Introduction to Software Engineering (ISAD1000/5004) Semester 2 2024Java

Java Python Introduction to Software Engineering (ISAD1000/5004)

Semester 2, 2024

1   Introduction

This is the ínal assessment for Introduction to Software Engineering (ISAD1000/5004). It will assess your competency in designing modular software, using version control to develop your software, design test cases, and implement those test cases for your software. As part of each of these tasks, you will document your work clearly enough that others would be able to follow along and be able to maintain your work.

You will have three weeks to complete this assessment. It is strongly recommended that you plan your time accordingly and begin work as soon as possible.

2   The scenario

Your task will be to process output from a maze-generating program in order to create a smoother, more appealing output for terminal display. The maze-generating program has already been created for you; your task is solely to modify the output. Currently, the program generates a simple maze and displays the maze in a format made up only of ‘+’, ‘-‘ and ‘ |’ characters. While this is suitable for simple display, it is not the most intuitive to read for a human and your task is to improve on this using Box-Drawing Characters (which are discussed in more detail in section 2.1).

As an example, here is the kind of input you can expect (on the left) and how your program should output the maze (on the right):

Note that the primary display for this will be on the terminal. You may índ that due to differences in font spacing, word processors may display the output incorrectly. Editors dedicated to coding, such as vim or VS Code, will likely display the characters correctly.

2.1   Maze structure

The ínal output for the maze will be drawn using entirely box-drawing characters. The full list of box-drawing characters maybe found in the Wikipedia article, but you will only need a small subset of characters for this assessment. A maze may be made up of the following characters (and their associated codes):

■  Full lines:

.    I (U+2503) 

.   - (U+2501)

■  Half lines (i.e. for open ends of walls):

.   -  (U+2578) 

.     I (U+257B)

■  Corners:

.    Γ (U+250F) 

.   J (U+251B)

.   7 (U+2513 - Only used for the outside, top-right border)

.    L (U+2517 - Only used for the outside, bottom-left border)

■  Intersections:

.   丄 (U+253B) 

.    卜 (U+2523)

If you happen to be familiar with mazes, this might not seem like a complete set, as the lines are ever only being drawn up and right. However, the algorithm for creating the maze will never generate a case where other characters (such as + or T) would be used. Only the characters listed above will be used.

The maze is structured as a 2D array, where each ‘cell’ is either linked or not linked to one of  its neighbours. As an example, if the program were to generate a “ maze” where each cell was linked to every neighbour it would generate (and your expected output would be):

… if no cell were linked, the following maze would be generated (and your expected output would be):


In order to determine which is the appropriate character, you will need to inspect a cell in this 2D array and look at each of its neighbours.

A full horizontal line can be determined in the following case, because the corner character (‘+’) has walls (‘-‘) on the left and right, but not up or down:

HINT: It is suggested that you read from the source maze and write to an output maze: do not overwrite the source maze, as you will lose/overwrite information that may be valuable for both earlier and later cells.

2.2   Maze Generating program

As part of this assessment, you will be provided with a simple program that generates output as outlined above. You are encouraged to use this program to become familiar with the

output and to use cases generated by this program to assist in testing (but they are NOT

suïcient for your testing - you must construct test cases that are GOOD test cases, not just random tests). The program is in a language called Ruby. You do not need to learn this

language to use the program. There are four source code íles included with this:

■  binary_tree_demo.rb

■  binary_tree.rb

■  grid.rb

■  cell.rb

To run the program, you use the following commandoneither the lab machines or VMWare Horizon:

ruby  -I.  binary_tree_demo.rb

The program will output the maze to the terminal and exit. You may wish to save the output to a íle, which can be done with I/O redirection with the following command:

ruby  -I.  binary_tree_demo.rb > maze_output.txt

(Any name can be speciíed instead of maze_output.txt)

3   The Tasks

For this assignment, you will create documentation for, and be assessed on, these tasks:

■  Version Control

■  Modularity Design

■  Modularity Implementation

■  Test Design

■  Test Implementation

■  Summary of Work

ALL these tasks will primarily be assessed through your documentation. All code that you create will, however, need to also be submitted to verify your work has been done.

3.1   version control

As part of this assignment, you are to apply version control to keep track of your work.

■  Create a short plan, identify what branches you will need, why you need them, and when the branches will be merged.

■  Create a Git local repository for use throughout this assessment. The repository name should be in the format of __ISE_Repo

▸   e.g. Brower_Arlen12345678_ISE_Repo

■  Commit all code and documents you create in the assessment

▸   You are expected to use meaningful commits; while there is no hard rule about what each commit should contain, you are expected to show your ability to use version control meaningfully. Marks are not awarded for number of commits.

■  Include evidence of your use of version control, such as an image of the log

Any other discussion or explanation on your use of version control should also be included in the documentation.


