



要点1:借用网上的 ReporterManager,完成他自已本身的东西;要注意的是,每次启动QTP都必需要重新加载一次VBS(也是Demo.vbs \ Class Templates.vbs \ Engines.vbs \ Filters.vbs \ ReporterManager.vbs,不然会提示VBS中的语句错误)





'修改日期:          修改原因:
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone , "Environment" ,"运行测试脚本:" &TestName & "的操作系统为:" & OS & "版本为:" & OSVersion & "浏览器为:" & IEversion
''获取系统日志信息---start perf_log 放在脚本最上层     stop perf_lof放到脚本最下层
'systemutil.Run "logman","start perf_log"
'systemutil.Run "logman","stop perf_log"

'DataTable.AddSheet("TestData")        QTP中建立一个Test Data的数据表
'DataTable.ImportSheet  DataStr,"Sheet1","TestData"     sheet1 的数据转换到QTP  数据表Test Data
DataStr= "d:\data.xls"
DataTable.ImportSheet  DataStr,"Sheet1","TestData"
wait 1
   'UserName=DataTable.Value("UserName","TestData") 修改username从而添加更多的参数化数据
   'Reporter 判断是否正常打开IE对应的地址
 For i=1 to DataTable.GetSheet("TestData").GetRowCount
 systemutil.Run "IEXPLORE.exe",""
 Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"IE","浏览器"
 DataTable.SetCurrentRow i  '把i设置为当前执行行

Call oReporterManager.StartEngine("Excel", "test_name", "File>C:\Logs\test_name.xls")
Call oReporterManager.Report("Pass","Step 1","预期结果","实际结果","用例通过")
Call oReporterManager.Report("Fail","Step 1","预期结果","实际结果","错误信息")


Browser("鉴定劳鉴管理系统").Page("鉴定劳鉴管理系统").WebEdit("WebEdit").Set UserName
Browser("鉴定劳鉴管理系统").Page("鉴定劳鉴管理系统").WebEdit("WebEdit_2").SetSecure PassWord

 wait 1

'Browser("title := 鉴定劳鉴管理系统").Page("title:=鉴定劳鉴管理系统").WebEdit("type:=text").Set "root"









'''<summary>This is a demo QTP test, that showcases some of the ReporterManager abilities</summary>

Option Explicit
''Written by Yaron Assa, 1/9/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com

'Here's an extensive yet effective reporting framework example:

'Add QTP native reporter to the party. This way we wont need 2 reporting commands - one to ReporterManager, and one to the QTP result log
Call oReporterManager.StartEngine("QTP", "QTP", "")

'Set up a complete backup log - the basics
Call oReporterManager.StartEngine("Text", "Backup", "File>C:\Logs\QTPLog.txt")
Call oReporterManager.StartEngine("XML", "XML Backup", "File>C:\Logs\QTPLog.XML")

'Make sure to copy the demo MDB database to c:\QTP Log.mdb
Call oReporterManager.StartEngine("DB", "DB Backup", "CreateNew>True")

'Set up statistics log - with it we can later produce the step pass/fail ratio with a click of a button
Call oReporterManager.StartEngine("Text", "Stats", "File>C:\Logs\Statistics.CSV|BodyTemplate>""%Status%, %StepName%, %Expected%, %Actual%, %Details%"" & vbcrlf|NewTestCaseTemplate>""General, Switched TestCase, , , %TestCaseName%"" & vbcrlf")

'Set up dedicated performence log - we can load it to excel and imiddiatly extract the time-step differences between relevant steps
Call oReporterManager.StartEngine("Text", "Performance", "File>C:\Logs\Performance.CSV|BodyTemplate>""%Time%, %StepName%"" & vbcrlf|NewTestCaseTemplate>"" "" ")

'Set up a top view excel log, so we'll have something pretty to send to management
Call oReporterManager.StartEngine("Excel", "TopView", "File>C:\Logs\TopView.xls")

'Set up a dedicated error & warnning logs
 Call oReporterManager.StartEngine("Text", "Errors", "File>C:\Logs\Errors.txt|BodyTemplate>""%Time%, %Status%, %StepName%, %Expected%, %Actual%"" & vbcrlf")
 Call oReporterManager.StartEngine("Winlog", "Win Errors", "ShowAs>QTP Errors")
 Call oReporterManager.StartEngine("ScreenCapture", "Error Captures", "Path>C:\Logs\|Prefix>Error -")

'Set up the filter for errors
 Call oReporterManager.AddFilter("RegEx", "Errors>Win Errors>Error Captures", "Pattern>Fail|WhatToSearch>Status")

'Set up a user popup that alerts whoever's watching that an error has occured  - enable major time saves as a script can be stopped imidiatly
 Call oReporterManager.StartEngine("User", "Errors Pop Up", "Timer>2")
 Call oReporterManager.AddFilter("RegEx", "Errors Pop Up", "Pattern>Fail|WhatToSearch>Status")

 'Test the logs :
'Call oReporterManager.Report ("Pass", "Step 1" ,"Window Should Open" ,"All OK", "No Details")
'Call oReporterManager.Report ("Warning", "Step 2" ,"Window Should Open" ,"It Didn't", "Some Details")
'Call oReporterManager.Report ("Fail", "Step 3" ,"Window Should Open" ,"App. Crashed", "Bla Bla Bla")






 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Class Templates.VBS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'''<summary>This file holds the base classes for an engine and a filter</summary>
''' <datecreated>01/09/2007</datecreated>

Option Explicit
'ReporterManager Project home at  www.AdvancedQTP.com

'A template class for a Filter
''' <summary>
''' A Base class for a filter
''' </summary>
''' <author>Yaron Assa</author>
''' <datecreated>01/09/2007</datecreated>
''' <remarks>This class is essential for the intellisense of the whole project</remarks>
Class XFilter 'Change X to the name of the class (keep the "filter" part)
'Written by Yaron Assa, 1/8/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com

 'I find that keeping the settings withing a dictionary object is the best way to manage things
 'Feel free to change this mechanism, it's invisible to the outside world
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
 Public Manager 'Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the relevant engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="XEngine"/>
 Public Engine 'Holds a link to the relevant engine
 ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the settings dictionary</summary> 
 Private oSettings 'Will hold the settings dictionary
 ''' <summary>
 ''' ID for the type of the filter
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 ''' <example>"DB"</example> 
 Public Property Get FilterType
  FilterType = "Name" 'Change Name to the name of the class  
 End Property
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The Engine's Version
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 ''' <example>"0.8"</example> 
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "9.0" 'Change to the filter version. Must be 9+
 End Property
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The minimum version of the manager, required for this filter to work
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 ''' <example>"0.8"</example> 
 Public Property Get MinimunManagerVersion
  MinimunManagerVersion = "0.0" 'The minimum version of the manager, required for this filter to work
 End Property

 ' Function StartFilter    (Public)
 ' Goal         Makes the filter ready for use
 ' In Params        sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     Boolean - True/False
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Makes the filter ready for use
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Filter's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if succeeded to start the filter, False if failed</returns>
 Public Function StartFilter(sSettings)
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult
    'Add more filter init code here   

    bResult = AllowCreate 'Can we start the filter?
    StartFilter = bResult
 End Function

 ' Function Check    (Public)
 ' Goal         Checks if an event matches the filter's criteria
   ' In Params                      sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
 ' Out Params     Boolean - Does it match the criteria?
''' <summary>Checks if an event matches the filter's criteria</summary>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status</param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item>"Fail"<description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item>"Pass"<description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item>"Warning"<description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item>"General"<description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
''' <returns type="Boolean">Returns True if the event matches, otherwise False</returns>
 Public Function Check(sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult

    bResult = False
  'Implement Check code here!
  'This is the heart of the filter class

    Check = bResult
 End Function

 ' Sub Init_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Specifies default values of the settings object
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Specifies default values of the settings object
 ''' </summary>
 Private Sub  Init_Settings
    Set oSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  'Add Default Settings Here
  'e.g. oSettings.Add "ClearExisting" , "True"
  'Make sure all mandatory fields have default values!
 End Sub

   ' Function AllowCreate      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if it's OK to create the filter, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function AllowCreate
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult

    bResult = CheckVersion
    'Add more pass/Fail conditions here
    AllowCreate = bResult
 End Function

   ' Function CheckVersion      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the filter passes the version check, False otherwise</returns>
 Function CheckVersion
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iDiff
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sEngineVersion
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sManagerVersion

    'Check the manager version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.MinimunManagerVersion), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.Version), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(iDiff, "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) > CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Engine Expected " & Me.MinimunManagerVersion & _
                          vbCrLf & "But manager was actually " & Me.Manager.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

    'Check the engine version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Version), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(iDiff, "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) < CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Manager expected " & Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion &_
                           vbCrLf & "But engine actually was " & Me.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  CheckVersion = True
 End Function

 ' Sub Class_Initialize    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Initialize event
''' </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize()     
  'Add Initialization events here
   End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Terminate event
''' </summary>
 Private Sub Class_Terminate
  Set oSettings = Nothing
  'Add Termination  events here  
   End Sub

 ' Sub Load_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ' In Params      sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Filter's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>
 Private Sub Load_Settings(sSettings)
    '***************************' No Need to change this sub! ***************************'
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim ReplaceArray
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim arrData
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim arrSettingData
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim i

  'Protect >> and || chars

   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, "||", ReplaceArray(0))
   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, ">>", ReplaceArray(1))
     arrData = Split(sSettings, "|") 'Split to individual fields
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) 'Loop through fields
       If arrData(i) <> "" Then
      arrSettingData = Split(arrData(i), ">") 'Break to Field and to Value
      'Protect | char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(0), "|")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(0), "|")

      'Protect > char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(1), ">")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(1), ">")

      If oSettings.Exists(arrSettingData(0)) Then 'There's a default value for this field
       oSettings(arrSettingData(0)) = arrSettingData(1) 'Change it to the user's value
       oSettings.Add arrSettingData(0), arrSettingData(1) 'Create new setting
      End If
     End If
 End Sub

 ''' <summary>
 ''' Forces the filter to close and clear all its references
 ''' </summary>
 Public Sub ClearFilter
 End Sub
End Class

'A template class for a reporter engine
''' <summary>
''' A Base class for an Engine
''' </summary>
''' <author>Yaron Assa</author>
''' <datecreated>01/09/2007</datecreated>
''' <remarks>This class is essential for the intellisense of the whole project</remarks>
Class XEngine 'Change X to the name of the class (keep the "Engine" part)
'Written by Yaron Assa, 1/8/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com

    'I find that keeping the settings withing a dictionary object is the best way to manage things
 'Feel free to change this mechanism, it's invisible to the outside world
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
 Public Manager 'Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The user logical name for an instance of this engine (in run-time)
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Name

 ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the settings dictionary</summary> 
 Private oSettings
 ''' <value type="Object"/>
 ''' <summary>Holds the engine's main object</summary> 
 ''' <remarks>You can use it or not, according to your specific implementation</remarks> 
 Private oEngine 'Holds the engine's main object

 ''' <summary>
 ''' ID for the type of the engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 ''' <example>"DB"</example> 
 Public Property Get EngineType
  EngineType = "Name" 'Add Engine Type Here
 End Property

''' <summary>
 ''' The Engine's Version
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 ''' <example>"0.8"</example> 
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "9.0" 'Change to the engine version. Must be 9+
 End Property

''' <summary>
 ''' The minimum version of the manager, required for this engine to work
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 ''' <example>"0.8"</example> 
 Public Property Get MinimunManagerVersion
  MinimunManagerVersion = "0.0" 'The minimum version of the manager, required for this engine to work
 End Property

 ' Function StartEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Makes the engine ready for use
 ' In Params        sSettings - The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     Boolean - Didn't the engine manage to start?
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Makes the engine ready for use
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if succeeded to start the engine, False if failed</returns>
 Public Function StartEngine(sSettings)
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult

  'More engine start code here

    bResult = AllowCreate 'Can we create this engine?
    StartEngine = bResult
 End Function

 ' Function StopEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Stops the engine
 ' In Params        None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Stops the engine
 ''' </summary>
 Public Sub StopEngine
   Set oEngine = Nothing     
   Set oSettings = Nothing
   'More engine stop code here
 End Sub

   ' Sub Report  (Public)
   ' Goal         Reports an event
   ' In Params        sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
   ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Reports an event to all possible reporters
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status</param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item>"Fail"<description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item>"Pass"<description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item>"Warning"<description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item>"General"<description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
 Public Sub Report (sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
    'Enter Report Code Here
    'This is the heart of the engine's class!
 End Sub

 ' Sub Init_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Specifies default values of the settings object
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Specifies default values of the settings object
 ''' </summary>
 Private Sub  Init_Settings
    Set oSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  'Add Default Settings Here
  'e.g. oSettings.Add "File" , "C:\QTPLog.txt"
  'Make sure all mandatory fields have default values!
 End Sub

   ' Function AllowCreate      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if it's OK to create the filter, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function AllowCreate
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult

    bResult = CheckVersion
    'Add more pass/fail conditions here
    AllowCreate = bResult
 End Function

   ' Function CheckVersion      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the engine passes the version check, False otherwise</returns>
 Function CheckVersion
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iDiff
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sEngineVersion
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sManagerVersion

    'Check the manager version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.MinimunManagerVersion), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.Version), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(iDiff, "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) > CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Engine Expected " & Me.MinimunManagerVersion & _
                          vbCrLf & "But manager was actually " & Me.Manager.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

    'Check the engine version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Version), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(iDiff, "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) < CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Manager expected " & Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion &_
                           vbCrLf & "But engine actually was " & Me.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  CheckVersion = True
 End Function

 ' Sub Class_Initialize   (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Initialize event
''' </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize()  
   Set oEngine = X 'Change X to the engine's object,
          'or use any other method to create the engine
   'Add Initialization events here
   End Sub
 ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Terminate event
''' </summary>
 Private Sub Class_Terminate 
    'Add Terminate Events Here
   End Sub

 ' Sub Load_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ' In Params      sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>
 Private Sub Load_Settings(sSettings)
    '***************************' No Need to change this sub! ***************************'
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim ReplaceArray
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim arrData, arrSettingData
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim i

  'Protect >> and || chars

   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, "||", ReplaceArray(0))
   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, ">>", ReplaceArray(1))
     arrData = Split(sSettings, "|") 'Split to individual fields
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) 'Loop through fields
       If arrData(i) <> "" Then
      arrSettingData = Split(arrData(i), ">") 'Break to Field and to Value
      'Protect | char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(0), "|")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(0), "|")

      'Protect > char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(1), ">")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(1), ">")

      If oSettings.Exists(arrSettingData(0)) Then 'There's a default value for this field
       oSettings(arrSettingData(0)) = arrSettingData(1) 'Change it to the user's value
       oSettings.Add arrSettingData(0), arrSettingData(1) 'Create new setting
      End If
     End If
 End Sub

End Class







'''<summary>This file holds all the different engine classes</summary>
''' <datecreated>20/01/2008</datecreated>

Option Explicit

'        Engines
''' <summary>
''' This Engine is the native QTP reporter.Reportevent engine
''' </summary>
''' <author>Yaron Assa</author>
''' <datecreated>01/09/2007</datecreated>
''' <remarks>Possible Settings:
''' <para>
''' Filter = Integer - 0 / 1 / 2 / 3. 1 Sets the filtering on the native QTP results file (see reporter.Filter help for details)<br/>
'''   Default = 1 ( rfEnableErrorsAndWarnings = Only event with a warning or fail status are displayed in the Test Results.)<br/>
'''   The Filter Settings DOES NOT filter any event sent by the Report function, ONLY those who QTP logs ON ITS OWN.<br/>
''' </para>
''' See settings details at <see cref="QTPEngine.StartEngine"/>
''' </remarks>
''' <example><c>"Filter>3"</c> - This will block any non-error event QTP would usually log (e.g. Button.Click etc.)</example>
Class QTPEngine
'Written by Yaron Assa, 1/8/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com
 'This Engine is the native QTP reporter.Reportevent engine

 'Possible Settings :
 'Filter     = Integer - 0 / 1 / 2 / 3. 1 Sets the filtering on the native QTP results file (see reporter.Filter help for details)
 '          Default = 1 ( rfEnableErrorsAndWarnings = Only event with a warning or fail status are displayed in the Test Results.)
 '        The Filter Settings DOES NOT filter any event sent by the Report function, ONLY those who QTP logs ON ITS OWN.
 'E.g. : "Filter>3"
 'This will block any non-error event QTP would usually log (e.g. Button.Click etc.)
 ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the settings dictionary</summary> 
 Private oSettings
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
 ''' <seealso cref="ReporterManagerClass"/>  
 Public Manager 'Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The user logical name for an instance of this engine (in run-time)
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Name

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The Engine's Version
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "0.9.2"
 End Property

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The minimum version of the manager, required for this engine to work
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get MinimunManagerVersion
  MinimunManagerVersion = "0.9"
 End Property

 ''' <summary>
 ''' ID for the type of the engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get EngineType
  EngineType = "QTP" 'ID
 End Property

