功能被关闭,终端处理器仍旧进行特定字符的处理,如ctrl c及回车键和换行符之间的转换,但是用于删除等编辑键没有意义。





/* play_again0.c
 *	purpose: ask if user wants another transaction
 *	 method: ask a question, wait for yes/no answer
 *	returns: 0=>yes, 1=>no
 *	 better: eliminate need to press return 

#define	QUESTION	"Do you want another transaction"

int get_response( char * );

int main()
	int	response;

	response = get_response(QUESTION);	/* get some answer	*/
	return response;
int get_response(char *question)
 * purpose: ask a question and wait for a y/n answer
 *  method: use getchar and ignore non y/n answers
 * returns: 0=>yes, 1=>no
	printf("%s (y/n)?", question);
		switch( getchar() ){
			case 'y': 
			case 'Y': return 0;
			case 'n': 
			case 'N': 
			case EOF: return 1;


(2)play_again1.c  及时响应


/* play_again1.c
 *	purpose: ask if user wants another transaction
 *	 method: set tty into char-by-char mode, read char, return result
 *	returns: 0=>yes, 1=>no
 *	 better: do no echo inappropriate input

#define	QUESTION	"Do you want another transaction"
int get_response(char *);
void set_crmode();
void tty_mode(int how);
int main()
	int	response;

	tty_mode(0);				/* save tty mode	*/
	set_crmode();				/* set chr-by-chr mode	*/
	response = get_response(QUESTION);	/* get some answer	*/
	tty_mode(1);				/* restore tty mode	*/
	return response;
int get_response(char *question)
 * purpose: ask a question and wait for a y/n answer
 *  method: use getchar and complain about non y/n answers
 * returns: 0=>yes, 1=>no
	int input;
	printf("%s (y/n)?", question);
		switch( input = getchar() ){
			case 'y': 
			case 'Y': return 0;
			case 'n': 
			case 'N': 
			case EOF: return 1;
				printf("\ncannot understand %c, ", input);
				printf("Please type y or no\n");

void set_crmode()
 * purpose: put file descriptor 0 (i.e. stdin) into chr-by-chr mode
 *  method: use bits in termios
	struct	termios	ttystate;

	tcgetattr( 0, &ttystate);		/* read curr. setting	*/
	ttystate.c_lflag        &= ~ICANON;	/* no buffering		*/
	ttystate.c_cc[VMIN]     =  1;		/* get 1 char at a time	*/
	tcsetattr( 0 , TCSANOW, &ttystate);	/* install settings	*/

/* how == 0 => save current mode,  how == 1 => restore mode */
void tty_mode(int how)
	static struct termios original_mode;
	if ( how == 0 )
		tcgetattr(0, &original_mode);
		tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &original_mode); 



/* play_again2.c
 *	purpose: ask if user wants another transaction
 *	 method: set tty into char-by-char mode and no-echo mode
 *		 read char, return result
 *	returns: 0=>yes, 1=>no
 *	 better: timeout if user walks away

#define	QUESTION	"Do you want another transaction"
int get_response(char *);
void tty_mode(int how);
void set_cr_noecho_mode();
int main()
	int	response;

	tty_mode(0);				/* save mode */
	set_cr_noecho_mode();			/* set -icanon, -echo	*/
	response = get_response(QUESTION);	/* get some answer	*/
	tty_mode(1);				/* restore tty state	*/
	return response;

int get_response(char *question)
 * purpose: ask a question and wait for a y/n answer
 *  method: use getchar and ignore non y/n answers
 * returns: 0=>yes, 1=>no
	printf("%s (y/n)?", question);
		switch( getchar() ){
			case 'y': 
			case 'Y': return 0;
			case 'n': 
			case 'N': 
			case EOF: return 1;
void set_cr_noecho_mode()
 * purpose: put file descriptor 0 into chr-by-chr mode and noecho mode
 *  method: use bits in termios
	struct	termios	ttystate;

	tcgetattr( 0, &ttystate);		/* read curr. setting	*/
	ttystate.c_lflag    	&= ~ICANON;	/* no buffering		*/
	ttystate.c_lflag    	&= ~ECHO;	/* no echo either	*/
	ttystate.c_cc[VMIN]  	=  1;		/* get 1 char at a time	*/
	tcsetattr( 0 , TCSANOW, &ttystate);	/* install settings	*/