Do not use GitHub, BitBucket, or any other similar online repositories. Doing so runs the risk of potential collusion investigations. Similarly, do not upload your code to online

repositories even after the assignment due date; other students may have extensions or deferred assessments.

3.2   Modular ity Design

With the given scenario, you are to identify the most suitable modules you will need for your software to achieve the required functionality, considering the good modularity principles discussed in lectures/worksheets. You are to:

■  Write down module descriptions for each module you decide to implement. Descriptions should include:

▸   A meaningful name

▸   A clear and detailed explanation on the intended task of the module

▸   Imports, if any

▸   Export, if any

■  Explain your design decisions and how they conform. to good modularity principles


It’s rare that you will get the design 100% ideal < Introduction to Software Engineering (ISAD1000/5004) Semester 2, 2024Java span >from the very start. Design is often

iterative. This is actually a very good, interesting thing to include in your documentation

for this assessment. If you índ it necessary to change or modify your design at some

point in this assessment, make note and document those changes. Similarly, if you run

into issues or índ your design could be made better somehow, include that discussion as well – you might not have time to make the perfect assignment, but self-reîection about   what could be improved is a vital skill.

3.3   Modular ity Implementation

You are to implement the software using your designs, review the code you have written, and refactor it. As part of this task, you should:

■  Implement the modules designed in the previous section

▸   You may use Java or Python for your implementation

▸   Your code must run on the lab machines or VMWare Horizon

■  Create a short review checklist to determine if you have followed good modularity principles. You are expected to cover all basic guidelines covered in lecture 7.

■  Review your code using the prepared checklist, identifying any issues. You must use the format suggested in worksheet 7 to record your results. Each module must be


■  If you have identiíed any issues, refactor your code to address such issues.

▸   If you refactor your code, explain how it is improved;

▸   If you do not refactor your code, justify your decision

■  After refactoring, revise your preliminary descriptions of your modules.

■  At every stage, you should be making changes and committing those changes to the    repo whenever you have made a step you are satisíed with. Don’t commit it all in one blob, but also don’t commit just every little change.

3.4   Test Design

You are to design tests using both black box and white box methodologies.

■  Black box test design:

▸   For each module, according to module descriptions, design suitable test cases.

▸   Describe how you decide upon your test values for each test case

▸   Test cases should each also describe their expected output or behaviour

■  White box test design:

▸   Identify at least two modules where white-box testing will be beneícial

▸   Design test cases to cover functionality of the selected modules using white box testing

▸   You must test at least two diìerent types of control îow constructs

▸   Describe how you decide upon your test values for each test case

▸   Again, be comitting these test cases to the repo as you write and are satisíed with them

3.5   Test Implementation

Implement your test designs in either Python or Java. You may use test íxtures to organise your test code. Using a unit test framework is optional.

Your documentation should:

■  Identify the actual results for each test case

■  Identify any failures, and attempt to improve your code

▸   Be sure to document this process, as it again makes for useful discussion for this assessment

3.6   summary of work

You are to produce a table clearly showing your overall module design and the ínal status of each module. This is to primarily assist your marker in determining how complete your work  is.

■  Each module should have one row

■  For each module, you should identify if the following work has been done:

▸   Whether or not the module is complete;

▸   Whether or not the module’s tests have been designed;

▸   Whether or not the module’s tests have been implemented;

▸   Whether or not the module’s tests are successful

Additionally, your submission must include a short video roughly two minutes in length

demonstrating that your code is working. More information on this video is included in section 5 of this document.

4   Documentation

As noted, your work will primarily be assessed through your documentation. All information outlined above must be included in your documentation and your documentation must be

submitted to Turnitin as a .pdf íle. In addition to the tasks outlined above, your documentation must also include:

■  A cover page; include the assessment name, your name in Blackboard, your student ID, and your practical date/time.

■  An introduction; brieîy describe and overview of your work

■  Discussion; reîect on your own work, including a summary of what you have achieved, challenges you have faced, limitations, and ways to improve your work with other

features you have not considered.

▸   You may include other information if you feel it would be useful to clarify anything about your submission

Additionally, marks are allocated for a neat and professional document.

5   video Demonstration

Your submission must include a short, two minute video that demonstrates your code working. As part of this video state your name and student number írst and then give an   overview of your code. You do not need togo into the source code and explain any decisions, it is suïcient to show that your code is working. This is helpful in assisting your marker troubleshoot issues if any are encountered.


You may be asked after the submission to attend a short demonstration via Microsoft

Teams in order to ensure academic integrity. Please keep an eye on your email and

announcements to this eìect. If you do have a request to attend a demonstration in this   way, you must attend. A request to demonstrate is not an allegation of misconduct, but is part of the process to ensure academic integrity in the unit.

