C# Npoi 读取单元格图片并获取所在单元格位置

C#在excel中读取图片 获取图片的单元格位置信息(仅限于xlsx)


  1. 将excel使用zip直接打开
  2. 压缩包内图片信息主要存放在两个文件夹中(xl/media,xl/drawings)前者是图片本身,后者是图片的主要信息
  3. 在drawings文件夹下会存在若干以drawing开头的.xml文件,一个sheet页对应一个drawing.xml后缀按照数字序号递增(例如:第一页为drawing1.xml,第二页为drawing2.xml以此类推)
  4. 打开drawing.xml后,读取文档节点,节点含义对照表在末尾
  5. 在pic标签中获取到图片的rid后通过该id在同级目录下的_rels文件夹下找到对应的drawing.xml.rels中读取图片的存放地址(例如drawing1.xml对应drawing1.xml.rels)
twoCellAnchor图片信息的节点 节点下包含了图片的起始单元格位置 图片的id即[r:embed]的内容 存在多少个[twoCellAnchor]即存在多少个图片
twoCellAnchor/to图片右下角结束位置单元格信息 (当前需求需要尽量保证一张图片存在一个单元格中,不允许跨单元格 因为不会对其做其他的处理)
twoCellAnchor/pic图片的文件信息 主要读取 [blipFill->blip->r:embed]此信息为图片的id信息可以读取到文件在media文件夹中存放的位置



 public class ExcelImgHelper
     #region 常量

     /// <summary>
     /// 文件id与文件路径文件夹路径
     /// </summary>
     private const string DrawingRels = "xl/drawings/_rels/drawing_id_.xml.rels";

     /// <summary>
     /// 图片信息文件
     /// </summary>
     private const string Drawing = "xl/drawings/drawing_id_.xml";

     #region 图片信息主要标签

     private const string twoCellAnchor = "twoCellAnchor";
     private const string embed = "embed";
     private const string link = "link";
     private const string prst = "prst";

     #endregion 图片信息主要标签

     #endregion 常量

     #region 路径信息

     /// <summary>
     /// excel文件地址
     /// </summary>
     private string ExcelPath { get; }

     /// <summary>
     /// 解压的文件夹
     /// </summary>
     private string ExcelZipPath { get; }

     /// <summary>
     /// 压缩包 *注意 与上方需要区分开当前路劲是压缩文件包.zip
     /// </summary>
     private string ExcelZipFilePath { get; }

     #endregion 路径信息

     private List<ExcelImgInfo> ExcelImgInfos = new List<ExcelImgInfo>();

     public ExcelImgHelper(string filePath)
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
             throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filePath));

         //解压后文件夹存放的位置 与源文件同目录
         var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);
         var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
         var zipFilePath = dir + "\\" + fileName + ".zip";

         File.Copy(filePath, zipFilePath);

         if (UnZipFile(filePath, out string UnZipFilePath))
             ExcelPath = filePath;
             ExcelZipPath = UnZipFilePath;
             ExcelZipFilePath = zipFilePath;

             ExcelImgInfos = Analysis();
             throw new Exception("解压失败");

     /// <summary>
     /// 解析excel中的图片
     /// </summary>
     /// <returns></returns>
     private List<ExcelImgInfo> Analysis()
         List<ExcelImgPathAndId> imgs = new List<ExcelImgPathAndId>();
         List<ExcelImgInfo> excelImgInfos = new List<ExcelImgInfo>();

         FindPicPathByID(ref imgs);

         XNamespace xdr_namespace = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/spreadsheetDrawing";
         XNamespace a_namespace = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main";
         XNamespace r_namespace = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships";

         //加载图片信息文档xml(替换的文件名与页数对应 此处可以优化为传入指定id)
         XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(ExcelZipPath + Drawing.Replace("_id_", "1"));

         var root = xdoc.Root;
         foreach (var item in root.Attributes())
             if (item.Name.LocalName == "xdr")
                 xdr_namespace = item.Value;
             else if (item.Name.LocalName == "a")
                 a_namespace = item.Value;

         //读取twoCellAnchor标签中的内容 **核心部分**
         foreach (var node in xdoc.Descendants(xdr_namespace + twoCellAnchor))
             var NodeFrom = (XElement)node.FirstNode;
             var NodeTo = (XElement)NodeFrom.NextNode;
             var NodePic = (XElement)NodeTo.NextNode;

             var blipFill = (XElement)(((XElement)NodePic.FirstNode.NextNode).FirstNode);
             r_namespace = blipFill.FirstAttribute.IsNamespaceDeclaration ? blipFill.FirstAttribute.Value : r_namespace;

             var spPr = (XElement)NodePic.FirstNode.NextNode.NextNode;

             var ImgId = (blipFill.Attribute(r_namespace + embed) != null ? blipFill.Attribute(r_namespace + embed) : blipFill.Attribute(r_namespace + link)).Value.ToString();