 ' Function StartEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Makes the engine ready for use
 ' In Params        sSettings - The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     Boolean - Didn't the engine manage to start?
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Makes the engine ready for use
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
  ''' <list type="table">
 ''' <item><term>Filter</term>
 '''  <description>Integer - 0 / 1 / 2 / 3. 1 Sets the filtering On the native QTP results file (see reporter.Filter help For details)<br/>
 '''     Default = 1 ( rfEnableErrorsAndWarnings = Only event with a warning or fail status are displayed in the Test Results.)
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' </list></param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if succeeded to start the engine, False if failed</returns>
 ''' <example><c>"Filter>3"</c> - This will block any non-error event QTP would usually log (e.g. Button.Click etc.)</example> 
 Public Function StartEngine(sSettings)
  Reporter.Filter = oSettings("Filter")

        StartEngine = AllowCreate
 End Function

 ' Function StopEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Stops the engine
 ' In Params        None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Stops the engine
 ''' </summary>
 Public Sub StopEngine 
   Set oSettings = Nothing
   Set Manager = Nothing
 End Sub

   ' Sub Report  (Public)
   ' Goal         Reports an event
   ' In Params        sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
   ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Reports an event
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status<note>Legacy suppurt for integer status code exists</note></param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item><text>"Fail"</text><description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Pass"</text><description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Warning"</text><description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item><text>"General"</text><description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
 Public Sub Report (sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iStatus
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sContent

  sContent = "Expected Result: " & sExpected & vbCrLf & _
         "Actual Result: " & sActual & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
         "Details: " & sDetails

  Select Case sStatus
   Case "Pass"
    iStatus = MicPass
   Case "Fail"
    iStatus = MicFail
   Case "Warning"
    iStatus = MicWarning
   Case Else
    iStatus = micDone
  End Select
    Reporter.Filter = rfEnableAll 'Allow all events to be logged
    Reporter.ReportEvent iStatus, sStepName, sContent
    Reporter.Filter = CInt(oSettings("Filter"))  'Return to the screening setting
 End Sub

 ' Sub Init_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Specifies default values of the settings object
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Specifies default values of the settings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks>Filter = rfEnableErrorsAndWarnings (Screen any general event not specifically sent to QTP Reporter)</remarks> 
 Private Sub  Init_Settings
    Set oSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oSettings.Add "Filter", rfEnableErrorsAndWarnings  'Screen any general event not specifically sent to QTP Reporter
 End Sub

   ' Function AllowCreate      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
   ' In Params      sType - The reporter Type
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if it's OK to create the filter, False otherwise</returns>
 ''' <remarks>Checks if there already exists an engine for type = QTP</remarks> 
 Private Function AllowCreate
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim i
    ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
  '''<summary>The manager's reporters collection</summary>
    Dim oReporters
    ''' <value type="Array"/>
    Dim arrKeys

  bResult = CheckVersion

  If bResult  = False Then
   AllowCreate = False
   Exit Function
  End If

    'Check There're no multiple QTP engines
    Set oReporters = Manager.Reporters

    arrKeys = oReporters.Keys

    For i = 0 To oReporters.Count -1
           If oReporters(arrKeys(i))("Engine").EngineType = "QTP" Then
      bResult = False
      Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Can't initiate multiple instances of this engine"
      Exit For
     End If

  Set oReporters = Nothing

    AllowCreate = bResult
 End Function

   ' Private Function CheckVersion      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the engine passes the version check, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function CheckVersion
    Dim iDiff
    Dim sEngineVersion
    Dim sManagerVersion

    'Check the manager version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.MinimunManagerVersion), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.Version), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) > CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Engine Expected " & Me.MinimunManagerVersion & _
                          vbCrLf & "But manager was actually " & Me.Manager.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

    'Check the engine version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Version), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) < CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Manager expected " & Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion &_
                           vbCrLf & "But engine actually was " & Me.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  CheckVersion = True
 End Function

 ' Sub Load_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ' In Params      sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>
 Private Sub Load_Settings(sSettings)
    '***************************' No Need to change this sub! ***************************'
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim ReplaceArray
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim arrData, arrSettingData
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim i

  'Protect >> and || chars

   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, "||", ReplaceArray(0))
   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, ">>", ReplaceArray(1))
     arrData = Split(sSettings, "|") 'Split to individual fields
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) 'Loop through fields
       If arrData(i) <> "" Then
      arrSettingData = Split(arrData(i), ">") 'Break to Field and to Value
      'Protect | char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(0), "|")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(0), "|")

      'Protect > char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(1), ">")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(1), ">")

      If oSettings.Exists(arrSettingData(0)) Then 'There's a default value for this field
       oSettings(arrSettingData(0)) = arrSettingData(1) 'Change it to the user's value
       oSettings.Add arrSettingData(0), arrSettingData(1) 'Create new setting
      End If
     End If
 End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Initialize   (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Initialize event
''' </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize()   ' Setup Initialize event.
   Set Manager = Nothing
   End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Terminate event
''' </summary>
 Private Sub Class_Terminate   ' Setup Terminate event.
   End Sub
End Class

''' <summary>
''' This Engine pops-up messages for the used, that disappear after a few seconds
''' It also allows for script pausing
''' </summary>
''' <author>Yaron Assa</author>
''' <datecreated>01/09/2007</datecreated>
''' <remarks>Possible Settings:
''' <para>
''' Timer = Integer - the number of seconds before the message disappears<br/>
'''   Default = 3
''' </para>
''' See settings details at <see cref="UserEngine.StartEngine"/>
''' </remarks>
''' <example><c>"Timer>2"</c></example>
Class UserEngine
'Written by Yaron Assa, 1/8/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com
 'This Engine pops-up messages for the used, that disappear after a few seconds
 'It also allows for script pausing

 'Possible Settings :
 'Timer     = Integer - the number of seconds before the message disappears
 '          Default = 3

 ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the settings dictionary</summary> 
 Private oSettings
 ''' <value type="Wscript.Shell"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the pop-up script object</summary> 
 Private oEngine
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
 ''' <seealso cref="ReporterManagerClass"/> 
 Public Manager 'Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The user logical name for an instance of this engine (in run-time)
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Name

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The Engine's Version
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "0.8"
 End Property

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The minimum version of the manager, required for this engine to work
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get MinimunManagerVersion
  MinimunManagerVersion = "0.9"
 End Property

 ''' <summary>
 ''' ID for the type of the engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get EngineType
  EngineType = "User" 'ID
 End Property

 ' Function StartEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Makes the engine ready for use
 ' In Params        sSettings - The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     Boolean - Didn't the engine manage to start?
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Makes the engine ready for use
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
  ''' <list type="table">
 ''' <item><term>Timer</term>
 '''  <description>Integer - the number of seconds before the message disappears<br/>
 '''     Default = 3
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' </list></param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if succeeded to start the engine, False if failed</returns>
 ''' <example><c>"Timer>2"</c></example>
 Public Function StartEngine(sSettings)

  Set oEngine = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    StartEngine = AllowCreate
 End Function

 ' Function StopEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Stops the engine
 ' In Params        None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Stops the engine
 ''' </summary>
 Public Sub StopEngine 
   Set oSettings = Nothing
   Set oEngine = Nothing
   Set Manager = Nothing
 End Sub

   ' Sub Report  (Public)
   ' Goal         Reports an event
   ' In Params        sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
   ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Reports an event
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status<note>Legacy suppurt for integer status code exists</note></param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item><text>"Fail"</text><description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Pass"</text><description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Warning"</text><description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item><text>"General"</text><description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
 Public Sub Report (sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iTimer
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iResult
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sMessage
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sOriginalMessage
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iMessageType

    iTimer = CInt(oSettings("Timer"))

    sMessage = "Status = " & sStatus & vbCrLf & _
        "Step     = " & sStepName & vbCrLf & _
        "Expected Result = " & sExpected & vbCrLf & _
        "Actual Result        = " & sActual & vbCrLf & _
        "Details = " & sDetails & vbCrLf

  sOriginalMessage = sMessage
    sMessage = sMessage & vbCrLf & "This message will close automatically " & vbCrLf & "Press OK to pause the script"

    iMessageType = 0

    Select Case sStatus
   Case "Fail"
    iMessageType = 16
   Case "Warning"
    iMessageType = 48
   Case Else
    iMessageType = 64

    End Select

    iResult = oEngine.PopUp(sMessage , iTimer, "ReportManager - User Reporter", iMessageType)

    If iResult = 1 Then MsgBox sOriginalMessage & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Automation Paused - Press OK to continue", , "Script Paused By User"

 End Sub

 ' Sub Init_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Specifies default values of the settings object
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Specifies default values of the settings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks>Timer = 3</remarks> 
 Private Sub  Init_Settings
    Set oSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oSettings.Add "Timer", "3"
 End Sub

   ' Function AllowCreate      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if it's OK to create the filter, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function AllowCreate
    Dim bResult

    bResult = CheckVersion
    AllowCreate = bResult
 End Function

   ' Private Function CheckVersion      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the engine passes the version check, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function CheckVersion
    Dim iDiff
    Dim sEngineVersion
    Dim sManagerVersion

    'Check the manager version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.MinimunManagerVersion), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.Version), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) > CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Engine Expected " & Me.MinimunManagerVersion & _
                          vbCrLf & "But manager was actually " & Me.Manager.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

    'Check the engine version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Version), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) < CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Manager expected " & Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion &_
                           vbCrLf & "But engine actually was " & Me.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  CheckVersion = True
 End Function

 ' Sub Load_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ' In Params      sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>
 Private Sub Load_Settings(sSettings)
    '***************************' No Need to change this sub! ***************************'
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim ReplaceArray
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim arrData, arrSettingData
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim i

  'Protect >> and || chars

   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, "||", ReplaceArray(0))
   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, ">>", ReplaceArray(1))
     arrData = Split(sSettings, "|") 'Split to individual fields
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) 'Loop through fields
       If arrData(i) <> "" Then
      arrSettingData = Split(arrData(i), ">") 'Break to Field and to Value
      'Protect | char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(0), "|")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(0), "|")

      'Protect > char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(1), ">")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(1), ">")

      If oSettings.Exists(arrSettingData(0)) Then 'There's a default value for this field
       oSettings(arrSettingData(0)) = arrSettingData(1) 'Change it to the user's value
       oSettings.Add arrSettingData(0), arrSettingData(1) 'Create new setting
      End If
     End If
 End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Initialize   (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Initialize event
''' </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize()   ' Setup Initialize event.
   Set Manager = Nothing
   End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Terminate event
''' </summary>
 Private Sub Class_Terminate   ' Setup Terminate event.
   End Sub
End Class

''' <summary>
''' This Engine is a simple text file logger, with template support
''' </summary>
''' <author>Yaron Assa</author>
''' <datecreated>01/09/2007</datecreated>
''' <remarks>Possible Settings:
''' <para>
''' File = String - the log file path and name. (e.g. "C:\LogFile.Txt")<br/>
'''   Default = "C:\QTPLog.txt"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' ClearExisting = True/False - Should we erase the existing log. True = Erase.<br/>
'''   Default = True
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' BodyTemplate = String. The template for reporting the actual event. <br/>
'''   See template tags (blow) for more details.
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' NewTestCaseTemplate = String. The template for the title that's added when the event belongs to a different test-case than before.<br/>
'''   See template tags (blow) for more details.
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' Template Tags:<br/>
''' ==============
''' </para>
''' <para>
'''  A template string represents a valid REPRESENTATION of a VBScript script. Usually this just means doubling all the double-quotes (" -> "")<br/>
'''  E,g, <c>" vbcrlf &amp; ""Hello""  " </c>= Valid REPRESENTATION<br/>
'''    <c>vbcrlf &amp; "Hello"</c>   = This IS a valid string, but not a valid REPRESENTATION of a string<br/>
'''     <c>" vbcrlf &amp; "Hello" "</c> = This isn't even a valid string<br/>
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' Within a template string you can use the following tags (put them as you would put regular text):
''' </para>
''' <para>
'''  %Status% = Will be replace with the event status
''' </para>
''' <para>
'''  %Details% = Will be replace with the event Details
''' </para>
''' <para>
'''  %StepName% = Will be replace with the event Step Name
''' </para>
''' <para>
'''  %Expected% = Will be replace with the event expected result
''' </para>
''' <para>
'''  %Actual% = Will be replace with the event actual result
''' </para>
''' <para>
'''  %TestCaseName% = Will be replaced with the event Test Case Name (This is the action name + iteration)
''' </para>
''' <para>
'''  %Time% = The timestamp at the moment of the event
''' </para>
''' <para>
'''  YOU MUST WRITE THESE TAGS EXACTLY AS THEY APPEAR. e.g. %Actual% is OK, but %actual% will NOT work<br/>
'''  Make sure you fully grasp the difference between a string, and a REPRESENTATION of a string
''' </para>
''' See settings details at <see cref="TextEngine.StartEngine"/>
''' </remarks>
''' <example><c>"vbcrlf &amp; ""%StepName%, %Status%"" &amp; vbcrlf &amp; String(40, ""-"") &amp; vbcrlf &amp;"" Expected :  %Expected%"" &amp; vbcrlf &amp; ""Actual : %Actual% "" &amp; vbcrlf &amp; ""Details: %Details% """</c></example>
Class TextEngine
'Written by Yaron Assa, 1/8/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com

 'This Engine is a simple text file logger, with template support

 'Possible Settings :
 'File      = String - the log file path and name. (e.g. "C:\LogFile.Txt")
 '        Default = "C:\QTPLog.txt"
 'ClearExisting = True/False - Should we erase the existing log. True = Erase.
    '        Default = True
 'BodyTemplate = String. The template for reporting the actual event.
 '         See template tags (blow) for more details.
 '         Default = A default template
 'NewTestCaseTemplate = String. The template for the title that's added when the event belongs to a different test-case than before.
 '         See template tags (blow) for more details. 
 '         Default = A default template
 'Template Tags:
 ' A template string represents a valid REPRESENTATION of a VBScript script. Usually this just means doubling all the double-quotes (" -> "")
 ' E,g, " vbcrlf & ""Hello""  "= Valid REPRESENTATION
 '   vbcrlf & "Hello"   = This IS a valid string, but not a valid REPRESENTATION of a string
 '    " vbcrlf & "Hello" " = This isn't even a valid string
 'Within a template string you can use the following tags (put them as you would put regular text):
 ' %Status% = Will be replace with the event status
 ' %Details% = Will be replace with the event Details
 ' %StepName% = Will be replace with the event Step Name
 ' %Expected% = Will be replace with the event expected result
 ' %Actual% = Will be replace with the event actual result
 ' %TestCaseName% = Will be replaced with the event Test Case Name (This is the action name + iteration)
 ' %Time% = The timestamp at the moment of the event
 ' YOU MUST WRITE THESE TAGS EXACTLY AS THEY APPEAR. e.g. %Actual% is OK, but %actual% will NOT work
 ' E.g. for template with tags (These are actually the default templates):
 '   "vbcrlf & "" **************************         %TestCaseName%        ************************** "" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf"
 '  And a more complex example for the body:
 ' "vbcrlf & ""%StepName%, %Status%"" & vbcrlf & String(40, ""-"") & vbcrlf &"" Expected :  %Expected%"" & vbcrlf & ""Actual : %Actual% "" & vbcrlf & ""Details: %Details% """
 '    Make sure you fully grasp the difference between a string, and a REPRESENTATION of a string

 ''' <value type="Scripting.FileSystemObject"/>
 ''' <summary>Holds the FileSystemObject</summary> 
 Private oEngine
 ''' <value type="TextStream"/>
 ''' <summary>Holds the text file TextStream</summary> 
 Private oFile
 ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the settings dictionary</summary> 
 Private oSettings
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Private sLastTestCase
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
 ''' <seealso cref="ReporterManagerClass"/> 
 Public Manager 'Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The user logical name for an instance of this engine (in run-time)
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Name

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The Engine's Version
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "0.9"
 End Property

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The minimum version of the manager, required for this engine to work
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get MinimunManagerVersion
  MinimunManagerVersion = "0.9"
 End Property

 ''' <summary>
 ''' ID for the type of the engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get EngineType
  EngineType = "Text" 'Add Engine Type Here
 End Property

 ' Function StartEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Makes the engine ready for use
 ' In Params        sSettings - The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     Boolean - Didn't the engine manage to start?
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Makes the engine ready for use
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
  ''' <list type="table">
 ''' <item><term>File</term>
 '''  <description>String - the log file path and name. (e.g. "C:\LogFile.Txt")<br/>
 '''     Default = "C:\QTPLog.txt"
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>ClearExisting</term>
 '''  <description>True/False - Should we erase the existing log. True = Erase.<br/>
 '''     Default = True
 '''  </description></item> 
 ''' <item><term>BodyTemplate</term>
 '''  <description>String. The template for reporting the actual event. <br/>
 '''     For template details, See <see cref="TextEngine"/> 
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>NewTestCaseTemplate</term>
 '''  <description>String. The template for the title that's added when the event belongs to a different test-case than before.<br/>
 '''     For template details, See <see cref="TextEngine"/> 
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' </list></param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if succeeded to start the engine, False if failed</returns>
 Public Function StartEngine(sSettings)
  ''' <value type="String"/>
  ''' <summary>Will hold the containing folder for the report</summary>  
  Dim ParentFolder


  'Should we erase the file?
  If CBool(oSettings("ClearExisting")) = True Then _
   If oEngine.FileExists(oSettings("File")) Then oEngine.DeleteFile(oSettings("File"))

  If Not oEngine.FileExists(oSettings("File")) Then
   'Create the log file, if needed
   ParentFolder = oEngine.GetParentFolderName(oSettings("File"))
   If Not oEngine.FolderExists(ParentFolder) Then
    MakePath ParentFolder
   End If
  End If
  'Keep a living reference to the text file
  Set oFile = oEngine.OpenTextFile(oSettings("File"), 8, True)
    StartEngine = AllowCreate
 End Function