6   Assessment submission

You are to submit your assessment in three locations on Blackboard:

■  Declaration of Originality submission point

■  A Turnitin submission point

■  A general submission point

6.1   Declaration of originality submission point

As part of this submission, you will submit a Declaration of Originality stating that this work is your own, has not copied anyone else, and any sources are appropriately referenced. This may be a .pdf, .odt, or .docx íle and must be signed and dated.

If you forget to submit your Declaration of Originality, do not resubmit to any other submission point; only submit your Declaration of Originality to this location. A declaration of originality can be submitted after the due date if a mistake is made, however, you cannot receive a mark for this submission until a declaration has been received.

6.2   Turn itin submission

Your Turnitin submission will onlyinclude the Documentation .pdf as outlined above. No source code íles are to be included in this submission; no .zip íles will be accepted. You must be the one to submit your .pdf through Turnitin, at which point it is registered.

6.3   General submission point

The general submission point should include all íles created throughout the assessment (including the .pdf submitted to Turnitin). This should include:

■  Your documentation .pdf íle

■  A .zip (not .rar, not .7z, etc.) íle containing your Git repository (including the hidden .git folder) and all associated source íles, test inputs, etc.

▸   Note that your Git repository is NOT just your working directory (source íles), it is inside the hidden .git folder. Do NOT miss including this in the .zip íle         

【使用教程】 一、环境配置 1、建议下载anaconda和pycharm 在anaconda中配置好环境,然后直接导入到pycharm中,在pycharm中运行项目 anaconda和pycharm安装及环境配置参考网上博客,有很多博主介绍 2、在anacodna中安装requirements.txt中的软件包 命令为:pip install -r requirements.txt 或者改成清华源后再执行以上命令,这样安装要快一些 软件包都安装成功后才算成功 3、安装好软件包后,把anaconda中对应的python导入到pycharm中即可(不难,参考网上博客) 二、环境配置好后,开始训练(也可以训练自己数据集) 1、数据集准备 需要准备yolo格式的目标检测数据集,如果不清楚yolo数据集格式,或者有其他数据训练需求,请看博主yolo格式各种数据集集合链接: 里面涵盖了上百种yolo数据集,且在不断更新,基本都是实际项目使用。来自于网上收集、实际场景采集制作等,自己使用labelimg标注工具标注的。数据集质量绝对有保证! 本项目所使用的数据集,见csdn该资源下载页面中的介绍栏,里面有对应的下载链接,下载后可直接使用。 2、数据准备好,开始修改配置文件 参考代码中data文件夹下的banana_ripe.yaml,可以自己新建一个不同名称的yaml文件 train:训练集的图片路径 val:验证集的图片路径 names: 0: very-ripe 类别1 1: immature 类别2 2: mid-ripe 类别3 格式按照banana_ripe.yaml照葫芦画瓢就行,不需要过多参考网上的 3、修改train_dual.py中的配置参数,开始训练模型 方式一: 修改点: a.--weights参数,填入'',博主训练的是yolov9-s,根据自己需求可自定义 b.--cfg参数,填入 models/detect/yolov9-c.yaml c.--data参数,填入data/banana_ripe.yaml,可自定义自己的yaml路径 d.--hyp参数,填入hyp.scratch-high.yaml e.--epochs参数,填入100或者200都行,根据自己的数据集可改 f.--batch-size参数,根据自己的电脑性能(显存大小)自定义修改 g.--device参数,一张显卡的话,就填0。没显卡,使用cpu训练,就填cpu h.--close-mosaic参数,填入15 以上修改好,直接pycharm中运行train_dual.py开始训练 方式二: 命令行方式,在pycharm中的终端窗口输入如下命令,可根据自己情况修改参数 官方示例:python --workers 8 --device 0 --batch 16 --data data/coco.yaml --img 640 --cfg models/detect/yolov9-c.yaml --weights '' --name yolov9-c --hyp hyp.scratch-high.yaml --min-items 0 --epochs 500 --close-mosaic 15 训练完会在runs/train文件下生成对应的训练文件及模型,后续测试可以拿来用。 三、测试 1、训练完,测试 修改detect_dual.py中的参数 --weights,改成上面训练得到的best.pt对应的路径 --source,需要测试的数据图片存放的位置,代码中的test_imgs --conf-thres,置信度阈值,自定义修改 --iou-thres,iou阈值,自定义修改 其他默认即可 pycharm中运行 在runs/detect文件夹下存放检测结果图片或者视频 【备注】 1、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用!有问题请及时沟通交流。 2、适用人群:计算机相关专业(如计科、信息安全、数据科学与大数据技术、人工智能、通信、物联网、自动化、电子信息等)在校学生、专业老师或者企业员工下载使用。




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