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原创 【将 Visual Studio 项目转换为 CMake 的工具】

将 Visual Studio 项目转换为 CMake 可以使项目更具跨平台性,并更容易在不同的操作系统和编译器上构建。这是一个开源工具,可以将 Visual Studio 项目文件(.vcxproj)转换为 CMakeLists.txt 文件。vcpkg 是一个 C++ 包管理器,它也包含一个工具,可以从 Visual Studio 项目文件生成 CMake 项目。此外,它还提供了一个向导,可帮助您将现有的 Visual Studio 项目转换为 CMake 项目。

2024-04-26 23:29:44 702

原创 联合仿真模式(主要用来测试HDL)总结


2019-09-11 23:45:20 950

Software Defined Radio with Zynq Ultrascale+ RFSoC

这本书介绍了Zynq Ultrascale+ RFSoC,这是一种将真正的单芯片软件定义无线电(SDR)带入市场的技术。RFSoC设备是首批将多个射频信号链与Arm应用和实时多核处理器以及可编程逻辑集成于一体的自适应SoC(系统级芯片)。与需要数十个分离设备的替代方案相比,RFSoC芯片提供了前所未有的灵活性和降低的功耗。RFSoC不仅仅是芯片上的无线电,更像是芯片上的整个基站!此外,除了在5G移动通信中有着广泛的应用外,RFSoC设备还支持新兴6G系统的设计和开发,并且现在已被用于包括高速雷达、先进仪器、射电天文学和量子计算在内的许多其他领域。我们预计这本书将在许多技术领域引起兴趣并得到使用。它作为RFSoC设备家族及其关键特性和可编程性的介绍。特别关注射频信号链,包括高分辨率的直接射频数据转换器、数字上变频器和数字下变频器,以及正交混频器。更多的章节探讨了前向纠错(FEC)单元以及射频、可编程和处理器子系统之间的接口。本书探讨了软件定义无线电的概念和架构以及关键的数字信号处理(DSP)算法,如多奈奎斯特区操作、频率规划、多速率FIR滤波器和FFT。


The FPGA Programming Handbook - Second Edition

一本针对FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)编程的实用指南,第二版提供了更全面的指导和更新的内容。以下是这本书的一些中文介绍: 书籍描述: 这本书通过实际项目(如VGA控制器、微处理器、计算器、键盘)来培养读者在SystemVerilog和VHDL中的FPGA编程技能,并提供了行业内的专业知识,帮助读者全面提升知识水平。购买纸质书或Kindle版本会免费获得PDF格式的电子书。 关键特点: 探索FPGA应用的广泛领域,掌握它们的多功能性,并精通Xilinx FPGA工具流程。深入掌握SystemVerilog和VHDL的复杂性,开发健壮且高效的硬件电路。通过CPU、VGA和计算器项目,提升在现实世界应用中的实践技能。 学习内容: 读者将学习到FPGA架构及其实现,掌握SystemVerilog和VHDL RTL编写,使用SystemVerilog和VHDL进行FPGA项目开发,处理计算机数学基础、并行性和流水线技术,探索AXI和PS/2键盘接口等高级主题。


MATLAB Machine Learning Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

MATLAB Machine Learning Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach》是一本专注于使用MATLAB进行机器学习的书籍。该书提供了一系列关键的机器学习技术的示例,每个示例都采用问题解决的方法。以下是一些关于这本书的中文介绍: 书籍概述:这本书通过问题解决的方法,向读者展示了机器学习中的关键技术。每个示例都提供了一种技术,帮助读者理解并应用这些技术来解决实际问题。 MATLAB应用:MATLAB是一个强大的工具,它包含了统计和机器学习工具箱,这个工具箱包含了多种模块,如探索性数据分析、数据降维、机器学习、回归和方差分析等。 在线资源:MathWorks的官方网站提供了使用MATLAB进行机器学习的教程和示例,无论是初学者还是寻求端到端工作流的专业人士,都可以利用这些资源来帮助完成项目。 MATLAB Academy课程:MATLAB Academy提供了关于使用MATLAB进行机器学习的在线课程,涵盖了不同类型的机器学习模型,包括聚类、分类和回归,以及如何优化模型性能。


