Upgrading from RHEL 6 to RHEL 7 on Gnome Desktop Environment failed.


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Gnome Desktop Environment


  • How can I upgrade RHEL 6 to RHEL 7 on Gnome Desktop Environment?
  • When upgrading RHEL 6 to RHEL7, preupg shows "FAIL" and cannot be in progress any longer.


# preupg
|GNOME Desktop Environment underwent several design modifications in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 release      |fail              |
We found some critical issues. In-place upgrade is not advised.

#  redhat-upgrade-tool --iso /rhel-server-7.0-x86_64-dvd.iso
setting up repos...
preupgrade-assistant risk check found EXTREME risks for this upgrade.
Run preupg --riskcheck --verbose to view these risks.
Continuing with this upgrade is not recommended.


  • Removing GUI from the system should be recommended before upgrading to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. A list of the exact packages to remove on your system will be provided in the result.html file generated when running the Preupgrade Assistant. You will show an instruction similar to the following, and you should remove the list of packages shown in your result.html file (it may not necessarily be the exact same packages shown below):


The GNOME desktop environment as a part of the 'Desktop' yum group underwent a serious redesign in its user interface as well as in underlying technologies in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. The users of the desktop environment need to be educated about these changes before the upgrade. The GNOME Classic user interface is provided in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 to minimize the impact of this change, but the interface still contains several differences from the earlier version, and the users need to be aware of them. More on the topic at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Desktop_Migration_and_Administration_Guide/index.html.
The following packages from the 'Desktop' yum group, which provides the GNOME desktop environment, were detected to be installed on your system: NetworkManager-gnome control-center gdm gdm-user-switch-applet gnome-panel gnome-power-manager gnome-screensaver gnome-session gnome-terminal gvfs-archive gvfs-fuse gvfs-smb metacity nautilus notification-daemon polkit-gnome xdg-user-dirs-gtk yelp control-center-extra eog gdm-plugin-fingerprint gnome-applets gnome-media gnome-packagekit gnome-vfs2-smb gok orca vino
  • Configure the default runlevel to multiuser by editing the /etc/inittab file.


#vi /etc/inittab


Desktop/Workstation is NOT a supported use case for in-place upgrades to RHEL 7. See the following list for further details.
What are the supported use cases for upgrading to RHEL 7?


INPLACERISK: EXTREME: You have GNOME Desktop Environment session as an option in your X11 session manager. GNOME Desktop Environment as a part of the yum group 'Desktop' underwent serious redesign in its user interface as well as underlying technologies in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
  • GNOME Desktop Environment as a part of the yum group 'Desktop' underwent serious redesign in its user interface as well as underlying technologies in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. The users of the desktop environment need to be educated about these changes before upgrade. GNOME classic user interface is provided in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 to lower the impact of this change but the interface still contains several discrepancies from the older version and the users need to be warned about them.


  • Removing gnome before the upgrade.