 ' Function StopEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Stops the engine
 ' In Params        None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Stops the engine
 ''' </summary> 
 Public Sub StopEngine
   Set Manager = Nothing
   If Not oFile Is Nothing Then oFile.Close
   Set oEngine = Nothing 
   Set oFile = Nothing
   Set oSettings = Nothing
 End Sub

   ' Sub Report  (Public)
   ' Goal         Reports an event
   ' In Params        sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
   ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Reports an event
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status<note>Legacy suppurt for integer status code exists</note></param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item><text>"Fail"</text><description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Pass"</text><description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Warning"</text><description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item><text>"General"</text><description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param> 
 Public Sub Report (sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
  ''' <value type="String"/>
  Dim sMessage, sTestcaseName
  ''' <value type="String"/>
  Dim sBodyTemplate, sNewTestCaseTemplate
  ''' <value type="String"/>
  Dim sBody, sNewTestCase
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim arrTags
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim i
  ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
  Dim bResult
  ''' <value type="String"/>
  Dim sTime

  sTime = Time
        bResult = True
  On Error Resume Next
    arrTags = Array("Status", "StepName", "Expected", "Actual", "Details", "TestCaseName", "Time")
    sBodyTemplate = oSettings("BodyTemplate")
    sNewTestCaseTemplate = oSettings("NewTestCaseTemplate")
    For i = 0 To UBound(arrTags)
     sBodyTemplate = Replace(sBodyTemplate, "%" & arrTags(i) & "%", Chr(34) & "& s" & arrTags(i) & " & " & Chr(34))
     sNewTestCaseTemplate = Replace(sNewTestCaseTemplate ,  "%" & arrTags(i) & "%", Chr(34) & "& s" & arrTags(i) & " & " & Chr(34))
    If Mid(sBodyTemplate,1,1) = Chr(34) Then sBodyTemplate = Mid(sBodyTemplate,1)
    If Mid(sBodyTemplate,1,1) = "&" Then sBodyTemplate = Mid(sBodyTemplate,1)
    If Mid(sNewTestCaseTemplate,1,1) = Chr(34) Then sBodyTemplate = Mid(sBodyTemplate,1)
    If Mid(sNewTestCaseTemplate,1,1) = "&" Then sBodyTemplate = Mid(sBodyTemplate,1)
    sMessage = ""
    sTestcaseName = Environment("ActionName") & " > Iteration (Test-Action) = " & Environment("TestIteration") & "-" & Environment("ActionIteration")
    'Are we dealing with a different Action / Iteration? If so, add a nice big header
    If sTestcaseName <> sLastTestCase Then Execute "sMessage = " & sNewTestCaseTemplate
    'sMessage = vbcrlf & "**************************        " & TestcaseName & "        **************************" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
    sLastTestCase  = sTestcaseName
    'Compile text message
    Execute "sMessage = sMessage & " & sBodyTemplate

   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    bResult = False
   End If

  On Error Goto 0

  If bResult = False Then sMessage = "Engine Template Problem. Make sure you've read the help file"
  oFile.Write sMessage 'Add message to the file

 End Sub

 ' Sub Init_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Specifies default values of the settings object
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Specifies default values of the settings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks>
 ''' <para> File = "C:\QTPLog.txt" </para>
 ''' <para> ClearExisting = True </para>
 ''' <para> NewTestCaseTemplate = <c>"vbcrlf &amp; ""**************************         %TestCaseName%        **************************"" &amp; vbcrlf &amp; vbcrlf"  </c></para>
 ''' <para> <c>BodyTemplate = "vbcrlf &amp; ""%StepName% (%Time%)         %Status%"" &amp; vbcrlf &amp; String(40, ""-"") &amp; vbcrlf &amp;""" &amp; _
 '''        "Expected Result:  %Expected%"" &amp; vbcrlf &amp; ""Actual Result: %Actual% "" &amp; vbcrlf &amp; ""Details: %Details% "" &amp; vbcrlf &amp; vbcrlf" </c></para>
 '''  </remarks>  
 Private Sub  Init_Settings
    Set oSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oSettings.Add "File", "C:\QTPLog.txt" 'What is the log file?
    oSettings.Add "ClearExisting", "True" 'Should we start a new log? True = Delete existing file.
    oSettings.Add "NewTestCaseTemplate", "vbcrlf & ""**************************         %TestCaseName%        **************************"" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf"
    oSettings.Add "BodyTemplate", "vbcrlf & ""%StepName% (%Time%)         %Status%"" & vbcrlf & String(40, ""-"") & vbcrlf &""" & _
                   "Expected Result:  %Expected%"" & vbcrlf & ""Actual Result: %Actual% "" & vbcrlf & ""Details: %Details% "" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf"
 End Sub

   ' Function AllowCreate      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if it's OK to create the filter, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function AllowCreate
    Dim bResult

    bResult = CheckVersion
    AllowCreate = bResult
 End Function

   ' Private Function CheckVersion      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the engine passes the version check, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function CheckVersion
    Dim iDiff
    Dim sEngineVersion
    Dim sManagerVersion

    'Check the manager version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.MinimunManagerVersion), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.Version), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) > CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Engine Expected " & Me.MinimunManagerVersion & _
                          vbCrLf & "But manager was actually " & Me.Manager.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

    'Check the engine version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Version), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) < CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Manager expected " & Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion &_
                           vbCrLf & "But engine actually was " & Me.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  CheckVersion = True
 End Function

 ' Sub Load_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ' In Params      sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>
 Private Sub Load_Settings(sSettings)
    '***************************' No Need to change this sub! ***************************'
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim ReplaceArray
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim arrData, arrSettingData
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim i

  'Protect >> and || chars

   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, "||", ReplaceArray(0))
   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, ">>", ReplaceArray(1))
     arrData = Split(sSettings, "|") 'Split to individual fields
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) 'Loop through fields
       If arrData(i) <> "" Then
      arrSettingData = Split(arrData(i), ">") 'Break to Field and to Value
      'Protect | char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(0), "|")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(0), "|")

      'Protect > char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(1), ">")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(1), ">")

      If oSettings.Exists(arrSettingData(0)) Then 'There's a default value for this field
       oSettings(arrSettingData(0)) = arrSettingData(1) 'Change it to the user's value
       oSettings.Add arrSettingData(0), arrSettingData(1) 'Create new setting
      End If
     End If
 End Sub

 'Function Name: MakePath
 'Description: This Function creates the result file
 'Parameter:  This function takes the following parameters
 '    sPath - Required path (must be fully qualified)
 ' Returns:  True - Path now exists
 '    False - Path does not exist
 'Created By: Sameer Girolkar
 'Creation Date: 07-Dec-2005
 ''' <summary>
 ''' This Function creates the result file
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <author>Sameer Girolkar</author>
 ''' <param name="sPath" type="String">Required path (must be fully qualified)</param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the path now exists, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function MakePath(sPath)
  ' Default result
  MakePath = False
  ' Fail if drive is not valid
  If Not oEngine.DriveExists(oEngine.GetDriveName(sPath)) Then Exit Function
  ' Succeed if folder exists
  If oEngine.FolderExists(sPath) Then
   MakePath = True
   Exit Function
  End If
  ' Call self to ensure parent path exists
  If Not MakePath(oEngine.GetParentFolderName(sPath)) Then Exit Function
  ' Create folder
  On Error Resume Next
  oEngine.CreateFolder sPath
  MakePath = oEngine.FolderExists(sPath)   
 End Function

 ' Sub CreateResultFile    (Private)
 ' Goal         Creates a new text file
 ' In Params      sFile - The name of the file to create
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Creates a text result file
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sFile" type="String">The path and name of the file to create</param>
 Private Sub  CreateResultFile(sFile)
    ''' <value type="TextStream"/>
    Dim oNewFile
    Set oNewFile =  oEngine.CreateTextFile(sFile, True)
    Set oNewFile = Nothing
 End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Initialize   (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
   ''' <summary>
''' Setup Initialize event
''' </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize()
   Set Manager = Nothing
   Set oEngine = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set oFile = Nothing
   End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Terminate event
''' </summary>

 Private Sub Class_Terminate 
   End Sub
End Class

''' <summary>
''' This Engine is a an Excel logger, built upon Sameer Girolkar's ResultToXL.
''' </summary>
''' <author>Yaron Assa And Sameer Girolkar</author>
''' <datecreated>01/09/2007</datecreated>
''' <remarks>Possible Settings :
''' <para>
''' File = String - the log file path and name. (e.g. "C:\LogFile.xls")<br/>
'''   Default = "C:\QTPLog.xls"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' ClearExisting = True/False - Should we erase the existing log. True = Erase.<br/>
'''     Default = True
''' </para>
''' See settings details at <see cref="ExcelEngine.StartEngine"/>
''' </remarks>
''' <example><c>"File>C:\Logs\Errors.xls"</c></example>
Class ExcelEngine
'Written by Yaron Assa, 1/8/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com
 'This Engine is a an Excel logger, built upon Sameer Girolkar's ResultToXL.
 'All of the excel code is Girolkar's, I've just wrapped it into the Engine class

 'Possible Settings :
 'File      = String - the log file path and name. (e.g. "C:\LogFile.Txt")
 '        Default = "C:\QTPLog.xls"
 'ClearExisting = True/False - Should we erase the existing log. True = Erase.
    '        Default = True
 'E.g. : "File>C:\QTP\Log.xls|ClearExisting>False"
 'This will write the log to C:\QTP\Log.xls, appending the text if the file already exists
 ''' <value type="Excel.Application"/>
 ''' <summary>Holds the engine's core object</summary> 
 Private oEngine

 ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the settings dictionary</summary> 
 Private oSettings
 ''' <value type="Scripting.FileSystemObject"/>
 Private oFSO
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
 ''' <seealso cref="ReporterManagerClass"/> 
 Public Manager 'Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The user logical name for an instance of this engine (in run-time)
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Name
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The Engine's Version
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "0.9"  
 End Property
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The minimum version of the manager, required for this engine to work
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get MinimunManagerVersion
  MinimunManagerVersion = "0.9"
 End Property

 ''' <summary>
 ''' ID for the type of the engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
    Public Property Get EngineType'ID
  EngineType = "Excel"
 End Property

 ' Function StartEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Makes the engine ready for use
 ' In Params        sSettings - The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     Boolean - Didn't the engine manage to start?
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Makes the engine ready for use
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
  ''' <list type="table">
 ''' <item><term>File</term>
 '''  <description>String - the log file path and name. (e.g. "C:\LogFile.xls")<br/>
 '''     Default = "C:\QTPLog.xls"
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>ClearExisting</term>
 '''  <description>True/False - Should we erase the existing log. True = Erase.<br/>
 '''     Default = True
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' </list></param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if succeeded to start the engine, False if failed</returns>
 ''' <example><c>"File>C:\Logs\Errors.xls|ClearExsiting>False"</c></example> 
 Public Function StartEngine(sSettings)
  ''' <value type="String"/>
  ''' <summary>This will hold the file's containing folder</summary>  
  Dim ParentFolder


  'Should we delete the file?
  If CBool(oSettings("ClearExisting")) = True Then _
   If oFso.FileExists(oSettings("File")) Then oFSO.DeleteFile(oSettings("File"))

  'Create the log file, if needed
  If Not oFSO.FileExists(oSettings("File")) Then
   ParentFolder = oFSO.GetParentFolderName(oSettings("File"))
   If Not oFSO.FolderExists(ParentFolder) Then
    MakePath ParentFolder
   End If
  End If

    StartEngine = AllowCreate
 End Function

 ' Function StopEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Stops the engine
 ' In Params        None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Stops the engine
 ''' </summary>
 Public Sub StopEngine
   Set Manager = Nothing
   If Not oEngine Is Nothing Then oEngine.Quit
   Set oEngine = Nothing     
   Set oSettings = Nothing
   Set oFSO = Nothing
 End Sub

 'Function Name: MakePath
 'Description: This Function creates the result file in XLS format and formats the Header section
 'Parameter:  This function takes the following parameters
 '    sPath - Required path (must be fully qualified)
 ' Returns:  True - Path now exists
 '    False - Path does not exist
 'Created By: Sameer Girolkar
 'Creation Date: 07-Dec-2005
 ''' <summary>
 ''' This Function creates the result file
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <author>Sameer Girolkar</author>
 ''' <param name="sPath" type="String">Required path (must be fully qualified)</param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the path now exists, False otherwise</returns>
 Private  Function MakePath(sPath)
  ' Default result
  MakePath = False
  ' Fail if drive is not valid
  If Not oFso.DriveExists(oFso.GetDriveName(sPath)) Then Exit Function
  ' Succeed if folder exists
  If oFso.FolderExists(sPath) Then
   MakePath = True
   Exit Function
  End If
  ' Call self to ensure parent path exists
  If Not MakePath(oFso.GetParentFolderName(sPath)) Then Exit Function
  ' Create folder
  On Error Resume Next
  oFso.CreateFolder sPath
  MakePath = oFso.FolderExists(sPath)   
 End Function 
   ' Sub Report  (Public)
   ' Goal         Reports an event
   ' In Params        sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
   ' Out Params     None
   'This function was 99.99% written by Sameer Girolkar, 08-Dec-2005
''' <summary>
''' Reports an event
''' </summary>
''' <author>Sameer Girolkar And Yaron Assa</author>
''' <remarks>This function was 99.99% written by Sameer Girolkar, 08-Dec-2005</remarks>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status<note>Legacy suppurt for integer status code exists</note></param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item><text>"Fail"</text><description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Pass"</text><description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Warning"</text><description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item><text>"General"</text><description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
 Public Sub Report (sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
  ''' <value type="String"/>
  Dim TestcaseName
  ''' <value type="String"/>
  Dim ParentFolder
  ''' <value type="Excel.Workbook"/>
  Dim objWorkBook
  ''' <value type="Excel.Worksheet"/>
  Dim objSheet
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim Row, TCRow, NewTC

  TestcaseName = Environment("ActionName") & " > Iteration (Test-Action) = " & Environment("TestIteration") & "-" & Environment("ActionIteration")
  'Open the Result file
  Set objWorkBook = oEngine.Workbooks.Open (oSettings("File"))
  'Select the Summery Sheet
  Set objSheet = oEngine.Sheets("Test_Summary")
  With objSheet
   'Note the Row No on which to Report the result
   Row = .Range("C8").Value + 2*.Range("C7").Value + 2
   TCRow = .Range("C7").Value + 11
   NewTC = False
   'Check if it is a new Tetstcase
   If objSheet.Cells(TCRow - 1, 2).Value <> TestcaseName Then
    .Cells(TCRow, 2).Value = TestcaseName
    oEngine.ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add objSheet.Cells(TCRow, 2), "", "Test_Result!A" & Row+1, TestcaseName

    .Cells(TCRow, 3).Value = sStatus
    Select Case sStatus
     Case "Fail"
      .Range("C" & TCRow).Font.ColorIndex = 3
     Case "Pass"
      .Range("C" & TCRow).Font.ColorIndex = 50
     Case "Warning"
      .Range("C" & TCRow).Font.ColorIndex = 46     
    End Select

    .Cells(TCRow, 4).Value = 1
    NewTC = True
    .Range("C7").Value = .Range("C7").Value + 1
    'Set the Borders for the Result Header
    .Range("B" & TCRow & ":D" & TCRow).Borders(1).LineStyle = 1
    .Range("B" & TCRow & ":D" & TCRow).Borders(2).LineStyle = 1
    .Range("B" & TCRow & ":D" & TCRow).Borders(3).LineStyle = 1
    .Range("B" & TCRow & ":D" & TCRow).Borders(4).LineStyle = 1
    'Set color and Fonts for the Header
    .Range("B" & TCRow & ":D" & TCRow).Interior.ColorIndex = 19
    .Range("B" & TCRow).Font.ColorIndex = 53
    .Range("B" & TCRow & ":D" & TCRow).Font.Bold = True
    .Range("D" & TCRow-1).Value = .Range("D" & TCRow-1).Value + 1
   End If
   If (Not NewTC) And (sStatus = "Fail") Then
    .Cells(TCRow-1, 3).Value = "Fail"
    .Range("C" & TCRow-1).Font.ColorIndex = 3
   End If

   If (Not NewTC) And (sStatus = "Warning") Then
    If .Cells(TCRow-1, 3).Value = "Pass" Then
     .Cells(TCRow-1, 3).Value = "Warning"
     .Range("C" & TCRow-1).Font.ColorIndex = 46
    End If
   End If
   .Range("C8").Value = .Range("C8").Value + 1
   'Update the End Time
   .Range("C5").Value = Time
   'Set Column width
  End With
  'Select the Result Sheet
  Set objSheet = oEngine.Sheets("Test_Result")
  With objSheet
   'Enter the Result
   If NewTC Then
    .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 15
    .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).Merge
    Row = Row + 1
    .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).Merge  
    .Range("A" & Row).Value = TestcaseName
    'Set color and Fonts for the Header
    .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 19
    .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).Font.ColorIndex = 53
    .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).Font.Bold = True
    Row = Row + 1
   End If
   .Range("A" & Row).Value = sStepName
   'oEngine.Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth 1.72, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
   'oEngine.Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight 1.81, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
   .Range("B" & Row).Value = sStatus
   .Range("B" & Row).Font.Bold = True     
   Select Case sStatus
    Case "Pass"
     .Range("B" & Row).Font.ColorIndex = 50

