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转载 搭建Ubuntu下的Node.js和Pomelo开发环境(三)—— 聊天室例程及Cocos Creator客户端

前言:上一篇我们成功地运行了一个最简单的测试工程,其实就是HelloWorld工程了。这一篇我们要装一个pomelo教程中提到的聊天室chatforpomelo工程进行深入学习,同时,不只用官方的web-server来测试,还要用我们的cocos creator客户端来进行测试。1.安装chatofpomelo:详细内容参考教程:Chat源码下载与安装cd ~/proggit clone htt...

2018-06-30 19:42:15 893

原创 Find ORACLE logs

Basic variables for installation:a. $GI_BASE, $GI_HOME, $GI_USERb. $ORACLE_BASE, $ORACLE_HOME, $ORACLE_USERc. $ORACLE_INVENTORY1. InstallationsStage of installationlog_locationauto generate CommentsTi...

2018-05-16 16:52:27 593

原创 C++ 技术文章库

C++ 11/14 新特性 标题及链接 来源 评分 备注 右值引用与转移语义 IBM ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 精确传递说得很通俗易懂。 Lambda Expression MSDN ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 介绍了[&]/[=]的用法,介绍了 C++ 14 [ptr = move(pNums)](){}的用法。留意 mutable 在匿名函数内修改值时的作用

2018-01-21 13:35:31 377

原创 Django hit <Error loading MySQLdb module> solution

IssueYou may see following information when trying to run your Django server by ./manage.py runserver in your virtualenv.(ELF) webadmin@ip-172-31-30-28:/users/webadmin/Sites/ELF_HomePage$ ./mana

2018-01-12 14:30:30 299

原创 Response File generation

This is a brief introduction to my Response File generator.The generator is named rspg stands for response file generator which can help you to generate response file for ORACLE products.

2018-01-02 15:22:03 237

原创 NGINX Configuration file [Not finished yet]

This is an introduction to NGINX configuration file.

2017-11-15 10:50:55 1458

原创 Frequent hit problems of Django on Linux

This is a collection page of frequent hit problems of Django on Linux. The version of Python is 3.5.2.

2017-11-09 23:12:47 206

转载 Install and Run MongoDB

SummaryThis is a short tuto to lead you install Mongo DB on your platform.OS XInstall and Run MongoDB by Downloading it ManuallyGo to the MongoDB website’s download section and download the correct ver

2017-09-19 12:44:32 410

原创 Upgrade Solaris X64 with Oracle Support

This passage leads you to upgrade your Solaris to latest SRU.This passage is based on upgrade from Oracle Solaris to Oracle Solaris (SRU 23.5)

2017-09-12 16:29:16 534

原创 Quick tutorial to configure Oracle Restart without ASM

This quick tutorial leads you to create Oracle Restart wihout ASM.

2017-09-08 16:21:54 335

转载 Using NFS with ASM

Using NFS with ASM.

2017-08-29 14:57:05 1974


解析什么FIRST集、FOLLOW集 和 SELECT集,并分别求出它们。

2017-08-28 16:27:38 779

原创 Quick steps to remove nodes from cluster

This passage will leads you to remove nodes in cluster.This passage is specified to remove admin managed RAC DB node.

2017-08-22 14:28:32 295

原创 Convert Single Instance DB to RAC DB using rconfig

This passage will lead you convert Single Instance DB to RAC DB.

2017-08-17 14:49:20 865

原创 Convert Oracle Restart to Cluster

Quick tutorial to convert Oracle Restart to Cluster.

2017-08-15 10:54:41 467 1

原创 Adding new nodes to GI

This is a short tutorial to add new nodes to GI.

2017-08-14 17:43:28 392

原创 Forking and executing process

This passage tells you how to fork a child process and execute another command in child process on Linux.

2017-07-12 10:43:29 406

原创 Make ORACLE ACFS quick actions

This is a quick tutorial to make an ACFS disk. ACFS is a file system developed by ORACLE. ACFS is managed by ASM which can be used to store database datafile, Oracle Database Software Home, etc.