# yum  groupremove "Desktop" "X Window System" "Fonts"
Package                        Arch   Version           Repository                                                 Size
gnome-applets                  x86_64 1:2.28.0-7.el6    @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    15 M
gnome-backgrounds              noarch 2.28.0-2.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   9.5 M
gnome-bluetooth                x86_64 2.28.6-8.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.5 M
gnome-bluetooth-libs           x86_64 2.28.6-8.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   165 k
gnome-desktop                  x86_64 2.28.2-11.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   3.0 M
gnome-disk-utility             x86_64 2.30.1-2.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   452 k
gnome-disk-utility-libs        x86_64 2.30.1-2.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   6.1 M
gnome-disk-utility-ui-libs     x86_64 2.30.1-2.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   305 k
gnome-doc-utils-stylesheets    noarch 0.18.1-1.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.3 M
gnome-icon-theme               noarch 2.28.0-2.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    11 M
gnome-keyring                  x86_64 2.28.2-8.el6_3    @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   4.5 M
gnome-keyring-pam              x86_64 2.28.2-8.el6_3    @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    39 k
gnome-mag                      x86_64 0.15.9-2.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   715 k
gnome-media                    x86_64 2.29.91-6.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.2 M
gnome-media-libs               x86_64 2.29.91-6.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   2.6 M
gnome-menus                    x86_64 2.28.0-4.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   733 k
gnome-packagekit               x86_64 2.28.3-7.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   7.9 M
gnome-panel                    x86_64 2.30.2-15.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    10 M
gnome-panel-libs               x86_64 2.30.2-15.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    62 k
gnome-power-manager            x86_64 2.28.3-7.el6_4    @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   7.3 M
gnome-python2                  x86_64 2.28.0-3.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   155 k
gnome-python2-applet           x86_64 2.28.0-5.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    21 k
gnome-python2-bonobo           x86_64 2.28.0-3.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   363 k
gnome-python2-canvas           x86_64 2.28.0-3.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    73 k
gnome-python2-desktop          x86_64 2.28.0-5.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   323 k
gnome-python2-extras           x86_64 2.25.3-20.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    67 k
gnome-python2-gconf            x86_64 2.28.0-3.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   135 k
gnome-python2-gnome            x86_64 2.28.0-3.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   352 k
gnome-python2-gnomekeyring     x86_64 2.28.0-5.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    48 k
gnome-python2-gnomevfs         x86_64 2.28.0-3.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   328 k
gnome-python2-libegg           x86_64 2.25.3-20.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   132 k
gnome-python2-libwnck          x86_64 2.28.0-5.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    69 k
gnome-screensaver              x86_64 2.28.3-28.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   5.9 M
gnome-session                  x86_64 2.28.0-18.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.8 M
gnome-session-xsession         x86_64 2.28.0-18.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   5.9 k
gnome-settings-daemon          x86_64 2.28.2-30.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   2.9 M
gnome-speech                   x86_64 0.4.25-3.1.el6    @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   135 k
gnome-system-monitor           x86_64 2.28.0-11.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   4.1 M
gnome-terminal                 x86_64 2.31.3-8.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   7.4 M
gnome-themes                   noarch 2.28.1-6.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    13 M
gnome-user-docs                noarch 2.28.0-4.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    32 M
gnome-user-share               x86_64 2.28.2-3.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.1 M
gnome-utils                    x86_64 1:2.28.1-10.el6   @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    11 M
gnome-utils-libs               x86_64 1:2.28.1-10.el6   @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   172 k
gnome-vfs2                     x86_64 2.24.2-6.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   3.4 M
gnome-vfs2-smb                 x86_64 2.24.2-6.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    32 k
Removing for dependencies:
NetworkManager-gnome           x86_64 1:0.8.1-66.el6    @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.6 M
abrt-desktop                   x86_64 2.0.8-21.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   0.0  
abrt-gui                       x86_64 2.0.8-21.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   220 k
at-spi-python                  x86_64 1.28.1-2.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   168 k
bluez                          x86_64 4.66-1.el6        @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   968 k
brasero-nautilus               x86_64 2.28.3-6.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    45 k
cheese                         x86_64 2.28.1-8.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   5.8 M
compiz-gnome                   x86_64 0.8.2-24.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   2.1 M
control-center                 x86_64 1:2.28.1-39.el6   @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    14 M
control-center-extra           x86_64 1:2.28.1-39.el6   @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   167 k
desktop-effects                x86_64 0.8.4-7.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   232 k
eog                            x86_64 2.28.2-4.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   5.1 M
evince                         x86_64 2.28.2-14.el6_0.1 @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   3.6 M
evolution-data-server          x86_64 2.32.3-18.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    12 M
file-roller                    x86_64 2.28.2-6.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   4.6 M
firstboot                      x86_64 1.110.15-1.el6    @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   650 k
gdm                            x86_64 1:2.30.4-52.el6   @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   4.6 M
gdm-plugin-fingerprint         x86_64 1:2.30.4-52.el6   @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    79 k
