
AVAssetWriterInput H.264 Passthrough to QuickTime (.mov) - Passing in SPS/PPS to create avcc atom?

I have a stream of H.264/AVC NALs consisting of types 1 (P frame), 5 (I frame), 7 (SPS), and 8 (PPS). I want to write them into an .mov file without re-encoding. I'm attempting to use AVAssetWriter to do this. The documentation for AVAssetWriterInput states:

我具有由类型1(P帧),5(I帧),7(SPS)和8(PPS)组成的H.264 / AVC NAL流。我想把它们写入一个.mov文件,而不需要重新编码。我试图使用AVAssetWriter来做到这一点。 AVAssetWriterInput的文档说明:

Passing nil for outputSettings instructs the input to pass through appended samples, doing no processing before they are written to the output file. This is useful if, for example, you are appending buffers that are already in a desirable compressed format. However, passthrough is currently supported only when writing to QuickTime Movie files (i.e. the AVAssetWriter was initialized with AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie). For other file types, you must specify non-nil output settings.


I'm trying to create CMSampleBuffers out of these NALs and append them to the asset writer input, but I am unable to input the data in a way that yields a well-formed .mov file, and I can't find any clue anywhere on how to do this.


The best result I've gotten so far was passing in the NALs in Annex B byte stream format (in the order 7 8 5 1 1 1....repeating) and playing the result in VLC. Because of this, I know the NALs contain valid data, but because the .mov file did not have an avcC atom and the mdat atom was filled with an Annex B byte stream, QuickTime will not play the video.

到目前为止,我得到的最好的结果是传递附件B字节流格式的NAL(以7 8 5 1 1 1 ....重复的顺序),并在VLC中播放结果。因为这个,我知道NAL包含有效的数据,但是因为.mov文件没有avcC原子和mdat原子填充了附件B字节流,QuickTime将不播放视频。

Now I'm trying to pass in the NALs with a 4-byte (as specified by the lengthSizeMinusOne field) length field instead of the Annex B delimiter, which is how they're supposed to be packed into the mdat atom as far as I know. 

I am at a loss for how to get the asset writer to write an avcC atom. Every sample I append just gets shoved into the mdat atom.

Does anyone know how I can pass raw H.264 data into an AVAssetWriterInput configured for pass through (nil outputSettings) and have it generate a properly formed QuickTime file?



有谁知道如何将原始的H.264数据传递到AVAssetWriterInput配置为通过(nil outputSettings),并让它生成一个正确形成的QuickTime文件?

4 down vote accepted

I have submitted a TSI with apple and found the answer. I hope this saves someone time in the future.

The CMSampleBuffers have associated with them a CMFormatDescription, which contains a description of the data in the sample buffer.

The function prototype for creating the format description is as follows:

OSStatus CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreate (
  CFAllocatorRef allocator,
  CMVideoCodecType codecType,
  int32_t width,
  int32_t height,
  CFDictionaryRef extensions,
  CMVideoFormatDescriptionRef *outDesc

I learned, from the Apple technician, that I can use the extensions argument to pass in a dictionary containing the avcC atom data.

The extensions dictionary should be of the following form:

[kCMFormatDescriptionExtension_SampleDescriptionExtensionAtoms ---> ["avcC" ---> <avcC Data>]]

The []'s represent dictionaries. This dictionary can potentially be used to pass in data for arbitrary atoms aside from avcC.

Here is the code I used to create the extensions dictionary that I pass into CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreate:

    const char *avcC = "avcC";
    const CFStringRef avcCKey = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, avcC, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
    const CFDataRef avcCValue = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, [_avccData bytes], [_avccData length]);
    const void *atomDictKeys[] = { avcCKey };
    const void *atomDictValues[] = { avcCValue };
    CFDictionaryRef atomsDict = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, atomDictKeys, atomDictValues, 1, nil, nil);

    const void *extensionDictKeys[] = { kCMFormatDescriptionExtension_SampleDescriptionExtensionAtoms };
    const void *extensionDictValues[] = { atomsDict };
    CFDictionaryRef extensionDict = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, extensionDictKeys, extensionDictValues, 1, nil, nil);

4 down vote accepted

I have submitted a TSI with apple and found the answer. I hope this saves someone time in the future.

The CMSampleBuffers have associated with them a CMFormatDescription, which contains a description of the data in the sample buffer.

The function prototype for creating the format description is as follows:

OSStatus CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreate (
  CFAllocatorRef allocator,
  CMVideoCodecType codecType,
  int32_t width,
  int32_t height,
  CFDictionaryRef extensions,
  CMVideoFormatDescriptionRef *outDesc

I learned, from the Apple technician, that I can use the extensions argument to pass in a dictionary containing the avcC atom data.

The extensions dictionary should be of the following form:

[kCMFormatDescriptionExtension_SampleDescriptionExtensionAtoms ---> ["avcC" ---> <avcC Data>]]

The []'s represent dictionaries. This dictionary can potentially be used to pass in data for arbitrary atoms aside from avcC.