2017-07-05 17:33:38 312

原创 Remove ASMLib on OEL7

SummaryThis passage guides you to remove ASMLib on OEL7.Oracel Enterprise LinuxAs OEL7 contains ASMLib by default, so if you want to install AFD, you have to remove ASMLib in advance.RemoveIf you have

2017-07-04 16:52:14 370

原创 Create NFS server and mount on client on Linux

Quick tutorial that guides you to create NFS server and mount it on your client

2017-07-04 15:49:02 301

原创 Unity design share

Want to write some new articles, depends on whether I have time or not… Will be finished within 3 months…

2017-06-14 10:04:02 212

原创 Tokenization in C++11


2017-06-14 10:03:26 305

原创 C++11 - Rvalue reference


2017-06-14 10:01:52 577 1

原创 Strongly/Weekly typed, Explicitly/Implicitly typed and Dynamic/Static type


2017-06-14 10:01:09 197

原创 ORACLE Clusterware/Grid Infrastructure/RAC 12c architecture

This is an introduction of ORACLE Clusterware/GI/RAC 12c architecture…Coming soon…

2017-02-20 19:44:52 581

原创 Learning Arduino in 1 hour[Preview]

Starting programming Arduino

2017-02-17 15:45:23 266

原创 Get raw DOM by AngularJS [Not finished]

$scope.itemClicked = function ($event) { $($event.currentTarget).parent().find('h4').slideToggle('fast'); }

2016-09-22 06:30:29 314

原创 吐槽一下测评网的笔试居然只支持 Python 2,害我在 input 上面搞了好久

from random import randomdef getNumber(lst): mn = min(lst) notIn = [] swift = 0 for i in range(len(lst)): if lst[i] != mn + i + swift: notIn += [mn + i

2016-09-09 21:04:48 386

原创 JavaScript closure: compare with Java

Closure in JavaScript provides us an opportunity to make our codes clearer and Object Oriented. Actually I consider that closure is an implementation of class in JavaScript.

2016-08-31 04:57:54 485

原创 Difference between prototype and this in JavaScript

When I’m studying JavaScript, I got a little bit confused while I first time look at function.prototype(Here, function points to a certain function, not Function).

2016-08-31 02:28:59 374

原创 JavaScript closure: difference between call and apply as well as use them to create inheritance

ResumeToday, in an interview, speaking of closure, the interviewer asked me about the difference between call() and apply(). And I didn’t use them before. After searching for a while, I found that we

2016-08-29 19:35:50 1291

转载 How to call a closure that is a class variable?

PHP, methods and properties are in a separate namespace (you can have a method and a property with the same name), and whether you are accessing a property or a method depends of the syntax you are using to do.

2016-08-25 09:07:54 297

原创 Rewriting URL on Apache [Not finished]

It’s very common to do the URL rewriting while we are developing a site. This passage will show you how we can rewrite the URL.

2016-08-25 07:03:47 329

原创 Get all the coordinates of listed banks from Google Maps with Python 3

Get all the geo-information (Addresses and coordinates) by using Google API and Python 3.

2016-08-22 04:54:39 1895

原创 Create a background service in Android

ResumeWhile developing Android applications, sometimes we expect our app to have a background service for sending and handling data. We expect this service will not be kill after our main activity has

2016-07-25 22:14:24 1098

转载 使用Angular Resources 封装Rest API

使用$http直接访问接口$http是angular提供的http调用的基础服务。基本用法为:$http(config);config对象主要包含对诸如请求地址url,请求方法method,查询参数参数param.以及post对应的data等。 对于某些特定的http服务如oauth等需要在http头信息中包含一些特定的数据,这些都可以在config中进行配置,配置详情请参考官方文档。除此之外$ht

2016-07-05 21:01:08 3076

原创 Hanoi in Prolog

Hanoi is a very popular game in acient years. Here’s an implentation of Hanoi with prolog.

2016-06-29 20:55:22 737 1

原创 Git errors

Errors and solutions in Git.

2016-06-28 14:54:00 378

原创 Finding max & sum of a tree in Haskell with map

I found an interesting algorithm to find the max and sum of a tree in Haskell using map. This algorithm is pretty short and useful for me.

2016-06-24 03:15:07 449

原创 Enable rewrite in Apache

This passage will introduce how to enable rewrite in Apache.

2016-06-16 21:06:27 448



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