    Case "Fail"
     .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).Font.ColorIndex = 3

    Case "Warning"
     .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).Font.ColorIndex = 46

   End Select

   .Range("B" & Row).Font.Bold = True
   .Range("C" & Row).Value = sExpected
   .Range("D" & Row).Value = sActual
   .Range("E" & Row).Value = sDetails
   'Set the Borders
   .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).Borders(1).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).Borders(2).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).Borders(3).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).Borders(4).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("A" & Row & ":E" & Row).VerticalAlignment = -4160
  End With
  'Save the Workbook
  Set objWorkBook = Nothing
 End Sub

 'Function Name: CreateResultFile
 'Description: This Function creates the result file in XLS format and formats the Header section
 'Parameter:  This function takes the following parameters
 '    FilePath - Path of the result file
 'Created By: Sameer Girolkar
 'Creation Date: 07-Dec-2005
 ''' <summary>
 ''' This Function creates the result file in XLS format and formats the Header section
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <author>Sameer Girolkar</author> 
 ''' <remarks>Slightly modifies by Yaron Assa</remarks> 
 ''' <param name="FilePath" type="String">The result file path</param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">Pass/Fail</returns>
 Private Function CreateResultFile(FilePath)
  ''' <value type="Excel.Worksheet"/>
  Dim objSheet
  'Disable alerts
  oEngine.DisplayAlerts = False
  'Add a workbook to the Excel App
  'Get the object of the first sheet in the workbook
  Set objSheet = oEngine.Sheets.Item(1)
  With objSheet
   'Rename the first sheet to "Test_Summery"
   .Name = "Test_Summary"
   'Set the Heading
   .Range("B1").Value = "Test Results"
   'Set color and Fonts for the Header
   .Range("B1:C1").Interior.ColorIndex = 53
   .Range("B1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 19
   .Range("B1:C1").Font.Bold = True
   'Set the Date and time of Execution
   .Range("B3").Value = "Test Date: "
   .Range("B4").Value = "Test Start Time: "
   .Range("B5").Value = "Test End Time: "
   .Range("B6").Value = "Test Duration: "   
   .Range("C3").Value = Date
   .Range("C4").Value = Time
   .Range("C5").Value = Time
   .Range("C6").Value = "=R[-1]C-R[-2]C"
   .Range("C6").NumberFormat = "[h]:mm:ss;@"
   'Set the Borders for the Date & Time Cells
   .Range("B3:C8").Borders(1).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("B3:C8").Borders(2).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("B3:C8").Borders(3).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("B3:C8").Borders(4).LineStyle = 1
   'Format the Date and Time Cells
   .Range("B3:C8").Interior.ColorIndex = 40
   .Range("B3:C8").Font.ColorIndex = 12
   .Range("B3:A8").Font.Bold = True
   'Track the Row Count and insrtuct the viewer not to disturb this
   .Range("C7").Comment.Visible = False
   .Range("C7").Comment.Text "This is a very Important field for the script." & vbCrLf & "Please Do not Edit or Delete."
   .Range("C7").Value = "0"
   .Range("B7").Value = "No Of Testcases:"
   'Track the Testcase Count Count and insrtuct the viewer not to disturb this
   .Range("C8").Comment.Visible = False
   .Range("C8").Comment.Text "This is a very Important field for the script." & vbCrLf & "Please Do not Edit or Delete."
   .Range("C8").Value = "0"
   .Range("B8").Value = "Total No Of Test Steps:"
   .Range("B10").Value = "TestCase Name"
   .Range("C10").Value = "Status"
   .Range("D10").Value = "No Of Steps"
   .Range("E10").Value = "*Click the TestCase Name to see detail result."
   'Format the Heading for the Result Summery
   .Range("B10:D10").Interior.ColorIndex = 53
   .Range("B10:D10").Font.ColorIndex = 19
   .Range("B10:D10").Font.Bold = True
   'Set the Borders for the Result Summery
   .Range("B10:D10").Borders(1).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("B10:D10").Borders(2).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("B10:D10").Borders(3).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("B10:D10").Borders(4).LineStyle = 1
   'Set Column width
  End With
  'Freez pane
  oEngine.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
  'Get the object of the first sheet in the workbook
  Set objSheet = oEngine.Sheets.Item(2)
  With objSheet
   'Rename the first sheet to "Test_Result"
   .Name = "Test_Result"
   'Set the Column widths
   .Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 30
   .Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 8
   .Columns("C:D").ColumnWidth = 35
   .Columns("E:E").ColumnWidth = 35
   .Columns("A:E").HorizontalAlignment = -4131
   .Columns("A:E").WrapText = True
   'Set the Heading for the Result Columns
   .Range("A1").Value = "STEP NAME"
   .Range("B1").Value = "STATUS"
   .Range("C1").Value = "EXPECTED RESULT"
   .Range("D1").Value = "ACTUAL RESULT"
   .Range("E1").Value = "ERROR MESSAGE"
   'Format the Heading for the Result Columns
   .Range("A1:E1").Interior.ColorIndex = 53
   .Range("A1:E1").Font.ColorIndex = 19
   .Range("A1:E1").Font.Bold = True
   'Set the Borders for the Result Header
   .Range("A1:E1").Borders(1).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("A1:E1").Borders(2).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("A1:E1").Borders(3).LineStyle = 1
   .Range("A1:E1").Borders(4).LineStyle = 1
'     .Range("A2").Select
  End With
  'Freez pane
  oEngine.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
  'Save the Workbook at the specified Path with the Specified Name
  oEngine.ActiveWorkbook.saveas FilePath
  'Relese the Object
  Set objSheet = Nothing

 End Function

 ' Sub Init_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Specifies default values of the settings object
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Specifies default values of the settings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks>
 ''' <para> File = "C:\QTPLog.xls"</para>
 ''' <para>ClearExisting = True</para>
 '''  </remarks>  
 Private Sub  Init_Settings
    Set oSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oSettings.Add "File", "C:\QTPLog.xls" 'What is the log file?
    oSettings.Add "ClearExisting", "True"  'Should we start a new log? True = Delete existing file.
 End Sub

   ' Function AllowCreate      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if it's OK to create the filter, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function AllowCreate
    Dim bResult

    bResult = CheckVersion
    AllowCreate = bResult
 End Function

   ' Private Function CheckVersion      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the engine passes the version check, False otherwise</returns> 
 Private Function CheckVersion
    Dim iDiff
    Dim sEngineVersion
    Dim sManagerVersion

    'Check the manager version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.MinimunManagerVersion), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.Version), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) > CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Engine Expected " & Me.MinimunManagerVersion & _
                          vbCrLf & "But manager was actually " & Me.Manager.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

    'Check the engine version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Version), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) < CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Manager expected " & Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion &_
                           vbCrLf & "But engine actually was " & Me.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  CheckVersion = True
 End Function

 ' Sub Load_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ' In Params      sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>
 Private Sub Load_Settings(sSettings)
    '***************************' No Need to change this sub! ***************************'
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim ReplaceArray
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim arrData, arrSettingData
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim i

  'Protect >> and || chars

   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, "||", ReplaceArray(0))
   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, ">>", ReplaceArray(1))
     arrData = Split(sSettings, "|") 'Split to individual fields
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) 'Loop through fields
       If arrData(i) <> "" Then
      arrSettingData = Split(arrData(i), ">") 'Break to Field and to Value
      'Protect | char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(0), "|")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(0), "|")

      'Protect > char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(1), ">")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(1), ">")

      If oSettings.Exists(arrSettingData(0)) Then 'There's a default value for this field
       oSettings(arrSettingData(0)) = arrSettingData(1) 'Change it to the user's value
       oSettings.Add arrSettingData(0), arrSettingData(1) 'Create new setting
      End If
     End If
 End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Initialize   (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Setup Initialize event
 ''' </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
   Set Manager = Nothing
   Set oEngine = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    
   End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Setup Terminate event
 ''' </summary>
 Private Sub Class_Terminate 
   End Sub
End Class

''' <summary>
''' This Engine captures screenshots and saves them
''' </summary>
''' <author>Yaron Assa</author>
''' <datecreated>01/09/2007</datecreated>
''' <remarks>Possible Settings :
''' <para>
''' Path = String - Where to save the pictures. e.g. "C:\Logs. <br/>
'''   Default = "C:\"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' Prefix = How will the file names begin. e.g. "Error". File names always end with Time-Stamp<br/>
'''   Default = "QTP Capture "
''' </para>
''' See settings details at <see cref="ScreenCaptureEngine.StartEngine"/>
''' </remarks>
''' <example><c>"Path>C:\Logs|Prefix>Error - "</c></example>
Class ScreenCaptureEngine
'Written by Yaron Assa, 1/8/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com
 'This Engine captures screenshots and saves them

 'Possible Settings :
 'Path        String - Where to save the pictures. e.g. "C:\Logs.
 '              Default = "C:\"
 'Prefix        String - How will the file names begin. e.g. "Error". File names always end with Time-Stamp
 '              Default = "QTP Capture "
 'If the file already exists, the file name is appended with "_1"

 ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the settings dictionary</summary> 
 Private oSettings
 ''' <value type="Scripting.FileSystemObject"/>
 ''' <summary>Holds the FileSystemObject for file manipulations</summary> 
 Private oFSO
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
 ''' <seealso cref="ReporterManagerClass"/> 
 Public Manager 'Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The user logical name for an instance of this engine (in run-time)
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Name

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The Engine's Version
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "0.9"  
 End Property
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The minimum version of the manager, required for this engine to work
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get MinimunManagerVersion
  MinimunManagerVersion = "0.9"
 End Property

 ''' <summary>
 ''' ID for the type of the engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get EngineType
  EngineType = "ScreenCapture" 'ID
 End Property

 ' Function StartEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Makes the engine ready for use
 ' In Params        sSettings - The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     Boolean - Didn't the engine manage to start?
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Makes the engine ready for use
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
  ''' <list type="table">
 ''' <item><term>Path</term>
 '''  <description>String - Where to save the pictures. e.g. "C:\Logs. <br/>
 '''     Default = "C:\"
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>Prefix</term>
 '''  <description>String - How will the file names begin. e.g. "Error". File names always end with Time-Stamp<br/>
 '''     Default = "QTP Capture "
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' </list></param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if succeeded to start the engine, False if failed</returns>
 ''' <example><c>"Prefix>Error Screenshot - "</c></example> 
 Public Function StartEngine(sSettings)
  ''' <value type="String"/>
  ''' <summary>This will hold the file's containing folder</summary>  
    Dim ParentFolder

    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


   ParentFolder = oSettings("Path")
   If Not oFSO.FolderExists(ParentFolder) Then MakePath ParentFolder

    StartEngine = AllowCreate
 End Function

 ' Function StopEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Stops the engine
 ' In Params        None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Stops the engine
 ''' </summary>
 Public Sub StopEngine 
   Set Manager = Nothing
   Set oSettings = Nothing
   Set oFSO = Nothing
 End Sub

   ' Sub Report  (Public)
   ' Goal         Reports an event
   ' In Params        sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
   ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Reports an event
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status<note>Legacy suppurt for integer status code exists</note></param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item><text>"Fail"</text><description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Pass"</text><description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Warning"</text><description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item><text>"General"</text><description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
 Public Sub Report (sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
    ''' <value type="String"/>
  '''<summary>The file the screenshot will be saved to</summary>
    Dim sFile
    ''' <value type="String"/>
  '''<summary>Current time, stripped of all illegal chars</summary>
    Dim sTimeStamp

       sTimeStamp = CStr(Now)
    sTimeStamp = Replace(sTimeStamp , "\", "")
    sTimeStamp = Replace(sTimeStamp , "/", "")
    sTimeStamp = Replace(sTimeStamp , ":", "")

    sFile = oSettings("Path")
    If Mid(sFile, Len(sFile),1) <> "\" Then sFile = sFile & "\"
    sFile = sFile & oSettings("Prefix") &" " & sTimeStamp & ".png"

    While oFSO.FileExists(sFile)
     sFile = Mid(sFile ,1,Len(sFile)-4) & "_1" & ".png"
 End Sub

 'Function Name: MakePath
 'Description: This Function creates the result file in XLS format and formats the Header section
 'Parameter:  This function takes the following parameters
 '    sPath - Required path (must be fully qualified)
 ' Returns:  True - Path now exists
 '    False - Path does not exist
 'Created By: Sameer Girolkar
 'Creation Date: 07-Dec-2005
 ''' <summary>
 ''' This Function creates the path for the screen cpatures
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <author>Sameer Girolkar</author>
 ''' <param name="sPath" type="String">Required path (must be fully qualified)</param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the path now exists, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function MakePath(sPath)
  ' Default result
  MakePath = False
  ' Fail if drive is not valid
  If Not oFSO.DriveExists(oFSO.GetDriveName(sPath)) Then Exit Function
  ' Succeed if folder exists
  If oFSO.FolderExists(sPath) Then
   MakePath = True
   Exit Function
  End If
  ' Call self to ensure parent path exists
  If Not MakePath(oFSO.GetParentFolderName(sPath)) Then Exit Function
  ' Create folder
  On Error Resume Next
  oFSO.CreateFolder sPath
  MakePath = oFSO.FolderExists(sPath)   
 End Function

 ' Sub Init_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Specifies default values of the settings object
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Specifies default values of the settings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks><para>Path = "C:\"</para>
 ''' <para>Prefix = "QTP Capture "</para>
 '''  </remarks>  
 Private Sub  Init_Settings
    Set oSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oSettings.Add "Path", "C:\"
    oSettings.Add "Prefix", "QTP Capture "
 End Sub

   ' Function AllowCreate      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if it's OK to create the filter, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function AllowCreate
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult

    bResult = CheckVersion
    AllowCreate = bResult
 End Function

   ' Private Function CheckVersion      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the engine passes the version check, False otherwise</returns> 

 Private Function CheckVersion
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iDiff
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sEngineVersion
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sManagerVersion

    'Check the manager version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.MinimunManagerVersion), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.Version), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) > CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Engine Expected " & Me.MinimunManagerVersion & _
                          vbCrLf & "But manager was actually " & Me.Manager.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

    'Check the engine version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Version), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) < CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Manager expected " & Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion &_
                           vbCrLf & "But engine actually was " & Me.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  CheckVersion = True
 End Function

 ' Sub Load_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ' In Params      sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>

 Private Sub Load_Settings(sSettings)
    '***************************' No Need to change this sub! ***************************'
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim ReplaceArray
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim arrData, arrSettingData
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim i

  'Protect >> and || chars

   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, "||", ReplaceArray(0))
   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, ">>", ReplaceArray(1))
     arrData = Split(sSettings, "|") 'Split to individual fields
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) 'Loop through fields
       If arrData(i) <> "" Then
      arrSettingData = Split(arrData(i), ">") 'Break to Field and to Value
      'Protect | char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(0), "|")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(0), "|")

      'Protect > char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(1), ">")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(1), ">")

      If oSettings.Exists(arrSettingData(0)) Then 'There's a default value for this field
       oSettings(arrSettingData(0)) = arrSettingData(1) 'Change it to the user's value
       oSettings.Add arrSettingData(0), arrSettingData(1) 'Create new setting
      End If
     End If
 End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Initialize   (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Setup Initialize event
 ''' </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize()   ' Setup Initialize event.
   Set Manager = Nothing
   End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Setup Terminate event
 ''' </summary>
 Private Sub Class_Terminate   ' Setup Terminate event.
   End Sub
End Class


''' <summary>
''' This engine reports to the windows event log
''' </summary>
''' <author>Yaron Assa</author>
''' <datecreated>01/09/2007</datecreated>
''' <remarks>Possible Settings :
''' <para>
''' LogName = String - The name of the log in the event-viewer. <br/>
'''   Default = "QTP Log"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' ShowAs = String - What will be the event's source in the log<br/>
'''   Default = The current test's name
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' ClearExisting = Boolean - Should we earse the log?<br/>
'''     Default = True
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' Computer = Log to local machine or to a remote computer?<br/>
'''    Default = "." (local machine)
''' </para>
''' See settings details at <see cref="WinLogEngine.StartEngine"/>
''' </remarks>
''' <example><c>"Computer>"</c></example>
Class WinLogEngine
'Written by Yaron Assa, 1/8/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com

 'This engine reports to the windows event log
'Possible Settings :
' LogName = String - The name of the log in the event-viewer.
'   Default = "QTP Log"
' ShowAs = String - What will be the event's source in the log
'   Default = The current test's name
' ClearExisting = Boolean - Should we earse the log?
'     Default = True
' Computer = Log to local machine or to a remote computer?
'    Default = "." (local machine) 

 ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the settings dictionary</summary> 
 Private oSettings
 ''' <value type="System.Diagnostics.EventLog"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the win-log object</summary> 
 Private oEngine 
 ''' <value type="System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the win-log object' status list</summary> 
 Private oStatus
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
 ''' <seealso cref="ReporterManagerClass"/> 
 Public Manager 'Holds a link to the reporter manager

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The user logical name for an instance of this engine (in run-time)
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Name

 ''' <summary>
 ''' ID for the type of the engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get EngineType
  EngineType = "WinLog"
 End Property
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The Engine's Version
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "0.9"  
 End Property
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The minimum version of the manager, required for this engine to work
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get MinimunManagerVersion
  MinimunManagerVersion = "0.9"
 End Property