gdm-user-switch-applet         x86_64 1:2.30.4-52.el6   @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   120 k
gedit                          x86_64 1:2.28.4-3.el6    @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    14 M
geoclue                        x86_64   227 k
gnote                          x86_64 0.6.3-3.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   4.8 M
gok                            x86_64 2.28.1-5.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   9.0 M
gstreamer-plugins-good         x86_64 0.10.23-1.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   4.2 M
gthumb                         x86_64 2.10.11-8.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   7.4 M
gvfs                           x86_64 1.4.3-16.el6_5    @rhel-6-server-rpms                                       4.6 M
gvfs-afc                       x86_64 1.4.3-16.el6_5    @rhel-6-server-rpms                                       198 k
gvfs-archive                   x86_64 1.4.3-16.el6_5    @rhel-6-server-rpms                                       141 k
gvfs-fuse                      x86_64 1.4.3-16.el6_5    @rhel-6-server-rpms                                        32 k
gvfs-gphoto2                   x86_64 1.4.3-16.el6_5    @rhel-6-server-rpms                                       219 k
gvfs-obexftp                   x86_64 1.4.3-16.el6_5    @rhel-6-server-rpms                                       159 k
gvfs-smb                       x86_64 1.4.3-16.el6_5    @rhel-6-server-rpms                                       303 k
ibus                           x86_64 1.3.4-6.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.5 M
ibus-anthy                     x86_64 1.2.1-3.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   615 k
ibus-chewing                   x86_64   146 k
ibus-gtk                       x86_64 1.3.4-6.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    24 k
ibus-hangul                    x86_64   105 k
ibus-m17n                      x86_64 1.3.0-2.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    52 k
ibus-pinyin                    x86_64 1.3.8-1.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   4.6 M
ibus-qt                        x86_64 1.3.0-2.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   457 k
ibus-rawcode                   x86_64    35 k
ibus-sayura                    x86_64    33 k
ibus-table                     noarch   579 k
ibus-table-additional          noarch   293 k
im-chooser                     x86_64 1.3.1-3.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   333 k
libbonoboui                    x86_64 2.24.2-3.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.2 M
libgail-gnome                  x86_64 1.20.1-4.1.el6    @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    52 k
libgdata                       x86_64 0.6.4-2.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   724 k
libgnome                       x86_64 2.28.0-11.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   2.7 M
libgnomeui                     x86_64 2.24.1-4.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   3.1 M
libgweather                    x86_64 2.28.0-5.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    17 M
libpanelappletmm               x86_64 2.26.0-3.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   100 k
libreport-gtk                  x86_64 2.0.9-19.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   133 k
libsoup                        x86_64 2.28.2-4.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   434 k
metacity                       x86_64 2.28.0-23.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   7.5 M
mousetweaks                    x86_64 2.28.2-1.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   2.9 M
nautilus                       x86_64 2.28.4-19.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    17 M
nautilus-extensions            x86_64 2.28.4-19.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    35 k
nautilus-open-terminal         x86_64 0.17-4.el6        @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   202 k
nautilus-sendto                x86_64 2.28.2-4.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   612 k
orca                           x86_64 2.28.2-1.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   8.7 M
plymouth-gdm-hooks             x86_64 0.8.3-27.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   171  
pulseaudio-gdm-hooks           x86_64 0.9.21-14.el6_3   @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   385  
pulseaudio-module-bluetooth    x86_64 0.9.21-14.el6_3   @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   162 k
python-meh                     noarch 0.12.1-3.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   186 k
pywebkitgtk                    x86_64 1.1.6-3.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   186 k
rhn-setup-gnome                noarch    @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   552 k
rhythmbox                      x86_64 0.12.8-1.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    12 M
seahorse                       x86_64 2.28.1-4.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   6.7 M
sound-juicer                   x86_64 2.28.1-6.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   3.4 M
subscription-manager-firstboot x86_64 1.9.11-1.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    29 k
subscription-manager-gui       x86_64 1.9.11-1.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   902 k
system-config-date             noarch 1.9.60-2.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   3.6 M
system-config-date-docs        noarch 1.0.11-1.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.5 M
system-config-kdump            noarch 2.0.5-15.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.3 M
system-config-printer          x86_64 1.1.16-23.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.9 M
system-config-services         noarch 0.99.45-1.el6.3   @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   685 k
system-config-services-docs    noarch 1.1.8-1.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   963 k
system-config-users            noarch 1.2.106-7.el6     @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.7 M
system-config-users-docs       noarch 1.0.8-2.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   4.3 M
system-gnome-theme             noarch 60.0.2-1.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    18 k
system-icon-theme              noarch 6.0.0-2.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   114 k
totem                          x86_64 2.28.6-4.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   7.7 M
totem-nautilus                 x86_64 2.28.6-4.el6      @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   193 k
vino                           x86_64 2.28.1-9.el6_4    @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   1.9 M
webkitgtk                      x86_64 1.2.6-5.el6       @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    19 M
xulrunner                      x86_64 17.0.10-1.el6_4   @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5    40 M
yelp                           x86_64 2.28.1-17.el6_3   @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201312130540.x86_64/6.5   3.6 M

