
jfinal文件上传 -多文件


解决办法在项目中添加一个类,MultipartRequest.java 就可以了(后面附上)


package com.oreilly.servlet;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.MultipartParser;
import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.Part;
import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.FilePart;
import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.ParamPart;
import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.FileRenamePolicy;

 * A utility class to handle <code>multipart/form-data</code> requests, the kind
 * of requests that support file uploads. This class emulates the interface of
 * <code>HttpServletRequest</code>, making it familiar to use. It uses a "push"
 * model where any incoming files are read and saved directly to disk in the
 * constructor. If you wish to have more flexibility, e.g. write the files to a
 * database, use the "pull" model <code>MultipartParser</code> instead.
 * <p>
 * This class can receive arbitrarily large files (up to an artificial limit you
 * can set), and fairly efficiently too. It cannot handle nested data (multipart
 * content within multipart content). It <b>can</b> now with the latest release
 * handle internationalized content (such as non Latin-1 filenames).
 * <p>
 * To avoid collisions and have fine control over file placement, there's a
 * constructor variety that takes a pluggable FileRenamePolicy implementation. A
 * particular policy can choose to rename or change the location of the file
 * before it's written.
 * <p>
 * See the included upload.war for an example of how to use this class.
 * <p>
 * The full file upload specification is contained in experimental RFC 1867,
 * available at <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1867.txt">
 * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1867.txt</a>.
 * @see MultipartParser
 * @author Jason Hunter
 * @author Geoff Soutter
 * @version 1.12, 2004/04/11, added null check for Opera malformed bug<br>
 * @version 1.11, 2002/11/01, combine query string params in param list<br>
 * @version 1.10, 2002/05/27, added access to the original file names<br>
 * @version 1.9, 2002/04/30, added support for file renaming, thanks to
 *          Changshin Lee<br>
 * @version 1.8, 2002/04/30, added support for internationalization, thanks to
 *          Changshin Lee<br>
 * @version 1.7, 2001/02/07, made fields protected to increase user flexibility<br>
 * @version 1.6, 2000/07/21, redid internals to use MultipartParser, thanks to
 *          Geoff Soutter<br>
 * @version 1.5, 2000/02/04, added auto MacBinary decoding for IE on Mac<br>
 * @version 1.4, 2000/01/05, added getParameterValues(), WebSphere 2.x
 *          getContentType() workaround, stopped writing empty "unknown" file<br>
 * @version 1.3, 1999/12/28, IE4 on Win98 lastIndexOf("boundary=") workaround<br>
 * @version 1.2, 1999/12/20, IE4 on Mac readNextPart() workaround<br>
 * @version 1.1, 1999/01/15, JSDK readLine() bug workaround<br>
 * @version 1.0, 1998/09/18<br>
public class MultipartRequest {

private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_POST_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; // 1 Meg

protected Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable(); // name - Vector of values
protected Hashtable files = new Hashtable(); // name - UploadedFile

* Constructs a new MultipartRequest to handle the specified request, saving
* any uploaded files to the given directory, and limiting the upload size
* to 1 Megabyte. If the content is too large, an IOException is thrown.
* This constructor actually parses the <tt>multipart/form-data</tt> and
* throws an IOException if there's any problem reading or parsing the
* request.

* @param request
*            the servlet request.
* @param saveDirectory
*            the directory in which to save any uploaded files.
* @exception IOException
*                if the uploaded content is larger than 1 Megabyte or
*                there's a problem reading or parsing the request.
public MultipartRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String saveDirectory) throws IOException {
this(request, saveDirectory, DEFAULT_MAX_POST_SIZE);

* Constructs a new MultipartRequest to handle the specified request, saving
* any uploaded files to the given directory, and limiting the upload size
* to the specified length. If the content is too large, an IOException is
* thrown. This constructor actually parses the <tt>multipart/form-data</tt>
* and throws an IOException if there's any problem reading or parsing the
* request.

* @param request
*            the servlet request.
* @param saveDirectory
*            the directory in which to save any uploaded files.
* @param maxPostSize
*            the maximum size of the POST content.
* @exception IOException
*                if the uploaded content is larger than
*                <tt>maxPostSize</tt> or there's a problem reading or
*                parsing the request.
public MultipartRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String saveDirectory, int maxPostSize) throws IOException {
this(request, saveDirectory, maxPostSize, null, null);

* Constructs a new MultipartRequest to handle the specified request, saving
* any uploaded files to the given directory, and limiting the upload size
* to the specified length. If the content is too large, an IOException is
* thrown. This constructor actually parses the <tt>multipart/form-data</tt>
* and throws an IOException if there's any problem reading or parsing the
* request.