 ' Function StartEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Makes the engine ready for use
 ' In Params        sSettings - The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     Boolean - Didn't the engine manage to start?
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Makes the engine ready for use
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
  ''' <list type="table">
 ''' <item><term>LogName</term>
 '''  <description>String - The name of the log in the event-viewer. <br/>
 '''     Default = "QTP Log"
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>ShowAs</term>
 '''  <description>String - What will be the event's source in the log<br/>
 '''     Default = The current test's name
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>ClearExisting</term>
 '''  <description>Boolean - Should we earse the log?<br/>
 '''     Default = True
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>Computer</term>
 '''  <description>Log to local machine or to a remote computer?<br/>
 '''     Default = "." (local machine)
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' </list></param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if succeeded to start the engine, False if failed</returns>
 ''' <example><c>"Computer>"</c></example>  
 Public Function StartEngine(sSettings)
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sMachine
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sSource
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sLog

    bResult = True  

  sMachine = oSettings("Computer")
  sLog = oSettings("LogName")
  sSource = oSettings("ShowAs")

  'On Error Resume Next

    Set oStatus = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType")
                Set oEngine = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Diagnostics.EventLog")

    oEngine.Log = sLog
    oEngine.Source = sSource
    oEngine.MachineName = sMachine

    On Error Resume Next
      If oSettings("ClearExisting") = "True" Then _
       If oEngine.Exists(sLog, sMachine) Then oEngine.Clear
      If oEngine.SourceExists(sSource,sMachine) Then  'The source exists
       If Not oEngine.LogNameFromSourceName(sSource, sMachine) = sLog Then
        'The source is registered to another Log
        bResult = False
        Set oEngine = Nothing      
       End If
      End If

    On Error Goto 0

    If Not oEngine.SourceExists(sSource, sMachine) Then _
      Call oEngine.CreateEventSource(sSource, sLog, sMachine) 'Create the source in the log

            If err.Number <> 0 Then
    bResult = False
    Set oEngine = Nothing
   End If

  On Error Goto 0

  bResult = bResult And AllowCreate
    StartEngine = bResult
 End Function

 ' Function StopEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Stops the engine
 ' In Params        None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Stops the engine
 ''' </summary>
 Public Sub StopEngine
   Set Manager = Nothing
    If Not oEngine Is Nothing Then
    If oEngine.SourceExists(oSettings("ShowAs"), oSettings("Computer")) Then _
      Call oEngine.DeleteEventSource(oSettings("ShowAs"), oSettings("Computer") ) 'Unregister the source
   End If
   Set oEngine = Nothing     
   Set oSettings = Nothing
   Set oStatus = Nothing
 End Sub

   ' Sub Report  (Public)
   ' Goal         Reports an event
   ' In Params        sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
   ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Reports an event
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status<note>Legacy suppurt for integer status code exists</note></param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item><text>"Fail"</text><description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Pass"</text><description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Warning"</text><description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item><text>"General"</text><description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>  
 Public Sub Report (sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iStatus
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sMessage
    ''' <value type="System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType"/>
    Dim oCurrentStatus

    Select Case sStatus
    Case "Fail"
    Set oCurrentStatus = oStatus.Error
   Case "Warning"
    Set oCurrentStatus = oStatus.Warning
   Case Else
    Set oCurrentStatus = oStatus.Information
    End Select

        sMessage = "Status = " & sStatus & vbCrLf & _
        "Step     = " & sStepName & vbCrLf & _
        "Expected Result = " & sExpected & vbCrLf & _
        "Actual Result        = " & sActual & vbCrLf & _
        "Details = " & sDetails & vbCrLf

   Call oEngine.WriteEntry(sMessage, oCurrentStatus)

   Set oCurrentStatus = Nothing

 End Sub

 ' Sub Init_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Specifies default values of the settings object
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Specifies default values of the settings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks><para>LogName = "QTP Log"</para>
 ''' <para>ShowAs = Current test</para>
 ''' <para>ClearExisting = True</para>
 ''' <para>Computer = "." (Local) </para>
 '''  </remarks>  
 Private Sub  Init_Settings
    Set oSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    oSettings.Add "LogName", "QTP Log"
    oSettings.Add "ShowAs", Environment("TestName")
    oSettings.Add "ClearExisting", "True"
    oSettings.Add "Computer", "."
 End Sub

   ' Function AllowCreate      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if it's OK to create the filter, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function AllowCreate
    Dim bResult

    bResult = CheckVersion
    AllowCreate = bResult
 End Function

   ' Private Function CheckVersion      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the engine passes the version check, False otherwise</returns> 
 Private Function CheckVersion
    Dim iDiff
    Dim sEngineVersion
    Dim sManagerVersion

    'Check the manager version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.MinimunManagerVersion), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.Version), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) > CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Engine Expected " & Me.MinimunManagerVersion & _
                          vbCrLf & "But manager was actually " & Me.Manager.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

    'Check the engine version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Version), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) < CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Manager expected " & Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion &_
                           vbCrLf & "But engine actually was " & Me.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  CheckVersion = True
 End Function

 ' Sub Class_Initialize   (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Initialize event
''' </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize()  
   Set Manager = Nothing
   End Sub
 ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Setup Terminate event
 ''' </summary>
 Private Sub Class_Terminate 
    End Sub

 ' Sub Load_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ' In Params      sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>
 Private Sub Load_Settings(sSettings)
    '***************************' No Need to change this sub! ***************************'
  Dim ReplaceArray
  Dim arrData, arrSettingData
  Dim i

  'Protect >> and || chars

   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, "||", ReplaceArray(0))
   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, ">>", ReplaceArray(1))
     arrData = Split(sSettings, "|") 'Split to individual fields
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) 'Loop through fields
       If arrData(i) <> "" Then
      arrSettingData = Split(arrData(i), ">") 'Break to Field and to Value
      'Protect | char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(0), "|")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(0), "|")

      'Protect > char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(1), ">")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(1), ">")

      If oSettings.Exists(arrSettingData(0)) Then 'There's a default value for this field
       oSettings(arrSettingData(0)) = arrSettingData(1) 'Change it to the user's value
       oSettings.Add arrSettingData(0), arrSettingData(1) 'Create new setting
      End If
     End If
 End Sub
End Class

''' <summary>
''' This Engine reports to any database ADODB can access
''' </summary>
''' <author>Yaron Assa</author>
''' <datecreated>01/09/2007</datecreated>
''' <remarks>Possible Settings :
''' <para>
''' ConnectionString = String - The database connectionstring text.<br/>
'''   Default = "DBQ=C:\QTP Log.mdb;UID=admin;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' TableName = String - The DB Log Table Name.<br/>
'''   Default = "Log"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' CreateNew= True/False - Should we Create a new table (deleting existing). True = Erase.<br/>
'''     Default = False
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' StepNameField = String - The DB fieldname for StepName.<br/>
'''    Default = "StepName"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' StatusField = String - The DB fieldname for Status.<br/>
'''    Default = "Status"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' ExpectedField = String - The DB fieldname for Expected result.<br/>
'''    Default = "Expected"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' ActualField = String - The DB fieldname for Actual result.<br/>
'''    Default = "Actual"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' DetailsField = String - The DB fieldname for Details.<br/>
'''    Default = "Details"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' TimeField = String - The DB fieldname for the event's time stamp.<br/>
'''    Default = "EventTime"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' If a field name is set to "", the field will not be reported, and if a new table is created, it will be created without the field's column<br/>
''' If you do not create a new table, the table you are using MUST include all the fields you've specified
''' </para>
''' See settings details at <see cref="DBEngine.StartEngine"/>
''' </remarks>
''' <example><c>"TableName>ERRORLOG|TimeField>TIMESTAMP"</c></example>
Class DBEngine
'Written by Yaron Assa, 1/8/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com
 'This Engine reports to any database ADODB can access

 'Possible Settings :
 'ConnectionString String - The database connectionstring text.
 '            Default = "DBQ=C:\QTP Log.mdb;UID=admin;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}"
 'TableName= String - The DB Log Table Name.
    '        Default = "Log"
 'CreateNew= True/False - Should we Create a new table (deleting existing). True = Erase.
    '        Default = True
 'StepNameField   String - The DB fieldname for StepName.
 '         Default = "StepName"
 'StatusField   String - The DB fieldname for Status.
 '         Default = "Status"
 'ExpectedField   String - The DB fieldname for Expected Result.
 '         Default = "Expected"
 'ActualField   String - The DB fieldname for Actual Result.
 '         Default = "Actual"
 'DetailsField   String - The DB fieldname for Details.
 '         Default = "Details"
 'TimeField   String - The DB fieldname for the event's time stamp.
 '         Default = "EventTime"
 'If a field name is set to "", the field will not be reported, and if a new table is created, it will be created without the field's column
 'If you do not create a new table, the table you are using MUST include all the fields you've specified

 ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the settings dictionary</summary> 
 Private oSettings
 ''' <value type="ADODB.Connection"/>
 ''' <summary>Holds the connection to the database</summary> 
 Private oEngine
 ''' <value type="ADODB.Recordset"/>
 ''' <summary>Holds a pointer to the relevant table</summary> 
 Private oRecordSet

 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
 ''' <seealso cref="ReporterManagerClass"/> 
 Public Manager 'Holds a link to the reporter manager

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The user logical name for an instance of this engine (in run-time)
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/> 
 Public Name

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The Engine's Version
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "0.9"  
 End Property
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The minimum version of the manager, required for this engine to work
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get MinimunManagerVersion
  MinimunManagerVersion = "0.9"
 End Property

 ''' <summary>
 ''' ID for the type of the engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get EngineType
  EngineType = "DB"
 End Property

 ' Function StartEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Makes the engine ready for use
 ' In Params        sSettings - The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     Boolean - Didn't the engine manage to start?
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Makes the engine ready for use
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
  ''' <list type="table">
 ''' <item><term>ConnectionString</term>
 '''  <description>String - The database connectionstring text.<br/>
 '''     Default = "DBQ=C:\QTP Log.mdb;UID=admin;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}"
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>TableName</term>
 '''  <description>String - The DB Log Table Name.<br/>
 '''     Default = "Log"
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>CreateNew</term>
 '''  <description>True/False - Should we Create a new table (deleting existing). True = Erase.<br/>
 '''     Default = False
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>StepNameField</term>
 '''  <description>String - The DB fieldname for StepName.<br/>
 '''     Default = "StepName"
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>StatusField</term>
 '''  <description>String - The DB fieldname for Status.<br/>
 '''     Default = "Status"
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>ExpectedField</term>
 '''  <description>String - The DB fieldname for Expected result.<br/>
 '''     Default = "Expected"
 '''  </description></item> 
 ''' <item><term>ActualField</term>
 '''  <description>String - The DB fieldname for Actual result.<br/>
 '''     Default = "Actual"
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>DetailsField</term>
 '''  <description>String - The DB fieldname for Details.<br/>
 '''     Default = "Details"
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>TimeField</term>
 '''  <description>String - The DB fieldname for the event's time.<br/>
 '''     Default = "EventTime"
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' </list></param>
 ''' <remarks>
 ''' If a field name is set to "", the field will not be reported, and if a new table is created, it will be created without the field's column<br/>
 ''' If you do not create a new table, the table you are using MUST include all the fields you've specified
 ''' </remarks>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if succeeded to start the engine, False if failed</returns>
 ''' <example><c>"TableName>ERRORLOG|TimeField>TIMESTAMP"</c></example>  
 Public Function StartEngine(sSettings)
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult


    bResult = AllowCreate

    If bResult = False Then
     StartEngine = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  On Error Resume Next

    Set oEngine = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set oRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
    oEngine.ConnectionString = oSettings("ConnectionString")
    If CBool(oSettings("CreateNew")) = True Then  CreateNewTable

    oRecordSet.Open oSettings("TableName"), oEngine, 3,3,2

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
     bResult = False
    End If

  On Error Goto 0
    StartEngine = bResult
 End Function

 ' Function StopEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Stops the engine
 ' In Params        None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Stops the engine
 ''' </summary>
 Public Sub StopEngine 
   Set oSettings = Nothing
   Set Manager = Nothing

   On Error Resume Next

     If Not oRecordSet Is Nothing Then _
      If oRecordSet.State = 1 Then oRecordSet.Close
     If Not oEngine Is Nothing Then _
      If oEngine.State = 1 Then oEngine.Close

   On Error Goto 0

   Set oRecordSet = Nothing
   Set oEngine = Nothing

 End Sub

   ' Sub Report  (Public)
   ' Goal         Reports an event
   ' In Params        sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
   ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Reports an event
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status<note>Legacy suppurt for integer status code exists</note></param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item><text>"Fail"</text><description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Pass"</text><description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Warning"</text><description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item><text>"General"</text><description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
 Public Sub Report (sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)

  On Error Resume Next

   If oSettings("TimeField") <> "" Then _
    oRecordSet(UCase(oSettings("TimeField"))) = Now

   If oSettings("StatusField") <> "" Then _ 
    oRecordSet(UCase(oSettings("StatusField"))) = sStatus
   If oSettings("StepNameField") <> "" Then _
    oRecordSet(UCase(oSettings("StepNameField"))) = sStepName
   If oSettings("ExpectedField") <> "" Then _
    oRecordSet(UCase(oSettings("ExpectedField"))) = sExpected
   If oSettings("ActualField") <> "" Then _
    oRecordSet(UCase(oSettings("ActualField"))) = sActual
   If oSettings("DetailsField") <> "" Then _
    oRecordSet(UCase(oSettings("DetailsField"))) = sDetails

   If Err.Number<>0 Then
    Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Report via DB reporter", "An Error Occured"
   End If
 End Sub

 ' Sub CreateNewTable    (Private)
 ' Goal         Creates a new table in the database
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Creates a new table in the database
 ''' </summary>
 Private Sub CreateNewTable
 ''' <value type="String"/>
  Dim sCreate
    'Delete Existing
    On Error Resume Next
   oEngine.Execute "DROP TABLE " & oSettings("TableName") & ";"
  On Error Goto 0

  sCreate = "CREATE TABLE " & UCase(oSettings("TableName")) & " ("

  If oSettings("TimeField") <> "" Then sCreate = sCreate & UCase(oSettings("TimeField")) & " DATETIME NOT NULL, "
  If oSettings("StatusField") <> "" Then sCreate = sCreate & UCase(oSettings("StatusField")) & " VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "
  If oSettings("StepNameField") <> "" Then sCreate = sCreate & UCase(oSettings("StepNameField")) & " VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "
  If oSettings("ExpectedField") <> "" Then sCreate = sCreate & UCase(oSettings("ExpectedField")) & " VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "
  If oSettings("ActualField") <> "" Then sCreate = sCreate & UCase(oSettings("ActualField")) & " VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "
  If oSettings("DetailsField") <> "" Then sCreate = sCreate & UCase(oSettings("DetailsField")) & " VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "

  sCreate = Mid(sCreate, 1, Len(sCreate) -2) 'Remove last ","
  sCreate = sCreate & ");"
  oEngine.Execute sCreate     

 End Sub

 ' Sub Init_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Specifies default values of the settings object
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Specifies default values of the settings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks><para>ConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\QTP Log.mdb;UID=admin;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}"</para>
 ''' <para>TableName = "Log"</para>
 ''' <para>CreateNew = False</para>
 ''' <para>StepNameField = "StepName"</para>
 ''' <para>StatusField = "Status"</para>
 ''' <para>ExpectedField = "Expected"</para>
 ''' <para>ActualField = "Actual"</para>
 ''' <para>DetailsField = "Details"</para>
 ''' <para>TimeField = "EventTime" </para>
 '''  </remarks>   
 Private Sub  Init_Settings
    Set oSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")   
    oSettings.Add "ConnectionString", "DBQ=C:\QTP Log.mdb;UID=admin;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}"
                   'Open a default access DB
    oSettings.Add "TableName", "Log"                   
    oSettings.Add "CreateNew", "False"
    oSettings.Add "StepNameField", "StepName"
    oSettings.Add "StatusField", "Status"
    oSettings.Add "ExpectedField", "Expected"
    oSettings.Add "ActualField", "Actual"
    oSettings.Add "DetailsField", "Details"
    oSettings.Add "TimeField", "EventTime"
 End Sub

   ' Function AllowCreate      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if it's OK to create the filter, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function AllowCreate
    Dim bResult

    bResult = CheckVersion
    AllowCreate = bResult
 End Function

   ' Private Function CheckVersion      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
  ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the engine passes the version check, False otherwise</returns> 

 Private Function CheckVersion
    Dim iDiff
    Dim sEngineVersion
    Dim sManagerVersion

    'Check the manager version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.MinimunManagerVersion), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.Version), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) > CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Engine Expected " & Me.MinimunManagerVersion & _
                          vbCrLf & "But manager was actually " & Me.Manager.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

    'Check the engine version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Version), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) < CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Manager expected " & Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion &_
                           vbCrLf & "But engine actually was " & Me.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  CheckVersion = True
 End Function

 ' Sub Load_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ' In Params      sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>

 Private Sub Load_Settings(sSettings)
    '***************************' No Need to change this sub! ***************************'
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim ReplaceArray
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim arrData, arrSettingData
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim i