             var From = new Position()
                 Col = int.Parse(((XElement)NodeFrom.FirstNode).Value),
                 ColOff = int.Parse(((XElement)NodeFrom.FirstNode.NextNode).Value),
                 Row = int.Parse(((XElement)NodeFrom.FirstNode.NextNode.NextNode).Value),
                 RowOff = int.Parse(((XElement)NodeFrom.FirstNode.NextNode.NextNode.NextNode).Value)
             var To = new Position()
                 Col = int.Parse(((XElement)NodeTo.FirstNode).Value),
                 ColOff = int.Parse(((XElement)NodeTo.FirstNode.NextNode).Value),
                 Row = int.Parse(((XElement)NodeTo.FirstNode.NextNode.NextNode).Value),
                 RowOff = int.Parse(((XElement)NodeTo.FirstNode.NextNode.NextNode.NextNode).Value)

             var PrstGeom = ((XElement)spPr.FirstNode.NextNode).Attribute(prst).Value.ToString();

             var xfrm = ((XElement)spPr.FirstNode);
             var xfrm_off = ((XElement)xfrm.FirstNode);
             var xfrm_ext = ((XElement)xfrm.FirstNode.NextNode);
             List<int> xfrm_offData = new List<int>
             List<int> xfrm_extData = new List<int>

             var PathOfPicture = imgs.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == ImgId)?.Path;
             PathOfPicture = PathOfPicture.Replace("../", ExcelZipPath + "xl\\").Replace("/", "\\");

             //至此 所有需要使用的节点全部取出 开始组装数据
             ExcelImgInfo excelImgInfo = new ExcelImgInfo(
                 imgId: ImgId,
                 from: From,
                 to: To,
                 prstGeom: PrstGeom,
                 xfrm_off: xfrm_offData,
                 xfrm_ext: xfrm_extData,
                 pathOfPicture: PathOfPicture);

         return excelImgInfos;

     /// <summary>
     /// 解压文件
     /// </summary>
     /// <param name="zipFilePath">压缩文件路径</param>
     /// <param name="path">返回压缩文件夹路径</param>
     /// <param name="unZipDir">解压文件存放路径,为空时默认与压缩文件同一级目录下,跟压缩文件同名的文件夹</param>
     /// <returns></returns>
     private bool UnZipFile(string zipFilePath, out string path, string unZipDir = null)
         if (zipFilePath == string.Empty)
             path = null;
             return false;

         if (!System.IO.File.Exists(zipFilePath))
             path = null;
             return false;
         if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(unZipDir))
             unZipDir = zipFilePath.Replace(Path.GetFileName(zipFilePath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipFilePath));

         if (!unZipDir.EndsWith("\\"))
             unZipDir += "\\";

         if (!Directory.Exists(unZipDir))
             using (ZipInputStream s = new ZipInputStream(System.IO.File.OpenRead(zipFilePath)))
                 ZipEntry theEntry;
                 while ((theEntry = s.GetNextEntry()) != null)
                     string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(theEntry.Name);
                     string fileName = Path.GetFileName(theEntry.Name);
                     if (directoryName.Length > 0)
                         Directory.CreateDirectory(unZipDir + directoryName);
                     if (!directoryName.EndsWith("\\"))
                         directoryName += "\\";
                     if (fileName != String.Empty)
                         using (FileStream streamWriter = System.IO.File.Create(unZipDir + theEntry.Name))
                             int size = 2048;
                             byte[] data = new byte[2048];
                             while (true)
                                 size = s.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
                                 if (size > 0)
                                     streamWriter.Write(data, 0, size);
             path = null;
             return false;
         path = unZipDir;

         return true;

     /// <summary>
     /// 获取全部文件id与路径
     /// </summary>
     /// <param name="imgs"></param>
     /// <param name="_id"></param>
     private void FindPicPathByID(ref List<ExcelImgPathAndId> imgs, int _id = 1)
         string _file = Path.Combine(ExcelZipPath + DrawingRels.Replace("_id_", _id.ToString()));

         if (!File.Exists(_file))
             throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(_file);

         XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(_file);
         var root = xDoc.Root;
         foreach (XElement node in root.Nodes())
             var attrs = node.Attributes();
             string Id = "";
             string Target = "";
             foreach (var attr in attrs)
                 if (attr.Name == "Id")
                     Id = attr.Value.ToString();
                 else if (attr.Name == "Target")
                     Target = attr.Value.ToString();
             imgs.Add(new ExcelImgPathAndId()
                 Id = Id,
                 Path = Target

     /// <summary>
     /// 获取excel图片以及位置信息
     /// </summary>
     /// <returns></returns>
     public List<ExcelImgInfo> GetAllImgs()
         return ExcelImgInfos;

     /// <summary>
     /// 删除解压的文件
     /// </summary>
     public void Dispose()
         DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(ExcelZipPath);


