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原创 LWC 73: 790. Domino and Tromino Tiling

LWC 73: 790. Domino and Tromino Tiling传送门:790. Domino and Tromino TilingProblem: We have two types of tiles: a 2x1 domino shape, and an “L” tromino shape. These shapes may be rotated. XX ...

2018-02-26 10:08:54 947 2

原创 LWC 73: 791. Custom Sort String

LWC 73: 791. Custom Sort String传送门:791. Custom Sort StringProblem: S and T are strings composed of lowercase letters. In S, no letter occurs more than once. S was sorted in some custom or...

2018-02-26 09:38:36 694

原创 LWC 73: 789. Escape The Ghosts

LWC 73: 789. Escape The Ghosts传送门:789. Escape The GhostsProblem: You are playing a simplified Pacman game. You start at the point (0, 0), and your destination is (target[0], target1). There ar...

2018-02-26 09:01:53 559

原创 LWC 73: 788. Rotated Digits

LWC 73: 788. Rotated Digits传送门:788. Rotated DigitsProblem: X is a good number if after rotating each digit individually by 180 degrees, we get a valid number that is different from X. A number...

2018-02-26 08:40:12 793

原创 LWC 72: 786. K-th Smallest Prime Fraction

LWC 72: 786. K-th Smallest Prime Fraction传送门:786. K-th Smallest Prime FractionProblem: A sorted list A contains 1, plus some number of primes. Then, for every p < q in the list, we conside...

2018-02-18 18:46:37 1033

原创 LWC 72: 787. Cheapest Flights Within K Stops

LWC 72: 787. Cheapest Flights Within K Stops传送门:787. Cheapest Flights Within K StopsProblem: There are n cities connected by m flights. Each fight starts from city u and arrives at v with a pr...

2018-02-18 18:06:44 1589

原创 LWC 72: 785. Is Graph Bipartite?

LWC 72: 785. Is Graph Bipartite?传送门:785. Is Graph Bipartite?Problem: Given a graph, return true if and only if it is bipartite. Recall that a graph is bipartite if we can split it’s set o...

2018-02-18 15:21:56 1019

原创 LWC 72: 784. Letter Case Permutation

LWC 72: 784. Letter Case Permutation传送门:784. Letter Case PermutationProblem: Given a string S, we can transform every letter individually to be lowercase or uppercase to create another string....

2018-02-18 13:53:15 2141

原创 LWC 71: 782. Transform to Chessboard

LWC 71: 782. Transform to Chessboard传送门:782. Transform to ChessboardProblem: An N x N board contains only 0s and 1s. In each move, you can swap any 2 rows with each other, or any 2 columns wit...

2018-02-11 19:32:18 832

原创 LWC 71: 780. Reaching Points

LWC 71: 780. Reaching Points传送门:780. Reaching PointsProblem: A move consists of taking a point (x, y) and transforming it to either (x, x+y) or (x+y, y). Given a starting point (sx, sy) a...

2018-02-11 18:05:07 565

原创 LWC 71: 781. Rabbits in Forest

LWC 71: 781. Rabbits in Forest传送门:781. Rabbits in ForestProblem: In a forest, each rabbit has some color. Some subset of rabbits (possibly all of them) tell you how many other rabbits have the...

2018-02-11 15:18:55 843

原创 LWC 71: 783. Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes

LWC 71: 783. Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes传送门:783. Minimum Distance Between BST NodesProblem: Given a Binary Search Tree (BST) with the root node root, return the minimum difference betwe...

2018-02-11 14:50:50 1007

原创 TensorFlow 入门(二):Softmax 识别手写数字

TensorFlow 入门(二):Softmax 识别手写数字@author: demonSong @email: [email protected] to: http://www.tensorfly.cn/tfdoc/tutorials/mnist_beginners.htmlMNIST是一个非常简单的机器视觉数据集,如下图所示,它由几万张28像素x28像素的手写数字

2018-02-06 11:04:32 799

原创 TensorFlow 入门(一):基本使用

TensorFlow 入门(一):基本使用@author: demonSong @email: [email protected]基本使用refer to: http://wiki.jikexueyuan.com/project/tensorflow-zh/get_started/basic_usage.html 综述 TensorFlow 是一个编程系统, 使用图来

2018-02-05 21:57:31 3177

原创 POJ 刷题系列:3274. Gold Balanced Lineup

POJ 刷题系列:3274. Gold Balanced Lineup传送门:3274. Gold Balanced Lineup题意: 官方题解: Consider the partial sum sequence of each of the k features built by taking the sum of all the values up t

2018-02-04 22:04:21 387

原创 LWC 70: 778. Swim in Rising Water

LWC 70: 778. Swim in Rising Water传送门:778. Swim in Rising WaterProblem: On an N x N grid, each square grid[i][j] represents the elevation at that point (i,j). Now rain starts to fall. At t

2018-02-04 19:28:53 974

原创 LWC 70: 777. Swap Adjacent in LR String

LWC 70: 777. Swap Adjacent in LR String传送门:777. Swap Adjacent in LR StringProblem: In a string composed of ‘L’, ‘R’, and ‘X’ characters, like “RXXLRXRXL”, a move consists of either replacing o

2018-02-04 18:54:33 854

原创 LWC 70: 776. Split BST

LWC 70: 776. Split BST传送门:776. Split BSTProblem: Given a Binary Search Tree (BST) with root node root, and a target value V, split the tree into two subtrees where one subtree has nodes that a

2018-02-04 18:01:50 930

原创 LWC 70: 779. K-th Symbol in Grammar

LWC 70: 779. K-th Symbol in Grammar传送门:779. K-th Symbol in GrammarProblem: On the first row, we write a 0. Now in every subsequent row, we look at the previous row and replace each occurrence

2018-02-04 17:32:44 502

原创 POJ 刷题系列:2503. Babelfish

POJ 刷题系列:2503. Babelfish传送门:2503. Babelfish题意: 翻译:给出一英文单词和与之对应的外文,组成字典集。后续当给出一个外文单词时,求出对应的英文单词。思路: 无脑 HashMap,外文为key,英文单词为value,存入hashMap。代码如下:import java.io.IOException;import java

2018-02-04 10:27:00 347


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