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原创 CreateProcessingInstruction

嘿嘿,以前没太注意,今天随便写写XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();doc.AppendChild(doc.CreateProcessingInstruction("xml","version=1.0    encoding=UTF-8"));doc.save(@"../../1.xml")

2006-03-23 13:32:00 696

原创 My Custom action run after RemoveFiles

we must set the value of the attribute "Execute" as "deferred" so that the custom action will run followed by any sequence that is less than CA.For instance,RemoveFiles sequence="3500",RemoveShort

2006-03-23 13:29:00 641

原创 Microsoft.WizardFramework.dll

Microsoft.WizardFramework.dll Have you ever found your self wandering sleepless around in this directory here : "C:Program FilesCo

2006-03-16 12:55:00 742

原创 man and woman

man and womanA man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs. A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesnt need. A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the

2006-03-16 10:20:00 673

原创 Interview

需要更多的经验啊!3000 after taxfailed

2006-03-16 10:16:00 509

原创 Hide Cancel Button

create a vbs(vbscript) file with sourcodes like this(the file name can be called as HideCancelButton.vbs)function HideCancelButton() Const msiMessageTypeCommonData = &H0B000000 Dim Record Se

2006-03-16 10:14:00 730

转载 转.Net WinForm Expirence

.弹出式窗口显示渐变效果在页面上添加一个timer控件fadeTimer,interval设为50类的实例变量为private m_showing=true;在form_load中写:Opacity = 0.0;            Activate();            Refresh();            fadeTimer.Start();            Ref

2006-03-10 10:19:00 548

原创 InstallVSTemplate

CommandLine of .Net 2005:devenv /installvstemplatesCommandLine of Express C#:vcsexpress.exe  /installvstemplates                                                  vb:vbexpress.exe /installvstemplat

2006-03-03 13:16:00 588

转载 C# and Excel

1.首先声明,这些方法也都是本人搜集的资料,然后为已所用,程序中不足之处,还请高手指点.2.网上有好多关于用SQL语句导入导出的例子,这里不再重复写了。方法1:调用com组件,导出access数据到Excel,就是直接调用access的导出功能,此方法速度超级快using Access;Access.ApplicationClass oAccess = new Access.Applica

2006-02-23 14:50:00 541

原创 关于is

is  这个表达式的结果如下: 如果是一个类类型,而也是该类型,或者它继承了该类型,或者它装箱到该类型中,则结果为True。 如果是一个借口类型,而也是该类型,或者它是实现该接口的类型,则结果为True。 如果是一个值类型,而也是该类型,或者它被拆箱到该类型中,则结果为True.                                    

2006-02-22 17:02:00 490

原创 努力的学习新的东西。


2006-02-15 14:22:00 496

原创 Undo command

class{  {cmd.Execute(); {commandStack.Push(cmd);}} { {UndoableCommand cmd = (UndoableCommand)commandStack.Pop();cmd.Undo();}}} CommandManagerprivate Stack com

2006-02-15 14:08:00 574

原创 .Net做安装文件

注意:1.可以添加Global Assembly Cache Folder,不过里面放的文件的一个叫“Permanent”属性设为true,这样安装之后点击msi文件卸载它才会把该文件从Cache中reserve出来2.右键,View-〉UserInterface and Custom Action可以添加License Agreement等其他Dialog,同时我们也可以添加Custom

2006-02-14 10:46:00 585

原创 安装文件时候指定到某个目录

                      and then have a property like thisI used the property to set the path because Im not sure how to specify a directory as being the D drive.  Ive done this before and it works fi

2006-02-09 09:51:00 506

原创 把My Template放在ProjectTemplate下(.Net2005目录下)

建立%ProjectDir%/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/IDE/ProjectTemplates/CSharp/MyApplication/1033/ApplicationSample.zip 执行 devenv /installvstemplates(执行路径在%ProjectDir%/Microsoft Visual Studio

2006-02-08 15:06:00 655

原创 删除一个指定路径下的文件

d:/temp Exstension:问题是咋就不能得到注册表中的InstallDir之类的路径当然如果能够合并就更好了 

2006-02-08 13:40:00 575

原创 CustomActions and uninstalls

 I needed to add a CustomAction that removed the native image from the GAC. To do this I came across more slightly odd behaviour from the windows install platform so I thought I’d write a blog entry

2006-02-07 15:03:00 568

原创 Remove files not copied by the wix

Best Practices: WiX - Removing Files on Uninstall (RemoveFile) Is there anything worse than an application that doesnt fully and completely uninstall?  OK, theres those folks who insist on tab-ali

2006-02-06 11:19:00 805

原创 存储图片(C#+Winform+SQL Server)

把图片读到pictureBox,再写入数据库 SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection(@"data source=chenyuming2004/VSdotNET;uid=sa;pwd=cym;database=lhf"); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand("insert into fuser values (

2006-01-26 15:48:00 618

原创 为wizard画一根经常使用的线条

Wizard经常使用的线条,使得wizard层次分明PanelTop:dock->topPanelBottom:dock->bottomPanelBottom上面就有了一根线条,它是用来分开上面的信息和下面的buttonspaint事件 {Graphics g = e.Graphics;//Draw some grids accroding to the property;

2006-01-26 10:40:00 511

原创 TextBox only can input number.

或在keyPress(object sender,KeypressEventArgs)中写switch ((short)e.KeyChar){case 13:case 48:case 49:case 50:case 51:case 52:case 53:case 54:case 55:case 56:case 57:case 08://digits 0-9,backspace and Entere

2006-01-24 09:24:00 516

原创 .Net 2005实现project template

namespace{  MMSoftware.ddpFRAMEWORKpublic class WizardImpl : IWizard{#region      IWizard Membersprivate EnvDTE._DTE dte;string projectName;private StartPage page;DialogRes

2006-01-24 09:13:00 634

原创 关于事件

我是这方面的菜鸟,不过我相信会好起来的。 发布:在Myclass定义一个事件(public event EventHandler CreatingProject;)              protected void OnCreatingProject(EventArgs e){                        //This line can wri

2006-01-20 17:11:00 437

原创 .Net 2003 通过实现IDTWizard接口来完成Project Template

  第一步,namespace MyTemplate{ [ProgId("Templates.MyTemplate")](非常重要)public class MyTemplate:IDTWizard{#region private fieldsprivate EnvDTE._DTE dte;string projectName;public MyTempla

2006-01-19 16:03:00 622 1

Essential ASP.NET With Examples In CSharp

Essential ASP.NET With Examples In CSharp.chm



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