Here is the code I used to create the extensions dictionary that I pass into CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreate:

    const char *avcC = "avcC";
    const CFStringRef avcCKey = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, avcC, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
    const CFDataRef avcCValue = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, [_avccData bytes], [_avccData length]);
    const void *atomDictKeys[] = { avcCKey };
    const void *atomDictValues[] = { avcCValue };
    CFDictionaryRef atomsDict = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, atomDictKeys, atomDictValues, 1, nil, nil);

    const void *extensionDictKeys[] = { kCMFormatDescriptionExtension_SampleDescriptionExtensionAtoms };
    const void *extensionDictValues[] = { atomsDict };
    CFDictionaryRef extensionDict = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, extensionDictKeys, extensionDictValues, 1, nil, nil);

// Create the videoFile.m4v AVAssetWriter.
AVAssetWriter *videoFileWriter = [[AVAssetWriter alloc] initWithURL:destinationURL fileType:AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error:&error];
if (error) {
    NSLog(@"AVAssetWriter initWithURL failed with error= %@", [error localizedDescription]);

// Create the video file settings dictionary.
NSDictionary *videoSettings = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: AVVideoCodecH264, AVVideoCodecKey, [NSNumber numberWithInt:1280],
                               AVVideoWidthKey, [NSNumber numberWithInt:720], AVVideoHeightKey, nil];

// Perform video settings check.
if ([videoFileWriter canApplyOutputSettings:videoSettings forMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo]) {
    NSLog(@"videoFileWriter can apply videoSettings...");    

// Create the input to the videoFileWriter AVAssetWriter.
AVAssetWriterInput *videoFileWriterInput = [[AVAssetWriterInput alloc] initWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo outputSettings:videoSettings];
videoFileWriterInput.expectsMediaDataInRealTime = YES;
NSParameterAssert([videoFileWriter canAddInput:videoFileWriterInput]);

// Connect the videoFileWriterInput to the videoFileWriter.
if ([videoFileWriter canAddInput:videoFileWriterInput]) {
   [videoFileWriter addInput:videoFileWriterInput]; 

// Get the contents of videoFile.264 (using current Mac OSX methods).
NSData *sourceData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:sourceURL];
const char *videoFileData = [sourceData bytes];
size_t sourceDataLength = [sourceData length];
NSLog(@"The value of 'sourceDataLength' is: %ld", sourceDataLength);

// Set up to create the videoSampleBuffer.
int32_t videoWidth = 1280;
int32_t videoHeight = 720;
CMBlockBufferRef videoBlockBuffer = NULL;
CMFormatDescriptionRef videoFormat = NULL;
CMSampleBufferRef videoSampleBuffer = NULL;
CMItemCount numberOfSampleTimeEntries = 1;
CMItemCount numberOfSamples = 1;

// More set up to create the videoSampleBuffer.
CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCMVideoCodecType_H264, videoWidth, videoHeight, NULL, &videoFormat);
result = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, 150000, kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, 0, 150000, kCMBlockBufferAssureMemoryNowFlag,
NSLog(@"After 'CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock', 'result' is: %d", result);

// The CMBlockBufferReplaceDataBytes method is supposed to write videoFile.264 data bytes into the videoSampleBuffer.
result = CMBlockBufferReplaceDataBytes(videoFileData, videoBlockBuffer, 0, 150000);
NSLog(@"After 'CMBlockBufferReplaceDataBytes', 'result' is: %d", result);

CMSampleTimingInfo videoSampleTimingInformation = {CMTimeMake(1, 30)};
result = CMSampleBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, videoBlockBuffer, TRUE, NULL, NULL, videoFormat, numberOfSamples, numberOfSampleTimeEntries,
                              &videoSampleTimingInformation, 0, NULL, &videoSampleBuffer);
NSLog(@"After 'CMSampleBufferCreate', 'result' is: %d", result);

// Set the videoSampleBuffer to ready (is this needed?).
result = CMSampleBufferMakeDataReady(videoSampleBuffer);
NSLog(@"After 'CMSampleBufferMakeDataReady', 'result' is: %d", result);

// Start writing...
if ([videoFileWriter startWriting]) {
    [videoFileWriter startSessionAtSourceTime:kCMTimeZero];

// Start the first while loop (DEBUG)...

你提到的是视频流传输协议和对应的视频封装格式,其中: - MMS(Microsoft Media Server)是微软开发的流媒体传输协议,可以传输音频、视频和其他多媒体数据。MMS流可以保存为WMV(Windows Media Video)或ASF(Advanced Systems Format)格式文件。 - RTSP(Real-Time Streaming Protocol)是一种实时流媒体传输协议,通常用于 IP 网络上的音频、视频和其他多媒体流传输。RTSP流可以保存为RMVB(RealMedia Variable Bitrate)或RM(RealMedia)格式文件。 - RTMP(Real-Time Messaging Protocol)是一种实时流媒体传输协议,通常用于通过 Flash 插件在 Web 上播放音频、视频和其他多媒体流。RTMP流可以保存为F4V(Flash Video)或FLV(Flash Video)格式文件,也可以以 SWF(Shockwave Flash)格式嵌入到网页中。 - HLS(HTTP Live Streaming)是一种基于 HTTP 协议的流媒体传输协议,可以实现多码率自适应流媒体播放。HLS流可以保存为MP4(MPEG-4 Part 14)、MKV(Matroska Multimedia Container)或MOV(Apple QuickTime)格式文件。 - MPEG-DASH(Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP)是一种基于 HTTP 协议的自适应流媒体传输协议,可以实现多码率自适应流媒体播放。MPEG-DASH流可以保存为H.264(Advanced Video Coding)和AAC(Advanced Audio Coding)编码的MP4格式文件。 - WebRTC(Web Real-Time Communication)是一种实时通信技术标准,包括音频、视频、数据传输等。WebRTC可用于实现视频聊天软件和视频会议等功能,对应的视频格式取决于具体的实现方式。 需要注意的是,上述流传输协议和封装格式只是其中的一部分,实际上还有很多其他的协议和格式可供选择。




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