* @param request
*            the servlet request.
* @param saveDirectory
*            the directory in which to save any uploaded files.
* @param encoding
*            the encoding of the response, such as ISO-8859-1
* @exception IOException
*                if the uploaded content is larger than 1 Megabyte or
*                there's a problem reading or parsing the request.
public MultipartRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String saveDirectory, String encoding) throws IOException {
this(request, saveDirectory, DEFAULT_MAX_POST_SIZE, encoding, null);

* Constructs a new MultipartRequest to handle the specified request, saving
* any uploaded files to the given directory, and limiting the upload size
* to the specified length. If the content is too large, an IOException is
* thrown. This constructor actually parses the <tt>multipart/form-data</tt>
* and throws an IOException if there's any problem reading or parsing the
* request.

* @param request
*            the servlet request.
* @param saveDirectory
*            the directory in which to save any uploaded files.
* @param maxPostSize
*            the maximum size of the POST content.
* @param policy
*            the rules for renaming in case of file name collisions
* @exception IOException
*                if the uploaded content is larger than
*                <tt>maxPostSize</tt> or there's a problem reading or
*                parsing the request.
public MultipartRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String saveDirectory, int maxPostSize, FileRenamePolicy policy) throws IOException {
this(request, saveDirectory, maxPostSize, null, policy);

* Constructs a new MultipartRequest to handle the specified request, saving
* any uploaded files to the given directory, and limiting the upload size
* to the specified length. If the content is too large, an IOException is
* thrown. This constructor actually parses the <tt>multipart/form-data</tt>
* and throws an IOException if there's any problem reading or parsing the
* request.

* @param request
*            the servlet request.
* @param saveDirectory
*            the directory in which to save any uploaded files.
* @param maxPostSize
*            the maximum size of the POST content.
* @param encoding
*            the encoding of the response, such as ISO-8859-1
* @exception IOException
*                if the uploaded content is larger than
*                <tt>maxPostSize</tt> or there's a problem reading or
*                parsing the request.
public MultipartRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String saveDirectory, int maxPostSize, String encoding) throws IOException {
this(request, saveDirectory, maxPostSize, encoding, null);

* Constructs a new MultipartRequest to handle the specified request, saving
* any uploaded files to the given directory, and limiting the upload size
* to the specified length. If the content is too large, an IOException is
* thrown. This constructor actually parses the <tt>multipart/form-data</tt>
* and throws an IOException if there's any problem reading or parsing the
* request.

* To avoid file collisions, this constructor takes an implementation of the
* FileRenamePolicy interface to allow a pluggable rename policy.

* @param request
*            the servlet request.
* @param saveDirectory
*            the directory in which to save any uploaded files.
* @param maxPostSize
*            the maximum size of the POST content.
* @param encoding
*            the encoding of the response, such as ISO-8859-1
* @param policy
*            a pluggable file rename policy
* @exception IOException
*                if the uploaded content is larger than
*                <tt>maxPostSize</tt> or there's a problem reading or
*                parsing the request.
public MultipartRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String saveDirectory, int maxPostSize, String encoding, FileRenamePolicy policy)
throws IOException {
// Sanity check values
if (request == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("request cannot be null");
if (saveDirectory == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("saveDirectory cannot be null");
if (maxPostSize <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxPostSize must be positive");

// Save the dir
File dir = new File(saveDirectory);

// Check saveDirectory is truly a directory
if (!dir.isDirectory())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a directory: " + saveDirectory);

// Check saveDirectory is writable
if (!dir.canWrite())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not writable: " + saveDirectory);

// Parse the incoming multipart, storing files in the dir provided,
// and populate the meta objects which describe what we found
MultipartParser parser = new MultipartParser(request, maxPostSize, true, true, encoding);

// Some people like to fetch query string parameters from
// MultipartRequest, so here we make that possible. Thanks to
// Ben Johnson, ben.johnson@merrillcorp.com, for the idea.
if (request.getQueryString() != null) {
// Let HttpUtils create a name->String[] structure
Hashtable queryParameters = HttpUtils.parseQueryString(request.getQueryString());
// For our own use, name it a name->Vector structure
Enumeration queryParameterNames = queryParameters.keys();
while (queryParameterNames.hasMoreElements()) {
Object paramName = queryParameterNames.nextElement();
String[] values = (String[]) queryParameters.get(paramName);
Vector newValues = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
parameters.put(paramName, newValues);

Part part;
while ((part = parser.readNextPart()) != null) {
String name = part.getName();
if (name == null) {
throw new IOException("Malformed input: parameter name missing (known Opera 7 bug)");
if (part.isParam()) {
// It's a parameter part, add it to the vector of values
ParamPart paramPart = (ParamPart) part;
String value = paramPart.getStringValue();
Vector existingValues = (Vector) parameters.get(name);
if (existingValues == null) {
existingValues = new Vector();
parameters.put(name, existingValues);
} else if (part.isFile()) {
// It's a file part
FilePart filePart = (FilePart) part;
String fileName = filePart.getFileName();
if (fileName != null) {
filePart.setRenamePolicy(policy); // null policy is OK
// The part actually contained a file

