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SynEdit2.1.0 for delphi 5 - 7 - 2010 - XE10.2 语法 自动完成 关键字 高亮 编辑器

亲测,可用 修正编译安装SynEdit_2_0_8时出现的编码问题,并且支持DelphiX10.1 SynEdit 是一个高级的多行文本编辑控件,适用在 Delphi 和 Kylix 等开发环境。SynEdit 支持语法高亮、word-wrap、代码自动完成、模版组件、导出到 html 等格式的功能。 SynEdit 是一个纯 VCL/CLX 控件,无须任何其他运行库支持,著名的 HeidiSQL 数据库管理工具就是使用该控件开发的SQL编辑器。


BusinessSkinForm v8.40 Full Source For Delphi 5-2010

BusinessSkinForm v8.40 一套支持Delphi和C++ Builder的VCL库, 帮助你创建可换skins的程序,支持包括窗体,提示, 许多标准和数据控件.你可以用专用的编辑器创建 自己的skins。 For Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010:



============================================================= EmbeddedWB Component Pack ============================================================= bsalsa productions develop freeware solutions for users and programmers under "Borland Delphi" with "Microsoft Windows" OS. Our main product is the E


BusinessSkinForm v7.81




============================================================= EmbeddedWB Component Pack ============================================================= bsalsa productions develop freeware solutions for users and programmers under "Borland Delphi" with "Microsoft Windows" OS. Our main product is the Embedded Web Browser component package. Most of its components were originally developed by Per Linds? Larsen. Our package gives you a complete solution to develop and control Internet based applications. It allows you to create a customized Web browsing application, add Internet, file and network browsing, document viewing, and data downloading capabilities to your applications. In the package there are many components that answer the needs of the programmer from Internet web browsers, to applications web updating. The components support all Borland Delphi versions from D5 to D2010 and we update our components often on a weekly basis. Our guiding line is easy use and implementation so, all the components are under one tab and the code implementation in with one line of code! In the package, we included a full featured demos so that programmers can easily understand "how to do what". Our major goals are: * Fast. * Handy. * Small. * Freeware. //************************************************************* Please read the credits file to find "who did what? If you use this componets or any code part you do it on your own responsibility. There is no guaranty what so ever for none. Please credit the creators and the contributors of the components. Check the mega demo for demonstration of the package capabilities. We do need beta testers and developers and someone that can write a help file. If you find the component useful, please e-mail some additional samples to post on this webpage, bug report/fix or suggestions for enhancements to smot777@yahoo.com //************************************************************* Web Site Address: http://www.bsalsa.com Support: http://www.bsalsa.com/support.html Forum: http://www.bsalsa.com/forum


GraphicExD for Delphi 2007,2009

GraphicEx is an addendum to Delphi's Graphics.pas in order to enable your application to load many common image formats. This library is primarily designed to load images as background (buttons, forms, toolbars) and textures (DirectX, OpenGL) or for image browsing and editing purposes as long as you don't need to save images. Currently only TTargaGraphic also supports saving an image. GraphicEx is open source under the Mozilla Public License (MPL). Please read the license agreement before you start using this library. TIFF images (*.tif; *.tiff), extended base line implementation byte orders: little endian, big endian sample sizes: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 bits per sample color spaces: indexed, grayscale, RGB(A), CMYK, L*a*b* compression formats: uncompressed, packed bits, LZW, CCITT T.4 (raw and modified fax group 3, possibly word aligned), ThunderScan, Deflate, new style JPEG GFI fax images (*.fax), uses TTIFFGraphic to read sample size: 1 bits per sample color space: indexed compression format: CCITT T.4 (raw and modified fax group 3) SGI images (*.bw, *.rgb, *.rgba, *.sgi) byte order: big endian sample sizes: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 bits per sample color spaces: indexed, grayscale, RGB(A) compression formats: uncompressed, RLE Autodesk images files (*.cel; *.pic) old style only byte order: little endian sample size: 8 bits per sample color spaces: indexed compression format: uncompressed Truevision images (*.tga; *.vst; *.icb; *.vda; *.win), write support included byte order: little endian sample sizes: 5, 8 bits per sample color spaces: gray scale, indexed, 15 bits RGB (555), 24 bits RGB(A)(888) compression formats: uncompressed, RLE ZSoft Paintbrush images (*.pcx, *.pcc) byte order: little endian sample sizes: 1, 2, 4, 8 bits per sample color spaces: gray scale, indexed, RGB compression formats: uncompressed, RLE Word 5.x screen capture files (*.scr) byte order: little endian sample sizes: 1, 2, 4, 8 bits per sample color spaces: indexed, gray scaleRGB compression formats: uncompressed, RLE Kodak Photo-CD images (*.pcd) byte order: little endian samples size: 8 bits per sample color space: YCbCr compression: PCD Huffmann specials: sizes: all resolutions, from 192 x 128 up to 6144 x 4096 (64 Base vaporware) rotated: clockwise and counter-clockwise Portable pixel/gray map images (*.ppm, *.pgm, *.pbm) byte order: little endian sample sizes: 1, 8 bits per sample color spaces: gray scale, indexed, RGB compression format: uncompressed specials: ASCII and Binary format Dr. Halo images (*.cut, *.pal) byte order: little endian sample size: 8 bits per sample color spaces: indexed compression formats: RLE special: external palette file (*.pal) is automatically loaded when specified while doing LoadFromStream or when loading the image via LoadFromFile CompuServe images (*.gif) byte order: little endian sample sizes: 1, 4, 8 bits per sample color spaces: indexed compression format: LZW special: interlaced, non-interlaced SGI Wavefront images (*.rla, *.rpf) byte order: big endian sample size: 8 bits per sample color space: RGB(A) compression formats: RLE Standard Windows bitmap images (*.bmp, *.rle, *.dib), these formats are natively supported by Delphi's VCL but *.rle and *.dib files are not registered with TPicture by default byte order: little endian sample sizes: 1, 4, 8 bits per sample color spaces: indexed, RGB(A) compression formats: uncompressed, RLE specials: OS/2 bitmap format Photoshop images (*.psd, *.pdd) byte order: big endian sample sizes: 1, 8, 16 bits per sample color spaces: indexed, RGB, CMYK, CIE L*a*b* compression formats: uncompressed, packed bits special: duo tone Paintshop Pro images (*.psp) byte order: little endian sample sizes: 1, 4, 8 bits per sample color spaces: indexed, gray scale, RGB compression formats: uncompressed, LZ77 Portable network graphic images (*.png) byte order: big endian sample sizes: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 bits per sample color spaces: indexed, grayscale (alpha), RGB(A) compression format: LZ77 specials: supported chunks: IHDR, IDAT, IEND, PLTE, gAMA, tRNS, bKGD transparency support partially for RGB, which is stored as 32 bits format


VirtualTree 4.7.0 install

一套免费的很好的Treeview控件,比标准treeview控件更快更有效率;熟悉后可以全面替代listview、各类grid控件。 支持 C++ Builder 6,Delphi 6,Delphi 7,Delphi 8 for .net,Delphi 2005 Borland Developer Studio 2006 CodeGear Developer Studio 2007 CodeGear RAD Studio 2008



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