1. 宏#
* @brief converts a macro argument into a character constant.
* @param[in] x - A macro argument to stringify.
/** Auxiliary macro used by @ref CMO_STRINGIFY */
#define CMO_STRINGIFY_(x) #x
2. 宏##
* @def CMO_CONCAT2
* @brief Concatenates two parameters.
* It realizes two level expansion to make it sure that all the parameters
* are actually expanded before gluing them together.
* @param[in] p1 - First parameter to concatenating
* @param[in] p2 - Second parameter to concatenating
* @return Two parameters glued together.
* They have to create correct C mnemonic in other case
* preprocessor error would be generated.
#define CMO_CONCAT2(p1, p2) CMO_CONCAT2_(p1, p2)
/** Auxiliary macro used by @ref CMO_CONCAT2 */
#define CMO_CONCAT2_(p1, p2) p1##p2
* @def CMO_CONCAT3
* @brief Concatenates three parameters.
* It realizes two level expansion to make it sure that all the parameters
* are actually expanded before gluing them together.
* @param[in] p1 - First parameter to concatenating
* @param[in] p2 - Second parameter to concatenating
* @param[in] p3 - Third parameter to concatenating
* @return Three parameters glued together.
* They have to create correct C mnemonic in other case
* preprocessor error would be generated.
#define CMO_CONCAT3(p1, p2, p3) CMO_CONCAT3_(p1, p2, p3)
/** Auxiliary macro used by @ref CMO_CONCAT3 */
#define CMO_CONCAT3_(p1, p2, p3) p1##p2##p3