Transaction Summary
Remove      134 Package(s)

Installed size: 453 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  • Check if redhat-upgrade-tool works well.


#  redhat-upgrade-tool --iso /rhel-server-7.0-x86_64-dvd.iso
setting up repos...
Preupgrade assistant risk check found risks for this upgrade.
You can run preupg --riskcheck --verbose to view these risks.
Addressing high risk issues is required before the in-place upgrade
and ignoring these risks may result in a broken upgrade and unsupported upgrade.
Please backup your data.

List of issues:
INPLACERISK: HIGH: You have some of the Desktop group packages installed in your system. GNOME Desktop Environment that was provided by this group of packages underwent serious redesign in its user interface as well as underlying technologies in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
INPLACERISK: HIGH: We detected some non-RH signed packages, you can find the list in /root/preupgrade/./kickstart/nonrhpkgs. You need to handle them yourself!
INPLACERISK: HIGH: After upgrading to RHEL 7 there are still some el6 packages left. Add --cleanup-post option to redhat-upgrade-tool if you want to remove them automatically.
INPLACERISK: HIGH: Packages [pulseaudio-module-gconf samba-winbind-clients avahi-ui psutils at-spi flac xz-lzma-compat gamin-python libreport-plugin-kerneloops PackageKit-yum-plugin libgxim python-slip-gtk vorbis-tools cdparanoia libproxy-python libreport-newt gstreamer-python icedax system-config-firewall libreport-compat libreport-plugin-logger system-config-firewall-tui libopenraw-gnome liboil cracklib-python libproxy-bin groff apr-util-ldap] have been moved to Server Optional channel.
INPLACERISK: HIGH: There were changes in SELinux policies between RHEL 6 and RHEL 7. Please, check solution in order to resolve this issue.
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service autofs on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable autofs && systemctl start autofs.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service blk-availability on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable blk-availability && systemctl start blk-availability.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service certmonger on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable certmonger && systemctl start certmonger.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service cpuspeed on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable cpuspeed && systemctl start cpuspeed.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service haldaemon on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable haldaemon && systemctl start haldaemon.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service ip6tables on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable ip6tables && systemctl start ip6tables.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service iptables on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable iptables && systemctl start iptables.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service messagebus on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable messagebus && systemctl start messagebus.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service netfs on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable netfs && systemctl start netfs.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service network on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable network && systemctl start network.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service nfslock on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable nfslock && systemctl start nfslock.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service portreserve on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable portreserve && systemctl start portreserve.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service postfix on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable postfix && systemctl start postfix.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service rhnsd on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable rhnsd && systemctl start rhnsd.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service rhsmcertd on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable rhsmcertd && systemctl start rhsmcertd.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service rpcgssd on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable rpcgssd && systemctl start rpcgssd.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service udev-post on RHEL 7 is disabled by default. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable udev-post && systemctl start udev-post.service .
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: We detected some packages installed on the system were removed (obsoleted) between RHEL 6 and RHEL 7. This may break the functionality of the packages depending on them.
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: We detected some packages installed on the system were removed between RHEL 6 and RHEL 7. This may break the functionality of the packages depending on them.
