《牛津字典精华总结》- 初阶系列 - 字母 - R

the Epilogue and Essential of ‘Oxford Elementary Learner’s Dictionary 2nd


Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary (Second Edition)

The Part of Alphabet, --R  

Phrases and Idioms

l The races 赛马大会

n Luggage rack 架子(条形结构的)

l Railway station

l At any rate ( anyway, anyhow)

n Raw meat 生肉

l Razor-blade

n Beyond reach = out of reach 够不着

n Read out 读给别人听

l Get ready 做好准备(做某事)

l Ready-made 现成的

l Price reductions

l Registration number (汽车等的)登记号码;牌照号

n Regular customers 老主雇

n Come/ go to sb.’s rescue 尽力援救或帮助某人

n A university hall of residence 学校公寓

n Resign yourself to sth. 忍受某物(pun)

l Hand in your resignation 提交辞呈

n A last resort唯一可求助的人;最后的手段

n Get/have/take your revenge on sb.

l Reverse the charges

n By road 乘车

n Roll over (躺着时)翻身

l Round and round

l Round trip

n Rowing-boat 划艇

n Runner-up 第二名(竞赛中的)

l The rush hour

Catch Phrase

l Racial differences

n They’ve raised the price of petrol. 油涨了

n Raise $1000 for the hospital 筹款;募捐

l The ages in class range from 18 to 50.

l Rare animals

l My rate of pay is … 价格、费用

n Rattle the money in the tin. 接连发出短促音

l Can I have a receipt? 收据

l Do sth on sb.’s recommendation

n Hold the world record for long jump.

n Crossed the Atlantic in record time.创记录时间

l Recorded a concert from the radio.

n Police recovered the stolen car. 重新得到失物

l Reduce speed now.

l A reel of cotton

n The word ‘child’ refers here to anybody under the age of 16.

n A cool, refreshing drink

n Take refuge from the hot sun under a tree.

l Asked for a refund, they refunded my money.

l A refusal to pay

n The thermometer registered 30’C. 显示出数量

l Rehearse for the concert

n Are those two boys related? 是亲戚吗

n This job, the age is not relevant.

l A great relief to know.

n Agreed, but with great reluctance

l Very little remained of house.

n Remove your shoes before entering (take off/out)

n How can I repay you for… 酬谢;报答某人

n Monthly repayments. 按月还款

n Replace the books on the shelf 放回原处

n Susan is leaving. So find a replacement.

l Christie will represent Britain at the Game.

l Keep some in reserve.

n My arms rest on the table. 把某物放在或靠在某上

n Get restless

n Couldn’t restrain my anger.

l The enemy is retreating. 撤退

n Reverse the car into the garage. 使车倒退行驶

n Rewind the tape 磁带绕回

l ‘Moon’ rhymes with ‘spoon’. 押韵

l She wore a ribbon in her hair. 捆扎带

n sit right next to me正好;go right to the end一直;
left right after dinner
立即; adv.

n Wash your hair & rinse it well. 用水洗掉污或皂沫

l A pay rise 增加工资

l He risked his life to save the child.

l You rise failing the exam.

l Dogs were roaming the streets looking for food.

n Roared with laughter. 哈哈大笑

n The boat was rocking gently on the lake.

l The car rolled down the hill. (由轮子转动)移动

l A roll of film

l Rosy cheeks. 玫瑰红

l The weather was rotten. 极坏的、遭糕的

n Give a rough idea how much. 大略价格

n Cost roughly $150

l Pass these photos round the class 全班传阅

n Come round X

n I buy this round 每人一份的饮品

n Have a row with sb.; make a terrible row.大噪声

l Rub my hands together to keep warm.磨;抹

n Give your shoes a rub. 鞋擦擦

l Talk rubbish = talk nonsense

n My stomach is rumble; the rumble of thunder. 发出长而低沉音

n Run my fingers through my hair.手拢着发

l Rush to finish the work. 仓促行事

n I’m in a rush. 正忙

n Stop rustling your newspaper. 发出像干叶磨擦声

Differentiation and Mnemonics

n Radiator 散热器、冷却器

l Rags 破旧衣服

n Rage 大怒;狂怒

n Raid 突袭、击

l Rail 横杆(固定在墙上或其他地方的)

l Railings 栏杆;栅栏

n Rake 耙子

n Rally 游行或集会;比赛(汽车或摩托)

n Ramp 斜路、坡

l Range 山脉

n Ransom 赎金

n Rare 半熟的(指肉)

l Rash 皮疹

n Reader 阅读教材;读本

l Reckon 认为

n Recorder 竖笛

l Reed 芦苇

l Reference 证明文书、推荐书

l Regard关心; regards 致意;问候

l Relief 救援物资;救济金

l Report 成绩报告单

l Reptile 爬行动物

n Resent 感到气愤

n Reserve 替补队员(准备参赛的)

l Resort 度假胜地

n Revolt 叛乱、反叛当权者; revolting 讨厌的、让作呕

l Rich (too fat, sweet of food)

n Riddle 迷语

n Ridge长隆起部分(山脊)

l Ring 周围有座的地地(马戏或拳击比赛)

n Rip 拉;撕;看

n Ripe 成熟的(水果)

n Robin 欧洲鸲

n Rocket 烟火(firework 在空中爆炸的)

n Rod 杆、竿、棒

n Roll 小圆面包

l Round 巡回(如工作需要) n.

n Roundabout 环状交叉路;旋转木马

n Row 划船;争吵

n Rucksack 背包

n Rug 厚毯子;小地毯

n Rum 朗姆酒;

n Rumour 传闻;谣言

Fallibility and Cacoepy

n Rabbi 拉比、法师 / 5rAbai /

l Radar / ei /

n Radio / ei /

n Raspberry 悬钩子(红色小果) / z /

n Rebel / ri5bel/ (v.) , / 5rebl/ (n.)

n Receipt / ri5si:t /

n Reception / 5se /

n Recommend / e /

n Rectangle

n Refuge / e /

l Refugee / dVi/

l Reggae / ei /

n Register / e /

l Rehearse / E /

n Relevant / e /

l Remedy / E /

l Remote / Eu /

n Represent

n Reservoir 水库、蓄水池 / vwa: /

n Resign / z /

n Resignation / rezig/

l Restrict / i /

n Rhinoceros / rai5nCsErEs /

n Rhyme押韵/ aim /; rhythm 节奏 / iTE /

l Rigid / dVi/

n Rind 厚而硬的果皮猪皮 / ai /

n Rise / aiz /,  risen / izn /

n Riot / aiE /

l Rival / ai /

n Robot / C /

n Role – roll / Eu /

n Romance / A /

l Rotten / C /

l Rugby 榄球运动/ i /

l Ruin / i /

n Rural / E /

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