  'Protect >> and || chars

   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, "||", ReplaceArray(0))
   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, ">>", ReplaceArray(1))
     arrData = Split(sSettings, "|") 'Split to individual fields
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) 'Loop through fields
       If arrData(i) <> "" Then
      arrSettingData = Split(arrData(i), ">") 'Break to Field and to Value
      'Protect | char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(0), "|")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(0), "|")

      'Protect > char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(1), ">")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(1), ">")

      If oSettings.Exists(arrSettingData(0)) Then 'There's a default value for this field
       oSettings(arrSettingData(0)) = arrSettingData(1) 'Change it to the user's value
       oSettings.Add arrSettingData(0), arrSettingData(1) 'Create new setting
      End If
     End If
 End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Initialize   (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Initialize event
''' </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize()   ' Setup Initialize event.
   Set Manager = Nothing
   End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Terminate event
''' </summary>
 Private Sub Class_Terminate   ' Setup Terminate event.
   End Sub
End Class


''' <summary>
''' This engine reports via XML
''' </summary>
''' <author>Yaron Assa</author>
''' <datecreated>20/01/2008</datecreated>
''' <remarks>Possible Settings :
''' <para>
''' File = String - the log file path and name. (e.g. "C:\LogFile.xml")<br/>
'''   Default = "C:\QTPLog.xml"
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' AutoSave = Integer - Save data to file every X minutes. e.g. 2<br/>
'''     Default = 0<br/>
'''     Higher values = better performance<br/>
'''     Lower values = better robustness (if QTP gets stuck, less data is lost)
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' ClearExisting = True/False - Should we erase the existing log. True = Erase.<br/>
'''     Default = True
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' StyleSheet = String - Path and name of the XSL stylesheet for the log.<br/>
'''     If value = "", no stylesheet instruction will be added<br/>
'''     Default = "C:\QTPLog.XSL"
''' <tip>a default QTPLog.XSL is supplied with the project files</tip>
''' </para>
''' See settings details at <see cref="XMLEngine.StartEngine"/>
''' <warning>If you use the default stylesheet, you must place it under C:\<br/>
''' Or change the stylesheet path via the StyleSheet parameter</warning>
''' </remarks>
''' <example><c>"File>C:\Logs\Errors.xml"</c></example>
Class XMLEngine

 'This Engine writes the log to an XML file

 'Possible Settings :
 'File        String - Where to save the XML log. e.g. "C:\Logs\Log.XML".
 '              Default = "C:\QTPLog.XML"
 'AutoSave       Integer - Save data to file every X minutes. e.g. 2
 '              Default = 0 (every report re-saves the file)
 '            Higher values = better performance
 '            Lower values = better robustness (if QTP gets stuck, less data is lost)
 'ClearExisting       True/False - Should we erase the existing log. True = Erase.
    '            Default = True
 'StyleSheet        String - Path and name of the XSL stylesheet for the log.<br/>
 '          Default = "C:\QTPLog.XSL"
 '         If value = "", no stylesheet instruction will be added
 '         a default QTPLog.XSL is supplied with the project files

 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
 Public Manager 'Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' <summary>
 ''' The user logical name for an instance of this engine (in run-time)
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Name
 ''' <value type="Scripting.FileSystemObject"/>
 ''' <summary>Used to created directories and check files' existance</summary>
 Private oFSO 

 ''' <value type="Integer"/>
 ''' <summary>Used to measure intervals between disk-writes of the log</summary>
 Private iTimer

 ''' <value type="Integer"/>
 ''' <summary>Used to detect changes in test iteration</summary>
 Private iCurrentIteration

 ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the settings dictionary</summary> 
 Private oSettings
 ''' <value type="System.XML.XMLDocument"/>
 ''' <summary>Holds the engine's main object</summary> 
 Private oEngine 'Holds the engine's main object
 ''' <value type="System.XML.XMLElement"/>
 ''' <summary>Holds the XML root element of the current log</summary>
 Private oRoot
 ''' <value type="System.Xml.XmlNodeType"/>
 ''' <summary>Used to create different types of XML nodes</summary>
 Private iNodeType

 ''' <summary>
 ''' ID for the type of the engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 ''' <example>"DB"</example> 
 Public Property Get EngineType
  EngineType = "XML" 'Add Engine Type Here
 End Property

''' <summary>
 ''' The Engine's Version
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 ''' <example>"0.8"</example> 
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "9.2" 'Change to the engine version. Must be 9+
 End Property

''' <summary>
 ''' The minimum version of the manager, required for this engine to work
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 ''' <example>"0.8"</example> 
 Public Property Get MinimunManagerVersion
  MinimunManagerVersion = "0.9" 'The minimum version of the manager, required for this engine to work
 End Property

 ' Function StartEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Makes the engine ready for use
 ' In Params        sSettings - The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     Boolean - Didn't the engine manage to start?
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Makes the engine ready for use
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
  ''' <list type="table">
 ''' <item><term>File</term>
 '''  <description>String - the log file path and name. (e.g. "C:\LogFile.xml")<br/>
 '''     Default = "C:\QTPLog.xml"
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>AutoSave</term>
 '''  <description>Integer - Save data to file every X minutes. e.g. 2<br/>
 '''     Default = 0<br/>
 '''     Higher values = better performance<br/>
 '''     Lower values = better robustness (if QTP gets stuck, less data is lost)
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>ClearExisting</term>
 '''  <description>True/False - Should we erase the existing log. True = Erase.<br/>
 '''     Default = True
 '''  </description></item> 
 ''' <item><term>StyleSheet</term>
 '''  <description>String - Path and name of the XSL stylesheet for the log.<br/>
 '''     Default = C:\QTPLog.XSL
 '''     If value = "", no stylesheet instruction will be added<br/>
 ''' <tip>a default QTPLog.XSL is supplied with the project files</tip>
 '''  </description></item> 
 ''' </list></param>
 ''' <remarks>
 ''' <warning>If you use the default stylesheet, you must place it under C:\<br/>
 ''' Or change the stylesheet path via the StyleSheet parameter</warning>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if succeeded to start the engine, False if failed</returns>
 ''' <example><c>"File>C:\Logs\Errors.xml|AutoSave>1"</c></example>  
 Public Function StartEngine(sSettings)
  ''' <value type="String"/>
  ''' <summary>This will hold the file's containing folder</summary>  
  Dim ParentFolder
  ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
  Dim bCreateNew

  bCreateNew = False

  Set oEngine = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Xml.XmlDocument")
  Set iNodeType = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Xml.XmlNodeType")

  'Should we delete the file?
  If CBool(oSettings("ClearExisting")) = True Then bCreateNew = True
  'Is the file valid?
  If bCreateNew = False Then
   On Error Resume Next
    'Try to read the file
    If err.Number<> 0 Then
     bCreateNew = True
     Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "Create XML Report", "File corrupted, overwriting" & vbCrLf & _
              "File = " & oSettings("File")
    End If
   On Error Goto 0
  End If

  'Create the log file if needed
  If bCreateNew = True Then
   If oFso.FileExists(oSettings("File")) Then oFSO.DeleteFile(oSettings("File"))
   ParentFolder = oFSO.GetParentFolderName(oSettings("File"))
   If Not oFSO.FolderExists(ParentFolder) Then
    MakePath ParentFolder
   End If   
   'Add StyleSheet information
   If oSettings("StyleSheet") <> "" Then
    Call oEngine.AppendChild(oEngine.CreateProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "href='" & oSettings("StyleSheet") & "' type='text/xsl'"))
    If Not oFso.FileExists(oSettings("StyleSheet")) Then _
     Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "Stylesheet not found", "The stylesheet you've specified (" & oSettings("StyleSheet") & ") doesn't exist." & vbCrLf & _
      "If you're using the default stylesheet, make sure you copy the supplied QTPLog.XLS file to " & oSettings("StyleSheet")
   End If
   'Set document root
   Call oEngine.AppendChild(oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.Element, "QTPLogs", ""))   
  End If

   Set oRoot = oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.Element, "QTPLog", "")
   oRoot.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Start").Value = CStr(Now)

   oRoot.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Status").Value = "Pass"

   oRoot.Attributes.GetNamedItem("TestName").Value = Environment.Value("TestName")

   Call oEngine.DocumentElement.AppendChild(oRoot)
    StartEngine = AllowCreate
 End Function

 ' Function StopEngine    (Public)
 ' Goal         Stops the engine
 ' In Params        None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Stops the engine
 ''' </summary>
 Public Sub StopEngine
   On Error Resume Next  
    If Not oEngine Is Nothing Then
     oRoot.Attributes.GetNamedItem("End").Value = CStr(Now)
    End If
   On Error Goto 0
   Set oRoot = Nothing
   Set oEngine = Nothing     
   Set oSettings = Nothing
   Set oFSO = Nothing
   'More engine stop code here
 End Sub

   ' Sub Report  (Public)
   ' Goal         Reports an event
   ' In Params        sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
   ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Reports an event to all possible reporters
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status</param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item>"Fail"<description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item>"Pass"<description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item>"Warning"<description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item>"General"<description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
 Public Sub Report (sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
  ''' <value type="System.XML.XMLElement"/> 
  Dim oStep, oElement, oIteration
  'Add new Iteration Node
  If iCurrentIteration <> Int(Environment.Value("TestIteration")) Then
   iCurrentIteration = Int(Environment.Value("TestIteration"))
   Set oIteration = oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.Element, "Iteration", "")
   Call oIteration.Attributes.Append(oEngine.CreateAttribute("Status"))
   oIteration.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Status").Value = "Pass"

   Call oIteration.Attributes.Append(oEngine.CreateAttribute("Number"))
   oIteration.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Number").Value = CStr(iCurrentIteration)

   Call oIteration.Attributes.Append(oEngine.CreateAttribute("Start"))
   oIteration.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Start").Value = CStr(Now)

   Call oRoot.AppendChild(oIteration)   
   Set oIteration = oRoot.LastChild
  End If
  'Update iteration status. Only way to go is Pass -> Warning -> Fail
  If oIteration.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Status").Value <> "Fail" Then
   If sStatus <> "Pass" Then oIteration.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Status").Value = sStatus
  End If
  'Update test status. Only way to go is Pass -> Warning -> Fail
  If oRoot.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Status").Value <> "Fail" Then
   If sStatus <> "Pass" Then oRoot.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Status").Value = sStatus
  End If
  'Create Step node    
  Set oStep = oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.Element, "Step", "")
  'Add childnodes for each report-property
  Set oElement = oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.Element, "Status", "")
   Call oElement.AppendChild(oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.CDATA, "Status", ""))
   oElement.ChildNodes.Item(0).Value = sStatus
  Set oElement = oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.Element, "StepName", "")
   Call oElement.AppendChild(oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.CDATA, "StepName", ""))
   oElement.ChildNodes.Item(0).Value = sStepName
  Set oElement = oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.Element, "Expected", "")
   Call oElement.AppendChild(oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.CDATA, "Expected", ""))
   oElement.ChildNodes.Item(0).Value = sExpected
  Set oElement = oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.Element, "Actual", "")
   Call oElement.AppendChild(oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.CDATA, "Actual", ""))
   oElement.ChildNodes.Item(0).Value = sActual
  Set oElement = oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.Element, "Details", "")
   Call oElement.AppendChild(oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.CDATA, "Details", ""))
   oElement.ChildNodes.Item(0).Value = sDetails
  Set oElement = oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.Element, "Time", "")
   Call oElement.AppendChild(oEngine.CreateNode(iNodeType.CDATA, "Time", ""))
   oElement.ChildNodes.Item(0).Value = CStr(Now)
  Call oIteration.AppendChild(oStep) 
  'Check if we need to write the log to the external file
  If Abs(Timer-iTimer)/60 > CDbl(oSettings("AutoSave")) Then
   iTimer = Timer
  End If
 End Sub

 ' Sub Init_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Specifies default values of the settings object
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Specifies default values of the settings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks>
 ''' <para> File = "C:\QTPLog.xml" </para>
 ''' <para> AutoSave = 0 </para>
 ''' <para> ClearExisting = True </para>
 ''' <para> StyleSheet = "C:\QTPLog.XSL" </para>
 '''  </remarks>  
 Private Sub  Init_Settings
    Set oSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oSettings.Add "File", "C:\QTPLog.XML"
    oSettings.Add "AutoSave", 0
    oSettings.Add "ClearExisting", True
    oSettings.Add "StyleSheet", "C:\QTPLog.XSL"
 End Sub

 'Function Name: MakePath
 'Description: This Function creates the result file in XLS format and formats the Header section
 'Parameter:  This function takes the following parameters
 '    sPath - Required path (must be fully qualified)
 ' Returns:  True - Path now exists
 '    False - Path does not exist
 'Created By: Sameer Girolkar
 'Creation Date: 07-Dec-2005
 ''' <summary>
 ''' This Function creates the result file
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <author>Sameer Girolkar</author>
 ''' <param name="sPath" type="String">Required path (must be fully qualified)</param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the path now exists, False otherwise</returns>
 Private  Function MakePath(sPath)
  ' Default result
  MakePath = False
  ' Fail if drive is not valid
  If Not oFso.DriveExists(oFso.GetDriveName(sPath)) Then Exit Function
  ' Succeed if folder exists
  If oFso.FolderExists(sPath) Then
   MakePath = True
   Exit Function
  End If
  ' Call self to ensure parent path exists
  If Not MakePath(oFso.GetParentFolderName(sPath)) Then Exit Function
  ' Create folder
  On Error Resume Next
  oFso.CreateFolder sPath
  MakePath = oFso.FolderExists(sPath)   
 End Function 

   ' Function AllowCreate      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if it's OK to create the engine, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function AllowCreate
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult

    bResult = CheckVersion
    'Add more pass/fail conditions here
    AllowCreate = bResult
 End Function

   ' Function CheckVersion      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the engine passes the version check, False otherwise</returns>
 Function CheckVersion
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iDiff
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sEngineVersion
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sManagerVersion

    'Check the manager version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.MinimunManagerVersion), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.Version), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) > CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Engine Expected " & Me.MinimunManagerVersion & _
                          vbCrLf & "But manager was actually " & Me.Manager.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

    'Check the engine version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Version), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(iDiff, "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) < CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Manager expected " & Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion &_
                           vbCrLf & "But engine actually was " & Me.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  CheckVersion = True
 End Function

 ' Sub Class_Initialize   (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Initialize event
''' </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize()  
    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  iCurrentIteration = 0 'Make sure there will be a node for the first iteration
   'Add Initialization events here
   End Sub
 ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Terminate event
''' </summary>
 Private Sub Class_Terminate 
    'Add Terminate Events Here
   End Sub

 ' Sub Load_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ' In Params      sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Engine's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>
 Private Sub Load_Settings(sSettings)
    '***************************' No Need to change this sub! ***************************'
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim ReplaceArray
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim arrData, arrSettingData
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim i

  'Protect >> and || chars

   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, "||", ReplaceArray(0))
   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, ">>", ReplaceArray(1))
     arrData = Split(sSettings, "|") 'Split to individual fields
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) 'Loop through fields
       If arrData(i) <> "" Then
      arrSettingData = Split(arrData(i), ">") 'Break to Field and to Value
      'Protect | char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(0), "|")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(0), "|")

      'Protect > char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(1), ">")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(1), ">")

      If oSettings.Exists(arrSettingData(0)) Then 'There's a default value for this field
       oSettings(arrSettingData(0)) = arrSettingData(1) 'Change it to the user's value
       oSettings.Add arrSettingData(0), arrSettingData(1) 'Create new setting
      End If
     End If
 End Sub
End Class



'''<summary>This file holds all the different filter classes</summary>
''' <datecreated>01/09/2007</datecreated>


Option Explicit

'        Filters
''' <summary>
''' This filter performs Regular Expressions searches within the event's data
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' Possible Settings :
''' <para>
''' Include = True/False. A success is finding the RegEx (True) or NOT finding it (False)<br/>
'''    Default = True
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' WhatToSearch = "Value1,Value2,....", where ValueX = one of Status/StepName/Expected/Actual/Details<br/>
'''     In what parts of the event to report should we search for the RegEx<br/>
'''     Default = "Status, StepName, Expected, Actual, Details" (all of them)
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' IgnoreCase = True/False. Should we ignore String Case In our searchs<br/>
'''    Default = True (ignore case)
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' Pattern = String. The RegEx pattern to seach (e.g. ".*Error.*")<br/>
'''    Default = ".*" (Success = any string)<br/>
'''    Remember to use || instead of | if your patten includes this char. e.g. use "Pattern>Fail||Warning|IgnoreCase>True"
''' </para>
''' See settings details at <see cref="RegExFilter.StartFilter"/>
''' </remarks>
''' <example><c>"Include>False|WhatToSearch>Status|Pattern>.*Warning.*"</c>- his will filter OUT all events with status = Warning (because Include = False)</example>
Class RegExFilter
'Written by Yaron Assa, 1/8/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com