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package sane-backends-libs-gphoto2 not provided by its replacement sane-backends-drivers-cameras. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package xorg-x11-drv-cirrus not provided by its replacement xorg-x11-drv-modesetting. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package bfa-firmware not provided by its replacement linux-firmware. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package ql2400-firmware not provided by its replacement linux-firmware. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package libudev not provided by its replacement systemd-libs. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package ql2100-firmware not provided by its replacement linux-firmware. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package rt61pci-firmware not provided by its replacement linux-firmware. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package coreutils-libs not provided by its replacement coreutils. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package xorg-x11-drv-mga not provided by its replacement xorg-x11-drv-modesetting. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package xorg-x11-drv-ast not provided by its replacement xorg-x11-drv-modesetting. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package rt73usb-firmware not provided by its replacement linux-firmware. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package redhat-lsb-graphics not provided by its replacement redhat-lsb-desktop. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package ql2200-firmware not provided by its replacement linux-firmware. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package ql2500-firmware not provided by its replacement linux-firmware. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package ql23xx-firmware not provided by its replacement linux-firmware. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: having one of [tzdata mesa-libGLU openscap java-1.7.0-openjdk redhat-menus glx-utils kpartx] package installed breaks upgrade
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Mount point /media/RHEL-7.0\040Server.x86_64 is mounted read-only.
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM:  We detected some soname bumps in the libraries installed on the system. This may break the functionality of some of your 3rd party applications. They may need rebuild. Please check their requirements.
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM:  We detected some .so libraries installed on the system were removed between RHEL 6 and RHEL 7. This may break the functionality of some of your 3rd party applications.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: We detected some files where modifications are not tracked in the rpms. You may need to check their functionality after successful upgrade.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: We detected some files untracked by rpms. Some of these may need manual check/migration after redhat-upgrade-tool and/or can cause conflicts or troubles during the installation. Try to reduce unnecessary untracked files before running redhat-upgrade-tool.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: We detected some packages installed on the system changed their name between RHEL 6 and RHEL 7. Although they should be compatible, monitoring after the update is recommended.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: export shell commands will be deleted from /etc/sysconfig/sshd
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: Some scripts untracked by RPM were discovered on the system and may not work properly after upgrade.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/gtk-2.0 is owned by an RPM package that was not signed by Red Hat.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/report is not owned by any RPM package.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/reportclient is not owned by any RPM package.
Continue with the upgrade [Y/N]? y
getting boot images...
setting up update...
upgradeiso/productid                                                                                                                                       | 1.6 kB     00:00 ... 
testing upgrade transaction
rpm transaction 100% [==============================================================================================]
rpm install 100% [==================================================================================================]
setting up system for upgrade
Finished. Reboot to start upgrade.
[root@RHEL6 ~]# reboot
  • After rebooting, upgrading will be started.


upgrade[1516]: [1050/1289] (62%) installing java-1.6.0-openjdk-
upgrade[1516]: [1291/1289] (73%) installing polkit-0.112-5.el7...
upgrade[1516]: [1/860] (76%) cleaning perl-core-5.10.1-136.el6...
upgrade[1516]: [400/860] (87%) cleaning perl-DBI-1.609-4.el6...
upgrade[1516]: [860/860] (99%) cleaning libgcc-4.4.7-4.el6...
upgrade[1516]: running %posttrans script for filesystem-3.2-18.el7






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