// 修改multi选择多文件时,文件被覆盖的问题
if (files.containsKey(name)) {
int index = 1;
String newName = name + "_" + index;
while (files.containsKey(newName)) {
newName = name + "_" + index;
name = newName;
// 修改结束

files.put(name, new UploadedFile(dir.toString(), filePart.getFileName(), fileName, filePart.getContentType()));

} else {
// The field did not contain a file
files.put(name, new UploadedFile(null, null, null, null));

* Constructor with an old signature, kept for backward compatibility.
* Without this constructor, a servlet compiled against a previous version
* of this class (pre 1.4) would have to be recompiled to link with this
* version. This constructor supports the linking via the old signature.
* Callers must simply be careful to pass in an HttpServletRequest.

public MultipartRequest(ServletRequest request, String saveDirectory) throws IOException {
this((HttpServletRequest) request, saveDirectory);

* Constructor with an old signature, kept for backward compatibility.
* Without this constructor, a servlet compiled against a previous version
* of this class (pre 1.4) would have to be recompiled to link with this
* version. This constructor supports the linking via the old signature.
* Callers must simply be careful to pass in an HttpServletRequest.

public MultipartRequest(ServletRequest request, String saveDirectory, int maxPostSize) throws IOException {
this((HttpServletRequest) request, saveDirectory, maxPostSize);

* Returns the names of all the parameters as an Enumeration of Strings. It
* returns an empty Enumeration if there are no parameters.

* @return the names of all the parameters as an Enumeration of Strings.
public Enumeration getParameterNames() {
return parameters.keys();

* Returns the names of all the uploaded files as an Enumeration of Strings.
* It returns an empty Enumeration if there are no file input fields on the
* form. Any file input field that's left empty will result in a FilePart
* with null contents. Each file name is the name specified by the form, not
* by the user.

* @return the names of all the uploaded files as an Enumeration of Strings.
public Enumeration getFileNames() {
return files.keys();

* Returns the value of the named parameter as a String, or null if the
* parameter was not sent or was sent without a value. The value is
* guaranteed to be in its normal, decoded form. If the parameter has
* multiple values, only the last one is returned (for backward
* compatibility). For parameters with multiple values, it's possible the
* last "value" may be null.

* @param name
*            the parameter name.
* @return the parameter value.
public String getParameter(String name) {
try {
Vector values = (Vector) parameters.get(name);
if (values == null || values.size() == 0) {
return null;
String value = (String) values.elementAt(values.size() - 1);
return value;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;

* Returns the values of the named parameter as a String array, or null if
* the parameter was not sent. The array has one entry for each parameter
* field sent. If any field was sent without a value that entry is stored in
* the array as a null. The values are guaranteed to be in their normal,
* decoded form. A single value is returned as a one-element array.

* @param name
*            the parameter name.
* @return the parameter values.
public String[] getParameterValues(String name) {
try {
Vector values = (Vector) parameters.get(name);
if (values == null || values.size() == 0) {
return null;
String[] valuesArray = new String[values.size()];
return valuesArray;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;

* Returns the filesystem name of the specified file, or null if the file
* was not included in the upload. A filesystem name is the name specified
* by the user. It is also the name under which the file is actually saved.

* @param name
*            the html page's file parameter name.
* @return the filesystem name of the file.
public String getFilesystemName(String name) {
try {
UploadedFile file = (UploadedFile) files.get(name);
return file.getFilesystemName(); // may be null
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;

* Returns the original filesystem name of the specified file (before any
* renaming policy was applied), or null if the file was not included in the
* upload. A filesystem name is the name specified by the user.

* @param name
*            the html page's file parameter name.
* @return the original file name of the file.
public String getOriginalFileName(String name) {
try {
UploadedFile file = (UploadedFile) files.get(name);
return file.getOriginalFileName(); // may be null
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;

* Returns the content type of the specified file (as supplied by the client
* browser), or null if the file was not included in the upload.

* @param name
*            the html page's file parameter name.
* @return the content type of the file.
public String getContentType(String name) {
try {
UploadedFile file = (UploadedFile) files.get(name);
return file.getContentType(); // may be null
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;

* Returns a File object for the specified file saved on the server's
* filesystem, or null if the file was not included in the upload.

* @param name
*            the html page's file parameter name.
* @return a File object for the named file.
public File getFile(String name) {
try {
UploadedFile file = (UploadedFile) files.get(name);
return file.getFile(); // may be null
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;

// A class to hold information about an uploaded file.
class UploadedFile {

private String dir;
private String filename;
private String original;
private String type;

UploadedFile(String dir, String filename, String original, String type) {
this.dir = dir;
this.filename = filename;
this.original = original;
this.type = type;

public String getContentType() {
return type;

public String getFilesystemName() {
return filename;

public String getOriginalFileName() {
return original;

public File getFile() {
if (dir == null || filename == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new File(dir + File.separator + filename);

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