Making Embedded Systems, 2nd Edition

pdf,完美书签 《Making Embedded Systems, 2nd Edition》是一本关于嵌入式系统开发的指南书籍,第二版在第一版的基础上进行了扩展和更新。这本书适合中级和有经验的程序员,无论他们使用的是什么平台。以下是一些关于这本书的中文介绍: 内容简介:这本书以易读的方式帮助读者培养基于经典软件设计模式以及嵌入式编程特有的新模式的良好开发实践。读者不仅学习系统架构,还学习处理系统约束和制造要求的具体技术。 作者简介:作者在嵌入式系统领域有着丰富的经验,参与开发了从DNA扫描仪到儿童玩具、从飞机和赛车的惯性测量单元到捕捉罪犯的枪声定位系统,以及各种医疗和消费设备。作者专注于信号处理、硬件集成、复杂系统设计和性能,并经历了FAA和FDA的认证过程,深知生产高质量设计的重要性。 第二版新增内容:第二版包括了关于物联网(IoT)和网络化传感器、电机和运动、调试、数据处理策略等新章节。 读者评价:一些读者和专业人士对这本书给予了高度评价,认为它不仅适合初学者,资深专业人士也能从中获得新的见解。


Unified Modeling Language User Guide, The (2nd Edition)

One of the most important recent developments in software engineering is the Unified Modeling Language (UML) standard for documenting software designs. Written by UML's inventors (the so-called Three Amigos of software engineering), The Unified Modeling Language User Guide provides a very appealing guide to all the fundamentals of using UML effectively. The book opens with a basic tour of the essential concepts and modeling diagrams used in UML, including class diagrams, use case diagrams, and basic modeling principles. The authors pay close attention to modeling classes (and documenting the relationships between classes) as well as use case diagrams (which show how software will be used by various actors in a system). This book mixes in a little software-engineering theory, too, but it makes use of clear examples and actual UML diagrams to illustrate key concepts. Later in the book, the authors discuss more difficult notational diagrams (such as state diagrams and activity diagrams, which can be used to model behavior in a system). Whatever your background in software engineering, you'll no doubt appreciate the author's clear explanations of basic (and advanced) modeling concepts, as well as the nuts-and-bolts details of today's powerful UML. With its combination of expert modeling advice and excellent detail on the specifics of UML, this book will be absolutely essential reading for anyone who wants to use UML for real-world software design. --Richard Dragan --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Product Description For nearly ten years, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has been the industry standard for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system. As the de facto standard modeling language, the UML facilitates communication and reduces confusion among project stakeholders. The recent standardization of UML 2.0 has further extended the language's scope and viability. Its inherent expressiveness allows users to model everything from enterprise information systems and distributed Web-based applications to real-time embedded systems. In this eagerly anticipated revision of the best-selling and definitive guide to the use of the UML, the creators of the language provide a tutorial to its core aspects in a two-color format designed to facilitate learning. Starting with an overview of the UML, the book explains the language gradually by introducing a few concepts and notations in each chapter. It also illustrates the application of the UML to complex modeling problems across a variety of application domains. The in-depth coverage and example-driven approach that made the first edition of The Unified Modeling Language User Guide an indispensable resource remain unchanged. However, content has been thoroughly updated to reflect changes to notation and usage required by UML 2.0. Highlights include: * A new chapter on components and internal structure, including significant new capabilities for building encapsulated designs * New details and updated coverage of provided and required interfaces, collaborations, and UML profiles * Additions and changes to discussions of sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, and more * Coverage of many other changes introduced by the UML 2.0 specification With this essential guide, you will quickly get up to speed on the latest features of the industry standard modeling language and be able to apply them to your next software project.



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