 'This filter performs Regular Expressions searches within the event's data

 'Possible Settings :
 'Include     = True/False. A success is finding the RegEx (True) or NOT finding it (False)
 '          Default = True
 'WhatToSearch  = "Value1, Value2, ....", where ValueX = one of Status/StepName/Expected/Actual/Details
 '          In what parts of the event to report should we search for the RegEx
 '          Default = "Status, StepName, Expected, Actual, Details" (all of them)
 'IgnoreCase    =    True/False. Should we ignore string case in our searchs
 '          Default = True (ignore case)
 'Pattern     =   String. The RegEx pattern to seach (e.g. ".*Error.*")
 '          Default = ".*" (Success = any string)
 '          Remember to use || instead of | if your patten includes this char. e.g. use "Pattern>Fail||Warning|IgnoreCase>True"
 'E.g. : "Include>False|WhatToSearch>Status|Pattern>.*Warning.*"
 'This will filter OUT all events with status = Warning (because Include = False)
 ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the settings dictionary</summary> 
 Private oSettings 'Will hold the settings dictionary
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
 ''' <seealso cref="ReporterManagerClass"/> 
 Public Manager 'Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the relevant engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="XEngine"/>
 Public Engine 'Holds a link to the relevant engine

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The Filter's Version
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "0.9"
 End Property

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The minimum version of the manager, required for this filter to work
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get MinimunManagerVersion
  MinimunManagerVersion = "0.8"
 End Property
 ''' <summary>
 ''' ID for the  ''' Type of the Filter
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 Public Property Get FilterType 'For ID
  FilterType = "RegEx"
 End Property
 ' Function StartFilter    (Public)
 ' Goal         Makes the filter ready for use
 ' In Params        sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Makes the filter ready for use
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Filter's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ''' <list type="table">
 ''' <item><term>Include</term>
 '''  <description>True/False. A success is finding the RegEx (True) or NOT finding it (False)<br/>
 '''     Default = True
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>WhatToSearch</term>
 '''  <description>"Value1, Value2, ....", where ValueX = one of Status/StepName/Expected/Actual/Details<br/>
 '''      In what parts of the event to report should we search for the RegEx<br/>
 '''      Default = "Status, StepName, Expected, Actual, Details" (all of them)
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>IgnoreCase</term>
 '''  <description>True/False. Should we ignore string case in our searchs<br/>
 '''     Default = True (ignore case)
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>Pattern</term>
 '''  <description>String. The RegEx pattern to seach (e.g. ".*Error.*")<br/>
 '''     Default = ".*" (everything)<br/>
 '''     Remember to use || instead of | if your patten includes this char. e.g. use "Pattern>Fail||Warning|IgnoreCase>True" 
 '''  </description></item> 
 ''' </list></param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if succeeded to start the filter, False if failed</returns>
 ''' <example><c>"Include>False|WhatToSearch>Status|Pattern>.*Warning.*"</c>- his will filter OUT all events with status = Warning (because Include = False)</example>
 Public Function StartFilter(sSettings)
     StartFilter = AllowCreate
 End Function
 ' Function Check    (Public)
 ' Goal         Checks if an event matches the filter's criteria
   ' In Params                      sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
 ' Out Params     Boolean - Does it match the criteria? If = True means the event will be reported
''' <summary>Checks if an event matches the filter's criteria</summary>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status</param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item><text>"Fail"</text><description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Pass"</text><description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Warning"</text><description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item><text>"General"</text><description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
''' <returns type="Boolean">Returns True if the event matches, otherwise False</returns>
 Public Function Check(sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult
    ''' <value type="Array"/>
    Dim arrWhatToSearch
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bInclude
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sPattern
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iMatches
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim i
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sSearch

  'In what parts of the event should the RegEx Search
    arrWhatToSearch = Split(oSettings("WhatToSearch"), ",")

  'Include = True -> A success is finding the RegEx.
  'Include = False -> A success is NOT finding the RegEx.
    bInclude = CBool(oSettings("Include"))

    'What RegEx to search
  sPattern = oSettings("Pattern")

  For i = 0 To UBound(arrWhatToSearch)
   Execute "sSearch = s" & Trim(arrWhatToSearch(i)) 'Get the name of the part's variable

   iMatches = DoRegEx(sPattern, sSearch) 'Do RegEx Search

   bResult = iMatches > 0 'DId we find anything?

   If bInclude = False Then bResult = Not bResult 'Include = False reverses the success criteria

   If (bResult = False) And (bInclude=False) Then Exit For 'One wrong find is enough to fail the filter

   If (bResult = True) And (bInclude=True) Then Exit For 'One find is enough to pass the filter

    Check = bResult
 End Function

 ' Function DoRegEx    (Private)
 ' Goal         Does the actual RegEx search
   ' In Params                      patrn - The RegEx pattern (e.g. ".*Error,*")
   '             strng - What to search in
 ' Out Params     Integer - The number of matches
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Does the actual RegEx search
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="patrn" type="String">The RegEx pattern (e.g. ".*Error,*")</param>
 ''' <param name="strng" type="String">The string to be searched</param>
 ''' <returns type="Integer">The number of matches</returns>
 Private Function DoRegEx(patrn, strng)
    'A helper function for Check
    ''' <value type="RegExp"/>
    Dim regEx
    ''' <value type="Matches"/>
    Dim oMatches
    Set regEx = New RegExp  
    regEx.Pattern = patrn   ' Set pattern.
    regEx.IgnoreCase = CBool(oSettings("IgnoreCase")) 
    regEx.Global = False   '
    Set oMatches = regEx.Execute(strng)   ' Execute search.

    DoRegEx = oMatches.Count
 End Function

 ' Sub Init_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Specifies default values of the settings object
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Specifies default values of the settings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks><para>Include = True</para>
 '''  <para>IgnoreCase = True</para>
 '''  <para>WhatToSearch = "Status,StepName,Expected,Actual,Details"</para>
 '''  <para>Pattern = ".*" </para>
 '''  </remarks> 
 Private Sub  Init_Settings 'Inits the filter's default settings
    Set oSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oSettings.Add "Include", "True"     'Success is when the string is found (positive search)
    oSettings.Add "IgnoreCase", "True"    'Ignore string case (e.g. "Name" is a match for "name")
    oSettings.Add "WhatToSearch", "Status,StepName,Expected,Actual,Details" 'Seach evety part of the event
    oSettings.Add "Pattern", ".*"    'The RegEx pattern to seach
 End Sub

   ' Function AllowCreate      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
   ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if it's OK to create the filter, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function AllowCreate
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult

    bResult = CheckVersion
    AllowCreate = bResult
 End Function

   ' Private Function CheckVersion      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the filter passes the version check, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function CheckVersion
 ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iDiff
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sEngineVersion
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sManagerVersion

    'Check the manager version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.MinimunManagerVersion), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.Version), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0")
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) > CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Engine Expected " & Me.MinimunManagerVersion & _
                          vbCrLf & "But manager was actually " & Me.Manager.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

    'Check the engine version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Version), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) < CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Manager expected " & Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion &_
                           vbCrLf & "But engine actually was " & Me.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  CheckVersion = True
 End Function
 ' Sub Load_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ' In Params      sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Filter's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>
 Private Sub Load_Settings(sSettings)
    '***************************' No Need to change this sub! ***************************'
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim ReplaceArray
  ''' <value type="Array"/>
  Dim arrData, arrSettingData
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim i

  'Protect >> and || chars

   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, "||", ReplaceArray(0))
   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, ">>", ReplaceArray(1))
     arrData = Split(sSettings, "|") 'Split to individual fields
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) 'Loop through fields
       If arrData(i) <> "" Then
      arrSettingData = Split(arrData(i), ">") 'Break to Field and to Value
      'Protect | char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(0), "|")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(0), "|")

      'Protect > char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(1), ">")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(1), ">")

      If oSettings.Exists(arrSettingData(0)) Then 'There's a default value for this field
       oSettings(arrSettingData(0)) = arrSettingData(1) 'Change it to the user's value
       oSettings.Add arrSettingData(0), arrSettingData(1) 'Create new setting
      End If
     End If
 End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Initialize    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Initialize event
''' </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize()   ' Setup Initialize event.
  Set Manager = Nothing
  Set Engine = Nothing  
   End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Setup Terminate event
''' </summary>
 Private Sub Class_Terminate   ' Setup Terminate event.
  Set oSettings = Nothing
  Set Manager = Nothing
  Set Engine = Nothing  
   End Sub
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Stops the current filter and clears it
 ''' </summary>
 Public Sub ClearFilter
 End Sub
End Class


''' <summary>
''' This filter screens event according to an object's condition
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' Possible Settings :
''' <para>
''' ObjectProperty = String. A REPRESENTATION of an object property (QTP or other). e.g. " VBWindow(""vbname:=Something"").Exist "<br/>
'''     For negative conditions use NOT. e.g. : " Not VBWindow(""vbname:=Something"").Exist "<br/>
'''     ONLY USE DP, not OR objects. You can use any VBScript command that can be properly represented. Access RO properties etc.<br/>
'''     . e.g "Trim(VBWindow(""vbname:=Something"").Object.Date)"<br/>
'''     Default = None
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' Value = String. The wanted property of the value<br/>
'''   Default = None
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' Condition = Boolean.  True -> a match is considered a success.<br/>
'''    False -> a match is considered a failture<br/>
'''    e.g. "ObjectProperty>Window(""name:=x"").getTOProperty(""text"")|Value>Notepad|Condition>False"<br/>
'''    This will FAIL if the window's text = "Notepad", and will PASS if it's anything else
''' </para>
''' See settings details at <see cref="ObjectPropertyFilter.StartFilter"/>
''' </remarks>
''' <example><c>"ObjectProperty>VBWindow(""vbname:=Something"").Exist|Value>True"</c> - This will only report events when the window does exist </example>
Class ObjectPropertyFilter
'Written by Yaron Assa, 1/8/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com

 'This filter screens event according to an object's condition

 'Please Notice – When using this filter, make sure your QTP object sync timeout is LOW (i.e. 1 / 2 sec.)
 '(Otherwise the script execution time will increase significantly)

 'Possible Settings :
 'ObjectProperty  = String. A REPRESENTATION of an object property (QTP or other). e.g. " VBWindow(""vbname:=Something"").Exist "
 '          For negative conditions use NOT. e.g. : " Not VBWindow(""vbname:=Something"").Exist "
 '          ONLY USE DP, not OR objects. You can use any VBScript command that can be properly represented. Access RO properties etc.
 '          . e.g "Trim(VBWindow(""vbname:=Something"").Object.Date)"
 '          Default = None.
 'Value      = String. The wanted property of the value
 '          Default = None
 'Condition    = Boolean.  True -> a match is considered a success.
    '              False -> a match is considered a failture
 '            e.g. "ObjectProperty>Window(""name:=x"").getTOProperty(""text"")|Value>Notepad|Condition>False"
 '             This will FAIL if the window's text = "Notepad", and will PASS if it's anything else
 '          Default = True
 'E.g. : "ObjectProperty>VBWindow(""vbname:=Something"").Exist|Value>True"
 'This will only report events when the window does exist
 ''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
 ''' <summary>Will hold the settings dictionary</summary> 
 Private oSettings 'Will hold the settings dictionary
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
 ''' <seealso cref="ReporterManagerClass"/>  
 Public Manager 'Holds a link to the reporter manager
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Holds a link to the relevant engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="XEngine"/>
 Public Engine 'Holds a link to the relevant engine
 ''' <summary>
 ''' ID for the type of the filter
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 ''' <example>"DB"</example> 
 Public Property Get FilterType 'For ID
  FilterType = "ObjectProperty"
 End Property

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The Engine's Version
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 ''' <example>"0.8"</example> 
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "0.9"
 End Property

 ''' <summary>
 ''' The minimum version of the manager, required for this filter to work
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="String"/>
 ''' <example>"0.8"</example> 
 Public Property Get MinimunManagerVersion
  MinimunManagerVersion = "0.8"
 End Property
 ' Function StartFilter    (Public)
 ' Goal         Makes the filter ready for use
 ' In Params        sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None

 ''' <summary>
 ''' Makes the filter ready for use
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Filter's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ''' <list type="table">
 ''' <item><term>ObjectProperty</term>
 '''  <description>String. A REPRESENTATION of an object property (QTP or other). e.g. " VBWindow(""vbname:=Something"").Exist "<br/>
 '''     For negative conditions use NOT. e.g. : " Not VBWindow(""vbname:=Something"").Exist "<br/>
 '''     ONLY USE DP, not OR objects. You can use any VBScript command that can be properly represented. Access RO properties etc.<br/>
 '''     . e.g "Trim(VBWindow(""vbname:=Something"").Object.Date)"<br/>
 '''     Default = None
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>Value</term>
 '''  <description>String. The wanted property of the value<br/>
 '''      Default = None
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' <item><term>Condition</term>
 '''  <description>Boolean.  True -> a match is considered a success.<br/>
 '''     False -> a match is considered a failture <br/>
 '''     e.g. "ObjectProperty>Window(""name:=x"").getTOProperty(""text"")|Value>Notepad|Condition>False" <br/>
 '''     Default = True
 '''  </description></item>
 ''' </list></param>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if succeeded to start the Filter, False if failed</returns>
 ''' <example><c>"ObjectProperty>VBWindow(""vbname:=Something"").Exist|Value>True"</c> - This will only report events when the window does exist </example>
  Public Function StartFilter(sSettings)
     StartFilter = AllowCreate
  End Function
 ' Function Check    (Public)
 ' Goal         Checks if an event matches the filter's criteria
   ' In Params                      sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
 ' Out Params     Boolean - Does it match the criteria? If = True means the event will be reported
 ''' <summary>Checks if an event matches the filter's criteria</summary>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status</param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item><text>"Fail"</text><description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Pass"</text><description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Warning"</text><description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item><text>"General"</text><description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
''' <returns type="Boolean">Returns True if the event matches, otherwise False</returns>

 Public Function Check(sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim PropertyValue
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bCondition

  If oSettings("ObjectProperty") ="" Or oSettings("Value") = "" Then
   Check = True
   Exit Function
  End If

  bCondition = CBool(oSettings("Condition"))

  bResult = True

  On Error Resume Next
   Execute "PropertyValue = " & oSettings("ObjectProperty")

   If err.Number <> 0 Then
    bResult = False
   End If
  On Error Goto 0

  If bResult = False Then
   Check = bResult
   Exit Function
  End If

  If CStr(PropertyValue) = CStr(oSettings("Value")) Then

   If bCondition = True Then 'Was ment to match
    Check = True
    Check = False
   End If
   If bCondition = False Then  'Was ment NOT to match
    Check = True
    Check = False
   End If
  End If

 End Function

 ' Sub Init_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Specifies default values of the settings object
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Specifies default values of the settings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <remarks><para>ObjectProperty = ""</para>
 '''  <para>Value = ""</para>
 '''  <para>Condition = True</para>
 '''  </remarks> 
 Private Sub  Init_Settings 'Inits the filter's default settings
    Set oSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oSettings.Add "ObjectProperty", ""
    oSettings.Add "Value", ""
    oSettings.Add "Condition", "True"
 End Sub

   ' Function AllowCreate      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
   ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if there would be a problem to create the reporter engine
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if it's OK to create the filter, False otherwise</returns>
 Private Function AllowCreate
    Dim bResult

    bResult = CheckVersion
    AllowCreate = bResult
 End Function

   ' Private Function CheckVersion      (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Yes/No (Yes = OK to create)
  ''' <summary>
 ''' Checks if the manager and engine versions are ok
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <returns type="Boolean">True if the filter passes the version check, False otherwise</returns>

 Private Function CheckVersion
 ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iDiff
 ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sEngineVersion
 ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sManagerVersion

    'Check the manager version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.MinimunManagerVersion), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.Version), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) > CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Engine Expected " & Me.MinimunManagerVersion & _
                          vbCrLf & "But manager was actually " & Me.Manager.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

    'Check the engine version is good enough
    sEngineVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Version), ".", "")
    sManagerVersion = Replace(CStr(Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion), ".","")

    iDiff = Len(sEngineVersion) - Len(sManagerVersion)

    If iDiff > 0 Then
   sManagerVersion = sManagerVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0")
   sEngineVersion = sEngineVersion & String(Abs(iDiff), "0") 
    End If

    If CLng(sEngineVersion) < CLng(sManagerVersion)  Then
     Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Start Engine", "Failed Version Check" & vbCrLf & "Manager expected " & Me.Manager.MinimumEngineVersion &_
                           vbCrLf & "But engine actually was " & Me.Version
     CheckVersion = False
     Exit Function
    End If

  CheckVersion = True
 End Function
 ' Sub Load_Settings    (Private)
 ' Goal         Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ' In Params      sSettings - The Filters init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Loads sSettings into the oSettings object
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The Filter's init settings as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2|...</param>
 Private Sub Load_Settings(sSettings)
    '***************************' No Need to change this sub! ***************************'
  Dim ReplaceArray
  Dim arrData, arrSettingData
  Dim i

  'Protect >> and || chars

   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, "||", ReplaceArray(0))
   sSettings  = Replace(sSettings, ">>", ReplaceArray(1))
     arrData = Split(sSettings, "|") 'Split to individual fields
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) 'Loop through fields
       If arrData(i) <> "" Then
      arrSettingData = Split(arrData(i), ">") 'Break to Field and to Value
      'Protect | char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(0), "|")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(0), "|")

      'Protect > char
      arrSettingData(0) = Replace(arrSettingData(0), ReplaceArray(1), ">")
      arrSettingData(1) = Replace(arrSettingData(1), ReplaceArray(1), ">")

      If oSettings.Exists(arrSettingData(0)) Then 'There's a default value for this field
       oSettings(arrSettingData(0)) = arrSettingData(1) 'Change it to the user's value
       oSettings.Add arrSettingData(0), arrSettingData(1) 'Create new setting
      End If
     End If
 End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Initialize    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Setup Initialize event
 ''' </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize()   ' Setup Initialize event.
  Set Manager = Nothing
  Set Engine = Nothing  
   End Sub

 ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
 ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
 ' In Params      None
 ' Out Params     None
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Setup Terminate event
 ''' </summary>
 Private Sub Class_Terminate   ' Setup Terminate event.
  Set oSettings = Nothing
  Set Manager = Nothing
  Set Engine = Nothing
   End Sub

 ''' <summary>
 ''' Stops the current filter and clears it
 ''' </summary>
 Public Sub ClearFilter
 End Sub
End Class




'''<summary>This file holds the core class and global variable of the reporter manager</summary>
''' <datecreated>20/01/2008</datecreated>


Option Explicit
'        Global Variable
''' <summary>
''' Holds the manager's global variable
''' </summary>
''' <value type="ReporterManagerClass"/>
Dim oReporterManager
Set oReporterManager = New ReporterManagerClass

'        Manager
''' <summary>
''' The manager class core
''' </summary>
''' <author>Yaron Assa</author>
''' <datecreated>20/01/2008</datecreated>
Class ReporterManagerClass
   'Written by Yaron Assa, 1/9/07. Project home at www.AdvancedQTP.com
''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
''' <summary>Holds the reporters collection</summary>
   Private oReporters 'Holds the reporters collection

   'The oReporters Data structure is :
   'oReporters        (DIctionary)
   '  |--> Reporter Item               (DIctionary)
   '           |--> Filters        (DIctionary)
   '          |           |--> Filter Item  (Class)
   '         |-->  Engine                   (Class)

 ''' <summary>
 ''' Only init engine in the first test iteration
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
 Public OnlyInitOnce

''' <value type="String"/> 
''' <summary>The Manager's version</summary>
 Public Property Get Version
  Version = "0.9.2"
 End Property

''' <value type="String"/>
''' <summary>The minimal version an engine must have in order to be operated</summary>
 Public Property Get MinimumEngineVersion
  MinimumEngineVersion = "0.8"
 End Property

''' <value type="String"/>
''' <summary>The minimal version a filter must have in order to be operated</summary>
 Public Property Get MinimumFilterVersion
  MinimumFilterVersion = "0.8"
 End Property

''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>
''' <summary>Exposes the reporters collection of the reporter manager</summary>
''' <remarks>Each reporter is a Scripting.Dictionary with two values : "Engine" and "Filters"</remarks>
 Public Property Get Reporters
    Set Reporters = oReporters
 End Property

   ' Function StartEngine  (Public)
   ' Goal         Starts engine sName of type sType.
   ' In Params        sType - The Class of the engine (e.g. "Excel")
   '             sName - The name of the relevant reporter (e.g. "My Log")
   '             sSettings - The settings to send the engine as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2". Can be empty
   '                 Depends on the specific engine (e.g. "ClearExisting>True|File>c:\log.txt") 
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Success/Failure
''' <summary>
''' Starts engine sName of type sType
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sType" type="String" paramlist="EngineType">The engine type</param>
''' <paramlist name="EngineType">
''' <item><text>"QTP"</text><description>This Engine is the native QTP reporter.Reportevent engine <see cref="QTPEngine"/></description></item>
''' <item><text>"User"</text><description>This Engine pops-up messages for the used, that disappear after a few seconds <see cref="UserEngine"/></description></item>
''' <item><text>"Text"</text><description>This Engine is a simple text file logger, with template support <see cref="TextEngine"/></description></item>
''' <item><text>"Excel"</text><description>This Engine is a an Excel logger, built upon Sameer Girolkar's ResultToXL <see cref="ExcelEngine"/></description></item>
''' <item><text>"Winlog"</text><description>This engine reports to the windows event log <see cref="WinlogEngine"/></description></item>
''' <item><text>"ScreenCapture"</text><description>This Engine captures screenshots and saves them <see cref="ScreenCaptureEngine"/></description></item>
''' <item><text>"DB"</text><description>This Engine reports to any database ADODB can access <see cref="DBEngine"/></description></item>
''' <item><text>"XML"</text><description>This Engine reports to an XML file, which can later be viewed via a stylesheet<see cref="XMLEngine"/></description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sName" type="String">The user logical name of the engine</param>
''' <param name="sSettings" type="String">The settings string to be passed to the engine</param>
''' <returns type="Boolean">Returns True if successful, otherwise False</returns>
''' <remarks>Please note that by default, engines are allowed to be <b>Re</b>started only in the first test iteration<hr/>
''' In order to start engines in other iterations, change the <see cref="ReporterManagerClass.OnlyInitOnce"/> parameter</remarks>
   Public Function StartEngine(sType, sName, sSettings)
   ''' <value type="xEngine"/>
   Dim oReporter
   ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
   Dim bResult
   ''' <value type="Integer"/>
   Dim i
   bResult = True
   'Don't do anything if the engine exists and it's the second iteration
   If (OnlyInitOnce = True) And oReporters.Exists(sName) Then
    If Environment.Value("TestIteration") <> 1 Then
     StartEngine = True
     Exit Function
    End If
   End If
   On Error Resume Next
              'Try to create an instanse of the reporter engine's class
     Execute "Set oReporter = New " & sType & "Engine"
     If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      bResult = False
      Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "ReporterManagerClass StartEngine", "Failed to create instance : " & sType
     End If

   On Error Goto 0

   If bResult = True Then

    On Error Resume Next  'Allow legacy support with 0.8 engines
     Set oReporter.Manager = Me
     oReporter.Name = sName
    On Error Goto 0
    On Error Resume Next
                 bResult = oReporter.StartEngine(sSettings) 'Try to start the engine
     If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'We might need to stop a duplicate engine
      If oReporters.Exists(sName) Then 'The name is unique
       bResult = oReporter.StartEngine(sSettings) 'Try to start the engine
      End If
     End If
     If Err.Number <> 0 Then bResult = False
    On Error Goto 0
    If bResult = True Then

     'Build Object Structure
     If oReporters.Exists(sName) Then 'The name is unique
                        oReporters.Add sName, BuildReporter
     End If

     Set oReporters(sName)("Engine") = oReporter
    End If 'Engine Started
   End If 'Instance Created

   If bResult = False Then
    Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "ReporterManagerClass StartEngine", "Failed to start engine " & sName & " Of Type " & sType
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error Goto 0
   End If

   Set oReporter = Nothing

   StartEngine = bResult
   End Function

   ' Sub StopEngine  (Public)
   ' Goal         Stops the relevant reporting engine
   ' In Params      sName - The name of the relevant reporter (e.g. "My Log")
   ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Stops the relevant reporting engine
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sName" type="String">The user logical name of the engine</param>
 Public Sub StopEngine(sName)

    If oReporters.Exists(sName) Then
   If Not oReporters(sName)("Engine") Is Nothing Then
    Set oReporters(sName)("Engine") = Nothing
   End If    
  End If
 End Sub

   ' Sub Report  (Public)
   ' Goal         Reports an event to all possible reporters
   ' In Params        sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
   ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Reports an event to all possible reporters
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status</param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item><text>"Fail"</text><description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Pass"</text><description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Warning"</text><description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item><text>"General"</text><description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
 Public Sub Report(sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim i
    ''' <value type="Array"/>
    Dim arrKeys

    arrKeys = oReporters.Keys 'Get all reporter names

    For i = 0 To oReporters.Count-1
     'For each event check if the event matches the reporter filters
   If CheckFilters(oReporters(arrKeys(i)), sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails) = True Then _ 
     Call oReporters(arrKeys(i))("Engine").Report (sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
     'If so - report the event in this reporter
 End Sub  

   ' Sub ReportToLog  (Public)
   ' Goal         Reports an event directly to a single specific reporter
   ' In Params        sReporterName - The name of the relevant reporter (e.g. "My Log")
   '             sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
   ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Reports an event directly to a single specific reporter
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sReporterName" type="String">The name of the relevant reporter (e.g. "My Log")</param>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status</param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item><text>"Fail"</text><description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Pass"</text><description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Warning"</text><description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item><text>"General"</text><description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
 Public Sub ReportToLog(sReporterName, sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)'Report to a specific Log

  If oReporters.Exists(sReporterName) Then _
   Call oReporters(sReporterName)("Engine").Report (sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)

 End Sub

   ' Function AddFilter (Public)
   ' Goal         Adds a filter to different reporters
   ' In Params        sReporterName - The names of the relevant reporters as "Reporter1>Reportet2>Reporter3..."
   '             sFilterType - The class of the filter (e,g, "RegEx")
   '             sFilterSettings - The settings to send the filter as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2". Can be empty
   '                   Depends on the specific filter (e.g. "Incldue>True|Pattern>.*Error.*") 
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Success/Failure
''' <summary>
''' Adds a filter to different reporters
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sFilterType" type="String" paramlist="FilterType">The filter's type</param>
''' <paramlist name="FilterType">
''' <item><text>"RegEx"</text><description>This filter performs Regular Expressions searches within the event's data <see cref="RegExFilter"/></description></item>
''' <item><text>"ObjectProperty"</text><description>This filter screens event according to an object's condition <see cref="ObjectPropertyFilter"/></description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sReporterNames" type="String">The names of the relevant reporter
''' (e.g. "My Log>My Second Log")</param>
''' <param name="sFilterSettings" type="String">The settings to be passed to the reporter</param>
''' ''' <returns type="Boolean">Returns True if successful, otherwise False</returns>
 Public Function AddFilter(sFilterType, sReporterNames, sFilterSettings)
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim i
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sProtectReporters
    ''' <value type="Array"/>
    Dim arrReporters 'Holds the reporters array
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sReplaceString
    ''' <value type="String"/>
    Dim sReporterName 'Holds a single reporter name

    sReplaceString = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP1"

    sProtectReporters = Replace(sReporterNames, ">>", sReplaceString)
    arrReporters = Split(sProtectReporters, ">")
    For i = 0 To UBound(arrReporters)
   sReporterName = Replace(arrReporters(i), sReplaceString, ">")
   Call AddFilterToReporter(sFilterType, sReporterName, sFilterSettings)
 End Function

   ' Function AddFilterToReporter (Private)
   ' Goal         Adds a filter to a specific log
   ' In Params        sReporterName - The name of the relevant reporter (e.g. "My Log")
   '             sFilterType - The class of the filter (e,g, "RegEx")
   '             sFilterSettings - The settings to send the filter as "Field1>Value1|Field2>Value2". Can be empty
   '                   Depends on the specific filter (e.g. "Incldue>True|Pattern>.*Error.*") 
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Success/Failure
''' <summary>
''' Adds a filter to a single reporter
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sFilterType" type="String" paramlist="FilterType">The filter's type</param>
''' <paramlist name="FilterType">
''' <item><text>"RegEx"</text><description>This filter performs Regular Expressions searches within the event's data</description><see cref="RegExFilter"/></item>
''' <item><text>"ObjectState"</text><description>This filter screens event according to an object's condition</description><see cref="ObjectStateFilter"/></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sReporterName" type="String">The name of the relevant reporter</param>
''' <param name="sFilterSettings" type="String">The settings to be passed to the reporter</param>
''' <returns type="Boolean">Returns True if successful, otherwise False</returns>
    Private Function AddFilterToReporter(sFilterType, sReporterName, sFilterSettings)
    ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
    Dim bResult
    ''' <value type="XFilter"/>
    Dim oFilter
    bResult = True
    If Not oReporters.Exists(sReporterName) Then
     AddFilterToReporter = False
     Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "ReporterManagerClass StartFilter", "Failed - No such engine: " & sReporterName
     Exit Function
    End If

  On Error Resume Next
    'Create a new instrance of the filter
    Execute "Set oFilter = New " & sFilterType & "Filter"
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
     bResult = False
    End If

  On Error Goto 0
    If bResult = False Then 'Instance wasn't created
     AddFilterToReporter = False
     Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "ReporterManagerClass StartFilter", "Failed to create instance : " & sFilterType
   Set oFilter = Nothing
     Exit Function
    End If

    On Error Resume Next 'Allow Legacy Support For 0.8 Filters
   Set oFilter.Manager = Me
   Set oFilter.Engine = oReporters(sReporterName)("Engine")
    On Error Goto 0

    bResult = oFilter.StartFilter(sFilterSettings) 'Activates the filter

    If bResult = False Then
   Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "ReporterManagerClass StartFilter", "Failed to start filter " & sFilterType
   'Add new filter to the filter dictionary by Key = filter index in the dictionary
     oReporters(sReporterName)("Filters").Add oReporters(sReporterName)("Filters").Count, oFilter   
    End If

    AddFilterToReporter = bResult

    Set oFilter = Nothing
 End Function

   ' Sub ClearFilters      (Private)
   ' Goal         Removes all the filters within a filter collection
   ' In Params      sReporterName - The name of the relevant reporter (e.g. "My Log")
   ' Out Params     None
''' <summary>
''' Removes all the filters within a filter collection
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sReporterName" type="String">The Reporter Name</param>
Private Sub ClearFilters(sReporterName)
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim i
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim iCount

       If Not oReporters.Exists(sReporterName) Then Exit Sub

    iCount = oReporters(sReporterName)("Filters").Count

    For i = 0 To iCount-1
   oReporters(sReporterName)("Filters").Remove i 'Clear Each Filter

 End Sub

   ' Function BuildReporter  (Private)
   ' Goal         Builds a new reporter object structure
   ' In Params        None
   ' Out Params     Object - The reporter data structure (Dictionary)
''' <summary>
''' Builds a new reporter object structure
''' </summary>
''' <returns type="Scripting.Dictionary">
''' <dictionarykeys>
''' <item><text>Engine</text><description>The reporter engine class</description></item>
''' <item><text>Filters</text><description>The reporter filters collection</description></item>
''' </dictionarykeys></returns>
   Private Function BuildReporter
''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary" dictionarykeys="ReporterDictionary"/>
''' <dictionarykeys name="ReporterDictionary">
''' <item><text>"Engine"</text><description>The reporter engine class</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Filters"</text><description>The reporter filters collection</description></item>
''' </dictionarykeys>
   Dim oResult
''' <value type="Scripting.Dictionary"/>  
   Dim oFilters
   Set oResult = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   Set oFilters = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

  oResult.Add "Filters", oFilters
  oResult.Add "Engine", Nothing

  Set BuildReporter = oResult

   End Function

   ' Function CheckFilters  (Private)
   ' Goal         Checks if an event report matches the reporters filters
   ' In Params        oReporter - The reporter dictionary object
   '             sStatus - The status of the event : "Fail", "Pass", "Warning" or custom
   '             sStepName - The name of the event (e.g. "Validate Field Value")
   '             sExpected - The expected result (e.g. "Value = Something")
   '             sActual - The actual result (e.g. "Value = Something Else")
   '             sDetauls - Possile details about the event
   ' Out Params     Boolean - Does the event match the reporter filters
''' <summary> Checks if an event report matches the reporters filters </summary>
''' <param name="oReporter" type="Scripting.Dictionary">The reporter dictionary</param>
''' <param name="sStatus" type="String" paramlist="StatusType">The event's status</param>
''' <paramlist name="StatusType">
''' <item><text>"Fail"</text><description>The Step Failed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Pass"</text><description>The Step Passed</description></item>
''' <item><text>"Warning"</text><description>A Warning</description></item>
''' <item><text>"General"</text><description>Just report the event</description></item>
''' </paramlist>
''' <param name="sStepName" type="String">The event's step name</param>
''' <param name="sExpected" type="String">The event's expected result</param>
''' <param name="sActual" type="String">The event's actual result</param>
''' <param name="sDetails" type="String">The event's details</param>
''' <returns type="Boolean">Returns True if successful, otherwise False</returns>
 Private Function CheckFilters(oReporter, sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
  ''' <value type="Boolean"/>
  Dim bResult
  ''' <value type="Integer"/>
  Dim i
  bResult = True

  'Loop through the filters
  For i = 0 To oReporter("Filters").Count-1
   'Send the event to each filter and check the result
   bResult = oReporter("Filters")(i).Check(sStatus, sStepName,sExpected,sActual, sDetails)
   If bResult = False Then Exit For    

  CheckFilters = bResult
 End Function

   ' Sub Class_Initialize    (Private)
   ' Goal         Setup Initialize event.
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     None
   ''' <summary> Setup Initialize event </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Initialize  
      OnlyInitOnce = True
   Set oReporters = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   End Sub

   ' Sub Class_Terminate    (Private)
   ' Goal         Setup Terminate event.
   ' In Params      None
   ' Out Params     None
   ''' <summary> Setup Terminate event </summary>
   Private Sub Class_Terminate  
    ''' <value type="Integer"/>
    Dim i
    ''' <value type="Array"/>
    Dim arrKeys

    If oReporters Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    arrKeys = oReporters.Keys
  'Stop all reporting engines and break the reporters data structure
    For i = 0 To oReporters.Count -1
     StopEngine arrKeys(i)
    oReporters(arrKeys(i)).Remove "Engine"
    ClearFilters arrKeys(i)
    oReporters(arrKeys(i)).Remove "Filters"    
   Set oReporters = Nothing

   End Sub
   ''' <summary>
 ''' Stops all engines
 ''' </summary>

   Public Sub StopAll
    Dim arrKeys
       arrKeys = oReporters.Keys
  'Stop all reporting engines
    For i = 0 To oReporters.Count -1
     StopEngine arrKeys(i)

   End Sub

End Class










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