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原创 Enable Unattended Upgrades for Debian Linux

Unattended Upgrades Linux

2016-11-13 09:55:00 376

原创 how-to upgrade all local docker images

upgrade docker image

2016-11-12 18:20:21 370

原创 How to do non greedy regex match in command line

I want to do a non greedy regex replace on a text file. But “sed” does not work.“perl” is suitable for this:out of place:perl -pe 's|textA.+?textB|textC|g' file in place:perl -pe 's|textA.+?textB|textC

2016-11-09 07:44:57 308

原创 docker with sshfs mounted directory

docker sshfs mount

2016-11-04 22:08:10 669

原创 MPI (Message Passing Interface) materials


2016-11-01 18:52:27 397

原创 How-to create a Windows 10 usb installation media in Linux

create a Windows 10 usb installation media in Linux

2016-10-27 19:35:08 959

转载 Career Management Lession 2/6 - Forge Relationships

Forge Relationships Career success is complex today—you’ll encounter many opportunities and navigate lots of change. Discover how to enlist smart people to help you on your journey.

2016-10-27 10:34:29 553

转载 Career Management Lession 1/6 - Chart Your Career Path

Chart Your Career Path Don’t wait for someone else to decide the direction of your career. When it comes to managing your career, you are in charge.

2016-10-26 20:55:42 486

转载 Career management

Career management is the combination of structured planning and the active management choice of one’s own professional career.

2016-10-26 20:18:04 729

原创 Generate C enum define from python dict

First we need to prepare the dict, then sort and format it: text = """#ifndef bb2421a299d24d4abbe59c3721a794f9#define bb2421a299d24d4abbe59c3721a794f9enum {{{}}};#endif//bb2421a299d24d4abbe5

2015-09-24 12:01:32 355

原创 How to disable compiler optimization for a piece of code

Preface:In a C++ project, a source file contains a very large array, which contains unions, template function pointers ..., on Windows & Mac, the compilation time is 20 minutes, but on Linux, it's 2

2015-09-21 19:59:49 974

转载 Xen in WiFi networks

From: Xen in WiFi networksSuccessfully running Xen on a machine with a single WiFi card can be tricky. In my situation the network indom0 worked fine but in domU I could only see incoming pa

2015-01-23 19:28:31 503

原创 ipmi IP setup

I have acquired a static IP for IPMI, then try to configure it in Linux.ipmitool lan set 1 access off  ## must set, or the following command will have no effect.ipmitool lan set 1  ipsrc static

2014-12-24 17:23:38 603

原创 IPMI SOL setup in Ubuntu Linux

Pre-request:Server has IPMI SOL feature.Client setup:sudo aptitude install ipmitoolServer setup:Enter BIOS setup, enable console redirect, SOL, and set serial connection parameters.In Ub

2014-12-19 11:22:55 1872

转载 C++ template instanctiation process

From: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Template-Instantiation.htmlNext: Bound member functions,Previous: C++ Interface,Up: C++ Extensions7.5 Where's the Template?C++ templates are the

2014-12-03 13:15:49 653

转载 Visual Studio 2013 has a powerful code analyis tool

From MSDN: Analyzing Managed Code Quality by Using Code Analysis

2014-11-21 16:44:35 563

原创 example: call cuda toolkit curand API from common lisp

continue example: call cuda toolkit API from python, curand

2014-10-16 11:48:27 753

转载 Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition

Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition

2014-10-12 13:01:08 719

原创 example: call cuda toolkit API from python, curand

see: curand

2014-10-09 22:34:07 1401

转载 Native Client (NaCl) is an open-source technology for running native compiled code in the browser

Technical Overview

2014-10-06 17:21:04 497

转载 Mounting Individual Parititons in RAW Disk Images

From: http://blog.lifebloodnetworks.com/?p=934Let us say, for the sake of simplicity, that you backup whole disks by using dd in Linux. Now let us assume that you need just a single file out o

2014-09-25 22:14:53 435

原创 My X window config: .xinitrc

First, install stumpwm, xrandr .then, add a file ~/.xi

2014-09-18 14:55:07 911

原创 C++: Function as template parameter, example

Function as template parameter.Code:#include template D Funcall(F f, D a, D b) { return f(a, b);}template D Add(D a, D b) { return a + b;}template D Sub(D a, D b) { return a - b;}i

2014-09-07 14:45:42 747

原创 Speed comparison between C & Lisp

When I was reading "On Lisp"

2014-09-06 14:58:49 502

原创 C++ 11: simple map reduce functions

Try to simulate common lisp's map/reduce functions in C++11.#include #include #include #include #include #include template T reduce(std::function afun, std::list& somenums, T init = 0) { T

2014-09-02 15:30:38 1670

原创 C++ 11 : Variadic Templates , Example

In Lisp, we can use variadic function parameters like this:

2014-09-01 16:30:52 552

原创 C++: template meta programming, emample 1

#include template struct Factorial { enum { value = N * Factorial::value };};template <>struct Factorial { enum { value = 1 };};int main() { std::cout ::value << std::endl;

2014-08-31 11:13:39 629

原创 C++ 11: lexical closure in lambda function, example 1

We know#include #include auto makeAdder = [](int n) {  return [=](int val) { return val + n; };};int main() {  int n = 0;  std::cin >> n;  auto addn = makeAdder(n);  std::cou

2014-08-30 21:26:08 596



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