/* how == 0 => save current mode,  how == 1 => restore mode */
void tty_mode(int how)
	static struct termios original_mode;
	if ( how == 0 )
		tcgetattr(0, &original_mode);
		tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &original_mode); 




/* play_again3.c
 *	purpose: ask if user wants another transaction
 *	 method: set tty into chr-by-chr, no-echo mode
 *		 set tty into no-delay mode
 *		 read char, return result
 *	returns: 0=>yes, 1=>no, 2=>timeout
 *	 better: reset terminal mode on Interrupt

#define	ASK		"Do you want another transaction"
#define	TRIES	   3	                                   /* max tries */
#define SLEEPTIME  2                                       /* time per try */
void tty_mode(int);
void set_cr_noecho_mode();
void set_nodelay_mode();
int get_response(char *, int);
char get_ok_char();
int main()
	int	response;

	tty_mode(0);				/* save current mode	*/
	set_cr_noecho_mode();			/* set -icanon, -echo	*/
	set_nodelay_mode();			/* noinput => EOF	*/
	response = get_response(ASK, TRIES);	/* get some answer	*/
	tty_mode(1);				/* restore orig mode	*/
	return response;
int get_response( char *question , int maxtries)
 * purpose: ask a question and wait for a y/n answer or maxtries
 *  method: use getchar and complain about non-y/n input
 * returns: 0=>yes, 1=>no, 2=>timeout
	int	input;

	printf("%s (y/n)?", question);			/* ask		*/
	fflush(stdout);					/* force output	*/
	while ( 1 ){
		sleep(SLEEPTIME);			/* wait a bit	*/
		input = tolower(get_ok_char());        	/* get next chr */
		if ( input == 'y' )
			return 0;
		if ( input == 'n' )
			return 1;
		if ( maxtries-- == 0 )			/* outatime?	*/
			return 2;			/* sayso	*/
 *  skip over non-legal chars and return y,Y,n,N or EOF
char get_ok_char()
	int c;
	while( ( c = getchar() ) != EOF && strchr("yYnN",c) == NULL )
	return c;

void set_cr_noecho_mode()
 * purpose: put file descriptor 0 into chr-by-chr mode and noecho mode
 *  method: use bits in termios
	struct	termios	ttystate;

	tcgetattr( 0, &ttystate);		/* read curr. setting	*/
	ttystate.c_lflag    	&= ~ICANON;	/* no buffering		*/
	ttystate.c_lflag    	&= ~ECHO;	/* no echo either	*/
	ttystate.c_cc[VMIN]  	=  1;		/* get 1 char at a time	*/
	tcsetattr( 0 , TCSANOW, &ttystate);	/* install settings	*/

void set_nodelay_mode()
 * purpose: put file descriptor 0 into no-delay mode
 *  method: use fcntl to set bits
 *   notes: tcsetattr() will do something similar, but it is complicated
	int	termflags;

	termflags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL);		/* read curr. settings	*/
	termflags |= O_NDELAY;			/* flip on nodelay bit	*/
	fcntl(0, F_SETFL, termflags);		/* and install 'em	*/

/* how == 0 => save current mode,  how == 1 => restore mode */
/* this version handles termios and fcntl flags             */

void tty_mode(int how)
	static struct termios original_mode;
	static int            original_flags;
	if ( how == 0 ){
		tcgetattr(0, &original_mode);
		original_flags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL);
	else {
		tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &original_mode); 
		fcntl( 0, F_SETFL, original_flags);	




1.ctrl - c做什么











Signal     Value     Action   Comment
       SIGHUP        1       Term    Hangup detected on controlling terminal
                                     or death of controlling process
       SIGINT        2       Term    Interrupt from keyboard
       SIGQUIT       3       Core    Quit from keyboard
       SIGILL        4       Core    Illegal Instruction
       SIGABRT       6       Core    Abort signal from abort(3)
       SIGFPE        8       Core    Floating point exception
       SIGKILL       9       Term    Kill signal
       SIGSEGV      11       Core    Invalid memory reference
       SIGPIPE      13       Term    Broken pipe: write to pipe with no
       SIGALRM      14       Term    Timer signal from alarm(2)
       SIGTERM      15       Term    Termination signal
       SIGUSR1   30,10,16    Term    User-defined signal 1
       SIGUSR2   31,12,17    Term    User-defined signal 2
       SIGCHLD   20,17,18    Ign     Child stopped or terminated