 /// <summary>
 /// 提取出来的图片信息类
 /// </summary>
 public class ExcelImgInfo
     public ExcelImgInfo()

     public ExcelImgInfo(string imgId, Position from, Position to, string prstGeom, List<int> xfrm_off, List<int> xfrm_ext, string pathOfPicture)
             ImgId = imgId;
             From = from;
             To = to;
             PrstGeom = prstGeom;
             this.xfrm_off = xfrm_off;
             this.xfrm_ext = xfrm_ext;
             PathOfPicture = pathOfPicture;

             if (File.Exists(PathOfPicture))
                 FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(PathOfPicture, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                 int byteLength = (int)fileStream.Length;
                 byte[] fileBytes = new byte[byteLength];
                 fileStream.Read(fileBytes, 0, byteLength);

                 using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(fileBytes))
                     ms.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length);
                     ExcelImage = Image.FromStream(ms, true);
                 imgByteArray = fileBytes;
                 throw new FileNotFoundException("图片位置错误");
         catch (Exception e)
             throw new Exception($" 图片对象初始化时错误:[{imgId}]\n{e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");

     /// <summary>
     /// 图片Id
     /// </summary>
     public string ImgId { get; protected set; }

     /// <summary>
     /// 开始的单元格
     /// </summary>
     public Position From { get; protected set; }

     /// <summary>
     /// 结束的单元格
     /// </summary>
     public Position To { get; protected set; }

     /// <summary>
     /// 图片插入方式
     /// </summary>
     public string PrstGeom { get; protected set; }

     /// <summary>
     /// [0]:x
     /// [1]:y
     /// </summary>
     public List<int> xfrm_off { get; protected set; } = new List<int>();

     /// <summary>
     /// [0]:cx
     /// [1]:cy
     /// </summary>
     public List<int> xfrm_ext { get; protected set; } = new List<int>();

     /// <summary>
     /// 图片地址
     /// </summary>
     public string PathOfPicture { get; protected set; }

     /// <summary>
     /// 图片数据
     /// </summary>
     public Image ExcelImage { get; protected set; }

     /// <summary>
     /// 图片数组
     /// </summary>
     public byte[] imgByteArray { get; protected set; }

     public void Dispose()
 /// <summary>
 /// 文件Id与路径
 /// </summary>
 public class ExcelImgPathAndId
     public string Id { get; set; }

     public string Path { get; set; }
 /// <summary>
 /// 位置信息
 /// </summary>
 public class Position
     public int Col { get; set; }
     public int ColOff { get; set; }
     public int Row { get; set; }
     public int RowOff { get; set; }

此程序参考来源为C#读取Excel的内容和图片及图片位置 - 修身养性,知行合一 (jeremyjone.com)

使用 NPOI读取单元格内容的基本步骤如下: 1. 引入 NPOI 库 在 Visual Studio 中,右键单击项目,选择“管理 NuGet 程序包”,搜索并安装 NPOI 库。 2. 创建 Excel 文件对象 可以通过以下代码创建一个 Excel 文件对象: ``` using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel; // for .xls format using NPOI.XSSF.UserModel; // for .xlsx format // create a new workbook IWorkbook workbook = null; if (Path.GetExtension(filePath) == ".xls") { workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(File.OpenRead(filePath)); } else if (Path.GetExtension(filePath) == ".xlsx") { workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(File.OpenRead(filePath)); } ``` 其中,`filePath` 是 Excel 文件的路径。 3. 获取工作表对象 可以通过以下代码获取指定名称的工作表对象: ``` ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheet("Sheet1"); // "Sheet1" 是工作表的名称 ``` 4. 获取单元格对象 可以通过以下代码获取指定行列位置单元格对象: ``` IRow row = sheet.GetRow(rowIndex); // rowIndex 是行索引 ICell cell = row.GetCell(cellIndex); // cellIndex 是列索引 ``` 5. 读取单元格内容 可以通过以下代码读取单元格的字符串内容: ``` string cellValue = cell.StringCellValue; ``` 完整代码示例: ``` using System.IO; using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel; using NPOI.SS.UserModel; using NPOI.XSSF.UserModel; // file path string filePath = @"C:\temp\test.xlsx"; // create a new workbook IWorkbook workbook = null; if (Path.GetExtension(filePath) == ".xls") { workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(File.OpenRead(filePath)); } else if (Path.GetExtension(filePath) == ".xlsx") { workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(File.OpenRead(filePath)); } // get the sheet ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheet("Sheet1"); // get the cell IRow row = sheet.GetRow(0); ICell cell = row.GetCell(0); // get the cell value string cellValue = cell.StringCellValue; // output the cell value Console.WriteLine(cellValue); ``` 注意事项: 1. Excel 文件必须已经存在,否则会抛出异常; 2. NPOI 库支持读取 .xls 格式和 .xlsx 格式的 Excel 文件; 3. 单元格内容的数据类型可能不同,需要根据实际情况进行类型转换。
评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
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钱包余额 0