       SIGCONT   19,18,25    Cont    Continue if stopped
       SIGSTOP   17,19,23    Stop    Stop process
       SIGTSTP   18,20,24    Stop    Stop typed at terminal
       SIGTTIN   21,21,26    Stop    Terminal input for background process
       SIGTTOU   22,22,27    Stop    Terminal output for background process

       The signals SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be caught, blocked, or ignored.





signal(SIGINT, SIG_DEL);



signal(SIGINT, SIG_INT);


signal(signum, functionname);

/* sigdemo1.c - shows how a signal handler works.
 *            - run this and press Ctrl-C a few times


void	f(int);			/* declare the handler	*/
void main()
	int	i;

	signal( SIGINT, f );		/* install the handler	*/
	for(i=0; i<5; i++ ){		/* do something else	*/

void f(int signum)			/* this function is called */


/* play_again4.c
 *	purpose: ask if user wants another transaction
 *	 method: set tty into chr-by-chr, no-echo mode
 *		 set tty into no-delay mode
 *		 read char, return result
 *		 resets terminal modes on SIGINT, ignores SIGQUIT
 *	returns: 0=>yes, 1=>no, 2=>timeout
 *	 better: reset terminal mode on Interrupt

#define	ASK		"Do you want another transaction"
#define	TRIES	   3	                                   /* max tries */
#define SLEEPTIME  2                                       /* time per try */
void tty_mode(int);
void set_cr_noecho_mode();
void ctrl_c_handler(int);
void set_nodelay_mode();
int get_response(char *, int);
char get_ok_char();

int main()
	int	response;
	void	ctrl_c_handler(int);

	tty_mode(0);				/* save current mode	*/
	set_cr_noecho_mode();			/* set -icanon, -echo	*/
	set_nodelay_mode();			/* noinput => EOF	*/
	signal( SIGINT, ctrl_c_handler );	/* handle INT		*/
	signal( SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN );		/* ignore QUIT signals	*/
	response = get_response(ASK, TRIES);	/* get some answer	*/
	tty_mode(1);				/* reset orig mode	*/
	return response;
int get_response( char *question , int maxtries)
 * purpose: ask a question and wait for a y/n answer or timeout
 *  method: use getchar and complain about non-y/n input
 * returns: 0=>yes, 1=>no
	int	input;

	printf("%s (y/n)?", question);			/* ask		*/
	fflush(stdout);					/* force output	*/
	while ( 1 ){
		sleep(SLEEPTIME);			/* wait a bit	*/
		input = tolower(get_ok_char());         /* get next chr */
		if ( input == 'y' )
			return 0;
		if ( input == 'n' )
			return 1;
		if ( maxtries-- == 0 )			/* outatime?	*/
			return 2;			/* sayso	*/

 *  skip over non-legal chars and return y,Y,n,N or EOF
char get_ok_char()
	int c;
	while( ( c = getchar() ) != EOF && strchr("yYnN",c) == NULL )
	return c;
void set_cr_noecho_mode()
 * purpose: put file descriptor 0 into chr-by-chr mode and noecho mode
 *  method: use bits in termios
	struct	termios	ttystate;

	tcgetattr( 0, &ttystate);		/* read curr. setting	*/
	ttystate.c_lflag    	&= ~ICANON;	/* no buffering		*/
	ttystate.c_lflag    	&= ~ECHO;	/* no echo either	*/
	ttystate.c_cc[VMIN]  	=  1;		/* get 1 char at a time	*/
	tcsetattr( 0 , TCSANOW, &ttystate);	/* install settings	*/

void set_nodelay_mode()
 * purpose: put file descriptor 0 into no-delay mode
 *  method: use fcntl to set bits
 *   notes: tcsetattr() will do something similar, but it is complicated
	int	termflags;

	termflags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL);		/* read curr. settings	*/
	termflags |= O_NDELAY;			/* flip on nodelay bit	*/
	fcntl(0, F_SETFL, termflags);		/* and install 'em	*/

/* how == 0 => save current mode,  how == 1 => restore mode */
/* this version handles termios and fcntl flags             */

void tty_mode(int how)
	static struct termios original_mode;
	static int            original_flags;
	static int            stored = 0;

	if ( how == 0 ){
		tcgetattr(0, &original_mode);
		original_flags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL);
		stored = 1;
	else if ( stored ) {
		tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &original_mode); 
		fcntl( 0, F_SETFL, original_flags);	

void ctrl_c_handler(int signum)
 * purpose: called if SIGINT is detected
 *  action: reset tty and scram






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


